滝 正男
中京大学教養論叢 (ISSN:02867982)
vol.22, no.1, pp.11-35, 1981-05-31
川端 昭夫 大島 林子 野村 良江 吉田 育子 藤松 博 春山 国広
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.33, no.2, pp.1-38, 1992-03-15

The purpose of this study were to see the refresh effect from fatigue with the practice of limbering exercise called "RAKURAKU FURUTS gymnastics" by farmers of fruit culture, and evaluate the contents of this exercising program. Seven males and seventeens females were subject for this study voluntarily. The refresh effects were comparerd with two different ways, one was without exercise during working (90 minutes after working) and soon after the ending of fruite culture. Refresh effects were evaluated by questinairing the subjects their feeling of fatigue before and after work performance, the difference while with and without exercise. Program contents also checked the same way to see whether it were proper or not. (questionnaire use the form of japanese councile of individual fatigue 1970). In order to detect the intensity of work perfomance and gymnastics exercise, three male subjects were asked to put on a heart rate recording equipment called MEMORY MAC (VINE CO. LTD) Result from questionnaire concerning the fatigue feeling were compared between male and female, the relationship between work peformance. Heart rate recording during work and gymnastics were processed by computer to see the response of body, the differences from work contents and the effect of gymnastics limbering exercise performed by them. Some finding of this study could be summarised as following : 1) The questionnaire about subjective fatigue has thirty items. The items from 1 TO 10 (group-1) are category of "sleepness, langidness". The items are from 11 TO 20 (group-2) are categotry of "attensiveness disfacutly", The items from 21 TO 30 (group-3) are category of "partial physical unpleasant". Rate of complain of the subujective fatigue show that rate of group-1 and group-3 are highner than group-2. Level of rate are first is 1, second is 3, Third is 2. The trend showed the fatigue characteristic of physical labor. And on the inacreasing grad of rate before and after working group-1 and group-3 are higher than group-2. Comparerd with the rate in difference of kind of working, packing part are higher than selecting part and regarding on the rate of group-2. The latter is higher than the former the effect of gymnastics on rate of claim in mean with gymnastics trend to be higher than without gymnastics. 2. Regarding item of claim, a item of number of claim are", feeling still in one's schoulder", "legs langidness", "having a pain in one's hip". A item remarkably increased compared with before and after working is "leg langidness", "change of nunber of claim". The item, especially "leg langidness" showed decrease in number of claim and increasingly rate with gymnastics. 3. Regadiner on the subjective investigate on effect gymanstics, the majority of worker is aware of the effect of gymnastics. And the concretely physical effect are "relax", "feel slight", "feel satisfied". They are elementary "releasing". The mentary effect are "becoming refresh", "being refreshed, "being refreshed", being keen on working". They are element of "recreation" and "fullfilment". 4) Change of heart rate with gymnastics are in subject A from 59 TO 78 (beat/min.), in subject B from 96 TO 126 (beat/min.), in subject C from 99-128 (beat/min.), in subject C from 99 TO 128 (beat/min.). %VO2max caliculated on CALBONEN'S eqaul on the basis of heart rate are showed individual variation. Trend of heat are during gymnastics showed gradually increase. The first half of program and showed in the second half rapidly increase. After the time required to retrance one's step are in the sub. A about 3 min., in subject a about 3 min., in subject B about 4 min., in subject about 3 min., showed individual variation. 5 Regarding on the result of subjective investigation on gymnastics program in the point of intensity the majority showed "slightly intense", but in time and frequence are conscious an moderate extract in number of movement and effective movement are conscious an moderate extract, but in complexity is conscious "slight complex". We feel three is still room for further study about the intensity and complexity. After this for more effectiver vacant gymnastics, the gymnastics program in the intensity, time, times, number of movement, and efective movement, complexity. At the same time we are considerd a training for leader, surrunding, accompanyment music, an instroduction of effective handaparatus.
大友 昌子

