有賀 美和子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.44, no.1, pp.123-142, 1993-09-20

Feminist criticisms in social sciences have challenged the traditional disciplines in two ways. On one hand, some works focus on the absence of women or the "malestream" orientation in the disciplines, and then go on to ask how they should change in order to include women on an equal basis with men. On the other hand, some focus more immediately on how the gendered structure of the societies has shaped their ideas and arguments, and consider how these ideas and arguments are affected by the adoption of a feminist perspective. In this paper, giving heed to the second project, I shall focus on a major political philosopher, John Rawls, in thinking about social justice. John Rawls's A Theory of Justice has provided an impetus to much of contemporary political and moral theory. I focus here on the effects of assumptions about gender on central aspects of the theory, and consider how his assumptions about the division of labor between the sexes, with women taking care of the sphere of human nuturance, have a fundamental effect upon his accounts of moral subjects and the development of moral thinking. This is exemplified in his tendencies to separate reason from feeling and to require that moral subjects be abstracted from the contingencies of actual human life, in his deliberations. The way Rawls presents his theory of justice reflects the Kantian heritage. That is, it reflects Kant's stress on autonomy and rationality as the defining characteristics of moral subjects, his rigid separation of reason from feeling, and refusal to allow feeling any place in the formulation of moral principles. This Kantian heritage leaves Rawls's theory open to two feminist criticisms: that it involves egoistic assumptions about human nature and that it is of little relevance to actual people thinking about justice. Therefore, his theory is often viewed as excessively rationalistic, inividualistic, and abstracted from real human beings. However, at its center, Rawls's theory much includes the implications of responsibility, care, and concern for others. I shall attempt to develop an approach to social justice, which centers on a reinterpretation of his central concept, the "original position." At the same time, in a sense, this paper is a critique of Rawls. In line with a long tradition of political and moral philosophers including Rousseau, Hegel, and Tocqueville, he regards the family as a school of morality, a primary socializer of just citizens. But along with others in the tradition, he also neglects the issue of the justice or injustice of the gendered family itself. This tension within the theory can be resolved by opening up the question of justice within the family.
伊奈 正人
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.73, no.2, pp.57-81, 2023-03-30

Michael Burawoy’s presidential address to the ASA has refocused attention on the work of C. Wright Mills. However, only the notion of “the sociologist as citizen” has been discussed, while a detailed discussion regarding his conception of public sociology has not been developed and the conventional negative image of Mills has persisted. In light of this situation, this paper investigates the concepts of “historical specificity,” “sociological imagination,” “vocabulary of motive,” and “sociotics,” and seeks to propose a new understanding of the “political public,” which lies at the heart of Mills’s thinking.公共社会学論争により、C.ライト・ミルズの学問は再び脚光を浴びたが、「普通の人々に語りかける社会学」ばかりが議論され、政治的公衆をめぐる積極的な議論は十分に展開されることはなく、従来のネガティブなミルズ像が放置された。これに対して、本稿は、歴史的特殊性の概念、社会学的想像力、動機の語彙論、社会学的言語分析(sociotics)などを検討し、ミルズに一貫する問題解決思考の核にある政治的公衆の再構成を試みた。

4 0 0 0 OA 金太郎の誕生

鳥居 フミ子
日本文學 (ISSN:03863336)
vol.62, pp.12-46, 1984-09-30


4 0 0 0 OA 血祭り考

大森 志郎
史論 (ISSN:03864022)
vol.1, pp.2-10, 1953
池 明観
東京女子大学附属比較文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638186)
no.48, pp.p135-160, 1987

Historiography in Korea was very much affected by Japanese colonial rule, 1905 to 1945. Some historians were inclined to describe the contemporary history of Korea using a kind of eye-witness report style. Others focussed on finding a glorious period of national history to maintain national pride. These historical writings could be regarded as nationalist histories. Shin Chai-ho and Choi Nam-sun devoted themselves mainly to Korean ancient history, tracing back to the mythological age of Dangun. Shin and Choi had in common the purpose of resisting the historiography of Japanese scholars writing about Korea who claimed that Korea had been under the sovereignty of China without having its own independence, and even that for some time in ancient times Korea had been ruled by Japan as well. Shin described Dangun as ancient kings who had also been priests. He said that the dynasty lasted about 1500 years and was followed by the Puyo dynasty, which ruled for another 1000 years. Geographically, these dynasties covered the north-eastern part of China and Korea. They kept their people in continuous struggle with the Chinese people. Shin declares that most of these historical facts were lost because the oldest history, the "Samkuk Sagi" was written in the 12th century by Kim Bu-shik, a Confucian and loyal to Chinese culture. Thus he eliminated and distorted many historical facts of ancient Korean times, according to Confucian principles. Shin attempted to document historical facts of ancient times, so as to maintain national pride, using fragmented records he found mostly in Chinese historical materials. In doing so, Shin interpreted Korean history in political terms. He hoped to strengthen the patriotism of the Korean people so that they might win their national independence. He was in exile from 1910 until 1936, when he died in a Japanese prison in Manchuria. On the other hand, Choi, who was ten years younger than Shin, inherited Shin's attitude towards Korean history, but he gradually tended to interpret Korean history in cultural terms. He remained in Korea, which was under the strict control of Japanese colonial rule, and therefore could not interpret Korean history in political terms. He hoped to search for national identity in Korean culture. This resulted in his claim that both Korean culture and Japanese culture shared the same roots in ancient times in Shinto, the religion of east Asia. Choi's original purpose was to maintain the cultural superiority of the Korean people over the Japanese, yet he compromised this stand under Japanese rule. He was made to stand trial in a Korean court after the war ended, which indicted him for his cooperation with the Japanese before 1945. We may say that the historiography of Shin and Choi demonstrates two ways of living and thinking during the dark times of modern Korea under Japanese rule. One view of history was written by a historian who was in exile-a political view that was hoped to be useful for the independence movement. The other was used by a historian who lived inside Korea and hoped to survive first and resist as much as possible within the parameters of a situation controlled by colonizers. It is unfortunate that both of them were forced to frame their historical thought largely in opposition to the interpretation of Korean history done by Japanese scholars, who based their interpretation on their discriminatory attitudes towards Korean people and on Japanese political motives. At the same time, it is a pity that under this situation, both of them overlooked many important historical truths which may be said to have been left for the next generation. It is noteworthy that at the present time in Korea, while engaging in the democratic movement, historians have adopted the nationalist history of Shin Chai-ho, hoping their historiography may cast some light on the present political dilemma.
飛山 純子
日本文學 (ISSN:03863336)
no.23, pp.74-85, 1964-11-10
川村 輝典
東京女子大学比較文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638186)
vol.52, pp.41-56, 1991

