浅香 卓哉 坂田 健一郎 竹川 英輝 羽藤 裕之 鎌口 真由美 大賀 則孝 佐藤 淳 山崎 裕 北川 善政
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.65, no.8, pp.500-506, 2019-08-20 (Released:2019-10-21)

Glossodynia is defined as a burning sensation on the tongue without any systemic or local cause. Although its pathophysiology remains unclear, it has been associated with neuropathic, nociceptive, and psychogenic pains. In Japan, difficulties are encountered in the treatment of glossodynia as prescribed medications are not covered by health insurance. Recently, a traditional Chinese medicine treatment (kampo), rikko-san (TJ-110), has been suggested to be useful for glossodynia. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy of rikko-san gargling in patients with glossodynia. In total, 221 patients with glossodynia who were treated by rikko-san gargling between 2012 and 2018 were examined. Of these, 90 patients (seven men, 83 women; mean age, 67 years) who were treated by gargling with rikko-san dissolved in water for >1 month and no other medications were included. Tongue pain was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS). Improvement was defined as at least a 50% reduction in the VAS score after treatment compared with that before treatment. The associations between the efficacy of rikko-san gargling and factors such as age, disease duration, pain area, and psychiatric disorders were evaluated. Improvement was noted in 60% of the patients (54/90) ; the mean administration period to the end of treatment in the improvement group was approximately 5 months. There was no significant correlation between the aforementioned factors and the efficacy of rikko-san gargling. Treatment in 41 patients was completed with rikko-san gargling alone, whereas 40 patients required additional treatment such as another kampo medicine or ethyl loflazepate. No side effect was observed in any patient, although stomatitis was noted in one excluded case. The mechanism underlying rikko-san’s delivery pathway is distinct from that of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. We speculated that saishin (Asiasarum root), one of the major components of rikko-san, may reduce peripheral stimulation to the tongue surface through its anesthetic effect. In addition, the transmucosal actions of other components in rikko-san may influence various receptor-related neuropathic pains. In conclusion, rikko-san gargling is efficacious and safe for the treatment of glossodynia.
原田 諭 須賀 涼太郎 鈴木 健介 北野 信之介 坂田 健吾 藤本 賢司 中澤 真弓 小川 理郎 横田 裕行
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.25, no.5, pp.797-805, 2022-10-31 (Released:2022-10-31)

中澤 努 長 郁夫 坂田 健太郎 中里 裕臣 本郷 美佐緒 納谷 友規 野々垣 進 中山 俊雄
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.125, no.5, pp.367-385, 2019-05-15 (Released:2019-08-15)
7 12

東京都世田谷区の武蔵野台地の下に分布する更新統世田谷層及び東京層の層序と地盤震動特性について検討した.世田谷層はMIS 6に開析された谷地形をMIS 5e前期~中期に埋積した地層であり,内湾成の軟らかい泥層を主体とする.一方,この地域の東京層は,MIS 5e中期?~後期の湾奥で形成された砂層などからなり,世田谷層とは対照的に広範囲に比較的平坦に分布する.常時微動観測により,段丘礫層を伴わず世田谷層が厚く分布する地域では,1Hzにピークをもつ地盤震動特性が示された.首都圏の地盤リスクを考えるとき,世田谷層をはじめとする台地の下のMIS 6開析谷埋積層の分布に注視する必要がある.
田村 宏樹 坂田 健一郎 唐 政 石井 雅博
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.124, no.9, pp.1918-1919, 2004 (Released:2004-12-01)

In this paper, we propose a genetic algorithm(GA) with local minimum escaping technique. This proposed method uses the local minimum escaping techique. It can escape from the local minimum by correcting parameters when genetic algorithm falls into a local minimum. Simulations are performed to scheduling problem without buffer capacity using this proposed method, and its validity is shown.
森本 真弘 浅香 卓哉 鎌口 真由美 山下 映美 坂田 健一郎 大内 学 大賀 則孝 佐藤 淳 佐藤 千晴 北川 善政
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.65, no.7, pp.447-454, 2019-07-20 (Released:2019-09-20)

Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) is a refractory skin disorder exhibiting numerous sterile pustules on the palms and soles of the patients. PPP is related to dental focal infection and metal allergy, and the experts in dermatology and dentistry have worked together to arrive at a consensus regarding the diagnosis and treatment of PPP. However, the obvious cause of PPP remains unknown, and a standard treatment has yet to be established. In this study, we aimed to clarify the relation of PPP to dental focal infection and dental metal allergy. We evaluated 29 patients with PPP who underwent oral examination and patch testing in the Department of Oral Medicine at Hokkaido University Hospital from July 2010 through May 2014. In total, 22 of the 29 patients had positive patch test results, and flare-up was observed in one patient. Metallic component analysis revealed that the oral cavity was metal-positive in 14 of 22 patch test-positive patients. In contrast, odontogenic foci were found in 25 of 29 patients. Among 14 patients who had positive patch-test results for metal in the oral cavity, the course after metal removal could be confirmed in nine patients, and skin symptoms improved in all patients. Among 15 patients who did not have patch-test results for metal in the oral cavity, the course after treatment of odontogenic foci could be confirmed in eight patients, and symptoms improved in only one patient. This study resulted in a higher rate of improvement after removal of dental metals versus treatment of odontogenic foci, suggesting that PPP strongly correlates with dental metal allergy. However, because odontogenic foci may be treated concurrently with metal removal, an association between PPP and dental focal infection cannot be denied. In addition to the time and cost burden of metal removal, symptoms may improve naturally in some cases. Therefore, we suggest that it is necessary to consider the suitability of metal removal on a case-by-case basis.
坂田 健一郎 山崎 裕 佐藤 淳 榊原 典幸 浅香 卓哉 北川 善政
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.69, no.3, pp.197-203, 2020 (Released:2020-10-09)

The effectiveness of zinc replacement therapy is reported to be approximately 70%. However, the effectiveness of this therapy in our department has been lower than that reported in the field of otolaryngology. In the present study, we examined the effectiveness of zinc replacement therapy in patients with taste disorder. Forty patients were administered only zinc formulations(Polaprezinc, 150mg/day) for ≥8 weeks. The time until effect, serum zinc level and other parameters were used to evaluate improvement in the taste disorder. In the present study, three cut-off values were determined based on the serum zinc levels.The overall improvement rate among the patients in this study was 50%. The improvement rates by serum zinc level were 57% at <60μg/dl, 56% at 60-69μg/dl, 60% at 70-79μg/dl, and 14% at ≥80μg/dl. There was a significant difference in the improvement rate between the patient groups with serum zinc levels of <80 and ≥80μg/dl(57% vs. 14%, p<0.05). The times until effective expression in the 20 subjects with improvement were less than 2 months in 20% and more than 2 months in 80%, with significant differences among the two groups(p<0.05). Polaprezinc was effective in 60% of the cases where serum zinc level measured in blood tests was less than 80μg/dl. Effectiveness was not observed when the serum zinc level was more than 80μg/dl. Therefore, zinc supplementation therapy should be conducted over the long term after proper selection of the patients.
西林 仁昭 中島 一成 吉澤 一成 坂田 健

坂田 健一郎 山崎 裕 佐藤 淳 秦 浩信 水谷 篤史 大内 学 北川 善政
日本口腔内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21866147)
vol.18, no.2, pp.39-43, 2012 (Released:2013-07-31)

味覚障害の主因は亜鉛欠乏とされ,治療は主に亜鉛製剤の補充療法が行われている。しかし,実際の臨床において亜鉛製剤の補充で効果がない症例を経験することが多い。また,我々の過去の報告では心因性と同様にカンジダ症,口腔乾燥症,舌炎などが味覚障害を引き起こすことがわかってきた。そこで今回,当科外来の味覚異常を訴えた患者で,実際に血清亜鉛値が低下しているか否かを検索するために,味覚異常を主訴に当科を受診した患者(n=144:味覚異常群)と,年齢と性別が一致した他疾患患者(n=159:対照群)の血清亜鉛値,亜鉛/銅 < 0.7を比較検討した。血清亜鉛値のカットオフ値を4段階に設定した(60μg/dl未満,64μg/dl未満,70μg/dl未満,80μg/dl未満)。血清亜鉛値の平均値,中央値,最高値,最低値は,味覚異常群で,74.4,72.0,155,45.0μg/dl,対照群で,74.2,73.7,156,49.0μg/dlと両群間に差は認めなかった。血清亜鉛値のカットオフ値を60μg/dl未満に設定した時のみ,60μg/dl未満を示した症例は対照群と比較して味覚異常群で有意に多かった(味覚異常群14%,対照群6%)。亜鉛/銅 < 0.7に含まれる割合は,味覚異常群64%,対照群61%と両群間に有意差は認めなかった。本研究では血清亜鉛値が高度に低下している場合以外は,味覚異常の自覚症状と血清亜鉛値の関連は認めなかった。以上から,血清亜鉛値は味覚異常を訴える患者すべてを対象とすると必ずしも反映しないことがわかった。