石原 舜三
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.107, no.1, pp.142-143, 1998-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

極東ロシアのシホテリアンからチュコーツクに至る地域は, 西方のシベリア地塊 (先カンブリア紀基盤) の周辺に古生代以降の堆積岩類が発達し, 主に中生代中一後期に火山深成岩活動を伴う地質的背景を有し, 下記の様に多様な鉱物資源が発見されている。1) 原生代中期の地溝帯 : アノーソサイトに伴われるチタン鉄鉱-燐灰石鉱床 (P2O540億トン), 花崗岩に付随するREE, Nb-Ta鉱床など。2) 原生代最末期-カンブリア紀初期の地溝帯 : 層状Fe-Mn鉱床, 堆積性Pb-Zn鉱床など。3) オルドビス-シルル紀の融合-衝突帯 : 花崗岩に伴われるSn, F, Nb-Ta鉱床など。蛍石鉱床は大規模で鉱量4,500万トン (CaF2 32%) 。4) ジュラ紀中期の鉱化作用 : 花崗岩活動に関係する若干のAu, Bi鉱床。5) ジュラ紀後期-白亜紀初期鉱化作用 : 花歯岩と火山岩活動に関係するSn, W, Uなどのスカルン, 鉱脈型鉱床。Wスカルン鉱床が大きい。6) 白亜紀後期-古第三紀の鉱化作用 : 花歯岩と火山活動に関係するSn, W, Pb-Zn, Au-Ag鉱脈型, 一部スカルン及び鉱染型鉱床。カバレロボのSn鉱床は金属量34万トンでロシア最大。他にもコムソモリスク西方に数鉱床群。ダルネゴルスクのPb-Zn鉱床はPb-Zn金属量100万トンクラス。コリマーマガダン地域のデュカートAg鉱脈 (図1) はロシア最大の銀鉱山 (Ag金属量18,000トン, Au約50トン) 。金鉱床としてはナタルカ (図1) が大きく, Au約500トン, シホテアリンではアムール河口域のムノゴベルシンノエ鉱脈でAu金属量100トン以上。
長沼 毅
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.122, no.2, pp.363-384, 2013

&emsp;The deep subsurface biosphere has been regarded as an emerging topic in geo-bioscience and industry for the past few decades, and has been approached by terrestrial and seafloor drillings. Terrestrial sites have better proximity and greater relevance to the anthroposphere and technosphere, <i>i.e.</i>, human habitats and societies, than do seafloor sites. Therefore, understanding the subterranean biosphere has more direct importance to issues related to a sustainable civilization, and issues such as formation/maturation of hydrocarbon reservoirs and ore deposits, disposal of radioactive wastes and carbon dioxide, and postulated association between seismogenic and microbial activities. Microbiological studies in the terrestrial deep subsurface have been prompted to respond to such human-related issues, and microbial life in sedimentary and crystalline rocks as well as pore-filling fluids has been studied to evaluate rock stability and (im) mobilization of redox-sensitive elements/nuclides, for instance. This is in contrast to subseafloor microbiology, which focuses more on microbial interactions with hydrothermal circulation, relevant biogeochemical processes including gas hydrate formation, associated diversity of life, and modern analogs of origin-of-life.<br>&emsp;Avoiding man-induced contamination of cored samples and pumped fluids has been a microbiological issue. Technical (both instrumental and operational) measures to minimize contamination were first developed in subterranean microbiology, because of easier accesses to test sites for repetition, evaluation, improvement, etc. of attempted measures on land. Then, anti-contamination expertise was introduced into subseafloor practices, and anti-contamination protocols and facilities are now better developed by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) than the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP). Newly developed techniques are also applied to measure/monitor geological and geochemical parameters that are used to characterize microbial habitats and processes occurring there.<br>&emsp;Lessons from subterranean microbiology are directly applicable to subglacial microbiology that may retrieve microbial life from sub-million-year-old ice cores, although additional measures are needed for glacier drilling. Because land and icy surfaces are common in Earth-like planets or potentially life-bearing satellites, lessons (experiences and expertise) from subterranean microbiology should be applicable to astrobiological searches for extraterrestrial life.
岩田 修二
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.89, no.6, pp.319-335, 1980
15 9

