中島 久一 富永 浩嗣 岡島 敏
vol.2009, pp.82-83, 2009-09-23

The theoretical treatment has been carried out to elucidate the physic-chemical characteristics of the electro-magnetic waves and the electric charged particles emitted from the polar crystal materials, that is, Tourmalines. The characteristics of the electric-magnetic waves evolved from such crystal materials belong to the mode of molecular vibration, that is, belong to the regime of far infrared rays, and the range of the wavelength and spectral emissivity are 4 to 16 μm and 0.92 in average, respectively. Additionally, we may predict that the Tourmaline powder mixed the excited materials makes it possible to emit the electric charged particles and we may also suggest that such process may have the possibility to produce the oxygen minus ion (O_2^-).
中村 亮介 網野 梓 一野瀬 亮子 柄川 索 玉本 淳一
vol.2008, pp."2P1-I03(1)"-"2P1-I03(2)", 2008-06-06

We are developing a human-symbiotic robot, called "EMIEW2", designed to support human activity. We set the following three features in the EMIEW2. The first is speed. The robot's moving speed is faster than human walking at 6km/h. The second is the safety. It weighs 13kg the same as a two-year old child. The third is its minimum size for office work. The robot's height is 800mm, which is taller than most office desk. This allows the robot to detect objects on them. To expand on the robot's range of motion, the EMIEW2 has three modes. In "two-wheeled mode", the EMIW2 can move nimbly at 6km/h. In the "four-wheeled mode", the EMIEW2 can move stably. In "step mode", the EMIEW2 can walk up a 3cm step. This paper describes the EMIEW2's mechanism and system constitution.
柄川 索 一野瀬 亮子 中村 亮介
vol.2008, pp."2P1-I04(1)"-"2P1-I04(2)", 2008-06-06

This paper describes the software architecture of the humanoid robot "EMIEW 2." In order to increase efficiency of software development of robotic and mechatronic systems, which often requires complicated software comprised of many real-time tasks running on multiple processors, the authors have developed a message-driven software component framework. The software of EMIEW 2 is comprised of 28 software components such as motor control, path planning, and localization. The component framework transmits a message containing 1024 bytes of data in 18μs when it is executed on a 500 MHz CPU. It can currently be used with four operating systems and is expected to be applied to other robotic and mechatronic systems.
岩倉 大輔 王 偉 野波 健蔵 HALEY Mark
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.76, no.761, pp.61-68, 2010-01-25

The accuracy of small and low cost GPS is insufficient for precise landing of MAV. This study aims to land on an MAV size landing target by using outer sensors. This paper describes about proposed movable outer sensor system for measuring outer environment and an algorithm of position measurement. A movable outer sensor system consists of four IR rangefinders, four servo motors and one ultrasonic rangefinder. In order to measure the MAV position, sensor system vertically swings each IR rangefinders using servo motors and detects edge of landing target. And this sensor system calculates the position from measured edge direction and ultrasonic altitude. Additionally, an experiment of autonomous hovering over the 52cm×52cm table and autonomous landing was carried out in indoor environment by using proposed sensor system. As a result of the experiment, it has been successful that our MAV could fly keeping horizontal position within 17.9cm radius circle, and landed on the table from 50cm height.
白井 好巳
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.67, no.543, pp.565-569, 1964-04
西川 雅章 岡部 朋永 武田 展雄
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.75, no.751, pp.287-295, 2009-03-25

A numerical simulation was presented to discuss the microscopic damage and its influence on the strength and energy-absorbing capability of short-fiber reinforced plastic composites. The dominant damage includes matrix cracking and/or interfacial debonding, when the fibers are shorter than the critical length for fiber breakage. The simulation addressed the matrix cracking with a continuum damage mechanics model and the interfacial debonding with an embedded process zone (EPZ) model. The fictitious free-edge effects on the fracture modes were successfully eliminated with the periodiccell simulation. The advantage of our simulation was pointed out by demonstrating that the simulation with edge effects significantly overestimates the dissipative energy of the composites. We then investigated the effect of the material microstructure on the fracture modes in the composites. The simulated results clarified that the inter-fiber distance affects the breaking strain of the composites and the fiber orientation angle affects the positions of the damage initiation. These factors influence the strength and energy-absorbing capability of short fiber-reinforced composites.
塚本 尚久 丸山 広樹 三村 博
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.59, no.568, pp.3866-3873, 1993-12-25

Polycarbonate is a general-purpose engineering plastic which has been widely used, together with nylon and polyacetal. In this plastic, the rate of contraction in molding is small, and the water-absorbing property is low ; therefore, the accuracy of finishing products is high. However, there are defects such as low fatigue strength and brittle fracture, and it has not frequently been used for the gears for power transmission. In this research, for the purpose of extending the practical use of polycarbonate to gears, gears were manufactured of polycarbonate without filling (natural) and of polycarbonate in which the amount of carbon fiber filling was varied, and operation tests were carried out. In this way, such factors as the load-bearing capacity, the wear of teeth and the change of tooth. profile were investigated. These results were compared with those on polyacetal gears previously, reported. Thus the evaluation of polycarbonate as a gear material was carried out.
白坂 成功 石橋 金徳 中須賀 真一
スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference (ISSN:09189238)
vol.2010, no.19, pp."F4-1"-"F4-4", 2011-01-27

