清 ルミ
異文化コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:09153446)
vol.15, pp.17-39, 2003-03

研究論文ArticleThis study aims to verify whether actual Japanese way of speaking is reflected in Japanese language textbooks, which are usually considered the model of speech and behavior for foreign students. Expression of understatement could be said to be typical aspect of Japanese speech patterns. In this study I focused on the expression "tumaranaimonodesuga". Scenes involving the giving gifts were analyzed and collated from Japanese language textbooks and compared with the results of surveys held in Shizuoka Prefecture. Through this comparative study I verified the validity of the following three theories. First theory is that Japanese people actually use phrases expressing deference or humility when giving gifts. Second theory is that "tsumaranaimonodesuga" is one of the most typical phrases Japanese people use when giving gifts. Third theory is that the phrases introduced in Japanese language textbooks to describe scenes giving gifts are actually the phrases expressing humility that Japanese most often use. Comparative study showed that while the first theory was proven as valid, the second and third theories were not.
木川 行央
言語科学研究 (ISSN:13476203)
no.12, pp.73-91, 2006-03

宮川 繁
Scientific approaches to language (ISSN:13473026)
no.2, pp.241-242, 2003-03-25

Weak islands are called "weak" because they don't block extraction of arguments but they do block extraction of adjuncts. (1) a. What do you wonder [whether to fix t]? b. Why do you wonder [what to fix t]? Does this mean that argument extraction is not affected at all? It is well-known that a weak island bars an interpretation otherwise available with argument extraction, that of pair-list (Longobardi 1985, Cresti 1995). (2) What do you wonder [whether everyone will buy t]? This example only has a single-pair interpretation ("I'm wondering whether everyone will buy a new coat"), Using Relativized Minimality (Rizzi 1990) as a guiding principle, and extending Aoun and Li's (1989) general approach, I will argue that the effects we can observe with weak islands are part of a general property of quantification, (3) All quantification is local, If Quantifier X c-commands Quantifier Y, Y cannot take "inverse" scope over X. A weak island is a form of quantification, because it is headed by such an element as a wh operator. It thus prohibits any scope-bearing item, either an argument or an adjunct, from taking proper scope above it. I will show that the reason why argument extraction appears to be possible is due to a covert resumptive pronoun strategy (cf. Cinque 1990, Postal 1998, Stroik 1992). I will formally characterize the locality of quantification using Beck's (1996) Quantifier-Induced Barrier (QUIB), making a subtle but crucial revision in her definition to incorporate a much wider range of data. Weak islands, as we will see, are simply a subset of QUIBs. This also explains a mystery noted by Hoji (1986) that in Japanese, an example such as the following lacks a pair-list interpretation. (4) Nani-o daremo-ga t katta no? what-ACC everyone-NOM bought Q 'What did everyone buy?' Independently, we can see that the universal quantifier in Japanese is a QUIB (cf. Hoji 1985). The lack of pair-list in this example is exactly the same as the lack of this interpretation in the English weak-island example in (2). Time permitting. I will also explore the issues that naturally arise with inverse scope in English, as in the example, "Someone loves everyone.
安田 芳子
言語科学研究 (ISSN:13476203)
no.2, pp.65-79, 1996-03

Yoona is the adnominal form of the auxiliary verb yooda, but its indicative meaning is not always the same as that of yooda. Yoona has its own meanings and functions. According to the difference of the "Reality" of the content shown before yoona, yoona can be thought of in three different ways : yoona as "yootai" (manner), yoona as "hiyu" (simile) and yoona as "naiyoo no nazuke" (naming of content). This paper explores the meanings and functions of yoona in each of the above groups in the pattern of V yoona N. It is clear that yoona has two main functions, one is to show the existence of the speaker's recognition and the other is to show the expanded meaning of the matter indicated without yoona.
李 榮
Scientific approaches to language (ISSN:13473026)
no.9, pp.279-297, 2010-03

高地 薫 Horton William.B 山本 まゆみ 北村 由美

2019年度は、初年度に引き続き、主に国内あるいはインターネットにて入手可能な資料、入手済みの資料の分析を進めた。髙地(代表者)は、2020年2月末から3月末にジャカルタにて現地調査を進めることができた。一方で、計画に従い、プロジェクト一年半の中間成果をまとめた。その中間成果は、11月23日・24日に静岡県立大学草薙キャンパスで開催された東南アジア学会第101回研究大会にて、“Hidden hands of the Great Powers in Indonesia: Critical examinations of US Academia in the Cold War”と題するパネルで発表した。代表者である高地薫が座長、北村由美(分担者)をモデレーターとし、KOCHI Kaoru, “Army - Academia relations in Indonesia: Soewarto and SESKOAD as a cradle for the New Order”; William Bradley Horton, “A cautionary tale of arrogance: The Harry Benda translation of Japanese Military Administration in Indonesia and the US”; YAMAMOTO Mayumi, “Academic money laundering during the Cold War: The case of the MIT Indonesia Project”と題する発表を行なった。発表後の質疑では、参加者から有益な助言や疑問が提起され、活発な議論が行なわれた。
舟田 京子
神田外語大学日本研究所紀要 (ISSN:13403699)
vol.3, pp.50_a-36_a, 2002-03-31

How does the Japanese culture appear to the Indonesian people? requires a complex answer. By definition, culture is a very broad subject. It can be influenced and involved one's tradition, customs, religion, thought, educational background, literature, science, social life and economics. All of these can affect the definition of a single word "culture". When we look at each individual field, our impressions will vary with our age, profession, education, sex, experiences, and geographical locations. Using literature to define culture, the literary work of "Ichiaku no Suna" by Takuboku Ishikawa presents an excellent example. By comparing the translation done by the Japanese and the Indonesian, I would like to clarify the understanding of the Indonesian people towards the Japanese culture. Then I introduce forms of Indonesian poems in chapter 3.
藤巻 一真
言語科学研究 : 神田外語大学大学院紀要 (ISSN:13476203)
vol.2, pp.19-30, 1996-03

In this paper I would like to argue that the Ing-form modifying the preceding NP is an IP with [-Tense], not a CP(S') which is assumed in the Reduced Relative Clause analysis (henceforce RRC) and 'Whiz' deletion. The IP analysis with the principles of the Government and Binding Theory solves the problem with the CP analysis, without using the condition of deletion. It also explains why the Ing-form is possible only when the modified NP corresponds to the subject of the verb in the Ing-form. Other examples discussed here are PPs modifying the preceding NP and indirect questions. The PP exhibits the same properties as the Ing-form. As for indirect questions, the Ing-form never appears in them. Both of these examples favor the IP analysis.