Movement types and intensity of surface processes were investigated on the slopes above the forest line of Mt. Shirouma-dake (2, 933 m. a. s. 1., 36&deg;45'N, 137&deg;45'E). The slopes studied are vegetation-free or sparsely vegetation covered ones that are mantled with rubble layers (thin layers of rock fragments).<BR>There are six types of slow mass movement operating on the rubble slopes talus creep, frost creep, needle ice creep, gelifluction, rapid solifluction, and a movement derived from snowpack creep. Rapid mass movement processes such as rockfalls, debris flows, and rolling down of stones often occur, but only a small amount of the materials is moved. Running water, supplied by rainfall and melting of snow and ground ice, carries the debris. While the amount of the materials moved by wash are not so large on the rubble slopes, the channel erosion is one of the important processes on the nivational rubble slopes that are covered by the long lasting snowpatches. The particle movement by wind and the transport in solution are probably insignificant on the study slopes.<BR>Relative vertical mass transfer in unit area that is a geomorphic work of process is estimated for a quantitative comparison of process intensity. The processes acting on the slopes are grouped as following five process sets according to their rates and types of the movements. I) Periglacial process set with low raet. II) Periglacial process set with medial rate. III) Nivational process set with low rate. IV) Nivational process set with medial rate. V) Nivational process set with high rate. The slow mass movements cover over 75 percent of the total mass transfer of the periglacial process set. The value of the slow mass movements of the nivational process set, however, is limited less than 75 percent of the total value and the remainder is mostly comprised in value of channel erosion. While the periglacial process sets occur on the periglacial rubble slopes that are put under the snow free dry conditions throughout the year, the nivational process sets occur on the nivational rubble slopes. The rate of these process sets vary according to the differences of the climatic environments, slope forms and gradients, and slope materials ; size of the surface material and thickness of the rubble layer. Among them the slope materials perform the important role. The process sets with low rate (less than 3.0&times; 10<SUP>3</SUP>m&middot; t/ Km<SUP>2</SUP>&middot;yr.) correspond with the processes occurring on the slopes which are mantled by the boulder size debris. The process sets with high rate (over 6.0 &times; 10<SUP>3</SUP>m&middot;t/ Km<SUP>2</SUP>&middot;yr.) occur both on the nivational slope with steep gradients and the nivational slopes covered by fine materials.
飯山 敏道
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.96, no.5, pp.309-311, 1987

日本学術会議地質学研究連絡委員会は, 1982年いらい国際地質学会議 (IGC) を1992年に日本で開催することについて, その学問的・社会的意義とその可能性などを検討する小委員会を設け, 審議をかさねました。その結果, IGCはその開催方式や内容をいままでのIGCの慣例に固執することなく, 日本独自の方式を開拓し, 準備を周到におこなえば, 技術的にも可能であり, 意義深いものにすることができるとの結論に達しました。そこで, 1984年モスクワのIGCにおいて, 日て本誘致を提案いたしました。このとき, 中華人民共和国も誘致を提案したため, 1985年2月に, IUGS・IGC共催のSteering Committeeは, 1992年日本開催に同意し, 1996年中国での開催を勧告いたしたした。正式には1989年のワシントンのIGCで決まることですが, 1985年4月IGC検討小委員会は発展的に解散し, 地質学関連の大学・官庁・企業から派遣された委員によって, 日本学術会議からは独立したIGC準備委員会が発足いたしたした。この委員会は1989年ワシントンで開催される第28回IGCにおいて, 日本開催が正式に決定され, IGC組織委員会が発足するまで機能し, 準備を整える役割をもっています。正式承認まえの準備会であるため, 公的な機能をもつことができませんが, 準備委員会内に設けられた総務・プログラム・巡検・会場・経理・出版の各小委員会が準備を進めておりますので, ここに, 活動状況を報告します。正式承認後開催まで3年の歳月しかありません。準備委員会は可能なかぎり準備を整えて1989年に発足するはずの組織委員会に引き継ぎたいと考えています。準備委員会の活動に御意見をお寄せくださるなど, 各位の絶大なる御協力をお願いいたします。
財城 真寿美 三上 岳彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.122, no.6, pp.1010-1019, 2013

&emsp;Climate variations in Tokyo based on reconstructed summer temperatures since the 18th century and instrumental meteorological data from the 19th century to the present are discussed. During the Little Ice Age, especially in the 18th century, remarkably cool episodes occurred in the 1730s, 1780s and 1830s. These cool conditions could be a significant reason for severe famines that occurred during the Edo period. Around the 1840s and 1850s near the end of the Edo period, it was comparatively warm which could correspond to the end of the Little Ice Age in Japan. Although there was a low-temperature period in the 1900s, a long-term warming trend could be seen especially in winter temperatures and daily minimum temperatures throughout the 20th century. While annual precipitation has been increasing during the last 30 years, relative humidity has been decreasing. This could result from a saturated vapor pressure rise due to warming and from a loss of water bodies due to urbanization. During the last century, not only warmer conditions but also wetter conditions in summer and autumn and drier conditions in winter and spring were documented by analyzing hythergraphs.
長岡 信治 西山 賢一 井上 弦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.4, pp.632-667, 2010-08-25 (Released:2010-11-08)
4 6

