児玉 恵美
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.37, no.1, pp.99-118, 2021-08-15 (Released:2022-09-30)

This article describes the collective and personal memories generated from a cemetery where the dead of the Palestinian Revolution in Lebanon are buried. Previous studies of the revolution have focused on the historical process whereby the Palestinians living in refugee camps participated in the revolution: Many camp residents took weapons to fight for their return to the land of Palestine in the 1970s. This raises the following research question: How have the dead of the Palestine Revolution been recollected and commemorated by both the Palestinian leadership and people? This article examines the Palestinian Martyrs’ Cemetery near Shatila Camp in Beirut, because this cemetery is the burial place of many national heroes and the site of commemorative practices to honor all the martyrs. Recollecting and commemorating the martyrs connects visitors to the land of Palestine as their own true root. One of these Palestinian martyrs buried in this cemetery is Majid Husayn Attie (Mājid Ḥusayin ‘Aṭīya). Retelling Majid’s life history, his son also recollected the resistance from the perspective of a familial martyr. This paper concludes that the grave is the notion that connects collective and personal death, and collective and personal memory.
相樂 悠太
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.34, no.1, pp.63-89, 2018-07-15 (Released:2019-10-01)

The ḥadīth qudsī, which reports God’s sayings in the first person through Prophet Muhammad, is said to be in deep relationship with the formation of Islamic mystical thoughts. Ibn ‘Arabī (d. 1240), the greatest mystic of Islam, often cites the ḥadīth qudsī as stating “My earth and heaven do not contain Me, but My faithful servant’s heart contains Me,” and tells that the heart of the mystic contains the God. Previous studies of this doctrine have not directed enough attention to his interpretation of this divine saying. I clarify the relationship of this doctrine to his famous theory of “self-disclosure of God” (tajallī) and “perfect man” (insān kāmil) based on the investigation into his interpretation of this ḥadīth in his magnum opus, al-Futūḥāt al-Makkīya. According to Ibn ‘Arabī, this ḥadīth means that the heart of a perfect man, the knot between God and the cosmos, contains the whole cosmos as God’s self-disclosure. In this interpretation, the concept of the heart, which belongs to the doctrine of the human soul, is tightly connected to the ontological and metaphysical doctrine in his system. This connection is not seen in the previous Sufi thought and appears to be one aspect of his historical role in constructing Islamic mystical philosophy.
今城 尚彦
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.36, no.2, pp.85-103, 2021-03-15 (Released:2022-03-31)

The Alevis, a Muslim minority group in Turkey, have been marginalized as “non-believers” and “atheists” by the Sunni majority. Following a long period of political turmoil that involved discrimination and massacres, Alevilik were considered taboo in Turkish society. However, the 1990s brought about a turning point: more people publicly identified as Alevis and thus became more visible in the Turkish public sphere. The cemevis, or centers for their religious activities, increased at this time and today continue to provide services to those seeking an Alevi way of life. This process of increased visibility, called the “Alevi revival,” received a great deal of scholarly attention. However, some of the younger generation born after the beginning of the “Alevi revival” see such rituals as anachronistic and are hesitant to identify themselves as Alevis. Some studies have shown the reformulation of Alevilik as a “faith” through the process of cemevis becoming the counterpart of mosques. Others have emphasized the importance of self-identifying as being of Alevi lineage. Since such studies have focused on the foregrounded Aleviness, it is still unclear how the younger generation has come to terms with their Alevi origins. This study aims to shed light on the struggles of the younger generation by focusing on the ambiguity of the term Alevilik. It concludes that the “Alevi revival,” which supposedly enabled more people to identify as Alevis, also generated new forms of silence by emphasizing the religious aspects of Alevilik.
清水 芳見
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.7, pp.273-310, 1992-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

Although a rich folklore of ghosts and spirits exists in Arab Muslim societies, the anthropological study of this subject is extremely scarce. The purpose of this article is to present a description. and analysis of the Arab Muslims'belief in ghosts and spirits in the village of Kufr Yuba in North Jordan, compared with the cases in the other Arab Muslim societies and those in the non-Muslim societies, particularly in Japan. The fieldwork on which this article is based was carried out in the years 1986-1988 when I was a research fellow at the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, Irbid. Kufr Yuba is an Arab village located at about six kilometers west of the city of Irbid, with a population of some nine thousand Sunni Muslims. Although it is originally a cereal-growing village, its occupational structure is at present diversified and the agricultural population is estimated approximately at twenty percent of the total. The literary Arabic (al-fusha) equivalent of the Japanese term yurei, which is mostly translated in English as ghost, is generally shabah. In Kufr Yuba, however, the term shabah is not always equivalent to the yurei. First of all, the villagers' general image of the shabah is quite different from that of the Japanese yurei. The yurei is generally regarded as the disembodied soul of a dead person appearing to the living in the shape of what he was before death, whereas the shabah is conceived as a kind of jinn, that is, spirits mentioned in the Qur'an. The term jinn, which is a plural in literary Arabic, is a masculine singular in Kufr Yuba, and its feminine singular form is jinniyya. A lot of villagers believe in the existence of such spiritual beings exactly because they are referred to as one of the various creations of 'Allah in the Qur'an. Therefore, not a few anecdotes have been woven around jinn, and for example, during my stay in the village, the weekly newspaper al-Haqiqa (26 May 1987) carried a report entitled "li-man raqs al-jinn ala muthallath Kufr Yuba (Who performs a jinn dance at the T-crossroads of Kufr Yuba?)". According to the Qur'an, there are good jinn and bad jinn, that is, Muslims and infidels. The people of Kufr Yuba in general stand in fear of all of the jinn, however, thinking of them as evil and harmful. It is presumably because they entertain some apprehensions about the unidentified natural shape of the jinn. The Qur'an says nothing but that the jinn were created of fire. Such 'fearful' jinn have played a very important role in what is called islamization. Islam has introduced its own spirits in the form of jinn, and has placed all the local spirits and pagan gods in the category of jinn.
富田 広士
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.27, no.1, pp.183-206, 2011

