南雲 清二
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.11, pp.1527-1543, 2011-11-01 (Released:2011-11-01)
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Cinchona is one of the most important medicinal plants as it contains quinine, a potent medicine for malaria. In this review, I reveal the history of cinchona introduction and cultivation in Japan. Cinchona was first introduced to Japan in 1876 from Java based on the proposal submitted by Takeaki Enomoto to the Meiji government. However, the cultivation attempt ended in failure. Later in 1922, Hoshi Pharmaceutical Co. succeeded for the first time in cultivating cinchona in Taiwan, which was then under Japanese colonial rule, and in manufacturing quinine from the cinchona tree in 1934. This was a historic feat in Japan, completing an entire process from cinchona cultivation to quinine manufacture all within the confines of the country. To commemorate this undertaking, the company dedicated a cinchona log harvested for the first time to the Imperial court. It was revealed that a log of unknown origin, which had been left untouched for years at Hoshi University, was the cinchona log from the time of commemoration. Yasusada Tashiro (1856-1928), who has made a great contribution to cinchona cultivation in Japan for over 50 years, led Hoshi Pharmaceutical Co. to success in cultivation.
乘越 悠 内山 誠 指宿 貴子 中島 尚加 鳥越 えりか 伊東 絵里香 長江 舞 猿渡 淳二 安楽 誠
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.4, pp.585-589, 2020-04-01 (Released:2020-04-01)

Because patients and their families are at a high risk of contracting infectious diseases in hospital as well as pharmacy, a pharmacy containing the waiting rooms separately for infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases is expected to lead them to visit with confidence and receive appropriate drug administration guidance without the risk of infection. In this study, we examined the potential usefulness of having separate waiting rooms by conducting a questionnaire survey on the structure of the pharmacy waiting room and investigating the visiting situation for influenza-infected pediatric patients from a record of the medicines they received. As a result of the questionnaire tabulated from guardians of 385 pediatric patients who first visited a pharmacy with separate waiting rooms, 70% of the pediatric patients concluded that having separate waiting rooms would be satisfactory. In addition, the possible risk of horizontal transmission of influenza was supposed to be reduced in the pharmacy with separate waiting room in comparison with the pharmacies without among 211 pediatric patients who could not identify the influenza source within their daily living areas, such as home and school. Based on these findings, we anticipate the growing availability of the pharmacies having separation type waiting rooms.
渡辺 謹三
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.3, pp.423-434, 2020-03-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

Recently, because the marked rise in medical expenses in Japan has become a major social problem, self-medication using OTC drugs in cases of minor health problems has attracted increasing attention. When people use OTC drugs for self-medication, they need support and/or advice from pharmacists on their proper use. This paper outlines recent revisions in the legal sales system of OTC drugs, the social background of self-medication, characteristics of OTC drugs and role of the pharmacists in providing consultation on OTC preparations. Next, consumers' views of self-medication and the OTC drug sales system are described based on the results of surveys performed after they attended an educational event on the proper use of OTC drugs. The survey of consumer views on the legal sales system of OTC drugs revealed that they were the most concerned about safety and convenience. From the survey of consumer views on self-medication, a significant percentage of the group who understood the meaning of the term “self-medication” practiced it in cases of minor health problems. Although no significant difference was seen between the groups who understood the term “self-medication” and those who did not in regard to the reading the drug package label and/or insert, a significant difference was found in their understanding of “The System for Sufferers from Adverse Drug Reactions”. Therefore, it was clear that the consumers familiar with “self-medication” not only practiced it, but also understood the contents of drug package labels and/or inserts.
中山 哲夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.55, no.11, pp.1009, 2019 (Released:2019-11-01)

2019年になって麻疹の流行は日本だけでなく世界中で患者報告数が増加してきている。こうした背景にはvaccine hesitancyが深く関係している。科学的な根拠のない流言、批判的主張からワクチン接種を躊躇している人々が増えつつある。こうした主張に科学的なエビデンスはなく、ワクチンに対する不安・誤解を招いている。惑わされることなく科学的なものの見方を培い正しい選択をしてほしいものである。
北岡 志保 古屋敷 智之
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.53, no.7, pp.702_2, 2017 (Released:2017-07-01)

Hari Prasad DEVKOTA
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.54, no.1, pp.67, 2018 (Released:2018-01-01)

益戸 智香子 小川 ゆかり 山下 直美 三原 潔
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.1, pp.113-122, 2019-01-01 (Released:2019-01-01)