神田 和幸 原 大介 木村 勉 片岡 由美子

平成16年度:国内外の公的広報資料収集と統計資料整理、既成資料の調査、各種施設調査を実施。平成17年度:協力要請及び調査打ち合わせをした下記各機関の協力により調査を実施し、各資料を統合的に分析し、提言作成の基礎資料をえた。研究協力機関1. 特定非営利活動法人 手話技能検定協会本部、名古屋支部、大阪支部2. 名古屋身体障害者福祉連合会、名古屋身体障害者情報文化センター3. 名古屋聴覚言語障害者協会調査内容(主として面談調査)1. 現在の福祉・情報サービスへの不満2. 望まれる支援機器、支援システム、支援制度また実験調査遠隔通信による手話通訳サービスの実験を行った。平成18年度:前年度の聴覚障害者側のニード調査に対しサービス側はそれらをどのように受けとめているかを調査した。全国の上場非上場企業8,000社に郵便アンケートのよる企業側の意識を調査した結果、回収率は7%、578社から回答を得た。結果分析概要は(1)障害者雇用促進法の存在は90%が知っていた、実際に聴覚障害者を雇用している企業28%。今後の雇用予定もない企業がほとんどである。社員として雇用していないので、対策も何も採られていない。顧客としての聴覚障害者についても、ほとんど認識がない。客とのトラブルが何もないという回答が93%、聴覚障害者側のニードと大きな差があり、障害者側が一方的に我慢している実態がわかった。緊急時の対応も何もなされておらず、対策もとられていない。これは事故などにおける聴覚障害者の罹災率が高いことが世間に認識されておらず、緊急に改善を要する事柄である。聴覚障害者のニード調査で救急車やパトカーの音の区別ができる装置の希望が多かったが、こうした具体的な機器開発は当該研究グループ(聴覚班)内の会合で情報を交換しており、医療現場でのディスプレイの研究として発表され、また緊急音識別装置への研究へとつながった。
犬塚 秀幸 浅野 幹也 小山 哲央
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.39, no.2, pp.51-67, 1998-03-17

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the teams' tactics on the outcome of the games. The object of study consisted of all the games at the final tournament of the 1997 15th Men's World Handball Championship. The main results were as follows : (1) This championship maintained the standards of the previous 1995 Men's World Championships both in quality and game speed. (2) The proportion of scoring from the far-shooting zone in a set offense was about 50 percent. The effectiveness of shooting improved in the long-distance (9M shot) and post (6M shot) shooting. (3) The average amount shooting time per game differed among the 4 highest-ranked teams and the 4 lowest-ranked teams (P<0.05). The average time in offense per game differed between the 2 lowest-ranked teams (7-8 place) and the other groups (P<0.05). (4) Scoring by short-distance shooting accounted for over 50 percent in the first- and third-ranked groups. In effectiveness of shooting, the first-(1-2 place) and third-(5-6 place) ranked groups were different from the other groups (P<0.01). (5) The average amount of time in missed points per game was different between the 4 highest and lowest-ranked teams (P<0.01). In comparison among the 4 groups, the lowest ranked group took the largest amount of time in both missed points and scoring. (6) 70.2 percent of missed points in set offense occurred at a position of low effectiveness in the 4 highest-ranked teams (P<0.01). In comparison among the 4 groups, missed points of the first-ranked group in short-distance shooting was about 40 percent, against over 50 perecent among the other groups. Under 30 percent of the missed points occurred at an efficient position in the first-ranked group. The lower the team ranking, the more points missed in fast breaks.
佐々木 等
中京体育学研究 (ISSN:02870088)
vol.21, no.1, 1981-03-01
鈴木 誠一
中京大学教養論叢 (ISSN:02867982)
vol.23, no.3, pp.371-420, 1982-12-15