宇野 昌樹
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.12, pp.217-243, 1997

There is a mountainous region, covered by volcanic rocks called Jabal Druze, situated approximately 80km south-east from Damascus, the capital of Syria. This region is inhabited almost entirely by Druze people and is the largest center for the Druze in Syria, and an important stronghold of the Druze in the Middle East. It was from the end of the 17th century to the early 18th century that the Druze built their community in this region, which seemed to be waste land. However, only since the early 19th century have the Druze people increased their population rapidly and established their influence. In 1861, the name "Jabal Druze" was first mentioned officially as a place name in Ottoman documents. The establishment and the expansion of the Druze community in Jabal Druze were impelled by the Druze settlers (newcomers), who came from other regions beginning in the 19th century. Their arrival affected the preexisting community in Jabal Druze in diverse ways. In short, on one hand, the migration of the Druze led to the establishment and expansion of the communal society. On the other hand, the Druze community has experienced a large social change due to the rapid expansion of the population. The following examples will serve to highlight these social changes. First, the prominent family, which had dominated the Druze community since its early establishment in Jabal Druze, lost its leading position, and has been replaced by a new prominent family. In short, the expansion of the community played an important role in destroying the relations among existing powers. Second, the leading religious class was formed. It is well known that there is a hierarchy, like Sheikh 'Aql, 'Uqqal and Juhhal, in their religious establishment. But it seems that the leading religious class as a Sheikh 'Aql did not exist before the 19th century, but only since the 19th century. It seems that the appearance of the leading religious class occurred because of the growing population of the Druze and the development of the Druze community. But the most rapid social change inside the Druze community may be the growth of the difference between the rich and poor peasants'. That is to say, the society differentiated deeply between "haves" and "have-nots" (holders and nonholders) by the increasing of the population. Although in 1889, many Druze peasants rose in revolt on a large scale (the so-called "Ammiya"), it seems that the main cause of the revolt were the rapid social changes created by the artificial increase of the population due to migration. The main motives of this article are to examine the following points: one is how the increase of the population brought the social changes through the Druze migration to Jabal Druze during the 19th century. The other is how the social changes affected the outbreak of the Druze peasants' revolt.
今井 真士
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.36, no.1, pp.1-27, 2020-08-31 (Released:2021-09-30)

To appropriately understand and operationalize the concept of “personalist rule,” this article separates the institutional arrangements of the (de)centralization of executive power into three components: the organizational foundation of the ruling elites, executive-legislative relations, and constitutional authority and partisan power. This article is divided into four sections. First, it indicates that previous studies on “personalist rule” have focused on its two primary features: the long-standing rule and centralization of executive power. Second, based on the above three aspects of the (de)centralization of executive power, it explores the institutional arrangements of the Egyptian third republic, which was established in the 2014 constitution and reformed in 2019 to coexist with the second chamber, the vice presidency, and presidential term limits under semi-presidentialism. Third, it discusses the institutional implications of extensive constitutional reform and suggests that the introduction of the vice presidency and second chamber, with the simultaneous relaxation of presidential term limits, can give an impression of strengthening the decentralization of executive power when in fact weakening it. Finally, it concludes that such an argument contributes to broadening the institutionalist perspective on authoritarian regimes and constructing a measurable and reproducible indicator of “personalist rule.”
臼杵 陽
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.28, no.2, pp.59-84, 2012

