寄藤 晶子
松本大学研究紀要 = The Journal of Matsumoto University (ISSN:13480618)
no.10, pp.245-256, 2012-01-31

寄藤 晶子
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.57, no.2, pp.131-152, 2005-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

In this paper, the author argues that gambling businesses managed by public authorities face issues regarding monopolization, regulation of space and socio-spatial exclusion.Since the end of the 19th century, informal private gambling has been strictly outlawed in Japan, while both the national and local governments have resorted to investing in the gambling business to secure revenue. At present, with the exception of lotteries, 120 gambling facilities such as keiba (horse race), keirin (bicycle race on a short track), autorace (motorcycle race on a short track), and kyotei (motorboat race on a square pond) are offered by 21 prefectures and 443 municipalities. These are called "public gambling".In his book The Production of Space, Henri Lefevre notes that non-productive expenses are made according to the neocapitalist's interest. Therefore, the author refers to the three elements that constitute space according to Lefevre: spatial practices, representations of space and space of representations. The author conducted field work in and around the motorboat gambling facility operated in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture, and the highlighted the "gambling space" using Lefevre's scheme mentioned above.From 1997-2000, the author interviewed: Tokoname motorboat officers, residents from the areas (sinkai-cho) around the motorboat facility, police officers, members of the "koie-sinkai crime prevention association", a security guard and ticket sales women employed at the motorboat office, shop managers in and around the motorboat facility, and the motorboat gambling fans. The author also conducted participant observation studies of more than 400 motorboat gambling fans. The author's findings are as follows:Firstly, while the public authority, the Tokoname motorboat office, adopts several measures to draw visitors to the motorboat facility and thus ensure income, this practice includes spatial separation, i.e., separating the Tokoname motorboat gambling fans from the public. This is partly because the nature of gambling itself threatens social order, therefore, the public authorities control and enclose gambling fans. These practices of exclusion are observed in their spatial practices.Secondly, shops and restaurants are located on the route taken by visitors from the Tokoname railway station to the motorboat facility. These shops and restaurants sell alcohol, low-priced light meals and magazines or newspapers regarding gambling. Fans regularly take the route from the Tokoname railway station to the motorboat facility and purchase these goods from these shops. Loitering fans and torn blank tickets visibly distinguish the "gambling space" from the rest of the city. Japanese public gambling fans are largely men over 60 years of age. However, in Tokoname motorboat facility, 60-70% of motorboat gambling fans are men, who are 60 years and over. Therefore, the "gambling space" is occupied by middle and old-aged men is littered with blank tickets.Thirdly, measures adopted by the local community, the "koie-sinkai crime prevention association", neighborhood residents and the police to regulate the behavior of visitors' create negative representations of Tokoname motorboat gambling facility and its fans. In 1970, as the number of visitors increased, a few residents living around the motorboat facility founded a crime prevention association in order to put a burglar alarm to their house. At this time, the Tokoname motorboat office began sending presents, such as handkerchiefs, rice, pans and soaps as compensation to residents. The activities of "koie-sinkai crime prevention association" provided subsidies by Tokoname City, although they are not strictly monitored. They unfairly claimed and represented the undesirable behavior of visitors in order to protect their interests.
寄藤 晶子
松本大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13480618)
vol.10, pp.245-256, 2012-01

寄藤 晶子
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.57, no.2, pp.131-152, 2005

