三浦 健 図子 浩二 鈴木 章介 松田 三笠 清水 信行
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.47, no.2, pp.141-154, 2002-03-10

本研究では,もらったパスをできるだけ短時間に反動的に出すチェストパス能力を高めるトレーニング手段を明らかにするために,大学男子バスケットボール選手25名を対象にして,胸部上に落下したボールを受け止め即座に投げ上げる反動付きチェストパス(RCP)と反動を伴わないチェストパス(PCP)を,4種類の重さのボールで実施させ,その際の接手時間(RCPtc)と投げ上げ高(RCPh,PCPh)について検討した.さらに,このチェストパス能力とベンチプレスにおける最大挙上重量(BPmax)との関係についても検討した.本研究の結果は次の通りである.(1)バスケットボール(0.6kg)・1kg・3kg・5kgとボールの重量が重くなるほど,RCPhおよびPCPhは,いずれも有意に低くなる傾向が認められた.一方,RCPtcは有意に長くなる傾向が認められた.(2)RCPhとRCPtcの関係は,いずれのボール重量においても,有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは,短時間に投げる能力と大きな仕事をして高いボール速度を獲得する能力は独立した二つの能力であることを示すものである.(3)この二つの要因(RCPhとRCPtc)からみたポジションの特性について検討すると,ガードポジションの選手(Guard Player)が他の選手(Non Guard Player)に比較して,RCPhに有意な差はないが,RCPtcは有意に短いことが認められた.これらのことは,Guard Playerは,上肢におけるバリスティックなパワーが高く,短時間にパスを遂行する能力に優れていることを示すものである.(4)RCPにおいては,RCPhとRCPtcのいずれにおいても,バスケットボールを用いた場合と,1kg・3kg・5kgのボールを用いた場合との間のいずれにおいても有意な相関関係が認められた.しかし,上肢の筋力を評価するBPmaxとの間には,いずれにおいても有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは,バスケットボールにおけるチェストパス能力を高めるためには,1kg・3kg・5kgのボールを用いたトレーニング手段が,ベンチプレスなどの手段よりも直接的には効果のある可能性を示すものである.これらの結果は,バスケットボール選手のためのチェストパス能力を高めるためのトレーニング法を考える場合に有益であるとともに,上肢のプライオメトリックスに関する原則を考える場合の一助になると思われる.
武田 誠司 石井 泰光 山本 正嘉 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.1, pp.107-118, 2010 (Released:2010-04-16)

Running economy is an important factor in determining a performance of a long distance running. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the running economy and the submaximal hopping economy. Twelve long-distance runners performed a submaximal repeated hopping exercise on a force platform at a frequency of 2.2Hz and the maximum five-repeated rebound jumping (5RJ). Jumping height, contact time, maximum ground reaction force and oxygen intake were recorded during submaximal repeated hopping exercise. In addition, they performed the submaximal running for a distance of 3200m on an outdoor 400m track. Oxygen intake was recorded during the submaximal running. Then running economy (RE = V/VO2) was calculated by using oxygen intake (VO2) and running speeds (V). Hopping economy (HE = h/VO2) was calculated by using oxygen intake (VO2) and average jumping height (h). As a result of this study, we confirmed that a submaximal repeated hopping exercise performed for a ten-minute period was an aerobic exercise and a steady-state exercise. There was a significant positive correlation between RE and HE (r = 0.805, p<0.01). These results suggest that hopping economy is an important factor in running economy. On the other hand, we did not find a significant correlation between HE and 5RJ. Furthermore, between RE and RJ index of the submaximal hopping exercise, a significant positive correlation was found (r = 0.735, p<0.01). Therefore, RE seems to be connected with the Stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) function of the legs. We conclude that the SSC ability of a long distance runner can be evaluated appropriately by using the submaximal repeated hopping exercise of this study.
