矢野 育子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.142, no.9, pp.971-975, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-01)

In Japan, each society has developed its own certification system for the pharmacy specialists in a specific area of pharmaceutical care. Since 2020, we have conducted research activities supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to assure the quality of pharmacy specialists similar as other medical professionals. We proposed three reform plans. First, we defined a pharmacist career path after obtaining a license by redefining the name of a qualified pharmacist: Step 1, Training-Certified Pharmacist; Step 2, Board-Certified Pharmacist; and Step 3, Pharmacy Specialist. Second, we proposed common external standards for the Pharmacy Specialist. Third, we proposed the need for third-party certification for pharmacy specialists. New reforms for the pharmacy specialists are required under the autonomy of pharmacists.
秤谷 隼世 池尻 達紀 横山 夏季 齋藤 良行
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.142, no.8, pp.901-904, 2022-08-01 (Released:2022-08-01)

Non-medical use of prescription medications is a serious public health crisis. The black market for prescription medications should be routinely surveyed to encourage their appropriate use. Herein, we focused on Twitter to investigate the possibility of illicit drug trading in Japan. From March 1 to 8, 2021, we examined the characteristics of Twitter posts, identified using the search term “Okusuri Mogu Mogu”, a Japanese argot used for trading of medications. The captured data included the date of the posts, whether with a hashtag was used, an indication of the trades type (buy, sell, self-administration, and unknown), and the name of the mentioned pharmaceutical products. The number of named medications in the posts was counted and further categorized according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. Two hundred and thirty-eight posts were identified with the searching term “Okusuri Mogu Mogu”, of which 154 (64.7%) named specific medications. Of note, 73 posts (30.7%) were associated with buying or selling medications. We examined the 73 posts. These posts included 118 medications (26 types), of which 107 (88.4%) were classified as nervous system drugs. Hypnotics and sedatives were the most frequently mentioned medications. The present study sheds light on pharmaceutical medication trading via Twitter. Reinforcing the surveillance practices or cracking down on traders by authorities may be insufficient. We consider the possible effectiveness of socially supportive approaches to help those who lack support to access the appropriate psychiatric care.
岡崎 修司
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.142, no.2, pp.103-107, 2022-02-01 (Released:2022-02-01)

I have been active as a professional basketball player at Hiroshima Dragonflies, which belongs to B.LEAGUE until 2018. At the beginning of my professional career, I started by balancing a pharmaceutical student and a professional life. I also obtained a pharmacist license during the B. LEAGUE season and was certified as a sports pharmacist to be involved in the team's anti-doping efforts. From my own experience of being subject to doping tests, I strongly felt that “athletes also need the cooperation of pharmacists”, and many people recognized the need. I have a strong desire to change the status quo. Nowadays, young athletes are also connected to the Internet, and it has become easier to learn about efficient training methods, supplements and medicines. Furthermore, from marketing activities centered on advertising by companies, communication between consumers such as word-of-mouth influences decision-making. Under these circumstances, it is important to understand how athletes make decisions, engage in consultation services, and actively work with pharmacists. Athletes consult with us about “whether or not they can take supplements and medicines” is one of the athletes' wants (means). I think it is important to understand the needs (purposes) behind it. We do not think that it is our job to decide whether or not to take supplements and medicines, but we want to be a person who can be close to athletes. By understanding the hidden needs, various approaches become possible.
片木 宗弘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.51, no.6, pp.561-563, 2015 (Released:2018-08-26)

平川 力 米良 信昭 佐野 泰三 根岸 信彰 竹内 浩士
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.1, pp.71-92, 2009-01-01 (Released:2009-01-01)
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Photocatalysis has been widely applied to solar-energy conversion and environmental purification. Photocatalyst, typically titanium dioxide (TiO2), produces active oxygen species under irradiation of ultraviolet light, and can decompose not only conventional pollutants but also different types of hazardous substances at mild conditions. We have recently started the study of photocatalytic decontamination of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) under collaboration with the National Research Institute of Police Science. This article reviews environmental applications of semiconductor photocatalysis, decontamination methods for CWAs, and previous photocatalytic studies applied to CWA degradation, together with some of our results obtained with CWAs and their simulant compounds. The data indicate that photocatalysis, which may not always give a striking power, certainly helps detoxification of such hazardous compounds. Unfortunately, there are not enough data obtained with real CWAs due to the difficulty in handling. We will add more scientific data using CWAs in the near future to develop useful decontamination systems that can reduce the damage caused by possible terrorism.
北村 雅史
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.56, no.5, pp.440, 2020 (Released:2020-05-13)