Benzodiazepine receptor agonists (BZDRAs) have been associated with an increased risk of falls in the elderly. However, the association between the elimination half-life (t1/2) of BZDRAs and the difference between benzodiazepines (BZDs) and non-benzodiazepines (Z-drugs) has not been clarified. By conducting a meta-analysis of observational studies, we compared the risk of falls with respect to 1) short-acting BZDRAs (t1/2<12 h) vs. long-acting BZDRAs (t1/2≥12 h) and 2) BZDs vs. Z-drugs in elderly patients. Data were retrieved from MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and Igaku Chuo Zasshi. In total, 13 observational studies from 12 articles were included in our study (short-acting BZDRAs, n=12; long-acting BZDRAs, n=9; BZDs, n=13; Z-drugs, n=7). The risk of falls was significantly increased by the use of short-acting BZDRAs [Odds ratio (OR) (95% Confidence interval (CI)): 2.00 (1.46-2.73)], long-acting BZDRAs [OR (95%CI): 2.16 (1.61-2.89)], BZDs [OR (95%CI): 1.67 (1.31-2.13)], and Z-drugs [OR (95%CI): 2.42 (1.35-4.34)] compared to the risk in BZDRAs non-users. The increased risk of falls in elderly patients was similar in each group and unrelated to t1/2. This study suggested that all BZDRAs including Z-drugs should be avoided in elderly patients.
齊藤 隆太
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.54, no.5, pp.420-424, 2018 (Released:2018-05-01)

山口 巧 堀尾 郁夫 後藤 正博 宮内 芳郎 出石 文男
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.8, pp.1185-1193, 2016 (Released:2016-08-01)

It has been 6 years since the establishment of the position of “sports pharmacist” as one type of pharmacist. In the sporting world of Japan, sports pharmacists are expected to promote athletes' awareness of antidoping regulations and provide them with relevant education. However, currently, these pharmacists' main duty is to provide athletes and their coaches with guidance on medication. Using a model for the prediction of athletes' actions, we have worked to promote athletes' awareness of antidoping regulations and encourage sports pharmacists to perform relevant activities, such as antidoping education. As a result, we clarified that athletes' awareness regarding antidoping rules influences their actions when experiencing minor illnesses. In addition, we have proposed approaches to encourage athletes to undertake antidoping activities. The present study aimed to clarify competitive sports coaches' awareness of antidoping regulations, the instructions that those coaches give athletes when they experience minor illnesses, and coaches' awareness of athletes' usage of drugs and supplements. Analysis using a model for the prediction of actions revealed that to promote coaches' awareness of antidoping regulations, education aimed at raising their level of knowledge of doping is warranted. Furthermore, coaches were aware of the necessity of continuously providing athletes with antidoping instructions, but they did not keep sufficient track of athletes' usage of drugs and supplements. To encourage sports coaches to perform antidoping activities, it is effective to provide them with opportunities to develop their knowledge of doping prevention in their areas.
眞島 崇 大原 宏司
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.17-00167, (Released:2017-11-09)

The scope of pharmaceutical education in Japan has been expanding, and with it an awareness of the importance of team medical care. However, pharmaceutical education still gives little attention to the psychosocial aspects of care, instead focusing on the structures and functions of drugs. In contrast, nursing education emphasizes the fact that medical care involves patients' family and significant others as much as the patients themselves, and thus nursing students are taught the basic needs and developmental stages of those people requiring care alongside their practical nursing skills. In this study, we examined the effect of incorporating certain aspects of introductory nursing education into pharmaceutical education on the self-efficacy of pharmaceutical students. We thus ran an introduction to nursing education course for fourth-year pharmaceutical students (n=86). After the course had finished, we surveyed students about the course. Approximately 94.2% of the students became more interested in team medical care and nearly all (98.8%) thought that what they had learned in the course would be useful in their career. The results indicated that the introduction to nursing education course offered students an opportunity to acquire different viewpoints on clinical situations because the lectures were given by a pharmacist with a nurse license and they were based on his clinical experiences. We therefore propose that more facets of introductory nursing education be incorporated into pharmaceutical education to help students develop their ability to consider patients' psychosocial backgrounds.
野崎 阿季子 高橋 栄造 岡本 敬の介 伊東 秀之 波多野 力
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.130, no.6, pp.895-902, 2010 (Released:2010-06-01)
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Candidiasis is a common opportunistic fungal infection that responds well to amphotericin B (AMPH) treatment. However, AMPH often causes adverse effects such as kidney injury and hypokalemia. Because some essential oils have been reported to have antifungal effects, we investigated the antifungal activity of various essential oils and their major constituents against Candida spp. Most essential oils examined in this study showed antifungal activity, and several enhanced the antifungal effect of AMPH. Clove oil in particular, and its major constituent eugenol, had potent effects. These findings suggest that combining certain essential oils or their constituents with AMPH may be useful for suppressing the adverse effects of AMPH treatment.
内山 奈穂子 鎌倉 浩之 政田 さやか 辻本 恭 細江 潤子 徳本 廣子 丸山 卓郎 合田 幸広 袴塚 高志
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.17-00136, (Released:2017-07-19)

