中野 達也 倉成 真也 田渕 基嗣
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.83, no.744, pp.321-331, 2018 (Released:2018-02-28)

In this study, beam-end connections of a steel structure using a pre-built-up H-shaped beams by submerged arc welding (SAW) are targeted, the structural characteristics is evaluated, the design and construction methods to prevent early brittle fracture are investigated. In this paper, first the influence of the welding construction conditions to the toughness of SAW metal was investigated, next the influence of the toughness of SAW metal to the structural characteristics of the beam-end connection were investigated by the full-scale cyclic loading test. The influence of the welding construction conditions to the toughness of SAW metal was investigated for two kinds of weld metals. One is a fillet weld metal by one-pass of tandem electrodes SAW, the other is a weld metal by multi-layer and multi-pass of single electrode SAW conforming to JIS. The test results showed that the toughness of the fillet weld metal was lower than that of the JIS weld metal. The toughness of SAW metal depended on a flux, was less affected by a steel material and a welding wire. The Charpy absorbed energy at 0°C (vE0) increased with the increase of the basicity of the flux. The fracture situation and the structural characteristics of the beam-end connection were investigated by the full-scale cyclic loading test in which the parameter is the toughness of SAW metal. Three specimens were provided, vE0 of SAW metal is 15J, 48J and 59J. In all the specimens, vE0 of the base metal of beam flange was 165J and the non-welding part remained in the fillet weld by SAW. In test result of all specimens, the point of crack initiation was the bottom of weld access hole and the brittle fracture occurred at the beam-end flange joint. The conversion position from ductile fracture to brittle fracture is inside SAW metal in case that vE0 of SAW metal is 15J, near SAW bond line in case that vE0 of SAW metal is 48J and 59J. As for the structural characteristics of the beam-end connection, it became clear that the maximum bending strength and the plastic deformation capacity of the beam-end connection increased with the increase of the toughness of the SAW metal in the range where the toughness is low. In case that vE0 of SAW metal is 15J, the plastic deformation capacity was about 40% of the required performance. On the other hand, in cases that vE0 is 48J and 59J, the required performance was satisfied. From the above results, it is considered that the influence of the toughness of SAW metal to the plastic deformation capacity of the beam-end connection using pre-built-up H-shaped beam is serious. It is certain that early brittle fracture occurred in case that SAW metal had low toughness, even though the base metal of beam flange had high toughness. On the other hand, it became clear that the plastic deformation capacity exceeding the required performance can be obtained by ensuring the toughness of SAW metal, even if the brittle failure occurred. If the weld access hole are provided at the beam-end connection using pre-built-up H-shaped beam, it is necessary to ensure the toughness of SAW metal by paying attention to the selection of the wire and the flux used for SAW.
多賀谷 麻美 杉本 俊多
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.620, pp.221-228, 2007-10-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
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Shintenchi district as an amusement quarter has begun in the middle of Meiji Era as "Kanshouba", a commercial promoting zone, and developed in Taishou Era into the representative urban amusement quarter in Hiroshima. The district was located behind the main traffic street of the castle town Hiroshima in Edo Era and mainly composed with the lots for Samurai residences. The joint-stock corporation Shintenchi co. has collected a lot of complicated lots and designed a modern amusement quarter with three big theaters and many shops integrated through subtle lane-network. This paper has reconstructed three stages of allotment of this district, and discussed how the allotment formed since Edo Era were transformed and utilized into the modern space for the urban amusement, which was inherited as one of the central commercial and amusement district in Hiroshima after WWII.
小林 茂雄 谷岡 春美 村中 美奈子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.74, no.637, pp.249-254, 2009-03-30 (Released:2009-11-24)

In this research, people's sitting and lying postures on a grass surface in a park were observed. The principle results are summarized as follows.1. More people tended to lie down on sloping grass than on level grass, but the degree of slope did not necessarily affect their postures.2. Men tended to lie down more than women, and the majority of the women sat vertically on the grass.3. Younger people tended to lie down more than older people.4. Men tended to lie down when they were alone or when they were accompanied by either male or female friends. Women tended to lie down when they were accompanied by male friends.5. When more people were on the grass, those lying down tended to remain face up.6. When the temperature was low, people tended to sit, and moreover, sitting people tended to lean forward.
平山 洋介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.636, pp.431-438, 2009-02-28

