小島 毅
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.107, pp.1-87, 1988-10

Correlative cosmology was the heart of the political theory in justification of all the dynasties in China.Various kinds of natural anomalies showed Heaven's warning to the ruler against his political errors.This theory, which was established under Han dynasty, was still effective in Song, by changing its substance.It is explained in Chapter One how the correlative thought served political purposes in Northern Song.Some of the scholars criticized the schematized form that said a phenomenon was the response to one particular governmental misconduct, but they also relied on correlative theory.In Chapter Two, the samples are introduced from the texts on the crop losses by locusts and on the solar eclipses.While refuting Han schema, the scholars insisted that emperor should recfify his mind.When the Song philosophers were changing the schema, they were giving a higher position to the term of li (principle).As it is made clear in Chapter Three, in the new scheme of correlative theory, li was pursued in one's mind.
林 佳世子
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.118, pp.237-262, 1992-03

This paper deals with the urban houses in Istanbul endowed as the waqf properties in 16th century and attempts to clarify the characteristics of small waqf endowments of urban dwellers.In order to be endowed to waqf's, houses are required to be complete private properties.Such condition seems to have been realized in the course of the reorganisation of Constantinople into Ottoman Istanbul, because, according to some documents preserved in Ottomen archives, more than 90% of all houses in Istanbul were complete freeholds, i. e. both the houses and the lands were owned by the urban dwellers at the last years of Sultan Mehmed the Second.The characteristics of the waqf's, especially house waqf's, in Istanbul revealed through the analysis of the waqf tahrir register dated 1546 are as follow: (1) Of all waqf's 75% are small waqf's, the income of which is less than 1000 akce;(2) 92% of the properties of the small waqf's are either houses or cash;(3) In the small waqf's the property of which is private houses, the most important aim of endowments is to guarantee the benefits of the endower's descendants from waqf property.There are two ways to realize it; one is to assure them to live in the endowed houses, and the other is to assign them as the mutevelli (administrator) of the waqf's;(4) However important it is to guarantee benefits of the descendants, many charitable activities are still found, most of which give some benefits to mescid's (small mosques) in mahalle's (quarters). This could be regarded as a reflex of the formation of mahalle's in the mid 16th-century Istanbul.
澤田 多喜男
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.90, pp.93-128, 1982-12

Confucius advocated Ren (仁), and Mencius advocated Ren-I (仁義).Why did Mencius emphasize Ren-I (仁義)? In this study I investi-gated some reasons why Mencius's Ren-I theory (仁義説) came out, by considering the cjrcumstances of the world of thought in those days.At that time, Mo-zi (墨子) School insisted on philanthropism, which seemed to neglect family morals.On the other hand, Yang-zhu (楊朱) School insisted on Ego-Centrism, which seemed to neglect the relation of ruler and subject.Mencius regarded the fundamental idea of these two schools as Li (利), that is, the culculation of gains and losses.These two schools, together with Confucian (儒家) School Mencius belonged to, led the world of thought then.Mencius thought that if we acted on the basis of Li (利), the family relationship and the relation of ruler and subject would be impaired and that we would not be able to keep the social order.So, rejecting Li (利), he emphasized that Ren (仁) (the fundamentals of family morals) and I (義) (the fundamentals of morals of ruler and subject) were the most important.It has been said that Mencius laid emphasis on Ren (仁) against Yang-Zhu school, and I (義) against Mo-zi School.I think it is only a con ecture and a mistake.On the contrary, he insisted on Ren (仁) against Mo-zi School and I (義) against Yan-Zhu School.I dealt with these points positively in this study.
前川 亨
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.142, pp.348-302, 2003-03

