鈴木 貴史
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.78, pp.37-44, 2015-09-30 (Released:2017-07-10)

This study confirmed that writing education changed to skill education during the early Meiji era. The subject of penmanship was altered to include two separate topics of the intellectual education during the Edo era. It was divided into "Shuji-ka" (penmanship) and "Sakubun-ka" (composition) in the lower courses, whereas in the advance courses, these topics were unified by the letter-writing education of the "Gakusei" educational system in 1872. Until the 1870s, "Shuji-ka" retained both composition and intellectual education functions; however, in the 1880s, these functions were lost. This was due to the utilitarianism and penmanship theories of Western spread in Japan. Therefore, it was acquired only through practical use and eliminated as a function of language education.
笠原 美保子
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.65, pp.27-34, 2009-03-31 (Released:2017-07-10)

While many people see the need for communication education in Japan, communication education has not taken root in high school. The purpose of this study is to explore the reason why instruction in "speaking and listening" has not been established in Japanese high school. In this study, a national survey by questionnaire was conducted on 95 teachers in charge of "language expression" regarding the kind of teaching materials used, and the kind of lessons carried out. "Language expression" is defined as using half the lesson time for "speaking and listening". In practice however, only about 10% of the time is used for "speaking and listening", and the rest of the time is diverted to composition, study of Chinese characters (Kanji), the study of proverbs, and in extreme cases, word processor practice, or the study of Chinese literature. This shows that instruction in "speaking and listening" in high school Japanese class is easily diverted to other areas of instruction. The reason for this is due to the difficulty in carrying out instruction in "speaking and listening", and its weak connection with university entrance examinations.
中野 登志美
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.92, pp.41-49, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-11-01)

住田 勝 寺田 守 田中 智生 砂川 誠司 中西 淳 坂東 智子
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.79, pp.39-46, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-07-10)

In this study, we explored the complementarity of ignorance in the study of learning as a social act and as subject matter in Japanese language education. We explored the influences of "another reader" that reads the text and "another text" that the class has been read, and the resultant ways of reading. We adopted a "Vygotsky Space" as a lens of learning and explained the relation of "another reader" and "another text" through an analysis of learners' protocols in a study of "Takasebune" at an experimental Japanese class. It was found that learners needed peers to appropriate new cognitive tools, and when a learner transformed the cognitive tools into a new usage, they needed peers to talk about the new interpretation. In the "Takasebune" class, where learners compared two scenes chosen arbitrarily, we identified possibilities of new tool use and creating new interpretations. In addition, we identified the significant meanings of the teacher's behavior that influenced learners' study and that encouraged their "Appropriation".