The purpose of this article is to develop a prosodic model fo Germanic reduplicating verbs. Within this framework, in line with McCarthy (1981), reduplication is characterized as a many-to-one association between a prosodic template and a melodic tier. It will be claimed that the proposed model is superior for the following reasons : 1) it can provide a principled description of Gothic reduplication ; 2) it can account for the mechanism whereby reduplication came to be replaced by ablaut in the other Gmc : 3) it can correctly derive certain anomalies attested in the new ablaut series. In the course of investigation, moreover, I shall argue for a metrically (s/w)-based version of prosodic theory as an alternative to the current C/V-based counterpart.
中崎 昌雄
中京大学教養論叢 (ISSN:02867982)
vol.34, no.2, pp.463-530, 1993-10-29
水谷 誠
中京大学教養論叢 (ISSN:02867982)
vol.26, no.1, pp.146-129, 1985-06-20
田村 晃康
中京英文学 (ISSN:02852039)
vol.7, pp.1-13, 1986-12-25

Quite a few scholars and critics refer to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a story of initiation. We will see if it really is, by examining what two of them have to say. According to J. M. Cox, Huck Finn is a conscious continuation of Tom Sawyer, and the two boys are identical twins, not entirely separate individuals. At the end of Tom Sawyer the discovery of the treasure enables both the boys to enter the society of the respectable. Tom remains there (he attains initiation), but Huck cannot bear the civilized life. At the beginning of Huck Finn, he "kills himself" when he stages a mock murder of himself to escape from Pap. He is "dead" throughout the entire journey down the river. Huck is a man without identity who is reborn at almost every river bend. Finally, at the Phelps farm his initiation is completed; by playing the role of Tom, Huck is reborn as Tom Sawyer. This is roughly what Cox says. There are several points on which I cannot agree with him. Firstly his identification of Tom and Huck. They are definitely separate characters, who probably represent two opposite aspects of the author. Secondly, his idea of "initiation." Cox thinks of "initiation" simply as "acceptance into society," paying no attention to the initiate's state of mind. Thirdly, his meaningless use of the words "death" and "rebirth." He says that Huck is reborn time and again during the journey, but as long as it takes place while he is "dead," it cannot lead to any change in Huck's mind. What is called Huck's "death" and "rebirth" have nothing to do with his inner growth, or his initiation; it is no more than a play of words. Shuichi Motoda, on the other hand, starts from the right understanding of "initiation." He knows that the initiates in American literature sometimes rebel against civilized society and confront its evils. So he puts much stress on the element of the spiritual rebirth in initiation. On this understanding, he declares that the theme of this story consists in Huck's initiation, that Huck attains his spiritual rebirth when he determines to save Jim even at the risk of going to Hell. This interpretation, in its turn, leaves some matters inexplicable. If the theme of the story is Huck's initiation, then some of the episodes about the King and the Duke seem to be too long. In fact, they are so lengthy that they seem to impair the harmony of the whole story. Another problem is that we cannot find even a vestige of reborn Huck in the last ten chapters. As soon as Tom appears before him, Huck becomes his subordinate as he used to be. These problems suggest that Huck's rebirth is not the theme of this story. Motoda's interpretation does not seem to be justifiable, either.
吉川 寛 塩澤 正 倉橋 洋子 小宮 富子 下内 充

本研究では、大学における国際英語論に基づく英語指導のための評価項目を設定し、それを踏まえた教育活動の実践をめざす一方、アウターサークル地域への短期留学前後の大学生を対象に日本人に適した「内的基準に基づく英語到達目標」を提示し、併せて国際コミュニケーションにおけるaffective competenceの重要性などの指導をおこなった。学生へのアンケート調査から、留学後「日本人英語への肯定的認識の向上」や「日本人英語教師による授業への志向性」等の高まりが見られることが判明した他、国際英語論の学習により「第二言語不安」が軽減し、英語を用いた国際発信力の強化という点で有意な教育効果をもちうることが判明した。
Ushida Konin
中京大学教養論叢 (ISSN:02867982)
vol.12, no.3, pp.139-158, 1971-11-30

