加藤 知子 Kato Tomoko
vol.15, pp.13-28, 2015-03-27

Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (wam) is a Christian-affiliated institute, which is situated on the second floor of the AVACO (Audio Visual Activities Commission) Building in Tokyo. On the 6th of July, 2014, AVACO Building was targeted by conservative, nationalistic Japanese demonstrators, who most likely confused Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace with the AVACO Building. Such a demonstration has served as an opportunity for people, however, to think anew of what kind of institution wam is, what activities they are actually doing, and what sort of idea is behind them and their daily activities. The Asahi Shimbun, in its issues of the fifth and sixth of August, 2014, finally admitted that they had spread some misinformation about so-called Comfort Women who had allegedly been taken by force to offer sexual pleasure to Japanese Imperial Military officers and soldiers. Even after these articles were published, however, certain Christian-affiliated organizations, including wam, instead of rethinking their unique historical perspective on the Modern History of Japan, continued criticizing the country for her treatment of the so-called Comfort Women during the first half of the 20th century. The historical perspective on Modern Japan, like the one adopted by wam, has dominated the Japanese Christian circles since the end of the Second World War. In this paper, I will argue that such a historical perspective may drive Japan into havoc by showing that the wam’s endeavors (largely determined by their unique historical perspective) and the Chinese Communist Party’s military strategic zones somehow overlap. Finally, in Chapter Ⅴ of this paper, I will ask Japanese Christian priests and pastors to work on ways to interpret the passages in the Bible that include not only pacifist messages but also apparently militaristic ones. I will close this paper with a humble request that Christians in Japan should first seek for the Holy Spirit (ruach ha-kodesh, in Hebrew), who believers hold will guide them to the true knowledge including secular interpretations of the historical facts as well as religious understanding of Bible passages themselves.
加藤 知 中沢 寛光
公益社団法人 日本油化学会
オレオサイエンス (ISSN:13458949)
vol.15, no.11, pp.503-510, 2015 (Released:2018-02-01)

皮膚の最表層にある厚さ10 μmほどの角層は,異物や細菌の侵入を阻止したり,体内からの水分蒸散を制御するなど物質の透過を巧妙に制御している。これらの角層の機能とその微細構造の関係は精力的に研究されているが,まだ未解明の部分が多く残されている。ここでは,角層の構造と物質透過の関係を解明するために,我々の研究室で開発してきた手法について紹介する。非侵襲的に採取した角層試料の電子顕微鏡観察では,簡便に凍結薄切片を作製する方法と細胞間脂質層内の脂質分子充填配列を解析する電子線回折法について解説する。また,物質透過と構造変化を同時測定できる斜入射セルを用いた放射光X線回折実験および脂質組成を簡単に制御できる人工モデル脂質膜を用いた実験手法についても紹介する。
小田 正輝 三好 哲也 加藤 知佳子
日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集 第25回ファジィ システム シンポジウム
pp.22, 2009 (Released:2009-12-15)

豊川 裕之 加藤 知己 佐伯 圭一郎 矢ケ崎 信子 岸田 謙一 李 廷秀
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.53, no.4, pp.192-200, 1987

A-mode式超音波皮脂厚計(TATT TH-500)を用いて,日本人の皮下脂肪厚の性・年齢別度数分布を作成するために,今回は小学生(1~6年生)の皮脂厚の計測を行なった.1986年5月から7月にかけて東京都にある4つの某小学校の児童1925人(男子:984人,女子941人)を対象にして,4部位の皮脂厚を計測した.主な結果は以下の通りである. (1)小学生の全学年(7~12歳)において,いずれの部位でも女子の皮脂厚の方が男子よりも厚い傾向が認められた. (2)小学生における4部位(biceps,triceps,subscapular,suplailiac)の皮脂厚は,年齢に伴い概ね漸増する傾向が示唆された. (3)超音波皮脂厚計を用いて,4部位における小学生の皮脂厚の度数分布を作成した. (4)部位別皮下脂肪厚と身長,体重,Kaup指数との関連を,年齢の影響を除去して男女別にそれぞれ全例について検討したところ,以下に示す結果が得られた. 1)身長と各部位別皮下脂肪厚及びこれらの合計値との間には男女ともに正の相関(0.2~0.3)が認められた. 2)男女ともに,体重が重いほど各部位別皮脂厚値及びこれらの合計が大きいという関係が認められた. 3)Kaup指数が体重,比体重,Rohrer指数よりも皮脂厚値と最も強い正の相関が認められた.
加藤 知歩 井深 信男
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.52, no.2, pp.67-71, 2002 (Released:2008-02-06)

