岩脇 千裕
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.309-327, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The purpose of this study is to clarify changes in the image of desirable characteristicsfor new university graduate hirees after the collapse of bubble economyand the growth of the university enrolment rate in Japan during the 1990s. Thehypothesis is explored that Japanese companies have changed their recruitmentpolicy away from emphasizing future training potential and toward adaptableimmediate fighting potential. For the analysis, articles from job-placementmagazines for recruitment in 1991 and 2001 are used. Words and phrases arecollected from the company recruiters' comments on the focus for hiring newgraduates. Then, a check is carried out to look at changes in the frequency of top36 items. Finally, an analysis is conducted of the combination-pattern of top 12items, using Hayashi's Statistical Method III.The major findings are as follows.(1) The most frequent five items in bothyears tend to show activeness. “Individuality” ranks high only in 1991, and “Autonomy” in 2001. There was a significant rise in items showing practicalability, and a decrease in items showing personality.(2) Analyzing the top 12items using Hayashi's Statistical Method III, two dimensions of the image ofdesirable new employees, “Appearance vs. Performance” and “Intention tomake the company active vs. Intention to develop the company, ” are found.Using the 1991 data, the items are categorized into four groups: “Cheerfulness, ” Innovative Action, “Aspiration to Achieve” and “Spiritual Strength.” For the2001 data, they are categorized into three groups, removing “Spiritual Strength.” The shift of “Autonomy” from the group “Aspiration to Achieve” to the group “Innovative Action” suggests that companies have placed increasing importanceon the results of new employees' autonomous action compared to the process inwhich they set up and attain targets.(3) Analyzing the arrangements of averagecase scores by company size and type of business, it is suggested that thebusiness condition of companies affects the image of desirable new employees.These results show that Japanese companies considered activeness as theessential element for new employees during the 1990s. However, the optionalelements have changed from “Individuality”, personality and processes to “Autonomy”, practical ability and results. Companies may have given up ontraining young employees due to their strained business conditions. In conclusion, this study reveals that the image of desirable characteristics of newgraduates changed from “objects of training” to “subjects who act autonomously”
小林 信一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.51, pp.53-67, 1992-10-10

The author investigates how the present information society influences science education, using the "Savages in a Civilized Society" hypothesis. The information society after 1980 figured a transformation in each area of science and technology, product technology, media technology, media space, expression and software. Such an information society brought the fluctuation of reality, the reduction of physical existence of technology, and the enlargement of technology as medium. As a result, people's attitude toward science and technology separated to the receptivity of amenities, which science and technology offered, and the concern about science and technology activities. The improvement of science and technology amenities was not always related to the increased concern about science and technology activities. Therefore, the "savages in a civilized society" with high receptivity to science and technology amenities and low concern about science and technology activities have increased. An analysis of high school students' consideration of science and technology has revealed that the tendency to be "savages in a civilized society" is possessed by about 14 percent of high school students. The high receptivity to science and technology amenities has a positive effect on the increased desire for science education. However, the low concern about sciende and technology activities of "savages in a civilized society" decreases much more the desire for science education. Consequently, the increase of "savages in a civilized society" decreases the desire for science education as a whole. This is a paradoxical result of the advancement of science and technology. At the same time, however, it is also inevitable.
川嶋 太津夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.54, pp.61-82, 1994-06-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
安藤 理
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.47-65, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

Studies in the sociology of education have not paid sufficient attention to the social effects of intergenerational academic background mobility. Intergenerational academic background mobility means the change between an individual's academic background and that of his/her father. This paper examines support for redistribution to clarify the effect. Using the integrated data of JGSS-2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, the author finds that college graduates whose fathers are also college graduates tend to not support redistribution compared to college graduates whose fathers are graduates from compulsory education alone. This means that intergenerational academic background mobility has a gap-widening effect. People who receive an advantage by the fact that their own fathers are college graduates tend to not support redistribution, implying that the gap will continuously expand.The policy implication of this paper is that as the percent of students pursuing higher education increases, people who tend to not support redistribution will also increase. It is possible, thus, that it will become more difficult for policy makers to implement redistribution policies.
伊藤 茂樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.59, pp.21-37, 1996-10-15

In post-war Japan, juvenile delinquency has been "moving" from the society outside school, to the border between society and school, to inside school, and finally, to inside people's "mind". In recent years, people "find" juvenile delinquency in their "mind". "IJIME" (bullying) as a social problem has been constructed since around 1980. In the discourses about this problem, "mind" is often referred to. References to "mind" are of four types : moral "mind" (to be educated), weak "mind" (to be disciplined), sick "mind" (to be cured), and "mind" to be accepted. Recently, the last one is found most often in the discourses, and it is thought that the problem can be solved by accepting various children's minds. The reasons why accepting children's minds is thought to be the best way to solve the "IJIME" problem are as follows : 1. "IJIME" is now regarded as the problem of normal children, not the problem with special personality, so they can be, and should be accepted as they are. 2. People find a great deal of difficulty in understanding today's "IJIME" and the children, and accepting children's minds is their only hope. 3. Counsellors actively claim their effectiveness and people expect counselling and counsellors to solve not only emotional but also social problems by accepting mind. But to normalize and institutionalize accepting children's minds as the only way to solve the "IJIME" problem and to revive schools heavily burdens the teachers, and their identity as a profession is brought to a crisis. Moreover, it personalizes the "IJIME" problem, and the structural factors of the crisis of the legitimacy of schooling are concealed.
松岡 亮二 中室 牧子 乾 友彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.95, pp.89-110, 2014

<p> P. ブルデューの文化的再生産論は日本社会においても教育達成の格差生成メカニズムの一つとして研究され,各家庭における文化資本の偏在,それに家庭の文化資本と子の教育達成の関係について知見が蓄積されてきた。近年,教育選抜の早期化によって社会階層と教育達成の関連強化が懸念されているが,早期家庭内社会化によって文化資本が世代間相続する過程については未だに実証的に明らかにされていない。そこで本稿は厚生労働省による21世紀出生児縦断調査の個票データを用い,文化的行為である読書に着目し,文化資本の世代間相続という動的な過程をハイブリッド固定効果モデルによって検討した。<BR> 分析の結果,父母の学歴と世帯所得は,父母それぞれの一ヶ月あたりの雑誌・マンガを除く読書量という文化的行為を分化していた。また,これらの学歴と世帯所得によって異なる父母の読書量は,子ども間の読書量格差と関連していた。そして,父母の読書量の変化は,観察されない異質性を統制しても子の読書量の変化と関係していた。親の学歴は制度化された文化資本,世帯所得は経済資本であり,それらの資本量の差が読書行為を分化し,親子の文化的行為が関連している──小学校1,2,4年生の3時点の縦断データに基づいた本稿の結果は,子ども間の文化資本格差,それに先行研究が考慮しなかった観察されない異質性を統制した上で,文化的行為の世代間相続を実証的に示している。</p>