The Xuepen-jing, a Buddhist scripture formed in China, explains that women, due to the belief that bleeding at childbirth or menstruation pollutes the earth and water, will go to a hell after their death called “The Bloody Pond”(Ch., Xuepenchi or Xuehu; J., chi no ike), where they must undergo numerous great hardships until they are saved by a Buddha or a Bodhisattva.The scholarly research on this scripture began with an excellent paper by Michel Soymie, and following this achievement, many additional studies appeared regarding the Japanese reception of the text.However, although we find many references to the Xuepen-jing or “The Bloody Pond” in studies of Chinese folklore and Taoist rituals, there are almost no studies on the state of the Chinese popular belief associated with this scripture.In this paper, we will examine the various aspects of the Chinese Xuepen-jing textual genera, and then present some fundamental views on them taking the lead of existent studies on the Japanese reception of Xuepen-jing.The paper will consist of three parts.1, Classification and arrangement of materials. In contrast to the case of Japan, the Chinese varieties of Xuepen-jing include various texts that fall outside the Buddhist textual tradition. Therefore, we must first classify these materials. In accordance with their form and content, we can arrange the various texts into three general categories: Xuepen-jing texts in the narrow sence (i. e. Buddhist scriptures), Xuehu ceremonial manuals (Taoist ritual writings), and quasi-Xuepen-jing materials. In this section, we will also introduce some new materials for examination.2, The causes for falling into “The Bloody Pond” and the types of people who took the fall. Here we will examine whether childbirth alone was the cause for women descending into “The Bloody Pond”, or if menstruation was involved as well. We also will investigate the issue of whether it was exclusively women who took the fall, or if men also descended into this ghastly hell.3, Women's original sin and the gratitude due to mothers. In this section, we will present the hypothesis that in China the Xuepen-jing existed as a “filial piety” scripture which combined the original sin of women with the sanctity of the mother, according to “the gratitude due to the mother”.
金 鳳珍
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.140, pp.474-453, 2000-12

Inoue Kakugōrō, as a foreign assistant or advisor, had been employed at a new government office named Bakmunkuk (博文局), having published the modern newspaper such as ‘Hansŏngsunbo (漢城旬報)’ and ‘Hansŏngzubo (漢城周報).’ We may say, in a sense, he had been engaged in enlightening the society or reforming the old system when he stayed in Chosŏn for about four years. However, we need to be careful about what motivated him to do this and/or what was his genuine, real purpose in doing that. We must ask whether his motive/purpose was pure or not. By putting these questions, we can reveal not only the real facts of this historical case but also the real problems resided in the historico-psychological depths of the modern history of Japan and Chosŏn. This paper will be a critical suggestion for ‘deconstructing’ the history of the Japan-Korea relation.
福井 重雅
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.93, pp.1-31, 1983-11

In Han China there were a number of civil service examination systems, one of which was called 賢良方正, Hsien-liang Fang-cheng (capable/good and sincere/uprignt) as a special recruitment system.In comparison to China's famous examination systems in later times, the Han systems have been studied so poorly and incompletely that by now they are still ambiguous and open to further question.The author in this article at-tempts to clarify mainly the special recruitment system, Hsien-liang Fang-cheng, by means of analyzing the criteria of official promotion.The bureaucracy of the Han times consisted of the 15 ranks of officials, covering from the fief-holders of 万石, wan-shih (10,000 bushels), to those of 百石, po-shih (100 bushels).The right to recommend competent can-didates for government offices was restricted to the supreme officials,ranking over the fief-holders of 比二千石, pi-erh-ch'ien-shih (equivalent to 2,000 bushels).These supreme officials were thus to promote the positions of lower officials, ranking 四百石, ssu-po-shih (400 bushels), and below, to those of higher officials, ranking 比六百石, pi-lu-po-shih (equivalent to 600 bushels), and above.It was, therefore, one of the aims and characteristics of the special recruitment system of the Han dynasties to raise and reform the lower-grade to the upper-grade personnels of government offices.Centering on this issue, he also discusses some indispensable problems associated with the officialdom in general and civil service examination systems of Han China
松岡 俊裕
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.128, pp.p1-185, 1995-11

岡本 さえ
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:5638089)
vol.112, pp.175-249, 1990-03