Under the current development of mid-to-large size satellites, the high reliability is mandatory to avoid failures and their development cost increases enormously to achieve the high reliability. On the other hand, several universities develop and launch nano-satellites with low cost for the purpose of education from around 2000. To generate new market for satellite utilization, low cost and fast development are key points. The balance of cost and reliability is one of the very important points to realize the markets. The theoretical research toward the balance of cost and reliability is being conducted through the governmental first program "New Space Development and Utilization Paradigm by Nano-satellites Introducing Japan-oriented Reasonable Reliable Systems Engineering". This paper presents the concept of the way to realize the reasonably reliable systems engineering. Current reliability is based on the assumption that there is no miss-design and it only depends on the random failure of parts. However, many of real on-orbit failures were caused by design errors. We propose the new reliability which includes design error and the definition of the reasonably reliable Systems Engineering. The realization concept consists of re-use of design, reduction of complexity, functional redundancy and simple organization to develop nano-satellites.
藤原 奨 酒井 大輔 岩原 明弘 戸井 武司
vol.2003, no.13, pp.71-72, 2003-06-24

These days, household affairs such as night time vacuum cleaning and machine-washing have become commonplace because of dense residential areas and diversified living styles, resulting in the increasing necessity for low-noise electrical household appliances. Specifically, noise reduction for a compact-size electrical vacuum cleaner is difficult because it incorporates a high-speed motor in it. Catalog specifications itself cannot provide purchasers with real sensation of noise. Accordingly, they result in confirming the actual noise when they use it at home. Human also discriminates noises in terms of sound quality. Our experiment confirmed that the improvement in sound quality of noises radiated from the vacuum cleaner considerably contributes to the psychological noise reduction. Based on the results, we have installed a specially designed acoustic filter, a Helmholz resonator, into a vacuum cleaner, which is capable of absorbing harmonic high-level noise components involved in the motor rotation, thus alleviating users' sense of discomfort against the noises from the vacuum cleaner.
泉 聡志 横山 喬 寺岡 卓也 岩崎 篤 酒井 信介 斎藤 金次郎 名川 政人 野田 秀樹
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.71, no.703, pp.380-386, 2005-03-25
8 16

We have developed a new nut named 'super slit nut (SSN)', which realizes anti-loosening performance without complicated tightening procedures. In this study, tightening behavior and loosening behavior caused by shear load are analyzed by mean of three-dimensional finite element method. It is found that SSN has a prevailing torque of 15 to 19Nm, which closely agrees with experimental data. The load distribution of thread depends on the rotation angle of nut. At the angle of 24.6 degree, the distribution of 1st pitch turns to be 10% larger than that of conventional nut, reflecting the decrease in the thread at slit region. It is also found that the anti-loosening performance cas be realized by the thread contact force at the slit region. Since its contact force does not depend on the tightening force, the effect of anti-loosening performance drastically increases as the tightening force is decreased. Shear fracture would initiate not at slit region but at the bottom of 1st thread, whose stress is about 10% larger, as compared with conventional nut. Moreover, by mean of tensile and fatigue experiments, it is concluded that SSN involves sufficient strength in practical use.
芦高 直哉 原 正之 反保 紀昭 黄 健 藪田 哲郎
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.752, pp.1000-1008, 2009-04-25

Multimedia services such as an audio and visual media have been advanced rapidly. And now we can employ several multimedia services via the Internet in which audio and visual information is exchanged. In addition to them, physical force information is expected as the next multimedia service. However, there are several fundamental issues for interactive force telecommunication, which do not appear in the conventional teleportation. We study on basic issues of force telecommunication from human sensory aspect by using two haptic interfaces with 3' DOF that have an orthodox parallel linkage, and propose a hybrid control of Master/Slave system for force telecommunication between Human beings, which has position/force feedback loop directly. Results show that both hybrid and compliance control of Master/Slave System are suitable candidates for the force telecommunication system because both force and position serve functions are essential for the system. Moreover, recognition of an operator coordinate system is clarified to be important because of force communication strong interaction, which is discussed from human sensory aspect.
花原 和之 多田 幸生
設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13480286)
vol.2003, no.13, pp.86-89, 2003-10-30

Trial-and-error optimal design discussed in this article is an optimization process which is basically performed based on the designer's own intuition and experience. Such an approach does not have any rational or objective background; it is, however, widely used in the practical design process in many engineering fields. In this preliminary study, we conduct an evaluation of this optimal design process. A simple structural design problem is considered and a computer program which supports as well as records the designer's trial-and-error process is developed. The optimality and other properties of the trial-and-error optimal design process is discussed based on the obtained results.
上村 直嵩 大久保 通則
vol.2006, no.14, pp.133-134, 2006-11-25

Aluminum is superior in lightness, corrosion resistance, a strength characteristic, property to being processed in comparison with other metal. In addition, I am used as a use of various fields by adding various addition elements, and in late years the consumption is a rise course as metal helping resource saving/energy saving. This article used 2107 sheet aluminum alloy which I put GTA welding, plasma welding, YAG laser welding, disk laser welding for and performed a tension test, drop test. And I weighed data 2017 which I demanded against a basic material and each welding method and clarified a mechanical property and a shock characteristic of a welding coupling. In addition, welding was stable by stack welding and used filler A5356-BY which there was for welding room because it was not possible. In addition, I matched the strength characteristic that I put a filler in and examined.