The Miyazaki Plain is situated at the western end of the forearc of the Southwest Japan Arc, and is one of the standard areas of the Quaternary system in Japan. Many tephra layers were supplied from volcanoes in the Ryukyu and Southwest Japan arcs during Quaternary. The authors establish the stratigraphy and chronology of sediments during middle Pleistocene to Holocene in the Miyazaki Plain using tephrochronological methods, and discuss landform development and tectonics. The sediments are subdivided into Kariya formation, Nojiri formation (the Highest terraces), the Higher terrace deposits, the Middle terraces deposits, the Lower terraces deposits, and the Holocene formation (alluvium plain). Kariya formation of 1 Ma-500 ka, is fluvial sediments which are partially accompanied by marine sediments. Nojiri formation is 500-300 ka old and fluvial and marine sediments form the highest terraces. Shiinoki member in Nojiri formation has a transgressive sediment and is correlated with MIS 9. The higher terraces are composed of Kukino fluvial terrace of 330-240 ka and Chausubaru fluvial terrace of 240 ka. The middle terraces consist of the four fluvial and marine terraces: Sanzaibaru terrace of 140-120 ka, Baba terrace of 110 ka, Nyutabaru terrace of 110-90 ka, Karasebaru terrace of 90 ka, and Saitobaru terrace of 90-80 ka. Sanzaibaru terrace with a thick transgressive sediment and well-developed marine terraces correlates with MIS 6-5e. Nyutabaru terrace is mainly fluvial accompanied partially by marine terraces, and emerged in MIS 5c. Baba and Saitobaru terraces are fluvial only. Saitobaru terrace with a gravel bed over 10-m thick indirectly corresponded to the transgression in MIS 5a. All of the lower terraces of 70-10 ka are fluvial, and are subdivided into ten terraces: Shimizu, Okatomi, Toyobaru 1, Toyobaru 2, Ikazuno, Oyodo, Fukadoshi 1, Fukadoshi 2, Mikazukibaru 1, and Mikazukibaru 2. Their steep longitudinal profiles indicate that sea-level when the terraces formed was lower than the recent one. This lower sea-level stage chronologically corresponds to MIS 4-2. Fukadoshi 1,2 terraces, the profile of which is the steepest of all the terraces, were formed in MIS 2, the last glacial maximum. Shimotajima marine terraces and recent alluvium correspond to Holocene high sea level and transgression in MIS 1. The tectonics of the Miyazaki Plain during the past 2 Ma are estimated from landforms and geological structures. During 2-1 Ma, the forearc basin beneath the sea was uplifted slowly and the Miyazaki Plain emerged. Then the left-lateral movement of Wanitsuka Mts block bordering the plain on the north formed the two pull-apart basins of the Kariya and Nojiri formations at the southern part of the plain during 1-0.3 Ma. The left-lateral movement was caused by the opening of the Okinawa Trough in the back arc of Ryukyu Arc. At 0.3 Ma, the Miyazaki plain suddenly began uplifting rapidly due to E-W trend compression. During 0.8-0.6 Ma, the movement direction of the Philippine Sea Plate changed from NW to WNW, and then the plate subducted obliquely along the Nankai trough. Consequently, the Southwest Japan forearc including the Miyazaki Plain decoupled from the inner arc, moving westward, and finally caused the E-W trend compression and uplifting around the Miyazaki Plain. The uplift rate of the southern part of the plain accelerated from 0.1 m/ka to 1 m/ka during the last 0.3 Ma at the southern part of the plain. In detail, the tectonical mode is domical uplifting the center, which is several kilometers off Miyazaki City in the Pacific Ocean. The domical uplifting and the increasing uplift rate relate to the isostasy of the subducting Kyushu-Palau Ridge on the Philippine Sea plate under the Miyazaki Plain or a rising serpentinite diapir in the crust of the Eurasia plate.
谷内 達
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.91, no.1, pp.30-50, 1982

