伊藤 敬 仲居 裕 稲野 俊直 田口 智也 前田 昌調
海の研究 (ISSN:09168362)
vol.15, no.5, pp.417-423, 2006-09-05

本研究は,微生物間の拮抗作用を利用してアユ冷水病原因菌であるFlavobacterium psychrophilumの増殖を抑制することを目的としている。この研究の一環として,アユ飼育槽内や天然河川から細菌を分離し,F. psychrophilumの増殖阻害活性を測定した。分離した97細菌株において,水槽壁および水中に浸漬したスライドガラス表面から得た菌が,高い割合で活性を示し,中でも7株は強い病原菌の増殖阻害作用を示した。そして,これら7株の簡易性状試験を行なった結果,3株はPseudomonas I/II, 2株はMoraxella属の種と考えられ,残りの2株は同定することができなかった。なお、この同定に関しては16SrRNAの解析について考察した。この7株の各々を配合飼料に20%(v/w)の割合で混合した後,体重あたり3%量の本飼料を稚アユに8日間毎日投与した結果,4株についてはアユの初期減耗がみられたが,飼育4日目以降では,死亡個体はなかった。一方,他の3株については,この初期減耗は見られなかった。
大谷 道輝 川端 志津 假家 悟 内野 克喜 伊藤 敬 小瀧 一 籾山 邦男 森川 亜紀 瀬尾 巖 西田 紀子
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.122, no.5, pp.323-329, 2002-05-01
1 12

The effect of the intake of 200g of grapefruit pulp (corresponding to one grapefruit) on the pharmacokinetics of the calcium antagonists nifedipine (NF) and nisoldipine (NS) were investigated in 8 healthy Japanese male volunteers. A crossover design was used for the study: group I did not ingest any grapefruit (control group); group II ingested grapefruit 1 h after drug administration; and group III ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration. The intake of grapefruit pulp increased the plasma concentrations of both NF and NS, an effect that has previously been reported with grapefruit juice. The increase was most marked when grapefruit was eaten before drug administration. For both NF and NS, subjects who ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration exhibited a greater C_<max> and AUC_<0-24> than did subjects in the control group. For NF, the C_<max> was 1.4 times higher and the AUC_<0-24> 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. For NS, the C_<max> was 1.5 times higher and the AUC_<0-24> 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. The increase in the AUC_<0-24> was significant for both drugs (p<0.05). The finding that the ratios of C_<max> and AUC_<0-24> for unchanged drug and metabolites did not vary greatly among the three groups for either drug suggests that the increase in serum concentration produced by grapefruit intake may be due to other factors than an inhibitory effect on drug metabolism. Also, the increases in C_<max> and AUC_<0-24> of NS produced by grapefruit intake were smaller than those produced by grapefruit juice intake, indicating that grapefruit pulp and juice have different effects on the pharmacokinetics.
伊藤 敬 高橋 謙 大久保 利晃
産業医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.18, no.1, pp.7-18, 1996-03-01

クロムメッキ作業従事者の健康影響についての調査はまだ十分になされていない。我々はクロムメッキ作業者の死因パターンの特徴を調べるために,東京都にあるメッキ工場の従業員1,193名を対象に16年間の追跡調査を行った。同集団をクロムメッキ作業者群(623名)と非クロムメッキ作業者群(567名)に分け,1976年10月から1992年12月まで追跡した。標準化死亡比(SMR)およびその95%信頼限界(95%CI)を統計学的評価に用いた。クロムメッキ作業従事者における慢性肝炎および肝硬変の死亡リスクについて統計学的に有意な上昇(SMR 2.34; 95%CI 1.17-4.19)と,肺がんのリスクの上昇傾向(SMR 1.18; 95%CI 0.99-3.04)が示された。非クロムメッキ作業従事者においては,死亡リスクに関する有意なリスクの上昇を認めたものは無かった。我々は,各疾患における死亡数が少ないことから,今後もさらなる追跡調査が必要であると結論した。
伊藤 敬雄 大久保 善朗 須原 哲也

伊藤 敬一 毛呂 真 月舘 敏栄

伊藤敬彦 堀部 史郎 新保仁 松本 裕治
情報処理学会研究報告データベースシステム(DBS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2003, no.51, pp.181-188, 2003-05-22

ある文献が他のどの文献を参照しているか、という文献の参照情報は、その文献の参考文献一覧の各一文(参考文献文)が指し示している文献を、文献データベース(著者、題目、掲載誌等からなる文献を表す文献データ集合)中から同定することで獲得できる。この同定を、参考文献文と文献データの単なる文字列の完全一致判定で行なうことはできない。参考文献文に表記の多様性や誤りが存在するためである。本稿では参照情報の自動獲得手法を提案する。始めに、単一のベクトル空間とその上での類似度を用いて粗く候補を絞る。次に、参考文献と文候補が同一の文献であるかを多数の尺度に基づく類似度を特徴量として判定する。複数の尺度それぞれの重みを人手でつけることは現実的ではないため本稿ではサポートベクターマシーンを用い、各尺度の最適な重みを自動で算出した結果、F値0.992が得られた。Citation indices are invaluable for the retrieval of related papers. With the increase in the volume of scientific literature, a demand is growing for methods to automatically construct such indices. However, a naive method such as using exact string matches makes errors because of the various ways references can be formatted. In this paper, we propose a new citation indexing method that uses many features to evaluate similarity between references and bibligoraphic data. Unlike the previous work which typically uses only a few features to compute similarity, our method computes a weighted sum of more than 1200 feature values, each of which reflects one of the diverse similarity measures. An F-measure of 0.992 was obtained when Support Vector Machines were used to compute optimal weights to each feature.
三上 洋 伊藤 敬一 吉井 秀彦 小坂 威雄 宮嶋 哲 加地 辰美 浅野 友彦 早川 正道
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.54, no.1, pp.23-27, 2008-01

