倉田 美恵 奥山 清美 金田 すみれ 土屋 房江 筒井 由紀子 三谷 璋子 山本 百合子
福山市立女子短期大学研究教育公開センター年報 (ISSN:13485113)
vol.5, pp.65-71, 2008

倉田 芳弥
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.8, pp.277-288, 2005

In this research, it aims to clarify discourse management of contact situations in chat conversations by focusing on Japanese native and non-native speakers' backchannels. It first observes whether Japanese native situation and contact situation differs. And then, compares backchannels used by native and non-native in contact situation. First, backchannels in two situations were analyzed using four viewpoints, 1) frequency, 2) function, 3) appearing position, 4) message composition. As a result, difference was seen. Second, contrast of backchannel usage between native and non-native was examined. Native show discourse management transmitting backchannels and substantial remarks together for a certain turn-taking, avoiding complicated conversation. Meanwhile, non-native use more backchannels than native to distinct speaker and listener clearly. Third, as for the common characteristics of native and non-native backchannel usage, both show participants' consideration and avoid inconsistent message by time lag in the point of turn-taking. Moreover, using many backchannels of "content understanding" and "feeling expression", participants incline to indicate strong understanding and positive reaction. In conclusion, native and non-native in chat conversation present various types of discourse management in contact situations. Both not only show attitude of understanding but also control clear conversation development, handling back channels effectively.
上田 修一 吉野 貴庸 石田 栄美 倉田 敬子
Library and information science (ISSN:03734447)
vol.41, pp.1-15, 1999

WWW OPAC has become one of standard services at university libraries in Japan. A largenumber of studies have been carried out for the evaluation of OPACs. What seem to be lacking,however, are those from the actual users' point of view. ln this research, we examine major 15WWW OPAC systems from such search terms as supposed likely to be used by novice users.Three cases are analyzed, each searching a specific book or author from terms extracted fromit and their variants. The first case is to search a Japanese book translated from English from9 terms (ex. full Japanese title, one keyword from title, 'kanjj' of Japanese translator, Englishspell of author, and so on). The second case is to search a book with long title from 5 terms (fulltitle including subtitle, main title only, and the variants). The third case is to search all booksby an author, whose 'yomi' is the same with more than 9 persons. The major results are as follows: (1) Only three systems are successful in searching from all the terms in the first case. (2) Some systems are very ineffective, can be searched only from few terms. (3) The same outcomes cannot be got even from the same search terms. These problems seem to occur under such situations as: (1) A standard architecture and indexing system of OPAC database have not yet been established.(2) Standard OPAC searching procedure has not been developed. (3) Current OPAC is a mixture of traditional cataloguing rules and online retrieval system. It is necessary to develop an original architecture and standard searching procedure forOPAC based on a new user model.
倉田 靜佳
言語科学論集 (ISSN:13434586)
vol.7, pp.47-58, 2003-12-10

曲亭馬琴の読本『南総里見八犬伝』における「然」が後接する漢字語につけられた、字音語振り仮名について、一般的に「漢語」としては呉音から漢音への移行の優勢が常識とされるのに反し、「ゼン」から「ネン」への交替が多くの漢字語において顕著であり、しかもその交替時期は第6・7輯 (文政10・11年) を境としていることを明ら加こし、それは各語における音連結や文脈には起因せず、筆工の交替による可能性を指摘した。
磯野 春雄 倉田 晃二 高橋 茂寿 山田 千彦
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IE, 画像工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.103, no.324, pp.25-30, 2003-09-18

本論文では色覚の加齢効果を明らかにするために60-75歳の高齢者を対象に視覚の色度空間周波数特性および時間周波数特性を測定し若年者と比較した。本実験では色覚の反対色メカニズムに対応させて、明るさが一定で色度のみが正弦波状に変化する赤-緑(主波長 : 495nmC-495nm)および黄-青(主波長 : 565nm-445nm)の色刺激パターンを用いて色度コントラスト感度を測定した。実験結果から高齢者の色度コントラスト感度は、空間および時間周波数に対して全周波数にわたって低下し、赤-緑の色刺激に比べて特に黄-青の色刺激パターンでの低下が著しいことがわかった。