鳥居 フミ子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.44, no.1, pp.77-95, 1993-09-20

One of the Tosa Joruri, Suounonaishi Bijinzakura is based on a waka by Suounonaishi (which was collected as one of the Ogura One Hundred Waka) and an anecdote which was based on a henka of Fujiwarano Tadaie. Suounonaishi Bijinzakura dramatized a further anecdote in the progress toward marriage of Suounonaishi and Tadaie dealt with in these two poems. This drama portrays both the heroine and the hero in terms of the modern Japanese interpretation of human nature.
太田 浩子
東京女子大學附屬比較文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638186)
vol.47, pp.95-104, 1986

Tatsu no ko Taro [Taro the Dragon Boy] is an lengthy imaginative children's story written by MATSUTANI Miyoko. Into this story the author has woven legends on Koizumi Kotaro who controls water, transmitted in Shinshu [Nagano Prefecture], as well as a number of legends and folk tales of other parts of Japan. It is a representative work of postwar Japanese juvenile literature which has been continuously finding new readers among the Japanese children since its first publication in 1960. Taro, the hero of the story, is a spirited boy, born of a mother who had been transformed into a dragon. He wrestles with animals. He expels ogres who have been tormenting people. He cultivates the paddy field and harvests rice. Through these and other experiences, he grows and comes to entertain an aspiration that, by draining a lake, he can create a vast track of new arable land for people of poor mountain villages. With the help of his dragon mother, he manages to realize this dream by demolishing mountains to let the water of the lake escape into the sea. A central thread of this story of growth is the hero's tenderness. Folk tales and legends which are transmitted orally tend to become fragmentary, and their characters are often stereotyped. MATSUTANI Miyoko, the author, came across the legends of Koizumi Kotaro in Shinshu during her journey to search and record folk tales. On the basis of them but with a hope to "make the Taro [i.e. Kotaro] of Shinshu into a Taro of entire Japan, " she lavished her imaginative power on the creation of the hero, Taro, the dragon boy with a great success. The plot and the growth of the hero are closely knit in this story, and the cheerful optimistic hero is given a unique credible personality. Aiming at creating a new literary work which is at the same time anchored firmly in tradition, the author has managed to create in this story an attractive hero who strikes a responsive chord in the hearts of all children. She also has taken great pains to devise a suitable "narrative" style in order toallow children to have an easy access to the world of folk tales through it. In this essay, through the examination of the author's intention, the characterization of the hero, and the style, I have tried to demonstrate that Tatsu no ko Taro really succeeds in building a bridge between the world of folk tales and the children of today, which, in my opinion, is one of the important roles Japanese juvenile literature can play.
鍵本 紀子
日本文學 (ISSN:03863336)
vol.28, pp.15-33, 1967-03-20
今井 久登

冨永 美香
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.50, no.1, pp.67-92, 1999-09

I am engaged in the study of Japanese literature of the Middle Ages. I am, for example, researching "Soga Shonin." Soga (AD 917〜AD 1003), also called "Tonomine no Shonin," was respected by many people in the Kamakura Period. He was a priest of Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei. Belonging to the Tendai Sect of Buddhism, he studied Hokekyo and Makashikan under Ryogen. He studied there in the early part of his life, but he moved to Tonomine when he was in his thirties. Thereafter, he concentrated on living with strict discipline. I have investigated art connected with Soga. I have verified the picture scroll in his biography titled Soga Shonin Gyogoki Emaki, a poetry and a portrait of him. I have studied his portrait regarding his life and one of his poems Nanzan Koshiki. This portrait belongs to Danzan Jinja while the poem is the property of Yomei Bunko. His portrait has three especially noticeable features. First, it shows him sitting with his head to one side. Second, it shows him sitting at his desk. Third, it shows him reading scrolls with two children. There are eight scrolls on his desk, forming a set of Hokekyo. I think that two children are his servants. When he reads Hokekyo, they come to listen to it. I am reminded of Syoku Shonin and Nichiren Shonin, both of whom are also shown with two people in front of them. Syoku Shonin had two servants. The child painted on the right was named Otsuten, while the child on the left was named Wakaten. Otsuten is a Fudomyoo incarnate, while Wakaten is a Bishamonten incarnate. Nichiren is similarly painted with two persons who respected him. That is similar to that of Syoku Shonin with his two servants. When I read Tonomine Ryakki, written by Jyoin, I found that Soga indeed was permitted to have servants due to his achievements in studying Hokekyo. Therefore, I think this picture is possibly of Soga at this time. There is also a poem titled Nanzan Koshiki, written by Ryue. It is also subtitled Tonomine Sentoku Soga Shonin. It describes Soga as "Jyoshojin Bosatsu" in Hokekyo. I think this is a portrait of a priest well acquainted with Hokekyo. "Soga Shoninzo" and "Nichiren Shoninzo" form a remarkable contrast, one which I name "Kansho no Hoshizo." The Buddhist art and literature in Danzan Jinja were created by Buddhists who respected Soga Shonin in the Middle Ages.
宇野 公一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.54, no.2, pp.107-120, 2004-03

