浜中 新吾
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 (ISSN:05134684)
vol.37, no.1, pp.35-51, 2006-07-31

The rentier state theory gives us the best explanation about a success of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East. Some theorists extend it to non oil-producing countries, like Jordan or Syria, which had gotten workers remittance or official development assistance as a rent. So they can survive their own regime as semi rentier states. However, we should not do this easy theoretical extension. Instead we would get lots of good implications from another approach. The purpose of this paper is to build the formal model of sub categories for authoritarian regime, then to do a positive analysis. I adapt Survival Analysis as the numerical method in the paper. The analysis gives three results to us; (1) higher economic growth stabilize authoritarian regime, (2) oil rent contributes to survivability of regimes, especially monarchies, (3) both monarchies and mixed regime of personal-military-party are stronger than other type of authoritarian regime.
浜中 新吾
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 (ISSN:05134684)
vol.39, no.2, pp.21-61, 2009-02-15

はじめに:現代の中東は頑健な王制および権威主義体制の実例を数多く抱えている。ゆえに中東をフィールドとする地域研究者だけでなく、非民主体制に関心をもっ比較政治学者も引きつけてきた。 その結果、中東諸国を事例とした権威主義体制研究が増殖し、豊富化した。かつて「民主化の 例外地帯」「中東例外論」(Bromlcy 1995) として語られ、これを説明するために「イスラーム 的政治文化」までもが持ち出された頃と比較すると、隔世の感がある。なぜなら、民主化とい う一般的トレンドからの逸脱事例をその文化の固有性によって説明する態度は、統一的フレー ムワークによる比較の可能性を排除してしまうからだ。現在の権威主義体制研究は、安易な文 化論におもねることをよしとせず、社会経済の構造と動態や資源をめぐる政治エリート間のパワーゲームと相互作用、といった現象に焦点を当てて分析することで理論と事例の調和を志向 している。 中東諸国の政治に共通するひとつの特徴は、軍の存在感と影響力の大きさであろう。Bellin (2005) は軍部を合む抑圧装置の並外れた力と意思によって、あらゆる民主的イニシアティブが 弾圧され、その結果として権威主義体制が持続すると主張した。Rubin (2002) も文民統治を続 けている共和制国家においてクーデタを避けるため、軍に国内秩序を維持できるだけの力しか 与えず、その代償に戦争を遂行する武装集団として機能しえない、と論じた。中東諸国の軍隊 は権威主義体制を維持する協力者としてだけでなく、社会の余剰労働力を吸収する雇用先とし ても秩序の維持に貢献しているのだという。また、政軍関係は休制変動論や政治発展論においてフォーカスされるテーマでもある。ハンチントン(2006) が指摘するように、民主主義国に特徴的な「軍の政治介入と軍への政治介入の極小化」が権威主義体制において全く見られず、文民統制を著しく欠いている。それゆえ、軍部の政治領域からの隔離が民主化の重要な局面となる。しかしながら、イスラエルは軍部と 政治の結びつきが強いにもかかわらず、軍部は政府の文民統制を受け入れ、建国以降ずっと民主政治を維持している。したがって政軍関係と政治体制に関する一般的知見から判断すると、イ スラエルはアノマリー(変則)ということになる(Etzioni-Halevy1996)。政治と軍部の関係は、クーデタによって体制が変動し軍政に到るケースを検討する際に、と りわけ興味深いものとなる。アルゼンチン、ブラジル、ぺルー、ウルグアイ、チリ、ボリビア といった南米の国々では民主政治に代わって樹立した軍事政権が長期化した。この文脈に照らしたとき、二回のクーデタ後にすぐさま民政復帰を果たしたトルコのケースもまた、アノマリー になる。本稿で扱う課題は、一般理論から導出される権威主義体制の持続メカニズムを中東の事例研究によって検証するとともに、フォーマル・モデル(数理モデル)を適用してアノマリーとなっ た事例のロジックを解明することである。第l節では定量的手法と定性的手法の相互補完性について触れ、検証手段として過程追跡による事例研究の意義を述べる。第2節では大量観察型研究によってフォーマル・モデルの観察可能な含意を確認する。第3節ではエジプト、トルコ、 イスラエルの事例研究を通じてモデルの含意を実証する。最後に本研究から導かれた結果を整理し、残された課題を考察する。
浜中 新吾
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.37, no.1, pp.35-51, 2006-07-31

