増子 和男
中國文學研究 (ISSN:03850919)
vol.29, pp.211-226, 2003-12-20 (Released:2016-11-21)
長谷川 成一
文経論叢. 人文科学篇 (ISSN:03854191)
no.3, pp.73-96, 1983-03-24 (Released:2018-03-12)
中村 かれん
社會科學研究 (ISSN:03873307)
vol.57, no.3-4, pp.184-205, 2006-03-28 (Released:2017-06-08)

日本の聴覚障害者を代表する団体は,政府の利益を推進するよう設計された法的環境のなかで単に活動しているというだけでなく,さらに進んで,システムを自己の利益のために操作することにも成功している.この団体は,政治権力による統制を避けるために,団体をアメーバのように細分化し,団体構造の柔軟性を保ってきた.本論文は,日本の市民社会構造の中での政治権力とそれに対する抵抗の問題を取り上げる. The main organization of the deaf in japan has not only been able to work within a civil law environment designed largely to promote the interests of the state and quell social protest, but has been able to succeed in manipulating the system to its own benefit It has shown remarkable organizational flexibility by subdividing in an amoeba-like fashion to avoid political control. This paper engages questions of power and resistance in the civi society framework of japan.
村上 直
法政史学 = 法政史学 (ISSN:03868893)
vol.20, pp.79-96, 1968-03-20 (Released:2018-07-09)
細井 計 兼平 賢治 杉山 令奈
岩手大学教育学部研究年報 (ISSN:03677370)
vol.61, no.2, pp.149-168, 2002-02-01 (Released:2016-05-17)
阿久津 智
拓殖大学語学研究 = Takushoku language studies (ISSN:13488384)
vol.139, pp.1-27, 2018-12-22 (Released:2019-01-28)

三木 陽太
2012 (Released:2015-12-21)

東京海洋大学修士学位論文 平成24年度(2012) 食機能保全科学 第1612号 指導教員: 酒井昇 全文公表年月日: 2013-09-05
孫 昊 ソン コウ Sun Hao

本論文では,計量的な手法を用いて川端康成の代筆問題と文体問題に取り組み,次に挙げたことを明らかにした。①小説『乙女の港』と『花日記』は川端康成と中里恒子の共同執筆である。②『コスモスの友』,『古都』,『眠れる美女』と『山の音』は代筆の可能性が低い。③泉鏡花,徳田秋聲と横光利一と比べ川端康成文体の存在が確認され,終戦の1945 年を境に川端康成の語彙の豊富さと,機能語の助詞,副詞,接続詞に変化が見られた。 In this study, we revealed the following ghostwriting and writing style problem of Kawabata quantitatively. ①Otome no minato and Hana nikki were colloboratively written by Kawabata and Nakazato. ② Kosumosu no tomo, The Old Capital, House of the Sleeping Beauties, and The Sound of the Mountain were not written by the suspected ghostwriters. ③ Kawabata has his own writing style as compared to novels written by Izumi, Tokuda, and Yokomitsu. Changes were observed in vocabulary richness, postpositional particles, adverb, and conjunctions in Kawabata's novels after the second world war.
岡本 由良 Okamoto Yura オカモト ユラ
大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 社会学・人間学・人類学研究室
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
vol.27, pp.33-53, 2006-03-31 (Released:2006-03-31)

本論文ではロシアのいわゆる非検閲言語層、「マット」を考察し、その使用によって成立する特殊な修辞的空間を一つの発話内行為として再定義する。膨大な語彙からなるマットはロシアにとどまらず、旧ソ連諸国、中国やモンゴルにまで進出し、現地語と混ざり使われている。「マット」はロシアでキリスト教が普及する以前に儀礼の言語として役割していたと推測されており、儀礼のとき以外の使用はタブーであった。キリスト教の普及とともに、マットは邪教の名残として位置づけられ、その日常的使用に対するタブーがさらに強化された。今ではマットは抑圧された怒りを表すための抑圧された表現として常識的に理解されており、この理解はマットに関する数少ない学術的論文でも受けいれられている。本論文ではマットが使われたいくつかの会話と一つのインタビューを分析し、この見解の妥当性に疑問を投げかける。会話の文脈、会話における会話者の役割分但、話し手と聞き手の間の力学に注目することで、マットが作り出す特殊な修辞的空間を明らかにする。最後にマットを理解する新たな構図を提唱し、マットを一つの発話内行為として捉えなおす。 The purpose of this paper is to clarify the pragmatics of Russian obscene language, "mat", and to redefine its illocutionary force by discovering the characteristics of the context it is used in. Mat is a distinct and extremely large layer outside generally permitted Russian language, layer that has penetrated languages of all members of the old Soviet State as well as Mongolia and China. Its use in the Soviet period as well as before it was strongly persecuted; mat in Russian massmedia as well as in science was completely nonexistent and even now scientific work on mat is still scarce. Mat is thought to have been used as ritual language in pre-Christian cults, so its use in daily Life was tabooed. Following the advent of Christianity, mat was condemned as a remnant of pagan beliefs. Today mat is generally thought to be a repressed rhetoric, used to express repressed feelings or simply to be a group of extremely strong (and so largely nor-translatable) swear-words. This common belief is also widely accepted in scientific papers. This paper analyses one interview of a Russian politician and several fragments of conversation of an ethnically mixed group of Latvian villagers and argues, that illocutionary force of mat should be completely reformulated. Far from being a mere expletive, mat constructs a unique rhetorical space, where participants in the conversation are completely equal as to their connection to the topic, where societal norms are excluded and where individuals, evidently stripped of their societal garments and rights engage in a game of complete unison or a battle of just as complete mutual negation.
Fujii Yoshiaki Takahashi Kei Fukuda Daisuke Kodama Jun-ichi
Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics
Workshop on Rock Engineering and Environment proceedings(ARMS8)
vol.2014, pp.41-46, 2014-10-13

An equation that represents the relationship between the volume of the injected water V and the maximum magnitude Mmax of induced earthquakes for various cases, including EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System), is expressed as M max = 0.75logV - 0.48 (1) Another equation that represents the relationship between the magnitude and the JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) maximum seismic intensity scale SISmax of 40 randomly-selected, inland earthquakes in Japan is expressed as: SIS max = 1.36M - 1.12logd - 1.11 (2) where d is the focal depth (m). The equation that follows was derived from the preceding equations. SIS max = 1.02logV - 1.12logd - 1.76 (3) The volume of water injection by shale gas extraction in US was estimated and substituted into the equations, assuming that Eq. (2) could be used also for US earthquakes. The maximum magnitude and seismic intensity scale was predicted to be 6.0 and 3.5 (slight damage to residences), respectively, for the case where extraction had continued for 30 years. This estimate does not conflict with the fact that an M 5.6 event occurred five years after shale gas extraction began in the US. The same procedure was adopted for CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage) assuming that supercritical CO2 injection had the same effect in inducing seismicity. The injection volume is just 0.001% of the annual CO2 emission in Japan assuming that the allowable seismic intensity scale is 1. The injection of this small amount of CO2 is meaningless. We may have an M 7.1 whose SIS is 5.3 (heavy, significant damage to residences) if we inject 17% (this is IPCC's expectation) of the CO2 in Japan for 30 years into a CCS site. An M 7.1 is apparently not allowed. We need 510,000 CCS sites in Japan in order to inject 17% CO2 safely. It is impossible to construct so many CCS sites. In conclusion, either shale gas extraction or CCS should be carried out very carefully or we may have severe seismicity.