The aim of this paper is to trace the development of administrative practices concerning popular spirit cults in Vietnam from the eleventh century to the eighteenth century. The Mongol invasion gave the first impetus for a more or less systematic recourse to the invisible powers. However, until the early Le period, control applied to a limited number of powerful spirits. Le Thanh Tong inaugurated hierarchized control of the invisible realm which was extended down to the village level in the late Le period.
栗山 術子
日本文学 (ISSN:03863336)
no.2, pp.88-111, 1953-11
水垣 渉
東京女子大学論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-26, 1974-09
森 一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.55, no.1, pp.1-28, 2004-09

Die Begrenztheit menschlichen Lebens bedeutet nicht nur das Sein zum Tode, sondern auch das Geborensein. Zur Frage der Existenz gehoren gleichursprunglich die Moglichkeit des Todes und der Zufall der Geburt. Und dennoch kann niemand aus sich allein - in einem Akt der Monogonie - geboren sein, im Gegensatz zum Tod durch die eigene Hand. Die Geburtlichkeit hat mehr mit der Bedingtheit durch Pluralitat zu tun als die Sterblichkeit. Das Ereignis der Geburt bedeutet immer eine zufallige Begegnung zweier unabhangiger Wesen: eines Kindes und seiner Welt. Dafiir ist es aber auBerdem notwendig, dass ein Mann und eine Frau zusammentreffen und ein Paar werden, sie beide ein Kind zeugen und die Frau es gebiert. Die geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung ist eine Art "Poiesis" durch eine ganz eigene Art der "Techne". Hier stellt sich nun die Frage, inwiefern das Generieren neuen Lebens als ein kunstliches Herstellen verstanden werden kann. Mein Essay versucht diese Frage von einem aktuellen Aspekt her zu klaren, namlich im Hinblick auf das Problem des Klonens. Als Leitfaden wahle ich die uralte Empfehlung eines Weisen. Demokritos (Fragment B277) sagte namlich zu uns, "Wer irgend eine Notigung hat, sich ein Kind zu verschaffen, tut dies, wie mir scheint, besser durch Adoption eines Freundeskindes. Dieser wird dann ein Kind bekommen, so wie er es wiinscht. Denn er kann es sich auswahlen, wie er es will. [...] Zeugt man es aber sich selbst, so sind viele Gefahren dabei: denn man muss doch mit dem, das gerade geboren wird, vorlieb nehmen. "Da die Erzeugung eines Kindes etwas Zufalliges und Unvorsehbares ist, mussen die Eltern und das Kind selbst dieses groBe Risiko auf sich nehmen. Wenn das Kind einmal geboren worden ist, dann kann das Faktum seiner Geburt nicht mehr riickgangig gemacht werden. Deshalb hielt der klassische Atomist die "Adoption eines Freundeskindes" besser als die Selbstzeugung. Die Adoptiveltern konnen sogar ihr Kind gewissermaBen auswahlen. Anstelle Demokrits' Verfahren der versicherten Kindesbeschaffung ist man heute dabei, eine andere Methode der Adoption zu erfinden: die gentechnische Anwendung des Klonens auf die Menschenproduktion. Es ist eine groBe Ironie, dass durch diese neue Adoptionskunst, die die Zufalligkeit des Geborenwerdens ausraumen will, gerade die Unwiderruflichkeit der faktischen Geburt noch groBere Gefahren erzeugen wird.
川合 恵生
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.70, no.1, pp.129-156, 2019-09-30

