真鍋 大覚
西部造船会会報 (ISSN:0389911X)
no.33, pp.139-157, 1967-02-28

小野 志郎 大森 英行 中川 寛之 岩崎 徹 山賀 秀夫 小澤 宏臣
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.190, pp.295-303, 2001-12

ナホトカ級の油流出事故を想定した高粘度、高波浪対応の油回収装置の開発に着手し、平成9年度の技術調査を踏まえて平成10年度から2年間に亘る要素研究開発を実施した。それら要素技術開発の結果に基づき、全口径型ジェットポンプを中心に油回収装置の小型、軽量化及び高効率化を図り、プロトタイプの実機1/2相当の大型模型を用いて海上災害防止センター横須賀研修所における高粘度油を用いた大掛かりな波浪中高粘度油吸引実験を実施することができた。その結果、本回収機は実海域において所期の性能を発揮できることが確認され、荒天下の高粘度油回収作業において有効な機材であることが実証された。さらに、総合的な船上処理装置の設計が可能となったことで、高波浪下 (最大波高6m) で高粘度油 (10万cSt以上) を多量 (300m<SUP>3</SUP>/h) に回収することが可能な高性能油回収装置の実用化の段階に至った。<BR>本研究の成果は研究で終わるものではなく、出来るだけ早く実機を供給し、油流出による海洋汚染の防除体制の一端を担うことによって、真の貢献が評価されるものと確信している。
山本 初之助
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.48, pp.11-24, 1931-10-31

In the Yamamoto's feed-pump engine, the main valve chest and the auxiliary valve chest are made independent, so as to reduce the length of the main valve and the difference of expansion, and the space for the movement of the main valve was able to be uniformly distributed. The test results of 72 sets of feed-pumps with this system for high-pressure boilers of 200〜600 lbs./sq. in. are as follows : -1.The piston speed was uniform and the engine performance was smooth. 2.The shock, vibration and sound were reduced. 3.The efficiency of pumps was improved and the steam consumption was reduced. 4.It enabled to make starting and stopping of the engine easier and simplified the overhaul inspection. In this paper, the author precisely describes the improved points of this pump in comparison with the Weir's type, yet he says that these are not of absolute nature.
高川 真一 森鼻 英征 下田 廣一郎 山内 裕 神野藤 保夫 井上 和也
関西造船協会誌 (ISSN:03899101)
no.214, pp.177-185, 1990-09-25

The pressure hull of deep submergence research vehicle is an utmost important structure that secures the safety of crew members against the hydrostatic pressure in deep sea, and should be as compact in size and light in weight as possible in order to obtain easy operation and high maneuverability of the vehicle. In design and fabrication of the pressure hull, the application of high strength material which has reliable characteristic for practical use, of design method suitable for such material and fabrication procedure which satisfies the quality requirement of the highest degree have been encouraged. In the develoment of the 6500m deep submergence research vehicle "SHINKAI 6500", which is the latest submergence research vehicle following the 2000m deep submergence research vehicle "SHINKAI 2000" in Japan, the investigation in various fields was carried out in order to adopt titanium alloy, which has superior strength/weight ratio, for the pressure hull. The production procedure of heavy thickness and large size plate and forging material, and the fabrication procedure of the pressure hull were investigated by the fabrication of the full scale model made of titanium alloy and by material tests with specimens cut from the model. The collapse behaviour was examined by collapse tests using scale models of titanium alloy and by nonlinear behaviour analysis with FEM procedure. Finally, in order to confirm both the fabrication procedure and design method in total, the cyclic loading test and collapse test using scale model fabricated according to the procedure equivalent to that for the actual pressure hull. This paper presents the design and fabrication of the pressure hull of "SHINKAI 6500".
木下 健 高木 健 寺尾 裕 井上 憲一 田中 進 小林 顕太郎 山田 通政 高橋 雅博 植弘 崇嗣 内山 政弘 江嵜 宏至 佐藤 増穂 岡村 秀夫
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
no.1, pp.43-53, 2005-06

The present paper proposes a Sailing Wind Farm as main energy resource with small load on an environment. It sails around EEZ of Japan seeking appropriate breezing and avoiding meeting heavy storm like Typhoon. This is a concept of main energy resource of Japan to minimize environmental load when fuel cell and hydrogen will be available for daily life. A prototype design shows feasibility of safe sailing even in case of Typhoon and structural strength in storm. If Sailing Wind Farms, 3900 units of the prototype replace coal power plants, then we can obtain 18% of total electric power generation of Japan and reduce 10% of exhausting CO_2 of the 2002 level.
新開 明二 山口 悟 加賀田 拓郎 久保 憲一 口木 裕介 慎 勝進
西部造船会会報 (ISSN:0389911X)
no.109, pp.93-100, 2005-03-20