68歳, 男。PSA値上昇を指摘され, 経会陰式前立腺生検よりatypical cellが検出された。6ヵ月後の再生検で前立腺右葉中心に低分化型腺癌と診断され入院となった。臨床病期T2aN0M0の診断で後腹膜鏡下根治的前立腺摘除術および両側骨盤内リンパ節切除を施行した。病理組織診断は低分化型腺癌(Gleason score 3+5)であった。術後3日目にドレーンが自然抜去し, 14日目の膀胱造影で吻合部リーク, ダンベル型の膀胱を認めた。19日目には発熱, 下腹部膨隆が出現し, 骨盤CTにて右側に巨大な液体貯留を認めた。同部にカテーテルを留置し, 内容液はリンパ液と考えられ, リンパ嚢腫と診断した。カテーテルを持続吸引式バッグに接続し, その後ミノサイクリン注入を行った。術後27日目の膀胱造影でリークはなく, 42日目のCTでは嚢腫は消失していた。退院後は外来フォローしているが, リンパ嚢腫の再発は認めていない。A 68-year-old male visited our division with an elevation of PSA level. He underwent a needle biopsy of the prostate, and the histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (Gleason score 4+3). The cancer was clinically diagnosed as T2aN0M0, and he underwent extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy. Cystography 14 days after the operation still showed leakage at the vesico-urethral anastomosis and a dumbbell shaped bladder. A few days later, prominence of lower abdomen and a slight swelling of right leg presented with a high fever. Computed tomography revealed a giant lymphocele in the retroperitoneal space. We percutaneously punctured the lymphocele by using ultrasonography, inserted a pigtail catheter, and drained 1,000 ml of lymphatic fluid. After the puncture, sclerotherapy with minocycline was performed four times. Twenty days after the puncture, the lymphocele cavity was found to have shrunken and the pigtail catheter was removed. The lymphocele was diminished and did not recur thereafter.
伊藤 敬 Ito Kei 静岡大学 Shizuoka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.34, pp.50-63, 1979-09-30

In this paper I attempt to clarify the characteristics of works of 4 "sociology of teachers". Then, they are restricted to the following papers. That is, they are, (1) papers that applied sociological viewpoints, frameworks and ideas to analysing teachers, (2) papers that were classified into the next areas of "sociology of teachers", namely (a) teachers as educational workers and professionals, (b) occupational socialization of teachers, (c) educational organization and autonomy of teachers, in connection with educational research of teachers, and (3) papers that had proceeding ones in each area. I pay attention specially to the intentions or aims and the viewpoints expressed in papers and point out significant results to "sociology of teachers" and educational research.
伊藤 敬 Itoh Kei 静岡大学 Shizuoka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.26, pp.152-167, 1971-10-15

After World War II, the idea of education and teaching profession changed completely in Japan. The old concepts were replaced by the new ones, chiefly of professionalism and unionism. The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes toward 'professionalism' which the present-day teachers assumes. Our questionnaires were sent to 1,085 teachers of senior and junior schools and primary schools in three prefectures. Our aim of this questioning was to explore the three aspects which we thought to be the most important as the elements of the profession. They are (I) autonomy in teachers' instructional activities, (II) autonomy of the professional organization, and (III) professional ethics and belief. We received 736 auswers from the teachers. And as a whole, (I) showed the most remarkable result and (II) the least. Teachers are discreet enough to think it important to select textbooks freely and adopt his own teaching methods, but they considerably allow for the role of their principals. There are few who think that the professional organization should participate in the decison of the criteria of the teacher's certificate. Most teachers assume that they are performing an essential function of the society, but not many regard the belief in public service as of importance. There is a close relation between attributes of teachers and (I) and (II). It is the teachers lower in rank-members of Japan Teachers Union (JTU) and of its friendly organizations, graduates of national or municipal universities or collges, and teachers from twenty to thirty-nine years of age-who constantly demand their professional autonomy; whereas it is the head teachers and those next to them in rank-members of anti-JTU associations, graduates of normal schools, and teachers over fifty years of age-who are committed to (III). On the whole, their professional consciousness is inferior to that of the former. And we proceed to examine the relation between the conception of profession and morality, for it functions as a standard of demmand in teaching. These analysis give the result that the morality of the teacher more attached to professionalism is lower than that of those less attached.