During the initial stages of missionary work in Japan, Jesuit missionaries confronted differing views of the soul between Japanese and European peoples. Japanese Buddhists believed that their souls would be die with the body after death. But the Jesuit Missionaries argued that the soul is immortal.This articles investigates how Pedro Gómez sj., who came to Japan in 1583, introduced “On the immortality of the human soul” to the Japanese people. He created a textbook for use in collage philosophy classes in japan. This book was a commentary on Aristotle’s “De Anima”. According to the Jesuit educational policy, Jesuit missionaries were required to follow the interpretation of Thomas Aquinas when they commented on Aristotle’s texts. However, did Gómez’s comment reflect Thomas Aquinas’s comment as demanded? I argue that the book has its own unique perspective due to the particular circumstance of being “written in Japan”.日本における宣教活動の初期において、イエズス会宣教師たちは日本人と西洋人の魂観の違いに直面した。仏教徒である日本人は、魂は死後に肉体とともに死滅すると主張したが、キリスト教徒である宣教師たちは、魂は不死であると説いた。本稿は「人間の魂の不滅性」が日本人にどのように紹介されたのかを考察するものである。1583年に来日したイエズス会宣教師ペドロ・ゴメスは、日本のコレジョの哲学の授業で使用するために教科書を作成した。それはアリストテレスの『魂について(デ・ア ニマ)』の注解であった。イエズス会の教育方針ではアリストテレスを注解する場合はトマス・アクィナスの解釈に従うべきであると規定されていた。しかしゴメスの注解はトマスの注解と同じだろうか。投稿者は、ゴメスの『デ・アニマ注解』には彼独自の視点があったのではないかと考えている。なぜなら本書には日本で書かれたという特別な事情があったからである。
中川 まり

中村 眞人
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.70, no.1, pp.105-128, 2019-09-30

The coastal districts of China have been industrializing since the 1980s. The nine cities in the Zhujian Delta in Guangdong Province were the earliest cases of industrialization in China which implemented the reform and opening-up policies. The industrialization of this area has three characteristics below. (1) Regional division of labour between Guangdong cities and Hong Kong/ Macau (Qian Dian Hou Chang). (2) The “Three-plus-one” trading-mix (San Lai Yi Bu), which means the combination of four types of transnational trade, namely the processing of materials supplied by overseas clients, the assembly of equipment supplied by overseas clients, the production of goods based on samples provided by overseas clients and the compensation transaction of offsetting the pre-rented equipment fee by sales.(3) Internal migrant workers from rural districts to industrial cities (Nong Ming Gong) under the Chinese residential registration system. Incidentally, industrial workers migrated from rural districts have been increasing in these districts and social problems in the field of social security, education etc. have been observed. 中華人民共和国では、1998年12月に共産党が改革開放路線への転換を正式に決定して以来、市場経済の制度を採り入れ、また外国企業による投資を受け入れることにより、沿海部を中心に工業化が進行して都市と工業地帯が拡大した。本稿では、中国沿海部で最初に工業化を進めた珠江デルタ地域を対象として、こうした社会変動の論理を解明する。そこでは、第一に、「前店後廠」と呼ばれる広東省の工業都市と香港・マカオとの地域間分業構造が形成されて、前者の工業化と後者の脱工業化が同時進行した。第二に、広東省における輸出志向の工業は、「三来一補」と呼ばれる委託生産を主要な取引形態とした。このことにより、中国は、土地と労働力という固有の資源を活用しながら、製造設備、部品素材、科学技術という不足していた資源を外国から導入できた。第三に、内陸部農村に本籍を有する労働者が沿海部に移住して工業労働に携わり、「農民工」と呼ばれた。沿海部工業地帯に農村を出自とした賃金労働者が集積し、定住化が進むにつれて、社会保障や次世代の教育といった分野で社会政策上の課題が発生している。