藤原 咲平 高橋 浩一郎 關口 領
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.15, no.7, pp.255-264, 1937-07-05 (Released:2009-02-05)

If δQ1 is the total energy consumed or accumulated in unit volume of the lower atmosphere per unit time and δQ2 is that which enters in or comes out of this space per unit time δQ1 should be equal to δQ2. δQ1 and δQ2 are calculated by the following equations, We calculated numerically these equations of the atmosphere using the data obtained at Tokyo observatory. We made sure that the 1st law of thermodynamics holds satisfactorily good in the atmosphere.
藤原 咲平 關口 領
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.14, no.12, pp.587-591, 1936 (Released:2009-02-05)
1 1

As an example of application of Takahasi's method of the determination of period and damping ratio of the irregular motion of an oscillating body, we made some investigations on the periodicity of the dates of freezing of Lake Suwa.In the first place the method was applied to each of four sections into which the whole period of records was divided and next to the whole interval.As we can thought that the curve which was obtaind by the method expresses free oscillation of the system, so that we calculated the period and the damping ratio from that curve. Besides this, other methods, such as partial means and the normal statistical method, namely the method of correlation, have also been tried, We obtained, as a conclusion of these analysis, that there exist 3 years and 33 years periodicity in the dates of freezing of Lake Suwa.
Ai Hiraoka Ryuichi Kawamura Kimpei Ichiyanagi Masahiro Tanoue Kei Yoshimura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.7, pp.141-144, 2011 (Released:2011-09-22)
7 7

By applying the Japanese long-term Re-Analysis project (JRA-25) and the Japan Meteorological Agency Climate Data Assimilation System (JCDAS) data to a Rayleigh-type global one-layer isotope circulation model, we performed a long-term simulation and examined how water vapor is remotely transported to the vicinity of Japan from water source regions during the early summer rainy (Baiu) season. We validated the model outputs, comparing them with the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios (δD and δ18O) of precipitation observed at two in situ sites in southern and central Japan during the 2010 Baiu, and determined that the correlations between the simulation and observation are comparable to those in precipitation in Thailand from August to October when the Asian summer monsoon withdraws. The model results demonstrate that the Baiu is characterized by relatively low values of δD and that the δD values over central Japan are lower than those over southern Japan. When the Baiu commences, Indian Ocean water increases rapidly and then contributes substantially to the total precipitable water until the withdrawal of the Baiu, which is partially responsible for the low values of δD. Once the Baiu withdraws, alternatively, Pacific Ocean water occupies most of the total precipitable water. Another signature of its withdrawal is the decrease in land water of the Eurasian continent. It is also clear that the intrusion of the Indian Ocean water into central Japan remained until the end of August in the extremely cool summers of 1993 and 2003, which is interpreted as an extraordinary persistence of the Baiu period.
竹村 和人 向川 均
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.98, no.1, pp.169-187, 2020 (Released:2020-03-26)
16 22

盛夏期におけるアジアジェットに沿う準定常ロスビー波束の伝播と、太平洋・日本(Pacific-Japan:PJ)パターンが、アジアジェット出口付近におけるロスビー波の砕波を通して結合する可能性、及びそのメカニズムについて、長期再解析データを用いて調べた。まず、日本の東海上において発生した計44のロスビー波の砕波事例に基づくラグ合成図解析を行った。その結果、アジアジェットに沿う波束伝播が、日本の東海上において高気圧偏差の増幅を引き起こし、逆“S”字型の砕波に伴って、高渦位大気が北西太平洋亜熱帯域に向かって南西方向に侵入することがわかった。次に、Q ベクトルを用いた診断や渦度収支解析より、対流圏上層における砕波に伴う強い正渦度移流が、北西太平洋亜熱帯域における力学的上昇流を励起することにより、積雲対流活動の活発化、及びそれに伴うPJパターンの発現に重要な役割を果たすことが明らかになった。また、より強い砕波が生じた事例ほど、それに先行するアジアジェットに沿う波束伝播や、砕波後に生じるPJパターンが、より強くなる傾向となることが示された。さらに、偏相関分析より、北西太平洋亜熱帯域における活発な積雲対流活動やPJパターンの強化には、その周辺における海面水温偏差と比べて、対流圏上層における砕波に伴う強い正渦度移流が、より大きく寄与することが定量的に示された。これらの結果は、アジアジェットに沿う波束伝播が、日本の東海上における砕波、及びそれに伴う北西太平洋亜熱帯域への高渦位大気の侵入を通して、PJパターンを励起し得ることを示している。
竹村 和人 向川 均
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.98, no.6, pp.1183-1206, 2020 (Released:2020-12-12)
3 5

