岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.141, pp.265-321, 2008-03-31

島村 恭則 周 星 山 泰幸 桑山 敬已 岩本 通弥

岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.54, pp.73-144, 1993-11-10

岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.27, pp.113-135, 1990-03-30

This paper is to indicate the importance of taking the total view of, introspecting and understanding the folklore of YANAGITA Kunio from the methodological point of view. So far, it has been understood that the YANAGITA Kunio's methodology in the folklore study has a trait similar to that of the natural science, constituted of the inductivism and positivism. In this paper, however, a question is posed on that particular point. YANAGITA'S method should be grasped in the framework of the comprehension science opposed to the natural science and the elucidation of “mind” (the hidden inner value such as feelings, sense, awareness of the people) which was his scientific final target is to make clear the teleological “inclination”. In this paper, this method is positioned appropriately in accordance with the main stream of the hermeneutical scientific theory.“Total view”, “introspection” and “understanding” are the words used by YANAGITA Kunio in an attempt to express his own folklore methodology. He described what the methodology ought to be using these key words. I. e., “the total view” is a gestalt and holistic Point of view setting the totality and dynamism of the culture as the premise and tries to grasp them in the hermeneutical scientific circulation. “Introspection” is used to show the method and the direction of taking “the total view”. It does not simply mean an empathy or to experience for oneself what another person has gone through, but it indicates a method of objective development of the logic in order to elucidate the mind using “words” as the medium which are the “recognition” itself that connects the subject and the object.As a result, a method to discover the hypotheses in the folklore has been made clear. On the other hand, the word “understanding” does not only used to comprehend the mental states but also offers a way of conclusively proving the discovered hypotheses to justify them through a logic of science. It has been shown that, in the folklore study, hypotheses can be clearly proved through the process of recognition-interpretation-understanding, in addition to the verification through deduction-counter evidence. In this paper, it is indicated that the presentation of hypotheses was made through the intrinsic intuition based on the substantial data, gestalt perception as Lorenz, K. put it, and that the words, induction and actual proof, when used by YANAGITA, should be understood as above mentioned.
岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.132, pp.25-98, 2006-03

本稿は柳田國男「葬制の沿革について」に対して示された,いわゆる両墓制の解釈をめぐって,戦後の民俗学が陥った「誤読」の構造を分析し,戦後民俗学の認識論的変質とその問題点を明らかにし,現在の民俗学に支配的な,いわゆる民俗を見る視線を規定している根底的文化論の再構築を目的とする。柳田の議論は,この論考に限らず,変化こそ「文化」の常態とみた認識に立っており,その論題にもあるように,葬制の全体的な変遷を扱うものであった。ところが戦後,民俗を変化しにくい存在として捉える認識が優勢になると,論題に「沿革」とあるにも拘らず,変遷過程=「変化」の議論と捉えずに,文化の「型」の議論と読み違える傾向が生まれ,それが通説化する。柳田の元の議論も霊肉分離と死穢忌避の観念が超歴史的に貫徹する,あたかも伝統論のように解釈されはじめる。南島の洗骨改葬習俗と,本土に周圏論的に分布する両墓制を,関連のある事象として,これを連続的に捉える議論や解釈・思考法は,1960年代に登場するが,一つの誤読を定説化させた学史的背景には,民俗を変化しにくい地域的伝統と見做す,こうした根底的文化論が混入したことに尽きている。このような理解を生み出す民俗あるいは文化を,伝統論的構造論的に把捉する文化認識は,いわゆる京都学派の文化論を介して,大政翼賛会の地方文化運動において初めて生成された認識であるが,加えて戦後のいわゆる基層文化論の誤謬的受容によって,より強固に民俗学内部に浸透,定着化する。基層文化論は柳田の文化認識に近似していたナウマンの二層化説を,正反対に読解して受容したものであり,その結果,方法的な資料操作法のレベルにおいても,観察できる現象としての形(form)を,型(type)と混同して,民俗資料の類型化論として捉えられていく。In this paper, I explain the epistemological transformation of folklore in Japan following the Second World War and the issues it raises through a study of the structure of the "misreading" by Japanese folklore surrounding the interpretation of the so-called dual grave system demonstrated in response to Kunio Yanagita' s "A History of the Burial System." The paper' s aim is to reconstruct the theory of underlying culture that prescribes the approach to folklore and dominates folklore studies at the present time. Yanagita' s argument is not limited to this discussion for it is based on the recognition that the normal state of "culture" is none other than change itself, and as suggested in the title he covered the general changes in the burial system. However, when the perception that it was difficult to change folk customs gained ascendancy following the Second World War, despite the inclusion of the word "history" in the title, the argument that the process of transition equals "change" was not understood. This gave rise to the tendency to misinterpret his argument as one concerning the "type" of culture, which became accepted. Yanagita' s primary argument began to be interpreted as a kind of theory of tradition where the concepts of the separation of the soul and body and the avoidance of the defilement of death transcended history. The debate, interpretation and school of thought that viewed the custom of reburial following washing of the bones in Japan's southern islands and the dual grave system that spread in mainland Japan following the theory that customs spread by radiating outward from Kyoto as continuous and related phenomena emerged in the 1960s. The situation where one misinterpretation was allowed to become established theory was set against an academic backdrop that mixed in the theory of underlying culture, according to which folk customs are regarded as regional traditions that do not easily change. The perception of culture that interpreted the folklore and culture responsible for this kind of understanding as traditional and structural is a perception that was first generated among the movement for regional culture promoted by the Taisei Yokusankai (The Imperial Rule Assistance Association) by way of the Kyoto school of cultural theory. On top of this, the erroneous acceptance after the war of the so-called theory of underlying culture permeated right through to the inner echelon of folklore studies and became established theory. This theory of underlying culture led to the converse interpretation and acceptance of Naumann's dual-layer thesis, which resembled Yanagita's perception of culture. The result is that even at the level of methodic approaches for manipulating data there is confusion between the form and type of observable phenomena, which continues to be used in the classification of folklore materials.
岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.141, pp.265-322[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