図子 浩二 高松 薫 古藤 高良
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.38, no.4, pp.265-278, 1993-11-01 (Released:2017-09-27)
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This study clarified the specificity of leg strength and power in several sport athletes. To accomplish this purpose, a new physical fitness test was developed to evaluate the capacity for the ballistic and stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) movements. 1. The drop jump (DJ), a typical SSC movement was used in this test. A few experiments were performed to determine the best dropping height and jumping technique of DJ in 10 college male athletes. These results showed the best method of DJ was rebound DJ with small angular displacement of the knee from 0.3 m beause of appearing the shortest contact time and the longest air time, and being ballistic and safe movement. 2. Average force[F_&ltindex&gt ={(t_a)/2 + (2・h_d/g)^&lt1/2&gt}/(t_c + 1)], average Power[P_&ltindex&gt ={g・(t_a/2)^2 - 2・h_d}/ (2・t_c)]and the capacity to jump higher within shorter contact time[DJ_&ltindex&gt = (1/8・g・t_a^2) /t_c]are calculated by using contact time (t_c) , air time (t_a) and dropping height (h_d) of DJ, and g (9.81 m/s^2). Interrelationships between DJ_&ltindex&gt F_&ltindex&gt, P_&ltindex&gt t_c and t_a were examined in 93 male athletes of 14 sport events. These results showed the best index was DJ_&ltindex&gt because of reflecting both F_&ltindex&gt and P_&ltindex&gt, and t_c and t_a. 3. The specificity of leg strength and power was investigated by comparing with DJ_&ltindex&gt height of counter movement jump (CMJ-H) and maximum strength exerted by squat posture at 90°of knee angle (S-MAX) in 93 male athletes of 14 sport events. This result showed all sport athletes were grouped into A, B and C type. Jumper and sprinter, gymnast and kendo atheletes belonged to A type which showed the character of large in order of DJ_&ltindex&gt, CMJ-H and S-MAX. Skater, ski jumper and swimmer belonged to B type which showed contrary character of A type. Ball game player and long distance runner belonged to C type which did not show difference among them. But excellent players for jump and footwork in ball games showed the same character as jumper and sprinter. These results lead to the conclusion that we should evaluate not only the general leg strength and power but also the capacity for the ballistic and SSC movement by measuring DJ_&ltindex&gt when coaches scout for sport talents and athletes practice the training according to specificity of strength and power. It should also be added that DJ_&ltindex&gt is a practical index which can be simply and exactly measured by using matswitch.
坂口 将太 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.2, pp.599-615, 2013 (Released:2013-12-07)

This study investigated the development of rebound jumping ability in preschool children. The subjects included 100 boys (2 years: 8, 3 years: 19, 4 years: 33, 5 years: 30, and 6 years: 10) and 80 girls (2 years: 11, 3 years: 22, 4 years: 21, 5 years: 18, and 6 years: 8). The measurements used were jumping height in counter movement jumping (CMJ), index (jumping height/ground contact time) of consecutive rebound jumping (RJ), foot length, shank length, Achilles tendon length, relative Achilles tendon length (Achilles tendon length/shank length), relative foot length (foot length/shank length) and calf girth as morphological characteristics. The main results obtained were as a follows.   1)  CMJ jumping height and RJ-index increased with age. Development of RJ-index depended on the increase in jumping height because ground contact time did not change even though jumping height increased with age.   2)  CMJ and RJ ability development types were classified into 3 groups according to ±1 SD of the residual of regression line with age in months (good, equal, and poor groups). For RJ ability, the number of equal groups decreased significantly after 50 months in boy and girls. In addition, for boys, the number of individuals in the good group increased significantly after 50 months, whereas for girls, the number of individuals in the poor group increased significantly after 50 months. No such changes were found in CMJ ability.   3)  RJ jumping height and ground contact time were compared among the 3 groups. The good group showed a significantly higher jumping height and shorter ground contact time than the other 2 groups. In addition, morphological characteristics showed no significant differences among the 3 groups.   These results suggest that the development of RJ ability differs from that of CMJ ability, and that the development difference in RJ ability begins to become evident in infants over 50 months. In addition, it is suggested that this difference is influenced by factors other than morphological characteristics.