This paper, drawing on empirical data obtained by re-calculations of the micro-data of the National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, explores transformations in the condition of housing asset formation. In Japan's home-owning society, many households attained residential property ownership to accumulate a considerable asset in the rapid economic development period. The paper, however, demonstrates the fact that the traditional conditions of home-ownership and housing assets have increasingly been eroded since the early 1990s when the deflationary economy appeared with the bubble collapse as a turning point.
余 飛 中谷 礼仁
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.766, pp.2669-2677, 2019 (Released:2019-12-30)

From 1950s to 1980s, in the modern history of China, a significant movement once happened in the ordinary rural areas throughout the whole country, that is People’s Commune. As the precious legacy of the practice of Marxism, it has been researched in a broad range of fields like History, Sociology, Economics and so on. However, in the field of architectural history, the research on the People's Commune still remains a state of blank. The Weixing Commune is known as the first funded People's Commune in 1958 in which a group of architectural professionals from South China University of Technology, which is one of the early-funded architecture school in China whose main staff completed their studies from the western world once took part in the planning and design of it. This paper tries to figure out how they planed the People's Commune, where was their design concept from in the period of social transformation overlapped between Communism and Modernism in 1950s. Through the analysis of the proposal, this study made it clear that facing the new design topic under the ideology of Communism which somehow acted as a political task, the design group tried to use the idea of Neighborhood Unit put forward by an American planner named Clarence Arthur Perry, which is one of the most important concept of modern town planning in 20th century and adjusted it in some way fit to the rural villages to accomplish the spatialization of institution. In conclusion, under the prevailing idea of Modernism in Architecture(1950s), the architects of this case did tried to put forward their proposals in the Commune planning. In the movement of People’s Commune proposed by the Chinese government at that period, most of the Chinese architectural professionals just like the design group from South China University of Technology, did tried to use their knowledge of architecture to change the traditional villages, which somehow acted as a great chance for China to accept the idea of Urban Planning and Moderism architecture from the western world.
岡﨑 智仁 河野 守
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.81, no.720, pp.369-376, 2016 (Released:2016-02-28)

A story of a building may collapse due to excessive column inclination caused by thermal elongation of connecting steel beams during fire. However, thermal elongation of steel beams is not investigated fully. It can be thought that the thermal elongation is restrained by the rigidity of adjacent members. Their restrain effects are modeled by a spring at the end of the heated beam. From the consideration of full scale fire furnace tests of steel beams which were constrained by the RC slab, it can be assumed that the constraining effect of the RC slab is presented by its bending stiffness. Furthermore, the stiffness reduction can be indicated by an exponential equation. This study indicates that the thermal elongation of steel beams can be predicted accurately by the simple theoretical formula for the performance based fire engineering design.
赤尾 光司 後藤 春彦 三宅 諭 米山 勇
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.519, pp.187-194, 1999-05-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the forming process of landscape in Waseda University, Nishiwaseda Campus through the analysis of "City beauty" by Prof. Koichi Satow and the history of the building and repairing organization. Prof. Koichi Satow and the city beauty of that he had a concept had affected the design of Nishiwaseda Campus. We interpret the concept of the city beauty as a modern adjustment using the beauty factors of "Change" and of "Unity". Which was, inherited through : 1) the deep relation between the building and repairs organization and the architecture laboratories before the Second World War, 2) The leading engineer Sugiura, who followed the steps of campus designing after the Second World War.
金 政一 加藤 信介 李 時桓
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.78, no.693, pp.859-864, 2013-11-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility of radiant heating & cooling system by means of field measurements and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations coupled with convection and radiation. Radiant panels can be operated below the dewpoint temperature and can remove humidity from the air by condensation. It is necessary to model the radiant panel in the shape of actual use to understand the thermal characteristics of the radiant panel. In the first step of this study, the indoor thermal environment of the real scale space, which is air-conditioned by radiant heating system, is analyzed by field measurement and CFD. With comparing the both results, the validity of the CFD method is examined from the practical point of view. In case of the multi panel model, the influence of convection is greater. The radiant panel of actual use is not real “Radiant Panel” because ASHRAE named it which radiant heat transfer rate of the overall heat transfer rate is more than 50%.
石田 航星 志手 一哉 壹岐 健章
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.726, pp.1743-1753, 2016 (Released:2016-08-30)