スイカズラ(Lonicera japonica)は北海道から九州および朝鮮半島,中国に分布するつる性の常緑低木である.金銀花はスイカズラの花を基原とした生薬で,5〜6月に咲く白い花が数日経過すると黄色く変化し,白と黄の花が咲いている姿から名づけられている.金銀花は清熱,解熱作用を期待し使用され,臨床では炎症や細菌性疾患によく用いられている.金銀花が配合される「銀翹散」は,清時代の医学書「温病条弁」に収載されている薬方であり,この銀翹散に基づく処方「銀翹解毒散」のエキスにインフルエンザウイルス増殖抑制効果が報告されている.今回,Huangらは金銀花由来のmicroRNA(miRNA)が水痘帯状疱疹ウイルス(VZV)の複製を阻害することを明らかにしたので紹介したい.なお,本稿は下記の文献に基づいて,その研究成果を紹介するものである.1) 中薬大辞典,小学館,東京,1985, pp.523-526.2) Miyazaki T., Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi, 140, 62-65(2012).3) Huang Y. et al., J. Neurovirol., 25, 457-463(2019).4) Zhang L. et al., Cell Res., 22, 107-126(2012).5) Zhou Z. et al., Cell Res., 25, 39-49(2015).
山本 輝太郎 石川 幹人
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.55, no.11, pp.1024-1028, 2019

青木 学一 小田 さつき 久保田 聡 齋藤 栄 横田 訓男 柴﨑 淳 渋谷 清 酒向 孫市 尾鳥 勝也
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.1, pp.125-133, 2021-01-01 (Released:2021-01-01)

The immunosuppressant azathioprine (AZA) is classified as a hazardous drug. AZA contamination during tablet-splitting increases exposure risk. However, there is no study on contamination and exposure during AZA tablet splitting and dispensing. AZA tablet splitting and dispensing methods were classified based on whether tweezers are used during splitting and packaging. In Dispensing Method (1), no tweezers were used in either step. In Dispensing Method (2), no tweezers were used during tablet splitting, but were used during packaging. In Dispensing Method (3), tweezers were used in both steps. After AZA half-tablet split-dispensing, we quantified the adherent AZA removed from the tools, packaging machines, and dispensing counters by three consecutive wipings with water-dampened polypropylene cloths. A large amount of AZA adhered to the gloves used in Dispensing Methods (1) and (2), wherein tablets were placed with gloved hands, compared with Dispensing Method (3), wherein tablets were held with tweezers. Thus, the gloves must be replaced before touching the packaging paper during the final step. After three consecutive wipings, AZA was not detected at most of the sites in the third round. Thus, we recommend that (1) AZA tablet splitting should be performed while wearing gloves, (2) the gloves should be changed before packaging the half tablets, and (3) the tools, packaging machines, and dispensing counters should be wiped twice or thrice with a water-dampened cloth after dispensing.
千原 呉郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.108, no.3, pp.171-186, 1988-03-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
6 7