本稿は日本近代の産育儀礼の通史的展開として、その一大転機と位置付けられるであろう民力涵養運動期における「国民儀礼」の創出について、民俗学的観点から分析する。第一次大戦の戦後経営ともいえる民力涵養運動は、日露戦後の地方改良運動の延長と見做されたためか、近代史でも地方改良運動や後続の郷土教育運動・翼賛文化運動に比べ、研究蓄積はさほど厚くないが、民俗学的にみると、その史料には矯正すべき弊習として従前の暮らしぶりも描写されるなど、実に興味深い記述が多い。この運動は形式上、内務省の示した「五大要綱」に応じた、各県・各郡・各町村の自己変革であるため、その対応は地方毎であるが、列島周縁部では、例えば岩手県では敬神崇祖の強調で伊勢大麻を奉祭する「神棚」設置が推進され、鹿児島県では大島郡に対し、「神社ナキ地方ハ我カ皇国ノ不基ヲ定メ賜ヒタル…先賢偉人ノ神霊ヲ奉祀スヘキ神社ヲ建立スルコト」と命じるなど、一九四〇年代の神祇院体制への土台として地域的平準化が図られており、従前の竈神や納戸神・便所神などへの素朴で個別的な民間信仰は、天照の下に統合され、家内安全も豊作・安産祈願も「天照のお蔭」と思わせるような換骨奪胎過程が見てとれる。そのほか各地の記事を通覧すると、門松や注連縄、初詣や七五三、神前結婚式の普及を推奨したり、礼服規定で喪服を黒に統一するなど、今日日本で「伝統」と見做される「国民儀礼」の多くは、この期の運動によって成立するが、それまで地方毎に多様だった民俗文化を平準化し、「文化的ならし」を図る一方、自治奉告祭や出征兵士の送迎、三大節など、地域共同体に何かしらの出来事があれば、「氏神」に参集させ、新たな形式の「集団参拝」を強要するなど、私的で人的であった習俗を、公的で外部からも見える可視的な社会的儀礼へと変換させた。それは地域内階層差や初生児優遇の儀礼を平等化する一方、忠君愛国へ向けた儀礼の全国的画一化の端緒ともなった。This paper adopts a folklore perspective to examine the emergence of "national rites" during the period of the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength (Minryoku Kanyo Undo) , which can be called one of the major turning points of Japan's modern period, in the context of the development of children's rites during that era. The Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength, which operated following the First World War, has been regarded as an extension of the Movement for Local Improvement (Chiho Kairyo Undo), which occurred after the Russo-Japanese War. This is perhaps the reason why the study Japan's modern history contains relatively little on the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength compared to the Movement for Local Improvement or the Movement for Homeland Education (Kyodo Kyoiku Undo) and the Cultural Assistance Movement (Yokusan Bunka Undo) that followed. When the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength is viewed from the perspective of folk studies we find many interesting descriptions, such as materials containing depictions of existing lifestyles with bad customs that should be remedied. Because the movement consisted of voluntary reforms by villages, towns, counties and prefectures throughout Japan in accordance with the Five Major Guidelines advocated by the Home Ministry, the response differed from region to region.In Iwate Prefecture, for example, due to the emphasis placed on worshipping Shinto deities and one's ancestors, people were encouraged to put up "kami-dana" dedicated to Ise Taima. In Oshima-gun in Kagoshima Prefecture, the local populace was told that places that did not have shrines were disloyal to the Japanese empire and were ordered to build shrines where the spirits of great people could be worshipped. In this way, regional standardization took place which laid the foundation for the Jingi-in of the 1940s which controlled shrines. Simple and separate folk beliefs such as belief in the "kamadogami" (tutelary deities of the hearth) and "nandogami" and "benjogami" (deities of the closet and toilet) were united under a belief in Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. Safety within the home and prayers for an abundant harvest and for safe childbirth were also recast so that people felt indebted to Amaterasu. A survey of articles from other areas throughout the country reveals that people were encouraged put up New Year decorations such as "kadomatsu" and "shimenawa", visit a shrine on New Year's Day, take part in the Shichi-go-san children's festival and get married in a Shinto ceremony. Rules governing formal wear prescribed that all mourning dress be black. Thus, many of the "national rites" that are regarded as "traditions" in present-day Japan came about as a result of this movement, which developed "cultural practices" by standardizing folk culture that had varied widely from region to region. At the same time, the movement transformed private and individual rites to public rites that were social rites visible from the outside. For example, customs practiced by a community such those for informing deities festival, sending off and welcoming home soldiers and the celebration of the three big national holidays became occasions for gathering at ujigami shrines where a new style of "group worship" was demanded. While on the one hand this brought equality with respect to class differences within communities and rites that gave preferential treatment to the firstborn, on the other hand it can also be said to have been the beginning of the nationwide standardization of rites that paved the way for "loyalty and patriotism".
岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.52, pp.p3-48, 1993-11