石井 泰光 山本 正嘉 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.55, no.1, pp.63-79, 2010 (Released:2010-07-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the similarities of upper torso rotation and pelvic rotation around the vertical axis of the global coordinate system with trunk rotation during throwing and striking movements. We enrolled twenty-three right-handed male college students, who performed baseball pitching and batting movements and the golf driver shot. During the throwing and striking movements, 3D coordinates of body landmarks were obtained using the VICON 612 system with 10 cameras operating at 120 frames per second. The ball speed during pitching and the head speed during batting and the driver shot were measured using a high-speed camera at 250 frames per second and analyzed using WINanalyze (2D motion analyzer). The angles of rotation of the upper torso and pelvis were calculated as the angles between the respective segment and the global x-axis. The trunk rotation angle was calculated as the angle between the upper torso segment and the pelvic segment. The sequential data for rotational movement variables were normalized from the onset of the minimum upper torso angle until release or impact. There were significant positive correlations between the ball speed during pitching, head speed during batting, and head speed during the driver shot (pitching vs. batting, r=0.627, p<0.01; pitching vs. driver shot, r=0.670, p<0.01; batting vs. driver shot, r=0.554, p<0.01). There were significant positive correlations between the two striking movements with regard to the maximum angular velocity of upper torso rotation (r=0.567, p<0.01) and pelvic rotation (r=0.523, p<0.05). The batting and driver shot showed similarity of trunk rotation and pelvic rotation in that the contribution of pelvic angular velocity to the maximum upper torso angular velocity was larger than the contribution of trunk rotational angular velocity to the maximum upper torso angular velocity. Upon trunk rotation, there were no significant positive correlations among the pitching, the batting, and the driver shot with regard to maximum angular velocity. These results indicate that the ball and head speeds are strongly related during pitching, batting, and the driver shot. The upper torso rotation and pelvic rotation around the vertical axis of the global coordinate system are related only during batting and the driver shot.
林 陵平 苅山 靖 吉田 拓矢 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.575-587, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)

The purpose of this study was to identify the ground reaction force and joint kinetics in the lower extremity during the catch phase of the clean exercise through comparison with the pull phase. Eleven male track and field athletes performed the power clean from the floor with loads of 30%, 60%, and 90% of 1RM (One Repetition Maximum). Kinetic data were collected from data recorded using a Vicon motion system (250 Hz) and force platforms (1,000 Hz). The results of the analyses were as follows:  1) In the catch phase, force development was similar to that of the pull phase because the peak ground reaction force was not significant during the 2 phases.  2) The joint kinetics in the ankle and knee joints were larger during the catch phase than during the pull phase.  3) During the power clean, force development was achieved mainly by concentric muscle contraction during the pull phase and by eccentric muscle contraction during the catch phase.  4) The ground reaction force and joint kinetics were significantly different during the catch phase.  These results show the differences in load characteristics in the lower extremity between the pull and catch phases during clean exercise. Therefore, not only the pull phase but also the catch phase should be considered when performing the clean exercise in weight training.
図子 あまね 苅山 靖 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.79-86, 2017-02-01 (Released:2017-01-21)
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We aimed to investigate the characteristics of lower-limb strength and power used for lower-limb mechanical variables in rebound jump (RJ) test by using a new system (Quick Motion Analysis System), which calculates mechanical variables in real time. Thirty-three male jumpers performed the RJ test. The performance (RJ index, contact time, and jump height) and joint kinetics (joint work and joint contribution) in RJ were calculated. IAAF Scoring Tables of Athletics were used to calculate jump event performance (IAAF score). IAAF score was positive correlated with RJ index, jump height, and joint work at the ankle and hip joints. Elite jumpers achieved higher RJ performance by larger ankle and hip joint work. As performance variables, jumping height and contact time were converted to T scores, and evaluation method was proposed to use the relative merits of these values to classify athletes into four types. The IAAF score showed no differences among the four types. These results indicate that there is no relation among jump events performance and characteristics of the four types. Moreover, focusing on stiffness, based on the contact time and jump height, jumpers with a longer contact time and higher jump height type showed lower stiffness (compliant spring characteristics), whereas those with the opposite features showed higher stiffness (stiffer spring characteristics). Therefore, for evaluating lower-limb strength and power characteristics, the use of performance and joint kinetics are effective, in addition to focusing on type characteristics based on the contact time and jump height in RJ.