渡部 文雄 内野 修 城尾 泰彦 青野 正道 東島 圭志郎 平野 礼朗 坪井 一寛 須田 一人
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.78, no.5, pp.673-682, 2000-10-25 (Released:2009-09-15)
33 36

Erma YULIHASTIN Tri Wahyu HADI Muhammad Rais ABDILLAH Irineu Rakhmah FAUZIAH Nining Sari NINGSIH
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.100, no.1, pp.99-113, 2022 (Released:2022-02-22)
1 7

Early morning precipitation (EMP) events occur most frequently during January and February over the northern coast of West Java and are characterized by propagating systems originating from both inland and offshore. The timing of EMP is determined by the initial location, direction, and speed of the propagating precipitating system. This study explores processes that characterize such propagating precipitation systems by performing composite analysis and real-case numerical simulations of selected events using the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model with a cloud-permitting horizontal resolution of 3 km. In the composite analysis, EMP events are classified according to the strength of the northerly background wind (VBG), defined as the 925 hPa meridional wind averaged over an area covering western Java and the adjacent sea. We find that under both strong northerly (SN) and weak northerly (WN) wind conditions, EMP is mainly induced by a precipitation system that propagates from sea to land. For WN cases, however, precipitating systems that propagate from inland areas to the sea also play a role. The WRF simulations suggest that mechanisms akin to cold pool propagation and advection by prevailing winds are responsible for the propagating convection that induces EMP, which also explains the dependence of EMP frequency on the strength of VBG. On the basis of the WRF simulations, we also discuss the roles of sea breeze and gravity waves in the initiation of convection.
桑形 恒男 住岡 昌俊 益子 直文 近藤 純正
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.68, no.6, pp.625-638, 1990 (Released:2007-10-19)
23 25

永田 雅
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.71, no.1, pp.43-57, 1993-02-25 (Released:2008-01-31)
43 42

藤井 盛澄
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.54, no.3, pp.147-159, 1976 (Released:2007-10-19)

Takeshi Enomoto
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.4, pp.5-8, 2008 (Released:2008-01-26)
5 5

A simple and accurate interpolation method applicable to semi-Lagrangian advection in a spectral global atmospheric model and downscaling is presented. The derivatives required for bicubic interpolation are usually represented by finite differences. Accuracy of bicubic interpolation is found to be improved by using derivatives calculated by the spectral method. Thus, the zonal and meridional derivatives are obtained by the Fourier and Legendre transforms, respectively. The proposed method is validated with the Gaussian hill rotation tests. The semi-Lagrangian advection model with this method produces a minimal error, comparable to that of the non-interpolating semi-Lagrangian model. In order to avoid the computationally expensive Legendre transforms, semi-spectral interpolation methods using only zonal spectral derivatives are also tested. Semi-spectral interpolation is found to be as accurate as full-spectral bicubic interpolation when quintic interpolation is used in the meridional direction.
Yosuke KOSAKA Yoshihisa MATSUDA
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.83, no.4, pp.481-498, 2005 (Released:2005-10-07)
2 3

In order to resolve the contradiction between the theories proposed by Rodwell and Hoskins (1996) and Chen et al. (2001), a linear response of global/hemispherical atmosphere to a subtropical heat source is studied, using two different numerical models. The first model treats the response as a linear combination of wave components (Hough functions), which are eigenmodes of the homogeneous equations. The second model is based on quasi-geostrophic approximation.First, the response to zonally uniform heat source is investigated. In the case of the heat source centered at the equator, geopotential and zonal wind perturbation fields are expressed by Rossby and Kelvin modes, while vertical and meridional flows are represented by gravity modes. On the other hand, the case of the heat source centered off the equator reveals that the cell reaching winter hemisphere is dominant due to mixed Rossby-gravity mode.Second, the response to zonally localized heat source centered at 25°N is investigated. The validity of quasi-geostrophic approximation in the subtropics is verified. It is found that the geopotential and horizontal wind perturbation fields can be expressed only by Rossby modes, while the contribution of gravity modes is stronger for the vertical flow. On the basis of these results we calculate the response in the observed basic wind, but the wavetrain shown in Chen et al. (2001) cannot be reproduced. On the other hand, the descent west or northwest of the heat source, which is examined in Rodwell Hoskins (1996), appears in the resting basic field as well as in the basic zonal flow. The mechanism producing this descent is discussed in detail.
楠 健志 上野 健一
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.100, no.6, pp.913-926, 2022 (Released:2022-11-30)