In January 2017, counterfeits of the hepatitis C drug 'HARVONI® Combination Tablets' (HARVONI®) were found at a pharmacy chain through unlicensed suppliers in Japan. A total of five lots of counterfeit HARVONI® (samples 1-5) bottles were found, and the ingredients of the bottles were all in tablet form. Among them, two differently shaped tablets were present in two of the bottles (categorized as samples 2A, 2B, 4A, and 4B). We analyzed the total of seven samples by high-resolution LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR. In samples 2A, 3 and 4B, sofosbuvir, the active component of another hepatitis C drug, SOVARDI® Tablets 400 mg (SOVARDI®), was detected. In sample 4A, sofosbuvir and ledipasvir, the active components of HARVONI®, were found. A direct comparison of the four samples and genuine products showed that three samples (2A, 3, 4B) are apparently SOVARDI® and that sample 2A is HARVONI®. In samples 1 and 5, several vitamins but none of the active compounds usually found in HARVONI® (i.e., sofosbuvir and ledipasvir) were detected. Our additional investigation indicates that these two samples are likely to be a commercial vitamin supplement distributed in Japan. Sample 2B, looked entirely different from HARVONI® and contained several herbal constitutents (such as ephedrine and glycyrrhizin) that are used in Japanese Kampo formulations. A further analysis indicated that sample 2B is likely to be a Kampo extract tablet of Shoseiryuto which is distributed in Japan. Considering this case, it is important to be vigilant to prevent a recurrence of distribution of counterfeit drugs.
今西 孝至 川端 崇義 髙山 明
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.7, pp.883-891, 2017 (Released:2017-07-01)

In 2009, the Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) established the “Sports Pharmacist Accreditation Program” to prevent doping in sports. Since then, anti-doping activities in Japan have been attracting attention. In this study, we investigated research about the current status of doping from 2007 to 2014 in Japan to make anti-doping activities more concrete, and we also discussed future anti-doping activities by pharmacists. In Japan, bodybuilding was the sporting event with the highest number and rate of doping from 2007 to 2014. Many of the positive doping cases were detected for class S1 (anabolic agents), S5 (diuretics and masking agents), and S6 (stimulants). Within class S1, supplements were the main cause of positive doping. Within class S5, medicines prescribed by medical doctors were the main cause of positive doping. Within class S6, non-prescription medicines (e.g., OTC) were the main cause of positive doping. When we looked at the global statistics on doping, many of the positive doping cases were detected for class S1. On comparing the Japanese statistics with the global statistics, the rate of positive doping caused by class S1 was significantly lower, but that caused by classes S5 and S6 was significantly higher in Japan than in the world. In conclusion, pharmacists in Japan should pay attention to class S1, S5, and S6 prohibited substances and to the sport events of bodybuilding. Based on this study, sports pharmacists as well as common pharmacists should suggest new anti-doping activities to prevent doping in the future.
池田 剛 宮下 裕幸 中野 大輔 野原 稔弘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.130, no.5, pp.679-686, 2010 (Released:2010-05-01)
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Recent progress in glycobiology reveals that sugar-chains play a crucial role in cell-cell recognition among immunity, inflammation, and malignant tumor in the living body. To study the mechanism of action requires a sample of sufficient quantity. However, isolating a sugar chain and a glycoside in pure form, difficulty follows sugar chain composition again, and studies have been limited to a few sugar chains. Glycosides are a group of compounds known to be the active principle of a natural drug. We have isolated triterpene glycosides from a Leguminosae plant, which improved liver disorder, and steroid glycosides from a plant of the Solanaceous with cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell lines. A biological activity test suggested an important role of the aglycone part and the sugar chain part of those glycosides. Although many studies of sugar chains of glycoprotein and glycolipid are known, there are few examples of studies of the sugar chain function of a glycoside of a natural drug, and the role of a sugar chain of a glycoside for its pharmacologic action expression is unknown. Therefore, as a biological tool investigating the function of a sugar chain of a natural glycoside, we have begun to synthesize a useful “glycoside” which can be utilized as a lead compound having activity.
小栁 香織 窪田 敏夫 小林 大介 木原 太郎 吉田 武夫 三井所 尊正 斎藤 友亮 打越 英恵 髙木 淳一 瀬尾 隆 島添 隆雄
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.11, pp.1215-1221, 2013 (Released:2013-11-01)
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Pharmacists, being compensated through the new dispensing fee, are required to educate patients on their adhesion to the use of prescribed drugs, and to inventory the levels of leftover drugs in outpatients. Recently, Fukuoka City Pharmaceutical Association started a campaign for regulating leftover drugs (Setsuyaku Bag Campaign). Thirty-one pharmacies joined the campaign. Pharmacists distributed convenience bags, called ‘SETSUYAKU-BAG.’ The patients put their leftover drugs in the bags and brought them to community pharmacies. The pharmacists inventoried the returned drugs and reported their results to the doctors. The doctors adjusted the prescriptions accordingly. We counted and analyzed old and new inventories. The number of leftover drugs was 252, for a total value was ¥839655. Cost of leftover drug prescriptions could be reduced by ¥702695, and the value of drugs thrown away was ¥94801. In total, we could reduce the amount of leftover drugs by 83.7%. The cost of leftover drug for one dose package (ODP) is higher than that for non-ODP. However, there were no significant differences in results per age, sex, number and kinds of drugs, prescription days and premium contribution rate. These results suggest that prescription regulation by inventory of leftover drugs in community pharmacies could significantly reduce overall medical expenses. Further studies are necessary in order to account for patients’ health, and to establish more efficient patient education to raise outpatients’ adherence to the new programs.