苅山 靖 渡来 真人 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.755-770, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)
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This study aimed to clarify the importance of strength and jump ability of both the kicking and supporting legs for increasing the speed of a soccer ball during instep kicks at various approach speeds. Twelve male university soccer players performed instep kicks using different approach lengths (1 m, 3 m, 7 m, and free length). Maximal isokinetic and concentric muscular strength was measured in terms of knee extension/flexion, hip extension/flexion, and hip abduction/adduction using an isokinetic dynamometer. Jump ability was measured using countermovement jump, double-leg rebound jump, and single-leg rebound jump with the kicking leg and supporting leg. For the instep kick, kinematic and kinetic data were recorded using the Vicon T20 system (250 Hz) and force platforms (1000 Hz). The results of the analyses were as follows:   1.  The approach speed increased as the approach length increased. Moreover, the time between the moment when the foot touched the ground and the moment of ball impact became shortened, and the ground reaction force at all axes increased as the approach speed increased.   2.  Foot speed under all the approach conditions was correlated with hip extension and the abduction strength of the supporting leg.   3.  Foot speed for the 3 m, 7 m, and free-length conditions was correlated with the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg. Moreover, foot speeds for the 3 m, 7 m, and free-length conditions was correlated with hip adduction strength of the supporting leg.   4.  Similar results were obtained for relative foot speed (calculated by dividing foot speed by the speed of the body's center of gravity at the moment of ball impact).   5.  The rate of change in the relative foot velocity (for an approach of 1 m to 7 m) was correlated with the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg.   These results suggest that it is important to improve hip extension and the abduction strength of the supporting leg in order to increase the ball speed, regardless of the approach speed. In addition, it is important to improve the hip adduction strength, especially the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg in order to increase the ball speed when a high approach speed is employed.
図子 浩二 高松 薫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.147-154, 1995-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究では, 跳躍選手や球技選手が必要とするバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を高めることに対して, 筋力および瞬発力を高めることが, どのような意味を持つのかについて, 健康な男子体育専攻学生99名を用いて検討した.バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を評価するための指標として, RDJindexを測定した.また, 筋力を評価するための指標として, スクワット姿勢による最大脚伸展力 (Smax/BW) , 瞬発力を評価する指標として, 垂直跳の跳躍高 (CMJh) をそれぞれ測定した.なお, RDJindexは, 台高0.3mからのリバウンドドロップジャンプにおける滞空時間 (RDJta) から求めた跳躍高を踏切時間 (RDJtc) で除したものであり, できるだけ短い踏切時間によって高い跳躍高を獲得するための能力を評価するものである.本研究の結果は次の通りである.(1) RDJindex, Smax/BW, CMJhの相互間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められたが, 相関係数はあまり高い値ではなかった.このことは, 三つの指標は, いずれも脚の筋力およびパワー発揮に関する特性を表すものであるが, 相互の類似性は必ずしも高くないことを示唆するものである.(2) RDJindexを構成する要因であるRDJtcとRDJtaとの間には, 有意な相関関係は認められなかった.このことは, バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力が, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力と高い跳躍高の獲得能力の二つの独立した異なる能力によって決定されることを示唆するものである.(3) RDJtaとSmax/BW, RDJtaとCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められた.しかし, RDJtcとSmax/BW, RDJtcとCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは, 筋力や瞬発力は, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力には関係するが, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力には必ずしも関係しないことを示唆するものである.(4) RDJindexが同じ値であっても, RDJtcとRDJtaには大きな個人差のあることが認められた.このことは, トレーニングの主なねらいが, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力にある者もいれば, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力にある者もいることを示唆するものである.本研究で明らかにしたバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力と, 筋力および瞬発力との関係は, 跳躍選手や球技選手などの筋力・パワートレーニング法に関する一つの有用な知見になるものと考えられる.