Dans la première partie de cette étude nous avons présenté les caractéristiques des livrés censures par les Qing (Chap. I,§1-4) et l'évolution des sentiments anti-mandchous au cours du 17ème siècle é(Chap. II, §5).Dans cette seconde partie nous étudions d'abord les idées anti-mandchous chez certains auteurs.D'une part, les dirigeants chinois des Ming se proposent, comme du temps de précédantes dynasties chinoises, de renforcer l'autorité intérieure de l'état.D'autre part, des mandarins "utilitaristes" réclament des mesures efficaces pour repousser l'attaque des Mandchous (Chap. II, §6).Ensuite, nous examinons les idées "hétérodoxes" des auteurs: certes des attaques anti-hétérodoxes ont lieu sans cesse, mais les "hétérodoxes" peuvent exprimer librement leurs idées (Chap. III,§7).Les auteurs "utilitaristes" se proposent d'utiliser les sciences techniques pour sauvegarder la société chinoise; les dirigeants des Ming s'abandonnent à leurs sort s'attachant seulement à maintenir le rôle du qi 気 (Chap. III,§8).L'intérêt des livres censurés se trouve dans la franchise des discussions, tant sur la philosophie de leurs auteurs que sur leur comportement quotidien.Cette nouveauté n'arrive pas, cependant, à donner naissance à une nouvelle étape dans la pensée chinoise car si la discussion était ardente, elle manquait d'un lieu commun à s'exercer (Chap. III,§9).
岡本 さえ
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.115, pp.p1-60, 1991-03

本題目将按照以下順序進行研討:(一) 禁書著者的剖析(二) 禁書的標準―清朝政府的論理―(三) 有関異端思想的事件―文字之獄和四庫全書―(四) 査禁的全貌(五) 対中国思想的影響(一) 禁書著者的剖析第一章 主張「実学」的明末士大夫在禁書著者之中,所謂「実学」派是最積極反対満州族的南下的士人。他們熟知敵人的実力,主張応該使用西洋火器,訓練精兵,戦略上主張据点防衛,否認広域防衛。他們厭悪党争,反対伝統制夷狄的方法。他們中的大部分対西洋文化抱有濃厚的興趣,不只是積極地導入数学、天文学、力学、水利学、軍事学等的技術科学,並且介紹論理学、倫理学、哲学、天主教等的文化。他們「致用」「実用」的観点,不只是対軍事,同時也貫徹在和防御没有直接関係的領域。

1 0 0 0 IR 弐臣論

岡本 さえ
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.68, pp.p101-177, 1976-03

Cet article se propose de mettre en lumiére ce qu'ont été les Erchen de la Chine du 17 éme siècle-fonctionnaires chinois qui servirent les deux dynasties Ming et Qing.L'article se compose de quatre parties.Dans la premiére, on trouvera une classification des Erchen en quatre groupes selon le processus de leur apparition:1°Erchen militaires soumis aux Mandchous à l'époque des Ming (avant 1644)2°Erchen militaires soumis au début des Qing (aprés 1644)3°Erchen lettrés du Nord4°Erchen lettrés du Sud(une liste des Erchen est annexée à l'article)Dans la seconde partie est exposée leur activité sous les Mandchous.Les Erchen, comme chefs militaires (groupes 1°set 2°) et comme hauts fonctionnaires (groupes 3°et 4°), apportèrent leur expérience d'experts à la politique intérieure des Qing et sauvèrent beaucoup de compatriotes au cours des luttes entre les oppresseurs et les opprimés.La troisième partie traite de 1'attitude des Mandchous vis-à-vis des Erchen.Les Mandchous, accordant la préférence à la politique militariste et raciste, oppèrent un filtrage et destituèrent les esprits libres, nombreux chez les groupes 3°et 4°.(Il faut noter que les Erchen militaires considérés comme dissidents ont été exclus des Erchen par les Mandchous et tous tués sous le nom de Nichen 逆臣.)La quatrièe partie expose l'état d'esprit des Erchen d'après leurs écrits.Les Erchen sont une élite du temps des Ming marquée par la formation"utilitariste"致用主義.Si obéissants aux Mandchous qu'ils soient, ils gardaient l'esprit critique qu'ils avaient acquis avec leurs idées"utilitaristes."Cette liberté d'esprīt leur coûta à cette époque, leur carrière politique et à l'époque suivante, provoqua l'interdiction de leurs écrits en Chine.Un autre article exposera les raisons qui ont poussé les Mandchous à condamner"l'esprit dangereux", c'est-à-dire, a interdire beaucoup de livres 禁書 de l'époque précédente y compris les écrits des Erchen.
岡本 さえ
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.124, pp.p135-188, 1994-03