Building information modeling (BIM) is an important technology in the design and construction of buildings. BIM is also used in the construction of building equipment. In recent years, construction companies have been promoting the introduction of BIM. Typically, the technologies of building construction are introduced for each department. However, BIM has been promoting technology introduction beyond departments and companies. Therefore, we analyzed the process of introducing BIM in construction companies. We also analyzed the proportion of companies that introduced BIM, process of technology introduction, and the organizational form of the construction companies. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of construction companies about BIM. Based on the questionnaire results, we performed an analysis of corporate organization as follows. 1. Analyze the relationship between the respondents of a department and technician experts by cross tabulation. 2. Classify respondents by factor analysis. 3. Discuss the motivation behind introducing BIM by covariance structure analysis. The percentage of companies that have used BIM in their construction projects was approximately 32%. Moreover, 40% of the survey respondents collect BIM information. More than 50% of the respondents think that construction work using BIM is more efficient than the traditional construction work. These results mean that BIM entered a stage of popularity. On the other hand, the percentage of engineers that manipulate 3D-CAD or BIM is only approximately 23%. The occupation of the highest percentage of 3D-CAD users is construction engineers of building equipment. Architects are also a high percentage of 3D-CAD users. Then, we created a contingency table (Table 4) for the relationship between the current department and the specialized field of survey respondents. All personnel who belong to the building construction department are part of the specialized field of building construction. On the other hand, 22% of the personnel who belong to the architectural design department are part of a different specialized field of architectural design. Next, we performed an exploratory factor analysis on the questionnaire results. Maximum likelihood estimation with a promax rotation of 32 Likert scale questions was conducted on data gathered from 212 participants. The results of the promax rotation of the solution are listed in Table 8. When loadings less than 0.35 were excluded, the analysis yielded a seven-factor solution. The seven factors were labeled as follows: "Expectations of BIM (Factor 1)", "The degree of information gathering about BIM (Factor 2)", "The need for the introduction of front-loading (Factor 3)", "IT skill levels of the respondents (Factor 4)", “Adequacy of information equipment in the belonging company (Factor 5)”, “Growth potential of the construction industry (Factor 6)”, and “Dissatisfaction with the current construction technology (Factor 7).” Moreover, we performed a hierarchical cluster analysis by selecting three factors—Factor 2, Factor 4, and Factor 6. As a result, we classified four respondent groups. In addition, we analyzed of the motivation behind the introduction of BIM by structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of SEM analysis are shown in Fig. 12. SEM supposes that motivations behind introducing BIM are to improve productivity of the construction work.
岡崎 瑠美 三宅 理一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.674, pp.951-957, 2012-04-30 (Released:2012-07-02)
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Harar, situated in the eastern highland of Ethiopia, has flourished by dominating the caravan route from Red Sea to the inland Ethiopia. Registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2006, the old town of Harar Jugol still maintains its traditional character as Muslim city. This paper aims at the status quo of its architectural heritage by analyzing its building typology as well as the housing conditions for those who reside within the old residences, some of which date back even to the 17th century. According to the full research on both the buildings and the inhabitants in a selected case study area, central Harar was proved to be a unique city with the characteristic of woman-headed society with strong tie among them. Unlike other historical cities in Ethiopia, Harar still keeps the nature of comparatively wealthy residents supported by a dense network of Harari who dispersed all over Ethiopia.
大佛 俊泰
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.593, pp.117-122, 2005-07-30 (Released:2017-02-11)
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A model that can generate compact and intelligible route guidance maps is essential for distributing efficient information on pedestrian route guidance through mobile terminals. In this research, we focus on the fact that the existing route guidance maps have been prepared by considering the characteristics of people's spatial cognition. By analyzing which roads and buildings are represented in the existing maps, i.e., which map elements are important and necessary for pedestrian route guidance, we construct a model that can extract key map elements from the geographical database. The route guidance maps generated by the proposed model are shown and evaluated in comparison with the existing maps.