杉本 耕一
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.33, pp.15-28, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-03-10)

Later Nishida found a clue about how to analyze the structure of the human being that acts in the world of historical reality within the problem of the body. Nishida noticed that the human being possesses a body and makes things outside of himself by using it as a tool. This implies, on the one hand, that he has creative freedom, which other animals do not possess. However, on the other hand it is precisely because of this freedom that man cannot but come into conflict with the external world and suffer from the contradiction between the self and the world. Another of Nishida's remarkable ideas on the body is that the human being cannot be defined merely as a bodily being, but that it is connected to the dimension of that which transcends the body. In this essay the author attempts to clarify Nishida's unique idea on that which transcends the body and to examine how bodily action and the action of the body that transcends the body are related. This contemplation offers suggestions about how one is to understand Nishida's thoughts on religious practice. The author's considerations are based on Nishida's interpretation of the words of the Zen master Pao­chi of Pan­shan, which Nishida learned from D.T.Suzuki.
杉本 耕一

本年度の研究では、これまでの準備を踏まえて、鈴木大拙や田辺元、西谷啓治といった京都学派周辺の近代日本の哲学者・思想家の宗教思想について、それぞれの立場からの道元解釈を検討することによって明らかにする研究に集中的にとりくんだ。北陸宗教文化学会のシンポジウム「鈴木大拙『日本的霊性』の現代的意義」での提題をもとに執筆された論文「「霊性」再考」では、近代日本の代表的な禅思想家で京都学派との交流も深かった鈴木大拙と道元との関係を考察した。そこでは、鈴木大拙の禅思想と道元の禅思想とのずれを指摘することを通して、道元の立場から見た鈴木の思想の問題点と、現代においてそれを読み直す可能性とについて考察した。日本宗教学会における口頭発表「道元解釈から見た西谷啓治の禅哲学」では、西谷の講話『正法眼蔵講話』を、他の研究者による『正法眼蔵』解釈と対比しながら読み説き、西谷の解釈の独自性と問題性とを指摘した。そしてそこに、西谷の宗教哲学そのものの独自性と問題性とを探る道を開いた。『倫理学年報』に掲載予定の論文「道元の「行」と田辺元の「行為」」は、昨年度の口頭発表に手を入れて、論文の形に仕上げたものである。口頭発表「衛藤宗学と京都学派の哲学(二)」は、昨年に続く口頭発表であり、衛藤即応の曹洞宗学と京都学派の宗教哲学とに触れつつ、近代日本の仏教思想の多様性を描いた。これらの研究においては、各所で西田幾多郎の思想に言及されており、京都学派周辺の他の禅思想家との対比を通して、西田の思想的独自性が浮び上がらされている。その他、今年度の研究成果としては、以前執筆した英語論文"Tanabe Hajime's Logic of Species and the Philosophy of Nishida Kitaro"が、論文集に収録され、海外の読者に入手しやすい形で公刊されたことも特筆しておきたい。
杉本 耕一 佐藤 尚昭 加藤 徳之 佐藤 博明 長友 康 土田 幸広 冨岡 一幸 伴野 悠士 能勢 忠男
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.4, no.6, pp.538-542, 1995-11-20 (Released:2017-06-02)

杉本 耕一
人体科学 (ISSN:09182489)
vol.24, no.1, pp.2-10, 2015-05-30 (Released:2018-03-01)

Yuasa Yasuo's inquiry into Eastern philosophy is seeking to formulate a new perspective from which to rethink Western philosophy fundamentally. This kind of philosophical undertaking is shared by many modern Japanese philosophers like Nishida Kitaro and Watsuji Tetsuro. However, Yuasa also had his own and unique concerns. One can find these in his many books and articles on modern Japanese philosophy, especially, in his fearless criticism of former Japanese philosophers. In this paper, the author examines Yuasa's book The Body: Toward an Eastern Mind-Body Theory in regards to interpretation and criticism of Nishida's philosophy and argues that although these two philosophers have many shared interests they also have some decidedly different ideas. For example, Yuasa distinguishes the realm of ordinary experience from that of religious experience in order to scrutinize how one can transit from the former to the latter by bodily religious practice. In contrast to Yuasa's distinction, Nishida focuses on the overlapping of these two realms. Yuasa criticizes Nishida's logic and his queries into the logical structure of above-mentioned overlapping, and employs psychological methods instead. Comparing these two thinkers offers some hints in regards to how we can rethink 'philosophy' and 'religion' in the light of Eastern philosophy and religion.
杉本 耕一
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.2, pp.158-172, 2005 (Released:2021-01-16)

