中西 久実子 村上 正行 上田 早苗
教育システム情報学会誌 (ISSN:13414135)
vol.28, no.1, pp.61-70, 2018-07-27

<p>In 2008 and 2009, we practiced Cooperative Learning (CL) twice between learners of Japanese as a second language in Hong Kong and trainees to be a Japanese teacher in Kyoto by using SNS. The questionnaire after CL showed that 2008-CL was not fully activated in terms of 'social presence' and 'social support'. In 2009-CL, we improved the following points to get the students to feel social presence and social support; 1) corrections should be directly written in SNS, not in attached files, so that they are visible, 2) some of the functions of SNS are refined, 3) CL is performed in a group, not in pair, 4) corrections are given not only to a part of the learners' essays, but also to all parts, 5) instructors take the role of facilitators. Due to these improvements, 2009-CL became more activated than 2008-CL.</p>
上田 早苗
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.28, no.4, pp.283-305, 1970-03-31
上田 早苗
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.62, no.3, pp.p329-349, 1979-05

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり「夫耕婦績」は、太古以来の社会通念であって、とくに儒家独自の思想と言う訳ではなかった。しかし、漢代に至り、儒家の進出とともに、この「夫耕婦績」の理念が押し進められ、社会の末端にまで浸透するようになる。「夫耕婦績」の通念を儀式化したのが、文帝の治世より始まる「藉田親桑」の儀礼である。皇帝が籍田の儀礼を、皇后が親桑の儀礼を執行し、天下の夫婦男女に対して労働の在り方を示そうとしたのである。つまり、家族内部では、性別による分業がおこなわれ、男が耕作を、女が採桑、養蚕、紡績、機織及び裁縫など一連の仕事を分担する。漢代にあっては、女性労働にもとづく布帛の類が正規の課税として徴収されたり、あるいは布帛を以って租税に代えたとする事例は見当らない。魏晋以降の税制は、この「男耕女績」をふまえて成立しており、理念としては夫 (男) から租を、婦 (女) からは調を徴収することを意味し、夫婦の労働によって完結する。The idea of 'fukêng-fuchi' 夫耕婦績 was a very old one and did not belong exclusively to the Confucian school. But in the Han period, with the rise of Confucian school, that ideology penetrated every section of society. And the ceremony of 'chieh t'ien-ch'ing sang' 藉田親桑, which made it an established manner, was initiated in the reign of Emperor Wên 文帝. That is, both emperor and empress set an example of the way of labor by themselves. Since then, as sexual division of labor was established, man began to take the part of cultivation and woman of picking mulbery leaves, silkworm-raising, silk-reeling, weaving and sewing. Though we cannot find the case in which the silk produced by woman was collected as regular tax, the tax systems after the Wei-Chin 魏晋 periods were based on the 'fukêng-fuchi' idea, which means that tsu 租 was assigned to man and tiao 調 to woman.