図子 浩二 高松 薫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.147-154, 1995-02-01
4 9

本研究では, 跳躍選手や球技選手が必要とするバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を高めることに対して, 筋力および瞬発力を高めることが, どのような意味を持つのかについて, 健康な男子体育専攻学生99名を用いて検討した.<BR>バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を評価するための指標として, RDJ<SUB>index</SUB>を測定した.また, 筋力を評価するための指標として, スクワット姿勢による最大脚伸展力 (Smax/BW) , 瞬発力を評価する指標として, 垂直跳の跳躍高 (CMJh) をそれぞれ測定した.なお, RDJ<SUB>index</SUB>は, 台高0.3mからのリバウンドドロップジャンプにおける滞空時間 (RDJt<SUB>a</SUB>) から求めた跳躍高を踏切時間 (RDJt<SUB>c</SUB>) で除したものであり, できるだけ短い踏切時間によって高い跳躍高を獲得するための能力を評価するものである.<BR>本研究の結果は次の通りである.<BR>(1) RDJ<SUB>index</SUB>, Smax/BW, CMJhの相互間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められたが, 相関係数はあまり高い値ではなかった.このことは, 三つの指標は, いずれも脚の筋力およびパワー発揮に関する特性を表すものであるが, 相互の類似性は必ずしも高くないことを示唆するものである.<BR>(2) RDJ<SUB>index</SUB>を構成する要因であるRDJt<SUB>c</SUB>とRDJt<SUB>a</SUB>との間には, 有意な相関関係は認められなかった.このことは, バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力が, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力と高い跳躍高の獲得能力の二つの独立した異なる能力によって決定されることを示唆するものである.<BR>(3) RDJt<SUB>a</SUB>とSmax/BW, RDJt<SUB>a</SUB>とCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められた.しかし, RDJt<SUB>c</SUB>とSmax/BW, RDJt<SUB>c</SUB>とCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは, 筋力や瞬発力は, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力には関係するが, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力には必ずしも関係しないことを示唆するものである.<BR>(4) RDJ<SUB>index</SUB>が同じ値であっても, RDJt<SUB>c</SUB>とRDJt<SUB>a</SUB>には大きな個人差のあることが認められた.このことは, トレーニングの主なねらいが, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力にある者もいれば, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力にある者もいることを示唆するものである.<BR>本研究で明らかにしたバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力と, 筋力および瞬発力との関係は, 跳躍選手や球技選手などの筋力・パワートレーニング法に関する一つの有用な知見になるものと考えられる.
図子 浩二 高松 薫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.1, pp.29-39, 1995
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Rebound drop jump index [RDJ_&ltindex&gt=(1/8・g・RDJt_a^2)/RDJt_c] was developed to evaluate the ability to perform the ballistic stretch. shortening cycle (SSC) movement. The RDJ_&ltindex&gt consists of ability to jump higher (RDJt_a) and that to shorten the contact time (RDJt_c) in rebound drop jump (RDJ), a typical SSC movement. The former is affected by leg strength and counter movement jump ability but the factors affecting the latter case have not yet been well established. This study examined the factors to shorten the contact time with special reference to two important views, i.e. work done by the lower limb joints and anticipation of the landing. 1. Relationships between work done by the lower limb joints and RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c, and RDJt_a in RDJ from height of 0.3m were examined in ten college male athletes. There was a significant correlation between the ratio of negative work at the ankle to total work done by the lower limb joints and RDJ_&ltindex&gt (r=0.726, p&lt0.05), and RDJt_c (r=-0.823, p&lt0.01) but not RDJt_a (r=0.226,ns). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the ratio of negative work at the ankle and maximum plantar flexion strength (r=-0.329,ns). These results suggested that the rate of energy absorption at the ankle joint in former contact phase was one important factor to shorten the contact time in RDJ but not affected by plantar flexion strength. 2. RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c and RDJt_a in two RDJs with or without visual information to inhibit temporal and spatial anticipation of landing were compared in six college male athletes. As compared without and with visual information, RDJt_c was longer, RDJt_a was shorter and RDJ_&ltindex&gt was lower, significantly. These changes were greater in subjects showing the higher RDJ_&ltindex&gt than those showing the lower RDJ_&ltindex&gt. Furthermore, changes of RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c and RDJt_a in series of nine RDJs without visual information at thirty seconds of rest intervals were compared between subject A showing high RDJ_&ltindex&gt and subject B showing low RDJ_&ltindex&gt. RDJt_c decreased and RDJt_a increased slightly, and RDJ_&ltindex&gt increased by repeated trials even without visual information in subject A but not in subject B. These results suggested that temporal and spatial anticipation of the landing were another important factors to shorten the contact time in RDJ. These finding seemed to be beneficial for establishing strength and power training methods for jumper and ballgame players who are required ballistic stretch-shortening cycle movement.
