中村 岳史 野尻 幸宏 大槻 晃 橋本 伸哉
地球化学 (ISSN:03864073)
vol.28, no.1, pp.47-57, 1994-03-24 (Released:2016-12-13)

Seasonal changes in the methane concentration of seawater were measured in highly eutrophic, Tokyo Bay. Methane concentrations varied from 27.8 to 1850nM during May 1991 to December 1992 and were always supersaturated with the atmospheric methane. During the spring and summer seasons, when bottom water became anoxic, dissolved methane was observed to accumulate (maximum 929nM). There were inverse correlations between dissolved oxygen and dissolved methane in bottom water, when dissolved oxygen concentrations in the bottom water fluctuated. Throughout the experimental period, fluctuations of methane concentrations at mid-depth were relatively small. Particularly during summer, methane concentrations in surface water frequently increased to the same levels, or became higher than concentrations in bottom water. The source of methane in these surface waters were attributed to lateral transport from the near shore zone. From fall throughout winter, methane concentrations decreased and resulted in uniform distribution through the water column. Methane oxidation activities measured in June and August, 1991 in surface and bottom water were extremely low. The calculated diffusive flux from the bay surface to the atmosphere were 1.5-11mgCH4/m2/d.
浅海 宣慶 大槻 晃義
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.100, no.1160, pp.900-904, 1984-10-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

Matsumine deposit, located in the northern part of Odate basin, Akita Prefecture, is a large scale Kuroko deposit. This deposit was discovered in 1963. The development work was started in July 1964, and the production was started in October 1966, at the rate of 20, 000 tons/month. Current production rate is 40, 000 tons/month, and it is the largest copper supplier in Japan.The Kuroko generally consists of black ore, yellow ore (cupriferous pyrite ore) and siliceous ore. The black ore (Kuroko) is a black coloured ore consisting mainly of sphalerite, garena and barite, and rich in gold and silver, too. The yellow ore is a yellow massive powdery ore comprising mainly chalcopyrite and pyrite. The siliceous ore which is rich in silica is divided into two types, one containing considerable amount of chalcopyrite and pyrite, and the other with a high sphalerite content.The mining method applied is “The underhand cut and fill with artificial roofing”. Once a unit block of ore is mined out in a stope, iron reinforcing bars are laid on the floor, and a 15 percent cemented mortar mixed with mill tailings and volcanic ash is pumped over the bars up to 0.6 meter thickness. Then, the space above the layer is filled with the 3 percent cemented sand slime. This reinforced mortar serves as an artificial roof when ores below are mined next. In 1982, the conventional battery locomotive and tub system was partly replaced by the trackless system with L. H. D.
水越 文和 出島 健司 竹中 洋 齊藤 憲治 河田 了 高木 伸夫 安田 範夫 村上 泰 松岡 秀樹 日向 美知 立本 圭吾 任 書熹 大島 渉 寺薗 富朗 日向 誠 松本 真吏子 竹上 永佑 土井 玲子 三牧 三郎 西嶋 信雄 牛島 千久 伊達 敬一 園田 隆朗 大槻 晃直 木村 隆保 八木 正人 中井 茂 昌子 均 豊田 健司
耳鼻咽喉科臨床. 補冊 = Practica otologica. Suppl. (ISSN:09121870)
vol.76, pp.56-66, 1995-03-20
6 2

The effect of Oxatomide in the initial treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis was examined in 11facilities in Kyoto prefecture. This study examined the most appropriate starting time and period of administration for the highest effect of the initial treatment. The following results were confirmed by administre ring Oxatomide during the initial treatment for Japanese cedar pollinosis on 1991.<BR>The effect of Oxatomide was obtained after administering for one week or more, including the highest effect after two weeks for sneezing and three weeks for nasal discharge. However, no effect on sniffling. These results suggest that two to three weeks is the best administration period for Oxatomide in the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis.<BR>In addition, a close relation between pollen information facilities and practical medicine in the region, is necessary for the initial treatment of pollinosis.
木村 吉幸 丹治 美生 佐藤 洋司 大槻 晃太 渡邊 憲子 加藤 直樹
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.71-77, 2002 (Released:2008-07-23)

福島県に生息するコウモリ類の調査を,福島県内の37調査地点において1999年8月から2000年12月に実施した.その結果,21調査地点で確認されたコウモリ類は,コキクガシラコウモリ(Rhinolophus cornutus),キクガシラコウモリ(Rhinolophus ferrumequinum),フジホオヒゲコウモリ(Myotis fujiensis),モモジロコウモリ(Myotis macrodactylus),アブラコウモリ(Pipistrellus abramus),クビワコウモリ(Eptesicus japonensis),ヒナコウモリ(Vespertilio superans),チチブコウモリ(Barbastella leucomelas),ウサギコウモリ(Plecotus auritus),ニホンコテングコウモリ(Murina silvatica)およびニホンテングコウモリ(Murina hilgendorfi)の11種であった.これらのうち,クビワコウモリとチチブコウモリの2種は,福島県では初記録である.
大槻 晃 橋本 伸哉 土屋 光太郎 佐藤 博雄 吉田 次郎 和田 俊 石丸 隆 松山 優治 前田 勝 藤田 清 森永 勤 隆島 史夫 春日 功 鎌谷 明善 村野 正昭 多紀 保彦 平野 敏行 白井 隆明 荒川 久幸 兼廣 春之 平山 信夫
