青木 洋
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.72, no.3, pp.331-353, 2006-09-25 (Released:2017-08-09)

This article focuses on the activities of the Research Groups (Kenkyu han) promoted by the National Research Council of Japan (NRCJ) during World War II. Research collaboration has recently attracted the attention of many scholars as a factor in the development of Japanese technology. In fact, there were a large number of research collaboration activities during the period, and the Research Groups were one of the largest of such groups. NRCJ, established in 1920 under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, had been mainly involved in the promotion of international academic collaboration until World War II. But when the Board of Technology (Gijutsuin) was established for the mobilization of science and technology and the tide of the Pacific War turned against Japan, the Ministry of Education enforced a reform so that NCRJ could launch widespread research collaboration throughout the country. The Research Groups were organized in 1944, and at its peak had 193 groups and a total of over 1,900 scientists. Typical research issues included electronics, scarce and rare materials, and public health. These were similar to those of the Research Neighborhood Groups (Kenkyu tonarigumi), which were promoted by the Board of Technology, resulting in some duplication of activities between the two groups and leading to inefficiency in the mobilization of science and technology research.
成田 博実 青木 洋子 出盛 允啓 緒方 克己 津守 伸一郎 金田 礼子 菊池 英維 菊池 武英 黒川 基樹 黒木 康博 田尻 明彦 中野 俊二 楢原 進一郎 西田 隆昭 古結 英樹
西日本皮膚科 (ISSN:03869784)
vol.75, no.1, pp.58-64, 2013-02-01 (Released:2013-04-25)

2010 年 4 月 20 日に宮崎県児湯郡都農町で発生した口蹄疫が全県下に拡大蔓延 (発生農場 292カ所, 発生自治体 5 市 6 町) し, 約 29 万頭の家畜が犠牲になった。その防疫作業に伴う皮膚病変について宮崎県内の皮膚科医へのアンケート調査で 50 例を集計できた。年齢は 20~75 歳 (平均 42.0 歳), 男 45 例, 女 5 例であった。発生月は 5 月 17 例, 6 月 22 例, 7 月 7 例, 8 月 1 例と推移した。職種は県内公務員が 32 例と最多であった。疾患は化学熱傷 46 例, 急性結膜炎, 汗疹性湿疹, アトピー性皮膚炎の増悪, 注射針刺傷, 蜂窩織炎, 虫刺症, 毒蛾幼虫皮膚炎が各 1 例, 防疫作業後発症の帯状庖疹 1 例であり, このうち 3 例が 2 疾患, 1 例が 3 疾患を合併していた。46 例の化学熱傷の受傷状況は豚・牛舎の消毒作業 18 例, 作業場所不明の消毒作業 25 例, 埋却作業 2 例, 鶏舎の消毒作業 1 例であった。原因となる化学物質は消石灰 (水酸化カルシウム Ca(OH)2) 23 例, 炭酸ソーダ (炭酸ナトリウム Na2CO3) 4 例, 不明 19 例であった。受傷部位 (重複あり) は顔面 5 例, 上腕 3 例, 前腕 14 例, 手 6 例, 大腿 17 例, 膝 4 例, 下腿 51 例, 足 2 例で, deep dermal burn が多かった。発症機序は非耐水性防護服からの薬液のしみ込み, 袖口や破れからのしみ込み, 発汗による体表面への拡散, さらにはゴム長靴と皮膚との摩擦や股ずれ等による皮膚損傷部で, 薬液が皮膚に浸透し化学熱傷に至ったものと推察した。
青木 洋
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.72, no.3, pp.331-353, 2006