The phenomenon in connection with the economical efficiency and the safety which happen during a voyage strongly depends on the situation of the ship operation process. Although the ship operation process is complicated and it is a random phenomenon, it can be regarded as a stochastic model. Therefore, this paper discusses the stochastic-modeling of the ship operation process. A series of numerical simulation experiment have been executed using the data obtained from voyage record of four tankers. In analyzing the numerical simulation result, the possibility of constructing a forecasting scheme of the ship operation process on the basis of the stochastic-modeling is suggested.
INUI Takao KAJITANI Hisashi NARITA Hideaki MORI Kazuhiro
Selected papers from the journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan
vol.9, pp.49-64, 1972-03

A set of three 2m models (M-8, 9, 10) are wave-analyzed, where importance is placed in the bow wave analysis (Part I) rather than in the resultant wave analysis (Part. II). The models are generated from the central vertical plane distribution of sources m(ξ,ζ), whose draftwise distribution is varied as U, V and Λ types under the restriction of ∫^1_0m(ξ) =m(ξ,ζ)dζ=fixed. The results obtained are as follows: Part I-Bow Wave Analysis: (1) The "measured" bow wave patterns show not only the parallel shift (Δx, Δy) but also the "local" distortion in co-ordination to the "calculated" wave patterns where Δy is roughly estimated as B/2. (2) The "measured" bow wave amplitude A_F(θ) is found smaller than the "calculated" amplitude throughout the whole range ofθ=0〜π/2. (3) The comparison among the three tested models shows that the linearized theory does not work so well as far as the frameline effect is concerned. This may suggest a need of some kind of empirical correction factor α_2(ζ) to be applied for the "wave-making" strength of sources, such as 0 < α_2(ζ)&ltlarr;- 1, for 0 &ltlarr;-ζ&ltlarr;- 1 withα_2(0)<1 ,α_2(1)= 1 , whereζ=f/T (f = immersion of source, T = draft of distribution plane). Part II-Resultant Wave Analysis: (1) The resultant of bow and stern waves of Model M-8, the proto-type, is wave-analyzed. (2) Newman's truncation formula is not valid except y=0. (3) The effect of finite transverse separation (y) is of less importance than the truncation error. (4) A remarkable discrepancy is observed between "measured" and "calculated" wave amplitudes, particularly in the smaller range of θor the transverse wave component. (5) Beside viscosity effect, sheltering effect is supposed to be the cause for this discrepancy.
末光 哲二 松本 憲洋
関西造船協会誌 (ISSN:03899101)
no.196, pp.137-146, 1985-03-30

A prediction method of motion basd on a simulated calculation in the time domain is usually adopted to design and evaluate dynamic positioning capabilities of offshore structures under varying environmental conditions. In this paper, the prediction method of dynamic positioning motion using hydrodynamic forces and moments obtained from captive model tests was proposed. In addition to this, the sea tria1 of the semi-submersible drilling platform was carried out, and from the acquired data, the dynamic response characterstics of motion to the thruster output were calculated. Comparing the results of the sea trial with the predicted results by the present method, the validity of this prediction method was verified. Then, some simulated calculations concerning the dynamic positioning characteristics under combined environmental conditions of current, wind and waves were carried out. It was shown from the power spectra of motion and thruster output that the wave filtering technique was important for reducing the useless operation of thrusters.
渡辺 四郎 船川 正哉 馬越 立郎 山本 茂 堀川 武
関西造船協会誌 (ISSN:03899101)
no.141, pp.25-31, 1971-09-30

A unique technique of measuring the stress of propeller blade under service condition was developed, and applied to the stress measurement of a controllable pitch propeller of an actual ship. In this report, the measuring apparatus and methods are mainly stated, outline of which is as follws; The strain gauge wire is connected from the propeller to the steering engine room through the slip-ring on the rudder-horn. The strain gauge wires are loosened between the blade and propeller boss, and the loosened wire is covered for protection from the damage by the water flow. By this unique method, the measuring can be accomplished without extracting and boring of propeller shaft. Adhesion and coating of strain gauges were studied and it was made clear that epoxy type adhesive for strain gauge adhesion and the coating by rubber type bond are best. The flexibility of the rubber type bond is especially effective to overcome the cracks in the coating even after drying. Stress measurement is conducted under the stational sea-going condition and the crash astern test. The obtained records at these tests are shown. According to these records, the double amplitude of oscillating stress of the blades is in the same extent as the mean stress.
平山 次清 崔 龍虎
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.189, pp.39-46, 2001-06
4 1

The sea trials for new ships are carried out for guaranteeing the ship performances in still water. Of course, this does not guarantee the performances in operating sea condition. But the ships mostly operate in winds, waves and currents and not in still water. Usually, those effects are included in the so called sea-margin. Following to the development of sea-keeping theory and motion/wave measurement technology, the increasing demand for guaranteeing the ship performances in operating condition is natural. In this context, the establishment of the "rough sea state" will be useful as one step for realizing the guarantee in operating condition. The "rough sea state" is one of the evaluation-sea-states. Evaluation-sea-states are used as key condition that the evaluations of ship performances are carried out comparing with the monitored actual results. In this paper, we proposed such a "rough sea state" based on added wave resistance and long-term wave database constructed by hind-cast technique.