The present experiment was performed to investigate the interactive effects of different prior photoperiods and stress on testicular weight in Syrian hamsters under the neutral photoperiod. Seasonality was experimentally manipulated by the change of photoperiod. One group was exposed to LD 12.5 : 11.5 for 12 weeks following 8-week long photoperiod (LP)exposure. The other group was exposed to the same neutral photoperiod for 12 weeks after 8-week short photoperiod(SP). Stress was produced by food deprivation of fixed days or random days throughout the 12 weeks of the neutral photoperiod. The results clearly showed that unpredictable food deprivation on 25% days throughout the 12-week testing period induced more detrimental effects on testes than predictable deprivation once every 4 days in the LP group. Stress tolerance associated with food deprivation was weaker for the animals transferred from LP than for the ones transferred from SP. This finding suggests that stress tolerance varies with season.
加藤 知子
研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Seijoh University
vol.20, pp.1-16, 2020-03-01

The person who laid foundation of modern Kiyosato (Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan)was Paul RUSCH, an American lay missionary of the Anglican Church. He introducedknow-hows about the modern agriculture and tourism to Kiyosato after World War Ⅱ.Kiyosato’s post-war success is mainly due to Rusch’s first-class effort, thanks to whichthe area continues attracting tourists from regions like Kanto and Chubu in Japan. Being a Christian missionary full of passion, he built St. Andrew’s Church inKiyosato, hoping that one day Christianity would prevail in Kiyosato and Japan. Howsuccessful has this endeavor been? Why has the Christian population in Japanremained small despite the efforts by passionate missionaries like Rusch? Can we findany similarities among the Christian and Japanese cultural traditions? How will thereligious landscape change once Christianity becomes a major religion in Japan? With these research questions in mind, and taking Kiyosato St. Andrew’s Church asa starting point, this paper will give some thoughts on Christian evangelism in Japanfrom an intercultural understating point of view.
小山 桂史 加藤 知生 山内 潤一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2013 (ISSN:24329509)
pp._213-1_-_213-4_, 2013-11-01 (Released:2017-06-19)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of closed basket weave ankle taping on the vertical ground reaction force and ankle movement during the contact phase before the take-off in vertical jump performance. Twelve healthy young men performed a vertical jump performance on a force plate without (CON) or with ankle taping (closed basket weave technique: CBW) of the right ankle joint. Vertical jump ability was assessed using two styles of vertical jump with no arm swing: a countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ). From the vertical ground reaction force (GRF), maximum jump height (Ht), vertical impulse (VI), rate of force development (RFD), maximum GRF (GRFmax) during the contact phase before the take-off in jump performance were determined. Also, movement analysis, range of motion (Δ ank) and angular velocity (Vank) of ankle joint were caliculated . Ht and RFD, Δ ank, Vank were significantly lower for CBW than CON in CMJ, but not in SJ. Conversely, VI and GRFmax were not significantly different between the groups in either jump condition. These results suggest that ankle taping impairs countermovement jump performance, due to a decreased ability to rapidly develop large force and plantar-flexion motion on the ground before the take-off.
加藤 知可子
広島県立保健福祉短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13420070)
vol.4, no.1, pp.7-11, 1999-03

本研究では, BSRI日本語版を用いて被験者を女性型, 男性型, 両性具有型, 未分化型の性役割タイプに分類し生物的な性差(性別)との関係を検討した。調査対象は, 大学生, 専門学校生, 大学院生の男性95名, 女性100名, 合計195名である。調査では, BSRI日本語版による男性性得点と女性性得点の中央値分割にて性役割タイプに分類した。その結果, 性役割タイプの出現率では性差は認められなかった。つまり, 男性および女性の中性化が進んでいると推測する。
加藤 禎人 小畑 あずさ 加藤 知帆 古川 陽輝 多田 豊
公益社団法人 化学工学会
化学工学論文集 (ISSN:0386216X)
vol.38, no.3, pp.139-143, 2012-05-20 (Released:2012-05-20)
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