本論文は大川周明の生涯を通して彼のイスラームへの関心の変化を論じる。大川は右翼のアジア主義者として知られているが、イスラーム研究者でもあった。彼は東京帝大時代スーフィズムに関心をもった。しかし、彼は 1913年、内的志向の精神的イスラームから外的志向の政治的イスラームその関心を転換させた。同時期、「コーランか剣か」を預言者ムハンマドの好戦的表現だと考えていた。しかし、オスマン帝国崩壊後はイスラームに関して大川は沈黙を保った。約20年後の1942年、大川は著名な『回教概論』を刊行した。同書は読者の期待に反して、日本の戦争宣伝を意図するものではなかった。同書は日本的オリエンタリストの観点から理念型的なイスラームとイスラーム帝国絶頂期の理想化されたイスラーム国家の姿を描いたものだったからである。戦後、東京裁判の被告となったが精神疾患のため免責された。大川は松沢病院でクルアーンの翻訳を行なう一方、完全な人格としての預言者ムハンマドへの崇敬を通してイスラームへの関心を取り戻した。晩年の大川は開祖を通してキリスト教、イスラーム、仏教などの諸宗教を理解する境地に達したのである。
ケネス・ M・クーノ
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.32, no.2, pp.5-20, 2017

浜中 新吾
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.32, no.1, pp.71-87, 2018-06-01

佐藤 友紀
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.35, no.2, pp.1-32, 2020

This essay aims to reveal the relationship between religion, freedom, and nation state powers in the early constitutional kingdom Era in Egypt. To do so, the author investigates the historical processes that resulted in Ṭāhā Ḥusayn being banished from public office by mainly analyzing parliamentary records.In conclusion, the state powers that intervened into issues of religion and freedom cannot simply be regarded as secular political applications of state power. The form of such powers can vary according to perceptions of religion, morals, order, and law, the 1923 constitution, and the relation between state authorities. This presents a complicated image of the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt that transcends the simplistic framework by which the two were considered either segregated or unsegregated.
Bukhary Essam
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.23, no.1, pp.39-84, 2007

大渕 久志
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.34, no.1, pp.1-33, 2018

イスラームの哲学的神学(philosophical theology)についてイブン・スィーナー(アヴィセンナ、1037年没)の影響力が一般的に強調されるが、哲学的神学形成の立役者とされるファフルッディーン・ラーズィー(1210年没)は、イブン・スィーナーおよびアブルバラカート・バグダーディー(1152年没)の哲学のみならず、占星術や魔術のようなオカルト諸学にも造詣が深かった。これまでの研究は、これらオカルト諸学が自然学系の哲学として当時見なされていたにもかかわらず、ラーズィーの神学において占めるその価値を評価してこなかった。本論文は13世紀初頭における哲学的神学の実態を明らかにする研究の一部として、オカルト諸学を含む哲学がラーズィーの神学へどのように摂取されているかを考察する。第Ⅰ節の序論に続き、第Ⅱ節において彼の神学著作を時系列に沿って精査し、彼自身がどのような思想体系を哲学と認め、実際に受容したのかを検討する。すでに知られているように、ラーズィーはシャフラスターニー(1153年没)がその代表作『諸信条と諸宗教』(<i>al-Milal wa-l-niḥal</i>)においてサービア教徒内の分派、霊魂崇拝者のものとして記述していた宇宙論を、預言者を天使の下位に位置づける「哲学者」の教説として批判していた。霊魂崇拝者はヘルメスという神話的存在の権威を認め、占星術や宇宙霊魂を仲介とした魔術などのオカルト諸学を実践していたが、彼らの宇宙論をラーズィーが最晩年の『神学における崇高な課題』(al-Maṭālib al-'āliya min 'ilm al-ilāhī)では一転して自らの学説として採用している事実を筆者は新しく指摘する。第Ⅲ節では、ラーズィーが受容したところの「哲学者」すなわち霊魂崇拝者の由来を問う。近年の研究が明らかにしているように、サービア教徒と関連づけられてきたヘルメスという神話的人物が、シャフラスターニーを端緒としてイスラーム思想に積極的に取り入れられた。ラーズィーもこのアラビア・ヘルメス主義の興隆という時代に活動していた点を筆者は確認し、彼が認めた「哲学者」はこうした秘教的由来を有していることを指摘する。最後に第Ⅳ節では『神学における崇高な課題』をさらに読み、先の霊魂崇拝者の宇宙論のみならず、占星術や関連する天体魔術('ilm al-ṭilasmāt)などオカルト諸学の理論を神学へ受容していること、また彼がここで天体魔術師(aṣḥāb al-ṭilasmāt)を「古代の哲学者」と呼びあらわしていることを示す。ラーズィーは天体魔術師の思想を彼自身の神学へと受容した結果としてイブン・スィーナーと対照的に、流出(fayḍ)ではなく痕跡(athar)を鍵概念にする普遍霊魂論を採用し、人間のあいだの種(naw')を認める。霊魂崇拝者と天体魔術師はともにヘルメスの権威を認め、宇宙霊魂を仲介として地上に魔術的事象を実現することができると信じる。ラーズィーが両者を同一視していたか否かは断言できないが、彼はアヴィセンナ哲学の構造・概念をある程度保持しながらも代替となるべきものとして、オカルト諸学と通常呼ばれるような「哲学」を「神学」に統合したのである。