In this paper, the author argues that gambling businesses managed by public authorities face issues regarding monopolization, regulation of space and socio-spatial exclusion.Since the end of the 19th century, informal private gambling has been strictly outlawed in Japan, while both the national and local governments have resorted to investing in the gambling business to secure revenue. At present, with the exception of lotteries, 120 gambling facilities such as keiba (horse race), keirin (bicycle race on a short track), autorace (motorcycle race on a short track), and kyotei (motorboat race on a square pond) are offered by 21 prefectures and 443 municipalities. These are called "public gambling".In his book The Production of Space, Henri Lefevre notes that non-productive expenses are made according to the neocapitalist's interest. Therefore, the author refers to the three elements that constitute space according to Lefevre: spatial practices, representations of space and space of representations. The author conducted field work in and around the motorboat gambling facility operated in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture, and the highlighted the "gambling space" using Lefevre's scheme mentioned above.From 1997-2000, the author interviewed: Tokoname motorboat officers, residents from the areas (sinkai-cho) around the motorboat facility, police officers, members of the "koie-sinkai crime prevention association", a security guard and ticket sales women employed at the motorboat office, shop managers in and around the motorboat facility, and the motorboat gambling fans. The author also conducted participant observation studies of more than 400 motorboat gambling fans. The author's findings are as follows:Firstly, while the public authority, the Tokoname motorboat office, adopts several measures to draw visitors to the motorboat facility and thus ensure income, this practice includes spatial separation, i.e., separating the Tokoname motorboat gambling fans from the public. This is partly because the nature of gambling itself threatens social order, therefore, the public authorities control and enclose gambling fans. These practices of exclusion are observed in their spatial practices.Secondly, shops and restaurants are located on the route taken by visitors from the Tokoname railway station to the motorboat facility. These shops and restaurants sell alcohol, low-priced light meals and magazines or newspapers regarding gambling. Fans regularly take the route from the Tokoname railway station to the motorboat facility and purchase these goods from these shops. Loitering fans and torn blank tickets visibly distinguish the "gambling space" from the rest of the city. Japanese public gambling fans are largely men over 60 years of age. However, in Tokoname motorboat facility, 60-70% of motorboat gambling fans are men, who are 60 years and over. Therefore, the "gambling space" is occupied by middle and old-aged men is littered with blank tickets.Thirdly, measures adopted by the local community, the "koie-sinkai crime prevention association", neighborhood residents and the police to regulate the behavior of visitors' create negative representations of Tokoname motorboat gambling facility and its fans. In 1970, as the number of visitors increased, a few residents living around the motorboat facility founded a crime prevention association in order to put a burglar alarm to their house. At this time, the Tokoname motorboat office began sending presents, such as handkerchiefs, rice, pans and soaps as compensation to residents. The activities of "koie-sinkai crime prevention association" provided subsidies by Tokoname City, although they are not strictly monitored. They unfairly claimed and represented the undesirable behavior of visitors in order to protect their interests.
寄藤 晶子 天野 香緒理 岡崎 綾香
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2015, 2015

寄藤 晶子 天野 香緒理 岡崎 綾香
The Association of Japanese Geographers
pp.100351, 2015 (Released:2015-04-13)

1.はじめに福岡県太宰府市にある太宰府天満宮は菅原道真を祀った神社であり、江戸時代から参拝の地として知られる。近年では、天神からの西鉄バス・電車が増便されたほか、中国からのクルーズ船観光がバスで移動する際のルートに組み込まれ、国内外から多くの観光客を集める。本研究では、こうした訪問者の変化に注目し、高度経済成長期以降の参道の土地利用の変化を、とくに店舗数や業種構成の変化とその背景を中心に明らかにする。 2.研究の方法「太宰府観光案内冊子」「ゼンリン住宅地図」「住宅案内図」をもとに、1973年・1982年・1992年・2014年の参道地図を作成した。また、太宰府観光案内所・参道各店舗で聞き取り調査と参与観察を行い、店舗数や業種の変化、業種転換の経緯などを明らかにした。 3.参道の店舗数・業種構成の変化店舗数は、1973年の52店舗から2014年の61店舗と9店舗増えた。背景には、土地面積の大きい店の分割や、民家の店舗化がある。業種構成をみると、飲食店の減少が目立つ。老舗の食堂では、実質的な食事の提供をやめ、梅が枝餅などの甘味のみの販売にシフトしていた。その背景には、後継者問題や経営者の高齢化により食事の提供が難しくなったことに加えて、観光客の滞在時間の短縮化傾向と、軽食を手に持っての「食べ歩き」行動の増加があるものとみられる。1973年に見られた民家、酒屋や新聞販売店、薬局などの生活品を扱う店舗はほとんど姿を消した。代わって土産・民芸店が目立ち、なかでもチェーン店の進出も顕著である。参道が地元住民の生活に密着していた場所としての意味合いを失い、「観光地」化していったといえる。その「観光地」化の内容も興味深い。1973年当時には、高級博多人形といった博多の民芸品を扱う店が複数あったが、現在では外国人観光客向けに「日本風」を強調した安価な手ぬぐいや扇子、お香などの和雑貨を多く取り扱うものへと変化した。学会当日は地図と合わせて示したい。
熊谷 圭知 石塚 道子 大城 直樹 福田 珠己 森本 泉 森 正人 寄藤 晶子 倉光 ミナ子 関村 オリエ

本研究では、欧米中心に展開してきたジェンダー地理学を再構築し、日本からの発信とグローバルなネットワーク構築をめざした。具体的には、1)2013年8月の京都国際地理学会において、「ジェンダーと地理学」研究委員会と共同し、プレ会議(奈良)を開催。2)海外の主導的なフェミニスト地理学者(2012年年1月にDivya Tolia-Kelly氏、2013年3月にDoreen Massey氏)を招聘。学会での議論の場を創出した。研究成果は、2014年,英文報告書(Building Global Networks through Local Sensitivities )に刊行し、内外に発信した。