Although absolute contradictory self-identity is one of the most fundamental notions in the philosophy of Nishida, it is also notorious for its ambivalence. Actually, because Nishida uses this term in different senses and in various applications, it appears that it cannot avoid the charge of ambivalence. However, this essay considers the possibility that this very ambivalence can be taken as favorable. That is, this essay suggests that fields which have tended to be thought of as separate, actually overlap each other. This essay draws special attention to the fact that, among the various aspects of absolute contradictory self-identity which he formulates, Nishida develops formulations in both the religious world and the historical world. In general, it is often assumed that the religious world and the historical world are two completely different worlds; the former is assumed to be completely transcendent from the latter. But Nishida's notion of absolute contradictory self-identity can put this assumption into question. This essay claims that if one examines this notion carefully, then one will find that its very ambivalence demonstrate that these two worlds are intimately related and overlapping.
杉本 耕一
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.1, pp.88-102, 2004 (Released:2021-01-16)

Although the problem of history is no doubt one of the most important problems in the later philosophy of Nishida Kitarô, few scholars have paid attention to Nishida's philosophy from the viewpoint of the philosophy of history. In this paper I try to examine the possibility of reevaluating Nishida's philosophy as philosophy of history. When Nishida speaks of history, he does not necessarily refer to each of the historical facts. His concern was rather to clarify the fundamental structure of the historical world itself, in which each historical event occurs. This attitude of Nishida can be put in the context of the philosophies of history at the beginning of twentieth century. At that time, some existential philosophers like Heidegger were also engaged in the problem of history, and prior to the scientific analysis of each historical fact, tried to analyze the historicity of human beings. Nishida analyzed the historicity of the real world in terms of poiesis. Because this notion includes both historical and super-historical perspective, Nishida's philosophy has a possibility to provide a significant contribution to the philosophy of history, which is confronted with the task of overcoming both superhistorical absolutism and historical relativism.
杉本 耕一
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.21, pp.49-61, 2004 (Released:2019-03-21)

Nishida’s philosophy has often been criticized for overlooking the problem of history. In particular, his fundamental notion of “acting intuition” is often accused of lacking any element of historicity. The term “acting intuition” may lead one to imagine a kind of religious or aesthetic intuition that transcends the historical world in a mystical way. However, I believe that this sort of interpretation is a misunderstanding based merely on a superficial reaction to the term. When one carefully examines the notion of “acting intuition” as it is developed in the context of Nishida’s thought, it becomes apparent that this notion contains nothing mystical; in fact, it is thoroughly connected to the historicity of human beings. Moreover, not only is historicity implied in the notion of “acting intuition” itself, it is in fact this very notion that provides Nishida with a perspective from which to reveal the historicity involved in several problems of philosophy that have often been treated merely ahistorically by philosophers. These include the problem of knowledge, the problem of life, and the problem of religion. In his later texts Nishida discusses these problems from the viewpoint of “acting intuition,” and he is thereby able to treat them in such a manner as to show their intimate connection with the historicity of human beings.
宮脇 修一 恵美 宣彦 三谷 絹子 大屋敷 一馬 北村 邦朗 森下 剛久 小川 啓恭 小松 則夫 相馬 俊裕 玉置 俊治 小杉 浩史 大西 一功 溝口 秀昭 平岡 諦 小寺 良尚 上田 龍三 森島 泰雄 中川 雅史 飛田 規 杉本 耕一 千葉 滋 井上 信正 濱口 元洋 古賀 大輔 玉置 広哉 直江 知樹 杉山 治夫 高久 史麿
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.46, no.12, pp.1279-1287, 2005 (Released:2009-07-28)

急性骨髄性白血病(Acute myeloid leukemia: AML) 191症例の末梢血のWT1 mRNA発現(Wilms tumor gene 1: WT1)量を定期的に測定し臨床経過との関連を検討した。初発未治療のAML症例におけるWT1の陽性率は93.9% (107/114)であった。寛解が得られ寛解を継続した症例66例の全例でWT1量は寛解に伴い低下し50 copies/μgRNA未満(陰性)となり,84.8% (56/66)の症例が1年後の経過観察終了時陰性であった。非寛解症例54例のうち87.0% (47/54)の症例のWT1量は,経過観察期間中50 copies/μgRNA以上(陽性)であった。寛解後再発した29例の全例において,寛解に伴い低下したWT1量は再発に伴って上昇に転じた。寛解後再発症例の79.3% (23/29)の症例のWT1の値は再発の43日(中央値)前に200 copies/μgRNAを超えて上昇していた。再発診断率,寛解継続診断率および診断効率を考慮するとAMLの早期再発診断のための基準値としては200 copies/μgRNAが妥当と考えられた。WT1量は,微小残存病変(Minimal residual disease: MRD)を反映しAMLの臨床状態に対応して変動していた。今回,WT1測定に使用したキットでは末梢血を用いたことからこのキット検査は患者への負担が少なく,定期的検査に適していると考えられた。
杉本 耕一