1. The purpose of this paper is to call into question the term "Kokai-ism" a term denoting the concept that the ideal stand of the Christian Church in Japan is evangelical, superdenominational, and independent. Judged from this point of view, many important elements of the real church of Japan in Meiji Era are excluded. 2. Thus the establishment of Presbyterian churches by C. Carrothers, H. Loomis, and J. C. Hepburn has, as a consequence of sentimental reasoning, been treated relatively negatively and as yet not ecclesiastically. From a scientific point of view, this gives the impression of careless thinking. 3. The breakdown of Kokai-ism was achieved not by the independent work of the Presbyterian churches but by the nonecclesiastical character of the Kokai herself. The Presbyterian Church of Japan founded one new church after another and with the Dutch Reformed Church and the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland established the United Church of Japan. 4. The establishment of the United Church of Japan in October, 1877, was quite opportune and an incident of great historical importance for the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Japan. The original ideal of Kokai-ism has been realized not in herself but in the United Church of Japan. This church was established by the several churches, each of which maintained the clear character of the denomination and was as yet not closed, but wished to unite herself with the Congregational Church of Japan.
高村 圭子
日本文學 (ISSN:03863336)
vol.84, pp.90-101, 1995-09-30
髙橋 修
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.69, no.1, pp.1-34, 2018-09

Matsui Isamu(松井 勇1894~1946) who was an engineer of special effect(SFX)at first time mostly in Japan. He went to the United States in the Taisyo period, and learned cinematography technique from Roy. J. POMEROY who won Academy Award the 1st time. Matsui Isamu acquired the patents of a movie after he went back to Japan. He produced the movies of special effects.It wasn't being studied about him because there was little related material, therefore it was unclear about his life and work. This paper aims to clearfy the following two points:first of all, I will write Matsui Isamu's biography, secondly, I will consider about the role he achieved in a Japanese movie.松井 勇(1894 ~ 1946)は、日本映画界にあってほぼ最初期の特撮映画の技師である。彼は大正期にアメリカに留学をし、第1回アカデミー賞技術効果賞受賞者である R.ポメロイから映画技術を学んだ。日本に帰国してからは、映画に関する特許を取得し、特撮技術を活用した映画を発表した。だが、従来の映画史では、関連資料が少なかったことから、彼に関する研究はなされておらず、その人と作品については不明であった。そこで本稿では、松井勇の生涯を実証的に明らかにし、そのことをとおして、彼が日本映画史に果たした役割を考察することを目的とする。
屋名池 誠
東京女子大学比較文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638186)
vol.64, pp.23-40, 2003

Japanese has a unique writing system, which allows you to write horizontally as well as vertically. It was not until late Edo Period or Early Meiji Period (around 1860 -1870) that horizontal writing was introduced. Before then there was only vertical writing. This paper examines the reasons why the horizontal writing was possible to occur in these periods. The reasons are: 1. When a language with a different direction of writing contacts another, it is not unusual that they influence each other and produce variants. 2. However, it is not easy for a variant to settle in an already existing language. In order for it to settle down, there should be some conditions in which the new variant would be socially accepted in the speech community. 3. Horizontal writing may have been accepted as part of the extensive Westernization that was carried out in those periods. This would be a reason why the innovation in the direction of Japanese writing occurred in the middle of the 19th century.
小泉 達人
東京女子大學論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.24, no.2, pp.1-19, 1974-03-01

Gibeon and her neighbouring three sister cities are of Canaanite origin. They made a covenant of peace with Israelites (Josh ix). But King Saul persecuted them violating that covenent (II Sam xxi 1-6). There are some good evidences that David and Solomon, on the contrary, showed special favour to Gibeonites. From where did this sudden change of policies come? In this short article, I discussed this problem which had been left unnoticed by many. The conclusion of my investigations is as follows: there must have been fierce and prolonged battles between David and Saulites. In these battles David is supposed to have received much help from Gibeonites and their neighbours who had cherished resentment against Saul. Gibeon and her sister cities formed an enclave in the territory of Benjamin tribe who were the nucleus of Saulite forces. So Gibeonite cooperation may have been very effective to weaken David's enemy. After his victory, David and Solomon still needed their help in order to control the dissatisfied and grudging Benjaminites. This is the reason for the special favour of David and Solomon to Gibeon and her allies.
広瀬弘忠 杉森 伸吉
no.1, pp.81-86, 2005-03
神谷 文子
史論 (ISSN:03864022)
vol.39, pp.30-48, 1986