The rentier state theory gives us the best explanation about a success of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East. Some theorists extend it to non oil-producing countries, like Jordan or Syria, which had gotten workers remittance or official development assistance as a rent. So they can survive their own regime as semi rentier states. However, we should not do this easy theoretical extension. Instead we would get lots of good implications from another approach. The purpose of this paper is to build the formal model of sub categories for authoritarian regime, then to do a positive analysis. I adapt Survival Analysis as the numerical method in the paper. The analysis gives three results to us; (1) higher economic growth stabilize authoritarian regime, (2) oil rent contributes to survivability of regimes, especially monarchies, (3) both monarchies and mixed regime of personal-military-party are stronger than other type of authoritarian regime.
青山 弘之 末近 浩太 錦田 愛子 山尾 大 髙岡 豊 浜中 新吾 高橋 理枝 溝渕 正季

浜中 新吾
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.32, no.1, pp.71-87, 2018-06-01

浜中 新吾 白谷 望
vol.1, pp.1-19, 2015

浜中 新吾 白谷 望
比較政治研究 (ISSN:21890552)
vol.1, pp.1-19, 2015 (Released:2020-01-29)

浜中 新吾
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2007, no.148, pp.43-58,L8, 2007-03-08 (Released:2010-09-01)

A lot of dictatorship have collapsed and made a transition to democratic regimes late the Cold War. However, Middle Eastern states were never experienced with democratization wave. So that, there are scarcely any comparative democratization studies dealt with them. Today, we can understand some peculiar topics or indigenous logic of the Arab politics, because of being recently made advances in area studies of the Middle East. But we tend to think that comparative political research methods are not effective in understanding politics in the Middle East and do not help us to become familiar with it.Lipset's thesis is revaluated and the most popular one that goes with relationship between economic development and democracy after Huntington's democratic third wave. Adam Przeworski and his collaborators tried to renew a modernization theory, then their works help restore confidence of general and comparative theory. However, there is still a paradox that even rich countries do not catch on the path of democratic transition in the Middle East.The rentier state theory is used to explain this paradox why were not Middle Eastern countries democratized. This theory pays attention how much rent, natural resources like oil, natural gas, minerals with which states are able to ensure financial well being, gets support from many political economists. The rent also contains worker's remittance as well as official development assistance from foreign countries. So, a regime without resources may be categorized as a rentier state. A government with affluent rent does not have an incentive to liberalize own politics and societies because it needs not to impose a tax on its people, so the regime is easy to repress dissidents.In this study, I formalize a model of the rentier state theory from Boix-Stokes Modernization model, and then attempt quantitative analyses. My formalized rentier model has a scope of rent seeking activity of governments with fertile natural resources. So the purpose of this research is to shed light on a general effectiveness of the theory as well as to deal with democratic transitions as time passed or not, the Large N Studies is adopt as my research design. The method of quantitative analysis is the Dynamic Probit Model, which Adam Przeworski developed.The result of my study shows that enormous fuel rent tends to suppress democratic transition and promote stability of a dictatorship. But other natural resources and remittance rent have little to do with political transformation. The official development assistance dose not play a role of rent, seems to have a same effect of economic growth for democratization.
浜中 新吾
Japanese Association of Electoral Studies
選挙研究 (ISSN:09123512)
vol.20, pp.178-190,227, 2005-02-28 (Released:2009-01-22)

髙岡 豊 浜中 新吾 溝渕 正季
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.28, no.1, pp.35-58, 2012-07-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

