照井 悦幸 Yoshiyuki Terui
盛岡大学紀要 = The journal of Morioka University (ISSN:02860643)
vol.17, pp.91-100, 1998-03-19

Since the concept of communicative competence was recognized in the begining of 1970's, facilitating communication abilities has been treated as the main activity in the second language learning classroom. The effect to help second language learners in a classroom has been changed from teaching the language code to coordinating communication opportunities. However, it is also true that the structural syllabus is still very popular. The reason for this is not simply that class management for grammar teaching is rather easier than communicative activities. Possitive effects of the grammar exercises are reported. Theortically grammar teacing has not denied either. Thus, there is a dilemma between code and communication teaching. While the qestion of code teaching is not aswered yet, methods for communication activities have been created in many ways. One of them is an experimental language learning based upon the theories of crosscultural adaptation. According to Yasuba, Ikegami, and Sato (1991), the principles of experimental learning in the view of cross cultural adaptation are foundid on the following four points. First, let students learn from their own experiences. Second, class activities themselves should be considerd as one of learners' experiences in their experiences of the day. Third, the planning and construction of the learning subjects are decided by learners. Fourth, the instructor tries to give the learners satisfaction in their own studies. Based upon the above principles, in this paper I would like to introduce and analyze experimental learning activity in a Japanese learning class.
三田村 理恵子 小山田 正人 河内 智子 小幡 明雄 Rieko MITAMURA OYAMADA Masahito KOUCHI Tomoko OBATA Akio 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科・藤女子大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物栄養学専攻 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科・藤女子大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物栄養学専攻 キッコーマン株式会社研究開発本部 キッコーマン株式会社研究開発本部 Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Faculty of Human Life Sciences and Division of Food Science and Human Nutrition Graduate School of Human Life Science Fuji Women's University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Faculty of Human Life Sciences and Division of Food Science and Human Nutrition Graduate School of Human Life Science Fuji Women's University Research and Development Division Kikkoman Corporation Research and Development Division Kikkoman Corporation
vol.9, no.1, pp.27-34, 2014-03-31

野部 了衆 Ryoju NOBE
聖徳学園女子短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Shotoku Gakuen Women's Junior College (ISSN:03875067)
vol.28, pp.25-47, 1997-03-31

This paper tries to analyse that dealed with some accounts depicted about Radheya or Karna from Mahabharata. Its experiment is very important prosess to investigate the mainly theme of Karnabhara, a Sanskrit drama by Bhasa for us. As a result, there is depicted a brave man Radheya in our Epic. Exactly sometime he came across so tragic affair. But the writer of our Epic answers in the affirmative whole things that were acted by him. So perhaps there is an element of the brave, the theme of our Drama.
安藤 弥
同朋大学論叢 (ISSN:02881845)
no.105, pp.1-12, 2020-03
堀 朋平
研究紀要 = Kunitachi College of Music journal (ISSN:02885492)
vol.53, no.1, pp.187-198, 2019-03-29

ウィーン会議からカールスバート決議の間(1814-19年)には、若者たちの半ば秘密裏な団体が複数結成された。画家・文筆家・俳優たちが集うウィーンの「ナンセンス協会」(1817-18年)は、時事ネタやジョークをふんだんに織り交ぜた週刊誌『人間的ナンセンスのアーカイヴ』(全29編が現存)で知られる。シューベルトの関与を示す直接証拠はないが、協会のコード化(換喩やアナグラム等)に照らすと、作曲家の痕跡が数多く見出される。この種の――反証不可能な――痕跡をもとに音楽の意味やその成立背景をめぐって解釈を紡ぐことは「学問」の名に値しないという見解も道理である。いっぽうで「伝記的事実」は歴史的に揺らぎうるし、高尚でない話題を音楽学が抑圧してきた事実も否定できない。「ナンセンス協会」をめぐる学説の帰趨は、作曲家の生をいかに物語るか? という問題を考える試金石となるだろう。