1 0 0 0 OA 大都市の悩み

〓山 政道
行政研究叢書 (ISSN:2187039X)
vol.1964, no.6, pp.1-21, 1964-03-20 (Released:2012-09-24)
朴 光〓
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.73-86, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

The dazzling development of life science technology shines the light of hope, but it casts dark shadow to us at the same time. Although, with respect to the life span and incurable diseases, human embryonic cloning works in the positive manner, it also effects in negative way as to the infringement of human dignity, misuses for commercial purpose, and the incompleteness of technology. In this situation, as implementing the Statute of Bioethics and Safety enforced in January 1st 2005, Korea established legislative and institutional mechanism which regulates ethical and legal problems caused by the development of life science technology. This paper, therefore, briefly investigated discussions about main contents and legal issues of Bioethics law concerning with human embryonic in Korea. To do this, as premises for discussions, it also briefly examined the concept of human embryonic cloning and the legal status of human embryo and finally, it suggested alternative plans in the policy level. A basic attitude of the law is to completely prohibit somatic cell nuclear cloning for producing human individual cloning, and restrictively allows researches about remaining embryo expired from certain period for conservation after sterilization and materials generated by somatic cell nuclear transfer. This approach is quite desirable, but it still has something to supplement in regards to legal policies. The Bioethics law, as it is, reveals a loophole, inter alie, in the administrative system. Due to the self regulation system, the Committee of Bioethics plays only examination roles and it is not sufficient to protect human embryo. Thus, clarifying the human embryo as life more in detail and supplementing rules to protect human embryo, we should make efforts to minimize interventions from criminal law.
洪 性〓
内陸アジア史研究 (ISSN:09118993)
vol.28, pp.1-26, 2013-03-31 (Released:2017-10-10)

This article deals with the issue of taxes and corvee duties imposed on the Song-Liao borderland people. The border area was governed by both the Song and the Liao and its residents were compelled to pay taxes to both administrations. Thus, the region and the people were said to be dual-governed. Dual governance began when the Song finally gave up its plan to conquer the areas to its north and when the Kitan started attacking the Song and collecting taxes in the borderlands. The Song exempted people in the borderlands from most tax duties, but later re-imposed miscellaneous taxes in order to retain its position as the official ruler of the region. Before and after signing the Chanyuan Treaty in 1004, residents of the dual-governed regions paid miscellaneous taxes and served corvee duties for the Song, and, at the same time, paid taxes and served corvee labor for the Kitan. Each country needed to impose a tax and labor burden lighter than the other and deliver greater relief than the other. The Song and the Liao took different approaches to riling the borderlands. From the Kitan's position, it was satisfactory enough to have control over and to be able to exploit labor from the region. The Song, on the other hand, took the issue as a matter of territorial integrity.
野村 亨 佐藤 〓
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.41, no.2, pp.147-154, 1986-02-05 (Released:2008-04-14)

重イオン反応, ことに数十MeV/u以上の重イオン核破砕反応は, 地上で中性子過剰核をつくる有力な手段として期待されている. 重イオン反応の特徴を中性子過剰核の生成という観点で概観し, 幾つかの研究例を紹介する.