夜間の気温逆転(NTI)は山岳域の局地気候を特徴づける重要な因子である。中部日本におけるほとんどの山岳斜面は森林で覆われているが、森林の開葉・落葉が盆地内のNTIに及ぼす影響は解明されていない。長野県菅平高原の標高1320mに位置する混交林で、3年間にわたり葉面積指数(LAI)を観測したところ、盆地内のNTIは開葉に伴い弱化し、落葉に伴い強化する事が明らかとなった。数値標高・土地利用データを用いて、夜間冷気流が生じる流域内の落葉・混交林の分布を特定した。有効積算気温に基づき推定した流域スケールでの開葉・落葉時期は、NTI変化とほぼ一致した。微気象観測によると、林床でのNTIと近隣草原での斜面下降風は放射冷却が卓越した落葉期夜間に強化した。春季落葉期間と夏季開葉期間で夜間静穏晴天日をそれぞれ22日、30日分抽出した。冷気湖の発達に必要となる損失熱量を推定し、森林域での貯熱フラックスに変換した。貯熱フラックスは落葉期に比べて開葉期が3.8W m -2増加し、従来の研究で推定されている森林の貯熱量(数10W m -2)より少量となった。これは、開葉に伴う森林の貯熱量増加が夜間の放射冷却量を相殺し林床での重力流を弱めている事を示唆している。
Toshihiko Takemura Hisashi Nakamura Masayuki Takigawa Hiroaki Kondo Takehiko Satomura Takafumi Miyasaka Teruyuki Nakajima
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.7, pp.101-104, 2011 (Released:2011-07-02)
72 80

The powerful tsunami generated by the massive earthquake that occurred east of Japan on March 11, 2011 caused serious damages of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on its cooling facilities for nuclear reactors. Hydrogen and vapor blasts that occurred until March 15 outside of the reactors led to the emission of radioactive materials into the air. Here we show a numerical simulation for the long-range transport from the plant to the U.S. and even Europe with a global aerosol transport model SPRINTARS. Large-scale updraft organized by a low-pressure system traveling across Japan from March 14 to 15 was found effective in lifting the particles from the surface layer to the level of a westerly jet stream that could carry the particles across the Pacific within 3 to 4 days. Their simulated concentration rapidly decreases to the order of 10-8 of its initial level, consistent with the level detected in California on March 18. The simulation also reproduces the subsequent trans-Atlantic transport of those particles by a poleward-deflected jet stream, first toward Iceland and then southward to continental Europe as actually observed.
Seiji YUKIMOTO Hideaki KAWAI Tsuyoshi KOSHIRO Naga OSHIMA Kohei YOSHIDA Shogo URAKAWA Hiroyuki TSUJINO Makoto DEUSHI Taichu TANAKA Masahiro HOSAKA Shokichi YABU Hiromasa YOSHIMURA Eiki SHINDO Ryo MIZUTA Atsushi OBATA Yukimasa ADACHI Masayoshi ISHII
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.97, no.5, pp.931-965, 2019 (Released:2019-09-19)
212 441

The new Meteorological Research Institute Earth System Model version 2.0 (MRI-ESM2.0) has been developed based on previous models, MRI-CGCM3 and MRI-ESM1, which participated in the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). These models underwent numerous improvements meant for highly accurate climate reproducibility. This paper describes model formulation updates and evaluates basic performance of its physical components. The new model has nominal horizontal resolutions of 100 km for atmosphere and ocean components, similar to the previous models. The atmospheric vertical resolution is 80 layers, which is enhanced from the 48 layers of its predecessor. Accumulation of various improvements concerning clouds, such as a new stratocumulus cloud scheme, led to remarkable reduction in errors in shortwave, longwave, and net radiation at the top of the atmosphere. The resulting errors are sufficiently small compared with those in the CMIP5 models. The improved radiation distribution brings the accurate meridional heat transport required for the ocean and contributes to a reduced surface air temperature (SAT) bias. MRI-ESM2.0 displays realistic reproduction of both mean climate and interannual variability. For instance, the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation can now be realistically expressed through the enhanced vertical resolution and introduction of non-orographic gravity wave drag parameterization. For the historical experiment, MRI-ESM2.0 reasonably reproduces global SAT change for recent decades; however, cooling in the 1950s through the 1960s and warming afterward are overestimated compared with observations. MRI-ESM2.0 has been improved in many aspects over the previous models, MRI-CGCM3 and MRI-ESM1, and is expected to demonstrate superior performance in many experiments planned for CMIP6.
Han LI Xuyang GE Melinda PENG Lu LI
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.100, no.5, pp.729-749, 2022 (Released:2022-09-24)