The most important problem in cancer research is to increase comfortably the survival time and to prevent completely recurrence after surgical resection in cancer patients. Cytocidal anticancer chemotherapeutics have detrimental side effects and destroy host defence mechanisms, and are not useful for cancer patients. On the other hand, there is several evidence suggesting the existence of intrinsic resistance to cancer. The examples are an equilibrium state with proliferation and regression in a small amount of cancer cells and spontaneous regression of cancer. An increase in this resistance may be one of the most important problem to find new anticancer drugs. In Oriental medicine practiced in Asian countries from olden times, the fundamental principle is to regulate homeostasis of the whole body and to bring the diseased person to a normal state, rather than to attack the focus directly. On the basis of such a concept, the antitumor activity of numerous folk remedies has been reexamined and isolated a polysaccharide with marked antitumor activity and named as lentinan. Lentinan is a strictly purified β-1, 6 : β-1, 3-D-glucan, and exerts prominent antitumor activities in murine allogeneic, syngeneic and autochthonous hosts, prevents chemical and viral oncogeneses, and suppresses tumor metastasis in several clinical models. The antitumor action of lentinan is host-mediated. Comparing with other well-known immunostimulants, such as BCG, C. parvum and LPS, lentinan appears to represent a unique class of immunopotentiator, a T-cell oriented adjuvant in which macrophages play some parts. First, lentinan triggers the increased production of various kinds of bioactive serum factors associated with immunity and inflammation, such as CSF, IL-1, IL-3, vascular dilatation hemorrhage inducer and acute-phase protein inducer, by direct impact of macrophages or indirectly via lentinan-stimulated T-cells, which results in the induction of many immunobiological changes in the host. Augmented IL-1 production amplifies the maturation of immature effector cells to mature cells capable of responding to IL-2 and other cytokines, but lentinan do not augment production of IL-2. This is the most important characteristics of lentinan, because this suggests a contact point between new immunology and Oriental medicine. Lentinan augments differentiation of various kinds of important cells in the host defence. These results clearly explain the requirment of intact macrophages and T-cell compartments for antitumor activity of lentinan. Lentinan has only a little toxic side effect in in vivo application to animals and human. An excellent result was obtained in 4 year's follow-up of the randomized control study of lentinan in Phase III on the patients with advanced and recurrent stomach, colo-rectal, breast cancer and malignant lymphoma. These results suggest that lentinan might be more effective for micrometastasis after surgery. Lentinan is a hopeful drug for cancer patients.
柏柳 誠
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.11, pp.1247-1253, 2012-11-01 (Released:2012-11-01)
3 1

Olfactory cells receive numerous odorants including toxic substances. To avoid complete loss of the olfactory function by toxic odorants, continuous neurogenesis of olfactory cells occurs even at adulthood. Newly generated olfactory neurons extend their axons to the olfactory bulb. Various molecules including polypeptides, proteins, polynucleotides, virus, and cells administrated intranasally have been reported to move from the olfactory epithelium to the brain tissue via the olfactory epithelium-olfactory bulb pathway. I discuss the pathway of substances intranasally administrated to the brain from the view point of characteristics of the olfactory epithelium.
岡本 貴行
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.50, no.6, pp.573, 2014 (Released:2016-07-02)

好中球細胞外トラップ(neutrophil extracellular traps:NETs)は2004年にBrinkmannらによって報告された好中球の生体防御反応である.感染により活性化した好中球は,既知の細胞壊死やアポトーシスとは異なる特徴的な細胞死(NETosis)を引き起こし,自身のDNAを細胞外へ放出して,NETsの名の通りネット状の構造を形成する.NETsは,DNAの他にヒストン,好中球エラスターゼ,好中球顆粒内の抗菌物質などを構成成分として含み,貪食とは異なり,細胞外で細菌や病原体を捕捉して殺菌する役割を持つ.また,NETsは異物を捕捉するとともに,白血球,血小板と血管内皮細胞を相互作用させ,微小血栓を形成して異物の排除を行う.近年,このNETsによる異物や細胞の捕捉という概念が各種病態の理解に影響を与えている.なお,本稿は下記の文献に基づいて,その研究成果を紹介するものである.1) Brinkmann V. et al., Science, 303, 1532-1535 (2004).2) Cools-Lartigue J. et al., J. Clin. Invest., 123, 3446-3458 (2013).
天ヶ瀬 紀久子 中村 英志 加藤 伸一 竹内 孝治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.12, pp.1711-1719, 2011 (Released:2011-12-01)
2 4

Glutamate is known as the umami substance in the diet and umami taste has been traditionally preferred in East Asian countries. Recent our and others' studies showed that glutamate has potential to protect the gastrointestinal mucosa against noxious agents. In contrast, Helicobacter pylori infection and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are recognized as the two major causes of gastrointestinal diseases characterized by gastritis or gastrointestinal ulcers. We examined whether dietary supplementation of glutamate prevents the Helicobacter pylori infection- and NSAIDs-induced gastrointestinal damages in animal models. In this paper, we first review how these noxious agents develop gastrointestinal damages, and secondly discuss the possible candidates of protective factors as well as the mechanisms how glutamate prevents these gastrointestinal damages. We propose that our daily intake of glutamate has important roles in protecting the gastrointestinal mucosa against Helicobacter pylori and NSAIDs and possibly contributes to the maintenance of our healthy lives.
大谷 道輝 川端 志津 假家 悟 内野 克喜 伊藤 敬 小瀧 一 籾山 邦男 森川 亜紀 瀬尾 巖 西田 紀子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.5, pp.323-329, 2002-05-01 (Released:2003-02-18)
11 13