苅山 靖 林 陵平 吉田 拓矢 図子 あまね 図子 浩太佑 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.2, pp.187-197, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-03-16)

Movement control and muscle function for pelvic movement in the frontal plane (pelvic elevation) are important for various single-leg sports activities. We aimed to clarify mechanical characteristics of pelvic squat (P-Sq: single-leg squat exercise with emphasis on pelvic elevation, developed by our research group) compared with the double-leg squat (D-Sq) and single-leg squat (S-Sq). Twelve male track and field athletes performed D-Sq, S-Sq, and P-Sq exercises at various loads (90%, 75%, and 60% of 1-repetition maximum [1RM]), using maximum effort. Kinematic and kinetic data were calculated using data recorded with a motion capture system and force platforms. We observed the highest values with P-Sq, followed by S-Sq and D-Sq under all load conditions as follows: peak vertical ground reaction force and rate of force development (RFD), range of pelvic elevation, peak pelvic elevation velocity, peak powers associated with hip abduction torque and trunk lateral flexion torque. In P-Sq, RFD at 90% 1RM was smaller than under the other load conditions, whereas peak vertical ground reaction force at 90% 1RM was larger than under the other load conditions. There were no differences among load conditions with regard to hip abduction and trunk lateral flexion torques and powers. Therefore, characteristics of P-Sq compared to those of D-Sq and S-Sq are 1) larger and faster pelvic elevation, using related muscles (hip abductors and trunk lateral flexors) under all load conditions, 2) larger peak ground reaction force with pelvic elevation under large load conditions, and larger RFD in pelvic elevation under low load conditions.
林 陵平 苅山 靖 吉田 拓矢 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.15101, (Released:2016-08-19)

The purpose of this study was to identify the ground reaction force and joint kinetics in the lower extremity during the catch phase of the clean exercise through comparison with the pull phase. Eleven male track and field athletes performed the power clean from the floor with loads of 30%, 60%, and 90% of 1RM (One Repetition Maximum). Kinetic data were collected from data recorded using a Vicon motion system (250 Hz) and force platforms (1,000 Hz). The results of the analyses were as follows:  1) In the catch phase, force development was similar to that of the pull phase because the peak ground reaction force was not significant during the two phases.  2) The joint kinetics in the ankle and knee joints were larger during the catch phase than during the pull phase.  3) During the power clean, force development was achieved mainly by concentric muscle contraction during the pull phase and by eccentric muscle contraction during the catch phase.  4) The ground reaction force and joint kinetics were significantly different during the catch phase.  These results show the differences in load characteristics in the lower extremity between the pull and catch phases during clean exercise. Therefore, not only the pull phase but also the catch phase should be considered when performing the clean exercise in weight training.