本稿は「民俗の地域差と地域性」に関する方法論的考察であり、文化の受容構造という視角から、新たな解釈モデルの構築を目指すものである。この課題を提示していく上で、これまで同じ「地域性」という言葉の下で行われてきた、幾つかの系統の研究を整理し(文化人類学的地域性論、地理学的地域性論、歴史学的地域性論)、この「地域性」概念の混乱が研究を阻害してきたことを明らかにし、解釈に混乱の余地のない「地域差」から研究をはじめるべきだとした。この地域差とは何か、何故地域差が生ずるのかという命題に関し、それまでの「地域差は時代差を示す」とした柳田民俗学に対する反動として、一九七〇年代以降、その全面否定の下で機能主義的な研究が展開してきたこと(個別分析法や地域民俗学)、しかしそれは全面否定には当たらないことを明らかにし、柳田民俗学の伝播論的成果も含めた、新たな解釈モデルとして、文化の受容構造論を提示した。その際、伝播論を地域性論に組み替えるために、かつての歴史地理学的な民俗学研究や文化領域論の諸理論を再検討するほか、言語地理学や文化地理学などの研究動向や研究方法(資料操作法)も参考にした結果、必然的に自然・社会・文化環境に対する適応という多系進化(特殊進化)論的な傾向をとるに至った。すなわち地域性論としての文化の受容構造論的モデルとは、文化移入を地域社会の受容・適応・変形・収斂・全体的再統合の過程と把握して、その過程と作用の構造を分析するもので、さらに社会文化的統合のレベルという操作概念を用いることによって、近代化・都市化の進行も視野に含めた、一種の文化変化の解釈モデルであるともいえよう。This paper is a methodological study on "regional variation and regionality of folk customs", in which the author aims to construct a new interpretative model from the viewpoint of the structure of the acceptance of culture. To present this subject, the author considered it necessary to put in order the several lines of research (anthropological regionality, geographical regionality, and historical regionality), state clearly that this confusion in the concept of "regionality" has hindered research, and to start with the study of "regional variation", which has no margin for confused interpretation. Concerning the proposition as to what regional variation is, and what causes regional variation, the author makes it clear that functional research has developed since the 1970s (individual analysis method and regional ethnology), as a reaction to and total denial of Yanagita Kunio's ethnology which insists that "regional variation shows a difference in era", but that this does not correspond to a total denial; and he presents the theory of a structure for the acceptance of culture as a new interpretative model, incorporating the results of the theory of dissemination of the Yanagita school of ethnology. In this process, in order to rearrange the dissemination theory as the regionality theory, the author re-examines various discussions on historical-geographical ethnology and the cultural area theory of the past, and refers to the trends and methods in research (Methods for handling materials) in linguistic geography, cultural geography, etc.. As a result, he has necessarily come to support the tendency towards the theory of multi-system evolution (special evolution), which means the adaption to the natural, social and cultural environments. In other words, the introduction of a culture should be recognized as a process of reception, adaption, transformation, conversion, and total reunification of the regional society, and the structural model for the acceptance of culture as the theory of regionality, should analyze the structure of the process and its function. Furthermore, through the use of the operating concept of the levels of socio-cultural integration, the model also becomes a kind of interpretative model of cultural changes, including within its field of vision the process of modernization and urbanization.
岩本 通弥 森 明子 重信 幸彦 法橋 量 山 泰幸 田村 和彦 門田 岳久 島村 恭則 松田 睦彦 及川 祥平 フェルトカンプ エルメル