The effect of the intake of 200g of grapefruit pulp (corresponding to one grapefruit) on the pharmacokinetics of the calcium antagonists nifedipine (NF) and nisoldipine (NS) were investigated in 8 healthy Japanese male volunteers. A crossover design was used for the study: group I did not ingest any grapefruit (control group); group II ingested grapefruit 1 h after drug administration; and group III ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration. The intake of grapefruit pulp increased the plasma concentrations of both NF and NS, an effect that has previously been reported with grapefruit juice. The increase was most marked when grapefruit was eaten before drug administration. For both NF and NS, subjects who ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration exhibited a greater Cmax and AUC0—24 than did subjects in the control group. For NF, the Cmax was 1.4 times higher and the AUC0—24 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. For NS, the Cmax was 1.5 times higher and the AUC0—24 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. The increase in the AUC0-24 was significant for both drugs (p<0.05). The finding that the ratios of Cmax and AUC0—24 for unchanged drug and metabolites did not vary greatly among the three groups for either drug suggests that the increase in serum concentration produced by grapefruit intake may be due to other factors than an inhibitory effect on drug metabolism. Also, the increases in Cmax and AUC0—24 of NS produced by grapefruit intake were smaller than those produced by grapefruit juice intake, indicating that grapefruit pulp and juice have different effects on the pharmacokinetics.
岡田 浩
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.3, pp.367-371, 2015 (Released:2015-03-01)

The number of Japanese patients with chronic diseases is increasing year by year largely because of the acceleration of demographic aging and lifestyle changes in Japan. Although many patients with chronic diseases receive their medications from pharmacists, many community pharmacists have not changed their communication style with their patients. Empowerment is the basic idea that patient support is not widely known by pharmacists but the certified diabetes educator (CDE). We started Diabetes Theater, a program for healthcare providers that includes short drama and discussion with attendees, in 2009. The concept of the program is empowerment for patients: a process to help patients make better healthcare decisions. In addition, we launched another educational program to help community pharmacists learn about communication skills with diabetes patients named “The Three star Pharmacist Training Program” in 2012. In this article, we discuss our forthcoming plans to spread these ideas of empowerment among pharmacists.
榎木 英介
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.138, no.4, pp.459-464, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-04-01)

Cases of research misconduct (fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism) have been increasing worldwide, including in Japan. In particular, since 2006, many cases of research misconduct have been reported in Japan, and these cases have also been covered by the media. The 2014 case of the withdrawal of articles on STAP cells followed a rare course in which research misconduct became a full-blown social phenomenon. In recent years, even the University of Tokyo has experienced reported cases of research misconduct. In this report, I would like to introduce some representative cases of research misconduct in the field of life sciences over the past decade. These examples include studies conducted at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (2006), Osaka University Graduate School of Frontier Bioscience (2006), Ryukyu University School of Medicine (2010), Toho University School of Medicine (2012), The University of Tokyo Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (2013), and several cases outside of Japan. I will discuss what researchers should do to reduce the incidence of research misconduct. In addition, I will discuss how these cases were covered by the media, because the public's impression of research misconduct is formed by media coverage.
佐藤 雄一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.11, pp.1281-1289, 2015-11-01 (Released:2015-11-01)
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The recently discovered high mannose (HM)-binding lectin family in lower organisms such as bacteria, cyanobacteria, and marine algae represents a novel class of anti-viral or anti-tumor compounds. This lectin family shows unique carbohydrate binding properties with exclusive high specificity for HM glycans with core trisaccharide comprising Manα(1-3)Manα(1-6)Man at the D2 arm. At low nanomolar levels, these lectins exhibit potent antiviral activity against HIV and influenza viruses through the recognition of HM glycans on virus spike glycoproteins. In addition, some of these lectins, such as bacterial PFL, show cytotoxicity for various cancer cells at low micromolar levels. Cell surface molecules to which PFL bound were identified as integrin alpha 2 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) by peptide mass finger printing with MALDI-TOF MS. Upon PFL binding, these molecules were rapidly internalized to cytoplasm. EGFR was time dependently degraded in the presence of PFL, and this process was largely responsible for autophagy. Furthermore, PFL sensitizes cancer cells to the EGFR kinase inhibitor, gefitinib. In vivo experiments showed that intratumoral injection of PFL significantly inhibited the growth of tumors in nude mice. PFL-mediated down regulation of integrin/EGFR ultimately contributed to the inhibition of tumor growth both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the novel anti-cancer mechanism of PFL suggests that this lectin is potentially useful as an anti-cancer drug or as an adjuvant for other drugs. This class of proteins will likely have beneficial impact as a tool for biochemical and biomedical research because of its unique carbohydrate specificity and various biological activities.
岸本 聡 伊東 祐二
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.27, no.1, pp.35-41, 2017-02-01 (Released:2019-06-30)

