厨川 守 八尋 博司 柏木 成豪
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.34, no.9, pp.493-500, 1978-09-01 (Released:2017-06-02)

As a result of determining a macroscopic structure of tone quality by sensory evaluations and multidimensional scaling method, it seemed that the psychological space applicable to tonal descriptive terms is composed of three main attributes, namely LOUDNESS(loud-sorf), PITCH(high pitched-low pitched) and PLEASANTNESS(pleasant-unpleasant) mutually almost orthogonal. Moreover, four sub-attributes intersecting obliquely to the three main-attributes were found. These sub-attributes included CONSONANCE (clear-turbid), BRIGHTNESS(bright-somber), RICHNESS (rich-thin) and SMOOTHNESS (smooth-rough). As a matter of fact, these four sub-attributes depend on the three main-attributes(Fig. 10). For example, the "clear" quality of consonance is "soft", "high pitched" and "pleasant" sound, while the "turbid" quality is "loud", "low pitched" and "unpleasant" sound, and this result thoroughly corresponds to the CONSONANCE THEORY. The tonal sources used for the present hearing experiments consist of four groups. They are (1) 57 synthetic tones the physical values of which are distinctly grasped, (2) 97 musical instrument solo tones, (3) 44 tones by varying a part of the sound of "Scheherazade", which is the orchestral music with dominant string sections, and (4) 33 tones by varying a part of "Pictures at an exhibition", which is the orchestral music with dominant percussion and brass sections. As for the variation of above mentioned two orchestral sources, the quantitative variations such as spectrum form, intensity, phase modulation and echo were given, 41-53 hearing panels evaluated these tones by the choise of 38 tonal descriptive terms(Table 1) in the auditorium. For analysis, the program by Kruskal was used. (Fig. 4). As the result of this analysis, configurations in Fig. 6〜9 were obtained in three dimensions for each two source groups(Table 3). As for the distribution of the terms for these four source groups, the words of praise and displeasure distributed in two semispherical shell space divided by LOUDNESS-PITCH plane. At the center of the two hemispheric configurations, "pleasant" and "unpleasant" distributed, which represent important factors. This axis was stable even if the sources are different, therefore, PLEASANTNESS is regarded as the third main attribute following LOUDNESS and PITCH(Table 4). Next, the stable terms distributing in the diagonal quadrants among eight quadrants in Fig. 6〜9 are closely examined in common in four source groups, then the terms of four sub-attributes described above were extracted. When the above experimental data were reanalyzed with 14 terms concerning three main attributes and four sub-attributes, the stress in three dimensions decreased further, and approximately similar configuration was obtained. Based on these facts, it is suggested that the fourteen tonal descriptive terms concerning three main-attributes and four sub-attributes are sufficient for deriving the macroscopic structure of tonal sources.
矢野 隆 山田 一郎 吉野 泰子 五十嵐 寿一 加来 治郎 神田 一伸 金子 哲也 桑野 園子 新居 洋子 佐藤 哲身 荘 美知子
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.58, no.3, pp.165-172, 2002

ICBEN Team 6が提案する方法に従って種々の言語間で比較可能な騒音のうるささに関する5段階の尺度(「非常に」,「だいぶ」,「多少」,「それほど…ない」,「まったく…ない」)を構成した。この実験に用いた21の言葉や尺度に選ばれた五つの言葉が普段人々が騒音のうるささの程度を表すのによく使うかどうかを調査し,これらの言葉は人々がよく使うことを確認した。また,ICBEN Team 6が提案している騒音のうるささに関する英語の質問文とほぼ等価な日本語の質問文を作成した。その際,英語の質問文の翻訳・逆翻訳に関する調査結果及びうるささの概念に関する既往の研究結果を基に,英語の"bothers, disturbs or annoys"に相当する日本語として「悩まされる,あるいは,じゃまされる,うるさいと感じる」を当てることにした。
川浦 淳一 鈴木 陽一 浅野 太 曽根 敏夫
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.45, no.10, pp.756-766, 1989-10-01 (Released:2017-06-02)