One of the most important aspects of the mining activities in remote Australia since the 1960 's is large-scale infrastructure development by mining companies. This paper studies various types of infrastructure projects associated with the mining activities, from a viewpoint of development stages in terms of remoteness.<BR>Three study areas are selected; Pilbara region, Kalgoorlie region and Central Queensland, in order of remoteness. Mining railways and mining towns in the study areas are classified into three types, according to the extent of financial contribution by the mining companies.<BR>The railways of the first type are the iron are railways in Pilbara region. They are constructed, owned, operated and exclusively used by the mining companies. The railways of the second type are the coal railways in Central Queensland. They are constructed or upgraded, owned and operated by the government as a part of the State railway system, but are fully financed and almost exclusively used by the mining companies. The railways of the third type are the nickel railways in Kalgoorlie region. They are constructed and upgraded, owned and operated by the government, but are partly financed by the mining companies.<BR>The towns of the first type are the iron are mining towns in Pilbara region. They are company towns, which are constructed and managed by the mining companies. The towns of the second type are quasi-company towns, with a minor role of the government. Dampier and Wickham in Pilbara region and Kambalda near Kalgoorlie fall into this category. The towns of the third type are open towns, which are constructed and managed mainly by the governments with financial contribution by the mining companies. Port Hedland and Karratha in Pilbara region and the coal mining towns in Central Queensland fall into this category.<BR>These different types of infrastructure development can be interpreted as a reflection of different stages of regional development; the more developed, the less involved by mining companies. The idea is tested and supported by the historical cases in Mount Isa.<BR>One of the significant modifications of the development process mentioned above is an influence of the government policies, where higher priorities are given to more local participation in order to discourage influences of overseas capital, and to more local processing for the more value-added within the State or national economy. The reversed order of railway types against the general order of remoteness between Kalgoorlie region and Central Queensland can be partly explained by this point.<BR>A case study in this paper suggests that, from a viewpoint of regional development, infrastructure should not be simply defined by physical or institutional forms, but should be identified by examining actual functions. This functional concept of infrastructure would be useful for identifying the role of mining activities in regional development, especially in remote Australia.
戎崎 俊一 西原 秀典 黒川 顕 森 宙史 鎌形 洋一 玉木 秀幸 中井 亮佑 大島 拓 原 正彦 鈴木 鉄兵 丸山 茂徳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.129, no.6, pp.779-804, 2020-12-25 (Released:2021-01-18)

Previously proposed hypotheses on the origin of life are reviewed and it is demonstrated that none of them can provide the energy flux of ionizing radiation (UV/X/γ photons, and high-energy charged particles and neutrons) required to synthesize organic materials as demonstrated by the experiments by Miller and Urey in 1953. In order to overcome this difficulty, Ebisuzaki and Maruyama, in 2017, proposed a new hypothesis called the “Nuclear Geyser Model” of the origin of life, in which high-energy flux from a natural nuclear reactor drives chemical reactions to produce major biological molecules, such as amino acids, nucleotides, sugars, and fatty acids from raw molecules (H2O, N2, and CO2). Natural nuclear reactors were common on the surface of Hadean Earth, because the 235U/238U ratio was as high as 20%, which is much higher than the present value (0.7%), due to the shorter half-life of 235U than 238U. Ebisuzaki and Maruyama further posited that aqueous electrons and glyceraldehyde play key roles in the networks of chemical reactions in a nuclear geyser and suggested that primordial life depended on glyceraldehyde phosphate (GAP) from the nuclear geyser system as energy, carbon, and phosphate sources, pointing to a possible parallelism with the anaerobic glycolysis pathway; in particular, the lower stem path starting from GAP through Acetyl Coenzyme A to produce ATP and reduction power. It is shown that microbes (members of candidate division OD1) inhabiting high alkali hot springs, a modern analogue of the Hadean Earth environment, do not possess genes associated with conventional metabolisms, such as those of the TCA cycle, but only have genes in the lower stem path of the glycolysis. This is named the “Hadean Primordial Pathway”, because it is believed that this striking result points to a plausible origin of metabolic pathways of extant organisms. Also proposed is a step-by-step scenario of the evolution of the metabolism: 1) Chemical degradation of GAP supplied from the nuclear geyser to lactate; 2) Catalytic reactions to produce reductive power and acetyl coenzyme A (or its primitive form) and self-reproductive reactions by ribozymes on the surface of minerals (pyrite and struvite), which precipitate in a nuclear geyser (RNA world); 3) Enzymatic reactions by proteins with pyrites and the struvite in their reaction centers (RNP world); and, 4) Metabolism of extant organisms with the full assembly of enzymes produced by translating molecular machines with information stored in DNA sequences (DNA world). It is further inferred that relics of primordial metabolic evolution in the Hadean nuclear geyser can be seen at the reaction centers of enzymes of both pyrite and struvite types, nucleotide-like molecules as a cofactor of the enzymes, Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis, and chemical abundance of cytoplasm.
山内 一彦 白石 健一郎 檀原 徹
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.123, no.5, pp.643-670, 2014-10-25 (Released:2014-11-13)