抗体医薬の新たなフォーマットとして、ラクダ科の重鎖抗体由来の抗原結合ドメイン(VHH, Nanobody)を使った医薬品開発が進められている。このVHHは、高い安定性、バクテリアにおける高い発現効率、抗体工学の容易さといった優れた特性をもつ一方で、投与後の血中半減期の短さといった弱点もあわせもつ。臨床試験の結果を通して、このようなVHH医薬品の課題と今後の展開について考えてみたい。さらに、ファージディスプレイライブラリーと網羅的配列解析手法を使った新しいVHHの開発手法、ならびに、VHHを使った新しい抗体医薬品の形として、抗体特異的修飾法(CCAP:Chemical conjugation by affinity peptide)によるIgG-VHHコンジュゲートについて紹介する。
齋藤 佳敬 山田 武宏 小林 正紀 榊原 純 品川 尚文 木下 一郎 秋田 弘俊 井関 健
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.12, pp.1601-1608, 2019-12-01 (Released:2019-12-01)

Paclitaxel (PTX)-associated acute pain syndrome (P-APS) is characterized by disabling but transient arthralgia and myalgia in up to 80% of patients administered with PTX. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely administered to patients with cancer who have pain or fever, and are mainly used to manage P-APS. In this study, we investigated how P-APS appear in the patients who were administered NSAIDs prior to PTX injection. The incidence or severity and duration of P-APS in patients previously administered NSAIDs were compared to those of patients who were not administered NSAIDs. The relationship between previously administered NSAIDs and rescue administration for the relief of P-APS was also evaluated. It was revealed that the incidence and duration of P-APS were 72% and 4.67±2.30 d, respectively, in the control group and 84% and 6.19±3.30 d, respectively, in the NSAIDs group. There was no significant difference in the incidence and duration and the severity of P-APS between the two groups. Patients who were previously administered NSAIDs tended to obtain less pain relief from NSAIDs administered as rescue medications, and needed other medication. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed no correlation between previously administered NSAIDs or patient characteristics and the incidence of P-APS. In this study, it was found that clinical condition that needs NSAIDs and previously administered NSAIDs prior to PTX injection do not affect the incidence, severity, and duration of P-APS. These results will help in educating patients about their medications and will contribute to the management of P-APS.
舘 知也 伊野 陽子 島内 あかり 野口 義紘 堺 千紘 井口 和弘 加納 亜紀 寺町 ひとみ
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.2, pp.327-339, 2019-02-01 (Released:2019-02-01)

Construction of regional inclusive care system is being promoted and pharmacists are required to implement multidisciplinary collaboration in order to provide appropriate pharmaceutical care to patients. However, there are few studies on collaboration between medical facilities and community pharmacies. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of community pharmacies in Gifu City, which assessed the experience and attitudes regarding collaboration with other medical facilities. The survey items are: I. Participation in regional care meetings, II. Case discussion conferences, III. Joint workshops/study conferences, IV. Community service, V. Sharing information through medical cooperation network, and VI. Accompanying community pharmacists at home medical care. For the implementation of collaboration, the percentage of “not implemented” were as high as 70% or more in II, IV, V and VI. Regarding the attitudes toward collaboration, more than half of pharmacies answered that they wanted to implement in all items. In the comparison by the number of pharmacists, pharmacies with two or more pharmacists had significantly higher implementation ratios than pharmacies with one pharmacist in IV and V. Regarding the attitudes toward collaboration, pharmacies with two or more pharmacists had significantly higher ratios of considering implementation than pharmacies with one pharmacist in I and VI. Based on the results of this survey, there were many items that were not implemented as collaboration with other medical facilities at community pharmacies. However, many community pharmacies are planning to collaborate with other medical facilities in the future.