川内 規会
青森県立保健大学雑誌 (ISSN:13493272)
vol.12, pp.11-19, 2011-12

本研究は、震災直後の聴覚障害者の情報授受の問題と今後の課題を明確にすることがねらいであり、情報を伝える側と受ける側の両側面を通して、人と人の関わりをコミュニケーションの視点から考察するものである。震災直後では、人々は家族、知人の安否情報、避難情報、生活維持のための情報が絶たれたことにより不安が増大した。特に、聴覚障害者にとっては、健聴者の一番の情報源であるラジオが使用できず、また口頭で伝えられる情報も入らない。避難所では口頭の指示は理解できず、人とコミュニケーションをとりながら情報を得ること自体に難しさを感じ、不安と精神的負担が大きくなる。本稿は震災シンポジウムから得た聴覚障害者の意見と事前の質問紙調査の結果を通して、震災後の人と人との関わり、情報授受に関する不安と課題を再考する。また、「見えるラジオ」の現状を伝えるとともに、災害時に災害情報を正確に、迅速に、簡潔に伝える「やさしい日本語」が、外国人のみならず、聴覚障害者にも情報授受の観点から有効であることを提示する。This study aimed to clarify problems with giving and receiving of information by hearingimpaired persons after the earthquake disaster and to rethink interpersonal communication through information. After the earthquake, people were concerned about getting information on the whereabouts and safety of family members, friends and acquaintances, evacuation areas and the status of life lines. People received a lot of information from the radio and by word of mouth; however, hearing-impaired persons could not get such information. They had a hard time to get real on time information in the disaster area and shelters. Through questionnaires we got data from hearing-impaired persons who were in shelters and the disaster area. Responses from these questionnaires combined with information from the Symposium of Earthquake Communication clearly show the need to examine the giving and receiving of information after a disaster. We need to reconsider the use of "Mieru-radio/ teletext broadcasting." Furthermore, we suggest the use of "Yasashii-Nihongo /Easy-Japanese" during stays at shelters is not only beneficial for foreigners but also for hearing-impaired persons.
狩野 直禎
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.33, no.4, pp.579-603, 1975-03-31
狩野 直禎
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.15, no.3, pp.281-308, 1957-02-25
山本 潔
社會科學研究 (ISSN:03873307)
vol.61, no.1, pp.111-133, 2009-12-24 (Released:2011-06-01)

資料紹介 Research Source Guide A労働組合調査No.11『戦後労働組合の実態』(1947/8)により, 大河内一男教授は, 戦後の労働組合は「新人」が「大勢に順応」して結成したと主張. しかし組合結成時期別に調査原票を再集計すると, 敗戦直後の結成組合は, 戦前「労働運動経歴」「有」る者が「要求を出す」ために結成している. B労働市場調査No.18『京浜工業地帯』(1951/9)の労働者の「生家の職業」(農業46%)により, 大河内教授は「出稼型論」を展開した. しかし同調査『第二次集計表』では, 「親兄弟との経済的援助関係」「無」い労働者(52%)が, 「有」る者(25%)の約2倍で, 調査資料は「出稼型論」と逆の事実を示していた. C賃金問題の基本資料は『賃金台帳』であり, 社会科学研究所は電器・造船・化学・印刷・炭鉱・土建業等の台帳を保存している. D産業構造調査No.50『京浜工業地帯企業連関調査』(1959/9)は, 高度成長期に中小企業は大企業からの「独立性」を強化したとする. しかし各中小企業売上高中の特定親企業への納入比率を計算すれば異なる結論となろう.
飯尾 唯紀
スラヴ研究 (ISSN:05626579)
vol.48, pp.95-112, 2001

In Habsburg Hungary, the religious liberty of all estates came into force by the Act of 1608. This article was enacted in the years of crisis of the Habsburg rule, and had been valid, with a little modification, until the end of the 17th century. It has been proposed that this article, accordant with the system of "Neo-Serfdom," gave the religious liberty only to the feudal lords and free royal towns, not to the serfs. In the struggle between the foreign dynasty and domestic feudal lords, the former gave up to intervene in the affairs of serfs. On the other hand, feudal lords reinforced the power on their serfs not only in the physical, but in the spiritual sphere too. For feudal lords, their privilege on religious affairs was self-evident on the premise that they assigned to themselves the power of exercising the right of church-patron. This paper aims at questioning this established account and pointing out two central problems. First, this account regards the act as a part of the regulation of serfdom. Investigating the process of enactment, however, it appeared that the main issue was not on serfs but on the people who lived on those lands belonging to the crown. The second point of debate is about an understanding of the word "villa" [village]. This was interpreted as an expression of the right of non-Catholic church patron to keep their serfs on their side. However, concerning the understanding of the word "villa," we must take into consideration the discretionary power of congregation, which had been developed through late medieval times. As the role of congregation was diverged in each part of the state, there were frequent signs of clashes of opinions among Hungarian feudal lords on the question of the religious liberty of villages. The Act of 1608 declared that the king could not interfere in religious affairs in Hungary, but the right of the villages was not denied. The relation between patron and congregation became a keen issue on the Diet after the 1610s, when the western magnates returned to the Catholic church, and friction between them arose again throughout the Kingdom.
清久 正夫 佃 律子
岡山大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:04740254)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-11, 1966

中村 和世
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465546)
no.54, pp.123-132, 2006-03-28

This paper is about the influence of Albert C. Barnes on the development of John Dewey's theory of aesthetic education. Based on the content analysis of correspondences between Barnes and Dewey from 1917 to 1934, their relationship is discussed regarding two questions. One question is concerned about the psychological aspect of their relationship; what kind of personal relationship did they develop? They developed mutually intimate and sincere relationship, which helped them exchange and form their theories of aesthetic education. Another question is concerned about Barnes's theoretical support for Dewey's development of aesthetics. This study reveals that the support given by Barnes to Dewey is not only the knowledge of art, but also insightful thought on aesthetic experience, which consequently helped Dewey develop essential thoughts on his aesthetics. Such thoughts are classified into five topics: the knowledge of art, form of art, objectivity in taste, criticism, and reproductive aspect of an experience of art. It is concluded that with Barnes who agreed with Dewey's theory that the interaction between the live animal and the environment is fundamental to aesthetic education, Dewey was able to carry out his study of naturalistic humanism further in the field of art.