図子 浩二
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.2, pp.237-245, 2006-04-01
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苅山 靖 林 陵平 吉田 拓矢 図子 あまね 図子 浩太佑 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.2, pp.187-197, 2018

<p>Movement control and muscle function for pelvic movement in the frontal plane (pelvic elevation) are important for various single-leg sports activities. We aimed to clarify mechanical characteristics of pelvic squat (P-Sq: single-leg squat exercise with emphasis on pelvic elevation, developed by our research group) compared with the double-leg squat (D-Sq) and single-leg squat (S-Sq). Twelve male track and field athletes performed D-Sq, S-Sq, and P-Sq exercises at various loads (90%, 75%, and 60% of 1-repetition maximum [1RM]), using maximum effort. Kinematic and kinetic data were calculated using data recorded with a motion capture system and force platforms. We observed the highest values with P-Sq, followed by S-Sq and D-Sq under all load conditions as follows: peak vertical ground reaction force and rate of force development (RFD), range of pelvic elevation, peak pelvic elevation velocity, peak powers associated with hip abduction torque and trunk lateral flexion torque. In P-Sq, RFD at 90% 1RM was smaller than under the other load conditions, whereas peak vertical ground reaction force at 90% 1RM was larger than under the other load conditions. There were no differences among load conditions with regard to hip abduction and trunk lateral flexion torques and powers. Therefore, characteristics of P-Sq compared to those of D-Sq and S-Sq are 1) larger and faster pelvic elevation, using related muscles (hip abductors and trunk lateral flexors) under all load conditions, 2) larger peak ground reaction force with pelvic elevation under large load conditions, and larger RFD in pelvic elevation under low load conditions.</p>
岩竹 淳 山本 正嘉 西薗 秀嗣 川原 繁樹 北田 耕司 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.0801310061, (Released:2008-02-01)
9 2

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between acceleration and maximum sprinting ability, performance in various jumping tasks, and maximum leg strength in adolescent students. Sprinting ability was evaluated in terms of 50m sprinting velocity. The jumping tasks used for performance measurement included Standing five jump, Standing triple jump, Standing long jump, Counter movement jump and Rebound jump. Maximum leg strength was measured using isometric squats in which the angle of the knee was 135 deg. The results demonstrated that students with superior sprinting ability also showed high performance in the various jumping tasks and also had higher maximum leg strength. Among the various factors that affect sprinting ability, performance in one-leg alternation jumping, performance in jumping with both legs simultaneously, and leg strength were shown to have a high correlation in that order. In addition, the influence of both legs in the simultaneous jumping task and leg strength were considered to make a large contribution to acceleration sprinting ability. Similarly, the influence of one-leg alternation jumping performance was considered to make a large contribution to maximum sprinting ability. The findings of this study are considered useful for application to health and physical education classes.
苅山 靖 図子 浩二
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.397-411, 2014-12

The aim of this study was to clarify the point of attention and determine an effective method for the vertical single-leg rebound jump (VSJ) and horizontal single-leg bounding jump (HSJ) in plyometrics by investigating the differences and relationship between the two jumps with respect to take-off movement and joint kinetics. 11 male track and field athletes performed the VSJ, 50%HSJ, 75%HSJ, and HSJ. The kinematics and kinetics during the take-off phase were recorded using a high-speed video camera (300 Hz) for movements in the sagittal plane and force platforms (1000 Hz), and then analyzed. The results are summarized below:1.According to a spring-mass model, the vertical velocity of the center of gravity in the VSJ was attained by using shortening-lengthening movements. However, in the HSJ, most of the horizontal velocity of the center of gravity was due to rotational movement. This velocity increased with increasing jump distance.2.The extension torque of the knee and hip joints during the former phase, the negative torque power of the knee, and the positive torque power of the ankle and hip joints in the HSJ were greater than those in the VSJ. However, the ankle joint torque during the former phase and the negative torque power in the HSJ were smaller than those in the VSJ.3.The jump distance for the HSJ was correlated with the RJ-index for the VSJ. Moreover, there was a correlation between the HSJ and VSJ with respect to negative joint work and joint contribution.These results suggest that there are differences in take-off movement and joint kinetics between the VSJ and HSJ; however, both jumps show similarities in the recruitment characteristics of the take-off leg muscle during the former phase.