ゲーテのファウストは, 民衆本等のファウストの如くに破滅し, 地獄に落ちることなく, 治癒し, 最終的に神の意志により救済されるに至る。ではなに故に, 第二部の冒頭でファウストが治癒されるかを考えてみるならば, 必然的に, 「ファウスト」第一部と第二部との間に有機的な連続性を認めねばならない。「ファウスト」第一部と第二部は全く個々の独立した作品ではなくて, 第二部は第一部の続き (Fortsetzung) として見なければならない。そしてこの小論で扱われた第二部の最初の「優美な地」は決して第二部の序幕に留まらず, 将来のファウストの生存様式を決定するに値する重大なる転回点であり, 「ファウスト」第二部における重要なテーマである第五幕のファウスト救済のテーマの伏線を有している場面と言える。この場において最も問題となることは, ファウストがどのような過程を経て治癒されるかにある。その治癒はとりもなおさずグレートヒェン非劇-いな, むしろファウスト自身の内部に横たわっている主人公の悲劇性 (プロメトイス, ソクラテス, シーザー, ゲッツ, ヴェルター等の如く)- の溶解にある。ファウストのグレートヒェンとの恋愛体験は, 就中ゲーテ自身のフリーデリケ体験に基づくものであるが, 結局不成功に終った。グレートヒュンとの断腸の離別の際のファウストの悲惨な叫びの中に, 「詩と真実」における詩人の実体験の告白と同様, 倫理的な悔恨と懺悔の声が聞かれる。すでに, そこにファウストの毒された魂の治癒を待つべく, 古い生命は捨てられ, 新しい行為の世界に至る生命, いわゆる Wiedergeburt の階梯が初まっている。では具体的にファウストがいかにして治癒に至らしめられるであろうか。それに必要な素地となるものは, 仮死状態としての眠り (Schlaf) と忘却の川水 (Lethe) である。前者は死の罰の代償として, 主人公を無の中において過去の罰を拭う, 後者は単なる忘却 (Vergessen) の意に留まらず, 生命の泉ほどのはるかに積極的な意味を持ち魂の浄化作用の役割を果している。上記の治癒に至る過程に必要な二つのモチーフは, ゲーテの他の悲劇的作品にもしばしば用いられている, 特に「イフィゲーニェ」におけるオレステスの治癒の際にこの二つのモチーフがたくみに用いられており, innere Handlung の上でもファウストの治癒との一致点が認られる。「イフィゲーニェ」におけるオレストの場合には, 単に眠りとレーテの川水だけでなくて, オレステスの心底に残存している悔恨の念, 及びイフィゲーニェの愛の清らかな息吹が加わって, オレステスの完全な治癒が成就される。ここにおける徹頭徹尾 human なイフィゲーニェの愛の清らかな息吹に代わるものは, 「ファウスト」においては, ファウストにレーテの水をほどこす妖精たちのファウストに対する同情 (Mitleid) にほかならない。この妖精たちの手によってファウストは助けられ, ついで治癒が完成されるのであるが, 妖精たちの実体は空気の精 (Naturgeist) で, 自然そのものと言えよう。ここにおいて, 自然の潜在的な治癒力が問題となる。目覚めたファウストは自然の力によって強められたと自覚し, 自然も亦その生命を目覚めさせ, 自分を包み初めたと感じる。これはファウストが, 自然と全く一致しているという感情を示すものである。その自然がファウストに与えた最大の効果は「最高の存在に向かっての努力」という本来のファウスト的衝動を誘発させたことである。グレートヒェン悲劇で一度は自らの生を呪ってみたものの, 生き続けたファウストの内部に残存していた何らかの生命力, これこそ「努力」する意志の一部と言ってよい。逆説的な言い方をすれば, 実にこのファウスト的衝動である行為の基盤となる「努力」こそ, 治癒の根底となるに至ったものである。そしてこの場面の意義がこのファウストの諦念的な悟りの言葉に集約されているようである。このように見ていった場合, ドイツ理想主義の旗手としてのゲーテの姿がくまなく理解されよう。
佐道 明広 小針 進 浅野 豊美 古川 浩司

宮内 美穂