Nozomiko Yasui Masanobu Miura Akitoshi Kataoka
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
Acoustical Science and Technology (ISSN:13463969)
vol.33, no.3, pp.160-169, 2012-05-01 (Released:2012-04-29)
2 4

A tremolo produced by irregular plucking of a mandolin is characterized by the average plucking rate, as well as the onset and amplitude deviations. The fluctuation of a tremolo elicited by only the average plucking rate is called the “1st fluctuation,” and that elicited by onset and amplitude deviations is called the “2nd fluctuation.” The procedure for estimating the fluctuation strength, which represents the sensation of hearing fluctuation from sounds, such as amplitude-modulated or frequency-modulated sounds with only the 1st fluctuation, has been developed. However, a procedure for a tremolo with both 1st and 2nd fluctuations has not been investigated. Therefore, we developed a procedure for estimating fluctuation strength from a tremolo produced by irregular plucking of a mandolin. We calculated the feature parameters of a tremolo, and estimated fluctuation strength from the tremolo using the calculated parameters. We found that this procedure that is based on not only the 1st fluctuation but also the 2nd fluctuation approximately represents the sensation of hearing fluctuation (adjusted R2=0.76), and is better than the representation obtained using a procedure based on conventional methods (R2=0.58). Thus, we developed a procedure for estimating fluctuation strength from a tremolo produced by irregular plucking of a mandolin.
上田 和夫
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.44, no.2, pp.102-107, 1988-02-01 (Released:2017-06-02)

柳沢 猛 中村 喜十郎 白柳 伊佐雄
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.33, no.8, pp.412-416, 1977-08-01 (Released:2017-06-02)

The longitudinal displacements of a point on a piano string changing with time immediately after hammering are calculated, together with the transverse displacements, using the finite element method. This method assumes that the string is elastic and completely flexible with small mass points and a large mass point of the sound board on it. From equations (1)〜(6) and Fig. 1, the values of transverse and longitudinal displacements changing with time at any point of the string immediately after hammering may be calculated (Figs. 2, 3, 4). It is found from the analysis that the longitudinal vibration generated in the string causes the sound board to produce an inharmonic tone of high frequency (Fig. 5).
柳沢 猛 中村 喜十郎 白柳 伊佐雄
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.31, no.11, pp.661-666, 1975-11-01 (Released:2017-06-02)

In this paper, the vibration system of a piano string and a sound board (Fig. 1) is analyzed by the finite element method (Fig. 2). The string is stretched with constant tension P between the upper bearing and the lower bearing, and is assumed to be completely flexible. The mass point m are distributed along the string at equal distances, and m_1 indicates the upper bearing, m_&lt103&gt the lower bearing, m_&lt97&gt the equlivalent mass of the sound board, and k the spring constant. It is also assumed that the mass-point of the hammer m_H collides with the point m_N on the string with an initial velocity x^^^. _H, that they repel each other according to Newton's law, and that m_N is decelerated by the tension P. Then it collides with m_H again, and this series of motions is repeated. These motions of all points m_i, m_H, m_N are expressed by Eqs. (1), (2), and (3). The flow diagram of the program is shown in Fig. 6. The calculated values by this simulation program and the measured values of an actual piano are presented in Figs. 7 and 8. Comparisons between them show good agreement.
日高 孝之 中川 武彦
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.72, no.9, pp.551-561, 2016-09-01 (Released:2017-07-01)

板状に成形加工された多孔質材で構成した有孔板の吸音特性について報告する。このタイプの材料は通常, 吸音性能を得るため塗装表面には細孔が設けられるが, その吸音メカニズムは通常の孔あき吸音板とは若干異なっている。本報告では細孔の設けられた塗装面と多孔質材を対象として, 材料表面から見た音響インピーダンスの計算式を求める。既存の多孔質成形板の音響性能の実測結果に基づき, 2種のモデル試験体の垂直入射吸音率の測定値と計算値の比較を行い, 当該音響モデルの妥当性について検討する。最後に, 若干の垂直入射吸音率の数値計算例を示し, 材料パラメータが及ぼす影響, 及びこのタイプの吸音材料の性質について述べる。
小倉 渓 水谷 孝一 若槻 尚斗
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.77, no.11, pp.686-693, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-12-01)