本題目将按照以下順序進行研討:第一部 禁書著者的剖析第二部 禁書的標準-清朝政府的論理-第三部 有関異端思想的事件-文字之獄和四庫全書-第四部 査禁的全貌第五部 対中国思想的影響第一部 禁書著者的剖析第二章 主張「実学」的清初士大夫在満清王朝統治下,所謂「実学」派,不再象積極反対満族南下時的明末「実学」派那様,只能做研究学問的「遺民」或者熟悉実際業務的清朝官吏。但他們在主張「致用」「実用」的観点,対西洋文化抱有的興趣以及重視個人能力等方面,于各自的政治立場之外,共有共同之処,都滞有明末「実学」派的傾向。然而,「遺民」逐漸陥入孤立的状態,従而対新事物疎遠起来;「弐臣」「漢臣」也因為結党営私等種種借口失掉了文化活動的環境。双方都失去了後継者。
影山 輝国
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.133, pp.1-32, 1997-03

青木 健
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.146, pp.72-41, 2004-12 (Released:2006-07-26)

An Annotated Translation of Zoroastrian Book Pahlavī Literature, the Dēnkard Book III: No. 1by Takeshi AOKIThe Dēnkard is one of the most voluminous Zoroastrian Book Pahlavī literature, edited by Zoroastrian high priests, Ādurfarrōbay-ī Farroxzādān and Adurbād-ī Ēmedēn in the 9^th and 10^th centuries.Here presented is an annotated transcription and Japanese translation of its third volume, which consists of 420 polemics against bad religions-Manichaeism, Judaism and Islam.Our process of preparing this translation can be divided into two steps.1. The late Prof. Gikyō Itō made a Pahlavī letters' transcription and its Japanese translation preciously corresponding to Madan's Dēnkard edition.Unfortunately, however, he passed away before completion this work.2. After Gikyō Itō's death, Takeshi AOKI made his work up-to-date, and added ① linguistic commentaries on Pahlavī letters' transcription and ② religious commentaries on Japanese translation.This time we can print only the 6^th chapter to the 9^th chapter, but we hope publishing serially the whole transcription and translation of the Dēnkard Book III in this Memoirs.
笠井 直美
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.122, pp.43-118, 1993-11

笠井 直美
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.131, pp.27-104, 1996-11

加藤 雄三
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.156, pp.311-357, 2009-12-14

1945年10月25日,台灣省行政長官陳儀宣布中華民國政府將台灣置于主權之下。從此開始接管臺灣總督府所屬各機關。有關司法機關和訴訟案件,台灣省接收委員會司法法制組方面,尤其是台灣高等法院為主體進行接管。 在接管台灣全省法院、法院檢察處、監獄方面,確立中華民國統治體制為止的過渡期措施,為了應對人員不足和地域情況,留用了部分台灣人。但是,位居指導者地位的台籍人員非常稀少,這不僅在司法機關之中,而且在社會當中也加劇了矛盾。//從《臺灣省司法會議 報告書・議決案》可以看到,二二八事件之前,台灣司法當局一方面利用殖民地遺留下來的制度,想加強“ 中華民國” 的統治。殖民地時期“ 台灣人” 認同已出現。無論從財政上,還是從人才方面都不完善的台灣司法當局成為核心,如何引導“ 台灣人” 居住的台灣的司法,是當時内在的關鍵問題。
山之内 正彦
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.63, pp.41-119, 1974-03

神塚 淑子
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.129, pp.53-118, 1996-02

吉開 将人
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.129, pp.1-51, 1996-02

高橋 忠彦
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
no.115, pp.p61-122, 1991-03

The culture of tea in the Song period is characterized in the preva-ence of tuan-cha (団茶) or caked Tea and its refined drinking method, which is called dian-cha (点茶). However, other aspects of the tea culture, forexample cao-cha (草茶) or leaf tea and jian-cha (煎茶) or boiling-tea-method, are not yeT made clear because of the lack of data.In this paper, the author tries to reconstruct the total structure of tea culture in Song, referring to poetry phrases in those days.In the con-clusion, it can be said that cao-cha began to be highly esteemed in the Southern Song period, that revaluation and repopularization of jian-cha also occurred in the Southern Song, and that cao-cha tended to be drunk by jian-cha method.