This article focuses on the activities of the Research Groups (Kenkyu han) promoted by the National Research Council of Japan (NRCJ) during World War II. Research collaboration has recently attracted the attention of many scholars as a factor in the development of Japanese technology. In fact, there were a large number of research collaboration activities during the period, and the Research Groups were one of the largest of such groups. NRCJ, established in 1920 under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, had been mainly involved in the promotion of international academic collaboration until World War II. But when the Board of Technology (Gijutsuin) was established for the mobilization of science and technology and the tide of the Pacific War turned against Japan, the Ministry of Education enforced a reform so that NCRJ could launch widespread research collaboration throughout the country. The Research Groups were organized in 1944, and at its peak had 193 groups and a total of over 1,900 scientists. Typical research issues included electronics, scarce and rare materials, and public health. These were similar to those of the Research Neighborhood Groups (Kenkyu tonarigumi), which were promoted by the Board of Technology, resulting in some duplication of activities between the two groups and leading to inefficiency in the mobilization of science and technology research.
新井 克明 青木 洋平 雨宮 貴洋 倉田 なおみ
一般社団法人 日本老年薬学会
日本老年薬学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334065)
vol.6, no.3, pp.59-63, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-11-01)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential benefits arising from pharmacists accompanying doctors during their rounds in long-term care insured facilities for the elderly. Based on the medical records, the pharmaceutical content provided to physicians, medication history of residents, and residents’ level of care were analyzed. There were 157 interventions related to drug reduction that contributed to polypharmacy decrease. These interventions were maintained for six months and led to a cost reduction of approximately 1.67 million yen. Furthermore, one year after these interventions, a trend toward positive correlation was recorded between the improvement in residents’ level of care and the decrease in the number of medications taken. Overall, this study highlighted that pharmacists attending consultant-led rounds at long-term care insured facilities for the elderly was advantageous with regards to reducing polypharmacy and pharmaceutical costs.
山口 惠三 大野 章 石井 良和 舘田 一博 岩田 守弘 神田 誠 辻尾 芳子 木元 宏弥 方山 揚誠 西村 正治 秋沢 宏次 保嶋 実 葛西 猛 木村 正彦 松田 啓子 林 右 三木 誠 中野渡 進 富永 眞琴 賀来 満夫 金光 敬二 國島 広之 中川 卓夫 櫻井 雅紀 塩谷 譲司 豊嶋 俊光 岡田 淳 杉田 暁大 伊藤 辰美 米山 彰子 諏訪部 章 山端 久美子 熊坂 一成 貝森 光大 中村 敏彦 川村 千鶴子 小池 和彦 木南 英紀 山田 俊幸 小栗 豊子 伊東 紘一 渡邊 清明 小林 芳夫 大竹 皓子 内田 幹 戸塚 恭一 村上 正巳 四方田 幸恵 高橋 綾子 岡本 英行 犬塚 和久 山崎 堅一郎 権田 秀雄 山下 峻徳 山口 育男 岡田 基 五十里 博美 黒澤 直美 藤本 佳則 石郷 潮美 浅野 裕子 森 三樹雄 叶 一乃 永野 栄子 影山 二三男 釋 悦子 菅野 治重 相原 雅典 源馬 均 上村 桂一 前崎 繁文 橋北 義一 堀井 俊伸 宮島 栄治 吉村 平 平岡 稔 住友 みどり 和田 英夫 山根 伸夫 馬場 尚志 家入 蒼生夫 一山 智 藤田 信一 岡 三喜男 二木 芳人 岡部 英俊 立脇 憲一 茂龍 邦彦 草野 展周 三原 栄一郎 能勢 資子 吉田 治義 山下 政宣 桑原 正雄 藤上 良寛 伏脇 猛司 日野田 裕治 田中 伸明 清水 章 田窪 孝行 日下部 正 岡崎 俊朗 高橋 伯夫 平城 均 益田 順一 浅井 浩次 河原 邦光 田港 朝彦 根ケ山 清 佐野 麗子 杉浦 哲朗 松尾 収二 小松 方 村瀬 光春 湯月 洋介 池田 紀男 山根 誠久 仲宗根 勇 相馬 正幸 山本 剛 相澤 久道 本田 順一 木下 承晧 河野 誠司 岡山 昭彦 影岡 武士 本郷 俊治 青木 洋介 宮之原 弘晃 濱崎 直孝 平松 和史 小野 順子 平潟 洋一 河野 茂 岡田 薫
The Japanese journal of antibiotics (ISSN:03682781)
vol.59, no.6, pp.428-451, 2006-12-25
片井 加奈子 青木 洋輔 吉岡 瞳 桜井 ひろみ 濱田 和男 小野田 恵美子 今西 吉松 青木 康二 池見 明
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.29, no.3, pp.157-166, 2018 (Released:2019-02-01)