In this study, the effect of the zonally-elongating monsoon trough (MT) on the interaction of binary tropical cyclones (BTCs) is investigated by using data analysis and idealized simulations. The interaction of BTCs is found to be sensitive to the relative orientation of the two tropical cyclones (TCs) embedded in the MT. When the two cyclones are lined up in a northeast–southwest (NE–SW) orientation, the MT steers the two cyclones to approach each other and promotes the Fujiwhara effect. In contrast, when the initial cyclones are oriented in the northwest–southeast direction of the MT, they will move away from each other under the large-scale steering flows.Idealized simulations are conducted to understand how the MT and the β-effect influence the BTC interactions, focusing on NE–SW oriented pairs. The steering flows at different stages are examined by partitioning them into the one from the MT and the other cyclone in the pair. The analysis shows that the binary TCs' motions are mainly controlled by the large-scale steering flows in the initial stage. In the case of BTCs with a NE–SW orientation, the MT can promote two TCs to approach each other, thus increasing the possibility of binary interactions.The sensitivity of the interaction of BTCs to their intensities, the strength of the MT, and the β-effect are examined. The stronger the MT, the stronger its large-scale steering flows will be, thus making the two NE–SW oriented TCs merge faster. Furthermore, the binary interaction is stronger on the β-plane compared with that on the f-plane. It is likely due to the β-induced Rossby wave energy dispersion. As the MT evolves into a monsoon gyre (MG)-like pattern, a pronounced southwesterly flow emanates in the southeast quadrant of MG. This southwesterly flow acts as a steering flow to help the western TC move northeastward, accelerating to reach the critical distance.
斎藤 錬一
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.26, no.8, pp.208-215, 1948 (Released:2009-02-05)
1 1

In a medium which consists of numerous small particles of transparent substance, like snow, fog and cloud, the intensity of radiation, passing through it, decreases. However, there is a question, if the rate of decrease obeys an exponential law, as was expected by many investigators. In this regard, Dietzius, in 1922, obtained equations: solving Schuster's equations and tried to discuss the decrease of brightness in fog. In the above equation, A0 means intensity of incident radiation at x=0 and A intensity of radiation advancing to x direction at the point x and B that of radiation returning backwards by the effect of diffuse reflexion of the part of the medium ahead. And, 2_??_ means a coefficient of diffuse reflexion of the medium, h its thickness, and μ the albedo at the base (x=h).The present writer investigated the value of γ and β, when the medium is not homogeneous, that is, (1) when(2) when the medium consists of two layers, whose coefficients are _??_ and _??_ respectively.In the case (1), the decrease of the radiation is no more linear, but parabolic.In the case (2), we can show that the relationshold, where A', B' are the proceeding and backing radiation in the second medium, whose coefficient is _??_; A'h'_??_ advancing radiation at the boundary of two layers; h' the thickness of the first medium; and the other notations are same as before. The above equations contain only _??_, and independent of _??_, so they fit _??_or computation of _??_ from experimental data. After we have got _??_ by use of _??_e above relation, then we can use the following relations for the first medium, where μ* meansThe relations (4) may enable us to calculate the value of _??_ This method will be also applied to the medium which consists of more than two layers and will be extended further to the medium whose coefficient changes continuously, if we divide the whole layer into many thin strata and carry out the above procedure for each stratum.Returning to the case of the uniform medium, the radiation, which reaches the base, is obtained, put ng x=hin the equation (1), viz.This means, _??_h depends on μ extraordinarily, and in the extreme case, μ=1, _??_h becomes 1. In the other words, if we place a mirror at the base of a fog stratum, the incident ray at the top, after passing through it, reaches the mirror without any drop in its strength. This is far beyond our imagination based upon experience. Such a misleading conclusions may come from the unnatural assumption of no absorptive power in the medium.Let us take absorption into account, and put From this equation we get, under the same boundary condition for the uniform medium, where At x=0, we have and at x=h, we haveWhen _??_ is large enough, we have for smaller value of x, that is, at the portion near the surface; for the value of x not considerably different from h that is, at the portion near the base plane.These equations (11), (12) teach us the-following facts in the case of fog, for example. If the fog layer is sufficiently thick, the decrease at the top portion obeys exponential law, while at the base (that is at the ground), the intensity changes linearly.From the equation (11), we getWe must take special care in treating with the surface condition, as will be shown in another article. However, we may think that β0 is an approximate value of albedo of the fog (and also, of the cloud). As we see, β0 and accordingly the albedo does not depend on absolute values of k and _??_, but on, their ratio k/_??_ Also, we have to remark, that β0 has no dependence upon μ the albedo of the base, against Dietzius' solution (1).It is also interesting to consider about the condition at the base.
山中 大学 田中 浩
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-17, 1984 (Released:2007-10-19)
22 25