The paper considers the experiences and the perceptions of the Lebanese toward cross-border movement and explains its effects on contemporary Lebanese politics and societies. To this end, we analyzed the results of “Middle East Opinion Poll (Lebanon 2010),” which was conducted by the Beirut Center for Research and Information (BCRI) in May and June 2010. There are some widespread stereotyped images about the Lebanese; for example, they are cosmopolitan, multilingual, and business-oriented, and tend to be entrepreneurial. These images have led the Lebanese to be commonly known as the “New Phoenicians” or a typical case of “Trade Diasporas.” However, the credibility of these images has not necessarily been verified. In this paper, therefore, we attempted to verify the stereotyped image that all the Lebanese are cosmopolitan, by scientific methods and rethought conventional wisdom. The result suggests that all the Lebanese and Lebanese emigrants not necessarily embody the stereotyped images of “New Phoenicians” and “Trade Diasporas,” and there is room for further research on the patterns of cross-border movement of the Lebanese.
山尾 大 浜中 新吾
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-32, 2014-07-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

This paper aims to clarify ‘revised sectarianism’ substantially by analysing the ‘political party support structure’ based on the poll that our research team conducted in Iraq in October 2011. Based on the logit model on the survey data of Iraqi citizens, the following four points became clear. First, the sectarian tendency in party support became relatively clear in analysing macro data such as the results of elections. Second, on the other hand, it became clear that the tendency toward sectarianism undoubtedly varied across sectarian groups when we analysed the micro data of the poll; Sunni voters, in particular, were less subject to sectarian factors in supporting their party. Third, considerably different policies were supported by the voters who supported the same sectarian and ethnic parties. On the other hand, supporters of both the Shi’ite and Sunni parties often showed similarity in terms of policy preferences. Fourth, as the majority of voters tend not to express support for a political party, the main Iraqi parties are losing their support. These four discoveries demonstrate that it is inappropriate to analyse Iraqi politics based on sectarian and ethnic factors alone, and that ideology and policy orientation can also play a significant role.
浜中 新吾
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
no.148, pp.43-58,L8, 2007

A lot of dictatorship have collapsed and made a transition to democratic regimes late the Cold War. However, Middle Eastern states were never experienced with democratization wave. So that, there are scarcely any comparative democratization studies dealt with them. Today, we can understand some peculiar topics or indigenous logic of the Arab politics, because of being recently made advances in area studies of the Middle East. But we tend to think that comparative political research methods are not effective in understanding politics in the Middle East and do not help us to become familiar with it.<br>Lipset's thesis is revaluated and the most popular one that goes with relationship between economic development and democracy after Huntington's democratic third wave. Adam Przeworski and his collaborators tried to renew a modernization theory, then their works help restore confidence of general and comparative theory. However, there is still a paradox that even rich countries do not catch on the path of democratic transition in the Middle East.<br>The rentier state theory is used to explain this paradox why were not Middle Eastern countries democratized. This theory pays attention how much rent, natural resources like oil, natural gas, minerals with which states are able to ensure financial well being, gets support from many political economists. The rent also contains worker's remittance as well as official development assistance from foreign countries. So, a regime without resources may be categorized as a rentier state. A government with affluent rent does not have an incentive to liberalize own politics and societies because it needs not to impose a tax on its people, so the regime is easy to repress dissidents.<br>In this study, I formalize a model of the rentier state theory from Boix-Stokes Modernization model, and then attempt quantitative analyses. My formalized rentier model has a scope of rent seeking activity of governments with fertile natural resources. So the purpose of this research is to shed light on a general effectiveness of the theory as well as to deal with democratic transitions as time passed or not, the Large N Studies is adopt as my research design. The method of quantitative analysis is the Dynamic Probit Model, which Adam Przeworski developed.<br>The result of my study shows that enormous fuel rent tends to suppress democratic transition and promote stability of a dictatorship. But other natural resources and remittance rent have little to do with political transformation. The official development assistance dose not play a role of rent, seems to have a same effect of economic growth for democratization.
浜中 新吾 ハマナカ シンゴ
立命館国際地域研究 (ISSN:09172971)
no.19, pp.165-186, 2002-02

はじめに 本論文は1990年代の有権者の投票行動を分析し、国民世論と政党支持の変遷を通してイスラエル政党システムの変容にアプローチし、政党システム変容と中東和平プロセスへの関連を洞察しようとするものである。この際、選挙制度改革が政党システムに与えた影響に留意し、イスラエル現代政治における問題関心だけでなく、選挙制度の制約と有権者の行動、そして政党システムの変容がそれぞれどのように関連しているのかという比較政治学上の理論的な問題関心に対しても答えていきたい。