We examined the effects of powdered Mekabu (sporophyll of Undaria pinnatifida) extract on bowel movement disorder among 15 elderly aged 65 years old or more and living in nursing homes. The participants were administered 1 g of powdered Mekabu extract (Mekabu group, n=10) or starch (control group, n=5) along with their meal once a day for 4 weeks. In the Mekabu group, the frequency of defecation, amount of stool per defecation and amount of stool per week significantly increased after ingestion for 4 weeks (p<0.05) . Moreover, fecal microbiota analysis of the Mekabu group showed that the occupancy rates of Lactobacilli (p<0.05) and Clostridium subcluster XIVa (p<0.01) significantly increased after ingestion for 4 weeks. Furthermore, the phenol concentration of the Mekabu group significantly decreased after ingestion for 4 weeks (p<0.01) . These results suggest that intake of powdered Mekabu extract improves the bowel movements of elderly people.
青木 洋貴
公益社団法人 日本経営工学会
日本経営工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13422618)
vol.58, no.4, pp.247-256, 2007

青木 洋介
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.108, no.9, pp.1842-1846, 2019-09-10 (Released:2020-09-10)
松岡 松三 河辺 明彦 坂上 種男 青木 洋二 田村 康二 今井 哲也 菊田 亮司 大山 芳郎 江口 晃 真島 正 小黒 忠太郎
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.55, no.1, pp.36-39, 1966-04-10 (Released:2011-02-22)

全内臓逆位症に先天性心疾患が合併することは非常にまれといわれている. われわれはEbstein病に全内臓逆位症を合併した症例を経験した. 15才の男子で, チアノーゼ強く, やもり指を認めた. 赤血球増多症のほか生化学的検査などはすべて正常. 胸部X線像は, 定型的右心症陰影. 心電図はP波の増高, および著明な右室肥大所見があつた. 経静脈心血管造影で右室遠位部および肺動脈の造影遅延, 大動脈の早期造影の所見がみられた. 心腔内心電図併用心カテーテルで右房化した近位部右心室が証明されEbstein病と診断された. なお, 大動脈の早期造影は心房中隔欠損のためであつた. Ebstein病は心電図で普通, 右室肥大の所見は示さない. また心内圧は正常または低いのが普通であるが, 本症は右心室圧が高く肺動脈圧が低い, 血行動態上, 肺動脈狭窄の所見を呈していた. これらにつき若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
武副 札子 平井 和子 西村 弘子 青木 洋子 樋口 寿
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.9, no.3, pp.48-55, 1998-12-31 (Released:2011-01-31)

成人男女の健康と食行動に対する認識や排便習慣の実態を検討するために, 25歳から54歳の2, 416名 (男性1, 316名, 女性1, 100名) を対象に質問紙調査を行った.1)「健康と便秘に関連性がある」と答えた割合は, 男性87%で女性の方が93%と多かった (p<0.001).2) 排便が週に3回以下の「便秘傾向」の割合は男性13%に対して女性17%と多く, 毎日排便のある割合は男性71%に対して女性44%と少なかった (p<0.001).3)「健康に適した食生活」を「している」と「大体している」とを合わせた回答数は男性66%で女性の方が83%と多かった (p<0.001).4) 男性の方が女性よりも肉類と魚介類の「多量摂取」が多く, その他の食品群では「少量摂取」が多い傾向がみられ, 摂取頻度に性差がみられた (p<0.01以下).5)「健康に適した食生活に対する意識」と「摂取量」との関連性が総ての食品群で認められた (男女各々p<0.05以下)
青木 洋
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.53, no.1, pp.3-21, 2018 (Released:2020-06-30)

