佐藤 純 中村 利廣 菅原 伸一 高橋 春男 佐藤 和郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.34, no.1, pp.19-39, 1989-04-10 (Released:2018-01-15)

Chemical analysis for major and minor elements was performed on the pumice fall deposit, essential blocks from the two pyroclastic flow deposits and the lava flow, erupted in succession during the 1783 (Temmei) volcanic activity on Mt. Asama. The pumice samples representing a vertical column exhibit no remarkable trend of chemical variation with time. The analytical results for the lava flow show small spatial variation in K, Mg, Sr and some other elements. Further inspection of the data for all the samples indicates that Fe, Na, Ti, Sr, Cu, Co and Ni tend to increase with time throughout the whole eruptive sequence. A plot of Sr/(SiO2 + K2O) vs. (Fe2O*3+K2O)/(SiO2+K2O) illustrates that the erupting magma became progressively more mafic and more enriched in Sr during the activity. This type of plot, combined with the spatial distribution of certain elements superimposed on the distribution pattern of the lava flow, reveals that, during the lava eruption, the composition of erupting magma still shifted to slightly mafic.
出口 哲生 佐藤 純 上西 慧理子
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.70, no.6, pp.419-426, 2015-06-05 (Released:2019-08-21)

武田 晃治 和田 薫 砺波 雄介 佐藤 純一 村上 敏文 新村 洋一
vol.61, no.2, pp.76-83, 2016 (Released:2016-12-15)

佐藤 純一
vol.34, no.4, pp.312-315, 2019-12-20 (Released:2020-03-14)

Chronic pain is known to get worse under the influence of weather change (tempera­ture, humidity, pressure). This is generally called “weather–related pain”. The author believes that the pressure sensor in the inner ear and the autonomic nervous system imbalance are involved in the mechanism of worsening pain and associated symptoms due to a decrease in atmospheric pressure. In addition, the activation mechanism of the cold receptor on skin occurs in chronic pain, which is considered to be the main role of the mechanism of aggravation of chronic pain under low tem­perature environments.
佐藤 純一
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.13, pp.70-78, 1995-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

This paper attempts to reconsider the etiology of modern medicine (or bio-medicine) from the view points of medical anthropology and medical sociology. The discussion of causality in modern medicine fundmentally depends upon biological factors and theories, and seems to neglects socio-cultural factors and theories. At first in this article, the another criticizes the origin of modern medicne, emphasizing the importance of the viewpoint of socio-cultural contexts. Next, based on historical-theoretical-anthropological studies of modern medicine and non-western medicine ("traditional medicine"), it is strongly proposed that the origins of both traditional medicine, and also modern medicne, derive from theories bound with the respective culture. Therefore we can think the modern medicine as a kind of traditional medicine. A tentative theoretical model of origins in order to inquire into all origins is proposed. In the kind part of this article, after describing the new concept of the origins of modern medicne, which depends upon probability and epidemiology, the new concept is examined with this tentative thoretical model.
佐藤 純一
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.10, pp.136-142, 1992-10-23 (Released:2018-02-01)

"Doing Better and Feeling Worse." This phrase is the title of a book which criticized modern American medicine in the nineteen-seventies, and it means that the better the medical personnel do, the worse the patients feel. Now in Japan, many people, not only patients and laymen but also medical personnel, may be discontented with modern medicine in the same way. This paper was prepared for discussion in the symposium titled "Concerning the Humanism of a Medical Environment in Transition". It emphasizes the importance of the socio-cultural viewpoint in inquiring into medicine, for medicine is a socio-cultural system and ideology. Using the key concept "medical pluralism", this pape tries to describe the diversity of patients' (laymen's) concepts of disease, the variety of their illness-behaviors, and the relativity of patients (laymen) and medical systems.
佐藤 純一
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.9, pp.68-82, 1991-07-31 (Released:2018-02-01)

Recently many publications in socio-culture and medicine have come out which assert the importance of "iyashi (healing)" in medical settings in Japan. Especially among traditional medical practitioners and their clients, such an assertion has been emphasized in connection with criticisms of modern medicine. They insist that there is not "iyashi (healing)" in modern medicine, but in their traditional medicine, although they never mention what "iyashi (healing)" is. This paper tries to clarify what "iyashi (healing)" means. It also argues against the view there is no "iyashi (healing)" in modern medicine. For this purpose, it describes the care given to patients having terminal cancer in modern Japanese medicine, by way of providing some "Medical Anthropology". Even today Japanese physicians deem it fatal and unethical to tell the truth about a diagnosis of terminal cancer to the patient. Instead, physicians give the patient a false diagnosis. For example they say that he has a benign ulcer when he has stomach cancer. Some physicians never give the patient any diagnosis of malignancy, just saying "No problem". But some members of the patient's family, usually elderly male members, are told the true diagnosis and are asked to conceal the truth from the patient. They are asked to support him by reassuring him that he will" recover, by physicians in charge. Nurses in charge obey the physicians' order to keep silence about the diagnosis. In this way, the dying patient is surrounded with "the lie" of his entourage, physicians, nurses and his family members, and goes without recognizing the terminal time and the true diagnosis. Focusing on this situation of patients having terminal cancer, this paper argues about Japanese "iyashi (healing)."
佐藤 純一
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.32, no.2, pp.25-37, 1999-11-10 (Released:2009-05-29)