中層大気中に存在する薄い乱流層の成因の一つという観点から, 対流圏起源の慣性内部重力波の臨界高度砕波を理論的に吟味してみた。Coriolis力による慣性効果は長周期または長波長の内部重力波については無視できないものである。基本場の鉛直シアーと Coriolis因子を一定とした慣用の非粘性線形方程式系から慣性内部重力波を表わす厳密解が導かれ, さらに Olver(1974)が拡張した Liouville-Green 法を用いて臨界高度近傍での正しい局所分散関係式を得た。この関係式から慣性内部重力波の重要な特徴として, Jones臨界高度の「弁効果」, および, 上下の臨界高度の内側の一対の「転移高度」の存在, の二つが見出された。類似の特徴は, 無限小シアーと水平方向の異方性とを仮定する系について過去に指摘されているが (Grimshaw, 1975, 1980), それらの仮定は弁効果と転移高度の存否に関する限り本質的なものではないと言元る。弁効果と転移高度との複合作用の結果として慣性内部重力波は Jones臨界高度近傍で波面の走向に依存した吸収また反射を受ける。すなわち吸収率および吸収に伴う砕波乱流層の厚さは波面の走向が東西に向うほど増大し, 一方波面が南北に沿うような波は実質的に反射される。基本場の Richardson 数が大きいと転移高度はそれぞれ臨界高度に近接するため, 両臨界高度の内側の乱流層は外側のそれよりもずっと薄くなる。以上のすべての特性は Jones 臨界高度近傍のある領域内でのみ起こり, その外部ではよく知られた非慣性内部重力波と本質的に同じ特性が得られる。この領域はCoriolis 因数に比例した厚さを持ち, 非慣性内部重力波では完全に消失してしまう。現実の成層圏乱流層との比較さらに中間圏以高まで達する重力波の定量的情報としての活用を考え, 慣性内部重力波とその砕波乱流層の厚さとの関係を表わす式を具体的に導いた。メソスケール領域の水平波長を仮定する場合, 慣性内部重力波のつくる乱流層は非慣性波のそれに比べて薄くなる。
高村 民雄 田中 正之 中島 映至
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.62, no.3, pp.573-582, 1984 (Released:2007-10-19)
16 17

Yayoi HARADA Hirotaka KAMAHORI Chiaki KOBAYASHI Hirokazu ENDO Shinya KOBAYASHI Yukinari OTA Hirokatsu ONODA Kazutoshi ONOGI Kengo MIYAOKA Kiyotoshi TAKAHASHI
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.94, no.3, pp.269-302, 2016 (Released:2016-07-02)
261 329

This study investigates the quality of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55), which is the second global reanalysis constructed by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), by comparing it with other reanalyses and observational datasets. Improvements were found in the representation of atmospheric circulation on an isentropic surface and in the consistency of momentum budget based on the mass-weighted isentropic zonal mean method. The representation of climate variability in several regions was also examined. In the tropics, the frequencies of high spatial correlations with precipitation, which were estimated using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis, are clearly higher in JRA-55 than in JRA-25. The results indicate that JRA-55 generally improved the representations of phenomena on a wide range of space-time scales, such as equatorial waves, and transient eddies in the storm track regions, compared with JRA-25 during the satellite era. Moreover, JRA-55 improved the temporal consistency compared with the older reanalyses throughout the reanalysis period. In the stratosphere, we found larger discrepancies between reanalyses for the extra-tropical stratosphere during the Southern Hemisphere (SH) winter. Comparisons with radiosonde temperature revealed that JRA-55 has a smaller bias in temperature than the other reanalyses in the extra-tropical SH winter before 1979. Some issues in JRA-55 were also identified. The amplitude of equatorial waves and Madden-Julian oscillation in JRA-55 are weaker than in the other reanalyses. JRA-55 shows unrealistic strong cooling in South America and Australia, although the spatial distribution of the long-term temperature trends in JRA-55 is the closest to an observational dataset of global historical surface temperature.