岩本 通弥 KIM H.-J. KIM H.-J 金 賢貞

本研究「文化遺産ガバナンスと社会関係資本の構築と実践に関する民俗学的研究」の目的は、日本のローカル社会における綿密なフィールドワークに基づき、文化遺産に関連する政策の形成・実施・管理をめぐる多様な主体たちの実践を「文化遺産ガバナンス」というパースペクティブから分析するとともに、この社会的現象のダイナミズムが「社会関係資本」の構築にいかにつながっているのか、そのメカニズムのあり方を民俗学的に検討することである。具体的には、1)日本のローカル社会における「文化遺産ガバナンス」の実態の究明と、2)土着の文化遺産、地域固有の経験知と市民的公共性の構築の可能性の検討とに二分できる。以上の目的を達成するため、最初予定していたとおり、フィールドワーク地の埼玉県秩父市に居住地を移し(平成23年8月末)、以下に示す手順に従って現地調査を実施した。まず、平成23年度の4月から9月までのあいだ、第2次集中的現地調査(Second Intensive Fieldwork)を通して、秩父夜祭における中核的祭礼集団としての「中町」にフォーカスを合わせて主要なインフォーマントや、祭りの維持・管理におけるコアー・アクターたる人物を対象にインタビュー調査をした。ほかにも、地元の観光化を推進する行政主体として秩父市の産業観光部観光課や秩父観光協会や秩父商工会議所において聞き取り調査を行った。また、文化財行政のあり方を把握するために、秩父市の教育委員会文化財保護課についても同様に聞き取り調査を実施した。この一連の調査を通して、かなり規模の大きい秩父夜祭の伝承と維持・管理の体制がある程度明らかになったと考える。ほかにも、本研究における主要な方法論であり、かつ認識論的側面をなしている「社会関係資本」の構築の現状を考察するために、このような文化遺産ガバナンスに密接にかかわっている人々、とりわけ、中町などの地元住民たちが、土着の文化としての秩父夜祭の持続と管理以外にも別のネットワークを通して社会と関係を結んでいるのか、また、それが、当該地域社会における公共的生活をめぐる種々の情報の交換や共有、地域社会において生じるトラブルの解決のための協力・協調のネットワークを作り上げるのに、本研究において文化遺産ガバナンスと位置づけた秩父夜祭の伝承と維持・管理に関連する諸実践が役立っているのかを検討するため、地元の住人に焦点を当ててその人間関係や地域生活の実態を調べた。加えて、土着文化としての秩父夜祭とは直接的なかかわりを持たずとも、地域生活の質の向上や問題解決のためにアソシエーションを作って活動する人々のネットワークや実践のあり方をも調べるために秩父ボランティア交流会など、NPO団体についても調査を行った。次に、同年度の10月から翌年の2月まで第3次集中調査(Third Intensive Fieldwork)を実施し、以前の調査のフォローアップを図った。その結果、秩父夜祭の中核的祭礼集団ではなくても不可欠の参加集団であり、にも拘らず、常に周縁に位置づけられる秩父歌舞伎の伝承団体の正和会を新たに調査した。最後に、もともと平成24年度の3月にドイツ民俗学の現状を視察する調査を予定していたが、諸般の事情により中止した。
岩本 通弥 川森 博司 高木 博志 淺野 敏久 菊地 暁 青木 隆浩 才津 祐美子 俵木 悟 濱田 琢司 室井 康成 中村 淳 南 根祐 李 相賢 李 承洙 丁 秀珍 エルメル フェルトカンプ 金 賢貞