寺岡 歩 齋藤 いずみ 田中 紗綾 佐藤 純子
一般社団法人 日本助産学会
日本助産学会誌 (ISSN:09176357)
vol.33, no.1, pp.82-91, 2019

<p><b>目 的</b></p><p>分娩取扱い病院で約8割を占めている産科混合病棟の,助産師と看護師による分娩期の看護時間と看護行為を明らかにし,助産師と看護師が協働する分娩期看護の安全性の向上に資する示唆を得ることを目的とする。</p><p><b>対象と方法</b></p><p>正期産経腟分娩の事例を対象とした。産婦の入院から分娩後2時間値の測定終了までを分娩期とし,調査員がタイムスタディ法を用いて産婦と新生児に関わった全ての看護者の看護時間と看護行為を測定した。</p><p><b>結 果</b></p><p>調査期間の14日間に10例(初産婦4名,経産婦6名)の分娩があった。</p><p>分娩期の経過時間中央値は467.0分で,1組の母児に対して分娩期に関与した人数の中央値は助産師が6名,看護師は2名,提供した看護時間中央値は助産師が436.5分,看護師が41.0分であった。</p><p>観察された看護行為26項目のうち看護時間の上位3項目は,助産師では「助産診断(産婦の観察)」「看護記録」「直接分娩介助」,看護師では「新生児介助」「間接分娩介助」「(診療,処置の)準備・後片付け」であった。</p><p>助産師と看護師の看護時間および看護行為は,事例の個別性および分娩進行状態に対応して変動がみられた。</p><p>入院から子宮口全開大に至るまでの時間に看護者間の連絡回数が集中しており,情報交換や業務調整が行われていた。</p><p><b>結 論</b></p><p>分娩期に観察された看護行為から,助産師と看護師はそれぞれの専門性に応じた役割分担をしていることが実証された。</p><p>産科混合病棟では分娩第2期までの経過時間に看護者間の連絡を密にして,他科患者への業務調整ならびに分娩準備を行うことが重要である。それにより,分娩第2期・第3期に母児に対し集中して看護することが可能になり,分娩期の安全確保につながることが示唆された。</p>
佐藤 純彌
no.9, pp.114-123, 2010-11
水谷 みゆき 鈴木 千春 大道 裕介 櫻井 博紀 森元 温子 西原 真理 牛田 亨宏 新井 健一 佐藤 純
vol.27, no.3, pp.175-188, 2012-08-10 (Released:2013-02-19)

The effect of hypnotic intervention for the refractory chronic pain patients was examined along with the process of patients' selection and their psychological characteristics. The total 596 visit patients in the first year were statistically examined concerning duration of pain, scores of psychological distress (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and disability (Pain Disability Assessment Scale) at the initial visit and the treatment outcome at the end of the first year. The duration of chronic pain was significantly related to disability but not to psychological distress at the initial visit. At the end of the first year of multidisciplinary pain treatment, 44% of total patients were under treatment, 19% finished treatment (10% evidently improved and 9% accepted their pain), 12% were referred and 25% dropped out. The group of patients who were evidently improved was not different concerning the duration of pain, but significantly less anxious, less depressed and less disabled at the initial visit than the other groups. Among the 261 patients under treatment, 33 patients (5.6% of total patients) were introduced into individual psychological interventions in consideration of 1) poor outcome in pharmacological and physical treatments, 2) unstable treatment relationship and marked pain behaviors, 3) obvious psychological distress, 4) event-related fluctuations in pain. They were significantly more anxious and depressed at the initial visit, than those who were not introduced to psychological intervention. Multiple bio-psycho-social factors were identified; tender points in 21 patients (by physiotherapist), stressful life events around the onset of pain in 26, serious daily conflicts at present in 30, catastrophizing thinking in 21, repressive thinking in 12, avoidance in 2 and perseverative coping in 6. Many of them did not or partly perceive their somatic tension / discomfort. Multiple factors were considered to inhibit the effect of treatment in those patients. In individual hypnosis, therapeutic conversation, permissive induction and indirect suggestions were employed. Direct suggestions for analgesia were not applied. Among 33 patients, 25 patients experienced hypnotic analgesia during sessions, 14 of whom finished their sessions with the decreased daily pain level or the enhanced effect of medication until the end of the 3rd year. Among them, 5 patients evidently improved (one phantom limb pain and 4 other chronic pain). Hypnosis successfully helped 42% of the patients who had failed to respond to multi disciplinary treatment. The psychosomatic resources in patients need to be more attended and utilized in chronic pain treatment.