Japanese computer firms evolved from the electronic and telecommunications equipment industries, while US firms such as IBM and Sperry Rand evolved from the business machines industry. From the late 1950s to early 1960s, the Japanese computer industry lacked computer peripherals and software technology. Therefore, it needed to acquire the technology from US firms.To do so, it needed to negotiate technological partnerships with IBM and Sperry Rand. This negotiation process greatly influenced the later competitive advantage of both the US and Japanese firms in the Japanese computer market. However, previous studies have not examined this influence in sufficient detail. Therefore, this paper focuses on the negotiation process between Sperry Rand and three Japanese parties (Nippon Remington Univac [NRU], Toshiba, and Ministry of International Trade and Industry), and uses Japanese archives to examine the negotiations' influence on Sperry Rand and Toshiba.This paper elucidates two points. First, Sperry Rand did not benefit from negotiations compared with IBM. Because it fell behind in patent applications and publication of computer principles and related technologies in Japan, it fell behind in the Japanese market. Second, Toshiba's role in founding NRU and negotiating with Sperry Rand delayed the commercialization of its computers. Toshiba expected an earlier technology transfer from Sperry Rand, and planned its computer business on the premise that NRU would order many computers and peripherals, but the partnership did not come to fruition.In the 1960s Japanese computer market, IBM gained a competitive advantage among foreign firms, while Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NEC did the same among Japanese firms. This situation was a consequence of Sperry Rand's and Toshiba's respective problems.
青木 洋
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.48, no.2, pp.2_3-2_26, 2013 (Released:2016-03-18)

Industry-government-university collaboration (IGUC) in Japan during the period from World War II to the postwar time has recently attracted the attention of some historians. However, there are only a few case studies focussing on the development of a specific technology. This paper presents a case history of high frequency (HF) heating and hardening technology from the pre-war to the post-war period in Japan, and examines the role of IGUC for the technological development.Many new technologies were developed during the War, but the most famous and important among them was electronics. It originally led to the development of radio, but thereafter, people tried to apply it in other industrial and technological fields also. The HF heating and hardening technology attracted attention as a promising manufacturing technology after the War. It is one of the reasons for which a lot of idle HF valve oscillators for military use were applicable to HF heating equipments.Consequently, this paper gives a clear picture that the network of IGUC expanded from the pre-war to the post-war period in the field of HF heating technology. In the pre-war period, there was a lack of IGUC because new technologies for Japanese firms were mainly procured from foreign firms. But, the situation changed during the War. Japanese firms needed to develop new technologies by themselves or in collaboration with other domestic institutes. Public research institutes and university professors played an important role in IGUC. As a result of this collaboration, some new enterprises got the opportunity to establish and grow as leaders in the industry.
青木 洋
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.46, no.3, pp.3_30-3_55, 2011 (Released:2014-09-10)

This paper analyzes the institutionalization of testing and research institutes, learned societies, and engineers' associations in prewar Japan. Although some historians examine this subject, they tend to focus on famous or large organizations and their studies are not based on comprehensive statistical data. This paper analyzes the data that public organizations published in the prewar period, although they are partly revised and supplemented because of erroneous and inadequate information, particularly regarding the establishment year of private institutes. The data analyzed are of 773 institutes and 233 societies and associations.As these data comprise establishment year, research field and topic, address, administrator (the central government, local governments, or private organizations), and so on, this analysis possibly elucidates long-term trends of the establishment of various classifications of organization.Consequently, this paper provides some facts about these historical trends. First, although the First World War is considered an epoch for the institutionalization of testing and research institutes, 40% of them were actually established before the War, because there was much activity in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, and light, traditional industry before the War and these fields are frequently overlooked. Second, the greatest proportion of these institutes were in chemistry, so this discipline is the main driving force of institutionalization in Japan, similar to the U. S. A. Third, these institutes were established at an equal pace among various areas. Fourth, the high number learned societies and engineers' associations established annually occurred in a different era from that of testing and research institutes. The former is the second half of the 1920s; the latter, the WWI era. This fact demonstrates that different factors contributed to the establishment of all the above bodies.