This paper examines changes to the river system and faulting in the Ikachi Basin and surrounding area in the southwestern part of the Chugoku Mountains since the Middle Pleistocene, based of an investigation of the fluvial terrace and tectonic landforms. Fluvial terrace surfaces in the study area are classified into five levels: H, M1, M2, L1, and L2, in descending order. The M1 terrace surface is widely observed in the Ikachi Basin, and there is a narrow band of Sanbe-Kisuki tephra on the top layer of the terrace deposit, suggesting that the surface was formed around 110-115 ka. Aira-Tn tephra is observed in the L2 terrace deposit, indicating that it was formed around 30 ka. The distribution of terrace and deposit indicates the existence of the Paleo-Shiwari River, which differed from the river system existing today. The Paleo-Shiwari River flowed northwestward from the southeastern margin of the Ikachi Basin, and from near Hizumi, westward through the basin. There is a possibility that the upper reaches of the Paleo-Shiwari River reached Yashiro Island. The Paleo-Shiwari River lost its upper reaches as a result of river capture around the current Obatake-Seto in Middle Pleistocene. Furthermore, as a result of continued large-scale uplifting in the downstream area of the Paleo-Shiwari River basin, accompanied by activities of the Hizumi and Oguni faults since the Middle Pleistocene, the height of the riverbed of the Paleo-Shiwari River increased and its riverbed slope became gentle. At the same time, continued large-scale subsidence with faulting from the downstream basin of the Yuu River to Aki-Nada led to a gradual steepening of the riverbed of the Yuu River, and the valley head of the Yuu River along the fracture zone expanded due to erosion. Subsequently, the Paleo-Shiwari River was captured by the Yuu River at the Hizumi depression around 110-115 ka during the formation period of the M1 surface. It is concluded that river capture between the Yuu River and the Shiwari River occurred due to the influence of crustal movements.
大山 修一 桐越 仁美
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.5, pp.913-927, 2012-10-25 (Released:2012-12-05)

This paper describes the academic themes, lessons and social problems geographers are addressing in modern Africa, as well as university geography education and the education levels in Sub-Sahara Africa, related to colonial policy, socio-economic stability, and population. Nature, culture, and society in Africa are both diverse and attractive to academic researchers. According to one estimate, there are more than 1,000 languages and ethnic-groups on the continent. We hope to research the uniqueness of nature, cultures, and societies of Africa. African people face social problems of poverty, economic disparity, social conflict, civil war, diseases, land degradation, etc. Japanese geographers should tackle these problems with African researchers in order to contribute to political stability, social welfare and development. South Africa is the most active country engaging in geographical research and education in Sub-Sahara Africa. According to the history of South African academe, the South African Geographical Society and the Society for Geography were integrated in 1994 to establish the Society of South African Geographers. South African geographers considered this movement to be a historical event under political changes that emerged during the new era following the policy of apartheid. Geographers are tackling social problems of Sub-Sahara Africa and social responsibility is important for academic researchers in Africa. Japanese geographers need to build stronger and wider partnerships with African geographers to achieve further social responsibility.
堤 純
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.5, pp.891-901, 2012-10-25 (Released:2012-12-05)

This paper presents an overview of geography in Australia. It answers three main questions. Does the teaching of geography in Australia focus on specific topics? How is geography taught in secondary schools? And, what differences are there in the approaches taken to geography in Australia and Japan. In Australia, geography is first taught in year five at primary school level. The teaching of geography aims to provide background knowledge that is essential to understand both natural and human elements of the world and how they interrelate. This enables students to better understand the impacts of human beings on natural environments. The teaching of geography in Australia is more advanced than it is in Japan. According to the website of the Institute of Australian Geographers, geography is taught at 18 of 41 universities in Australia. At these universities, geography programs are supported by a wide range of resources and include specialized research groups such as physical geography, GIS, remote sensing, and human geography. Some Australian universities have recently reformed their teaching systems. In this process, geography departments were merged with those of other disciplines, which resulted in a decline in the number of geographers. However, based on the above, geography is widely accepted as an academic subject in Australia.