樋口 雄三 吉村 ひろ子
Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISSN:13419226)
vol.26, no.1, pp.49-52, 2008-03-01

樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.125, pp.119-156, 2006-03-25

樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.203-225, 2003-10

明治維新後、禄を失い生計の道を絶たれ窮乏化を余儀なくされた士族によって各地で入植・開墾が行われた。わずか七十万石に圧縮された静岡藩では、膨大な数の旧旗本・御家人を無禄移住という形で受け入れたため、立藩当初から家臣団の土着が進められ、荒蕪地の開墾が奨励された。廃藩後は県による支援も行われ、士族授産事業が推進された。しかし、同時期、藩や県からの経済的援助を受けることなく、独力で茶園の開拓に取り組んだ少数の旧幕臣グループがいた。赤松則良・林洞海・渡部温・藤沢次謙・矢田堀鴻らである。矢田堀・赤松は長崎海軍伝習所出身の幕府海軍幹部・エリート士官、林は佐倉順天堂ゆかりの蘭方医、渡部は開成所で教鞭をとった英学者、藤沢は蘭学一家桂川家に生まれた幕府陸軍の幹部であったが、いずれも静岡藩では沼津兵学校や沼津病院に職を奉じていた。藩の公職に就いた彼らには、無禄移住者とは違い、「食うため」には困らないだけの十分な俸給が与えられたのであるが、明治二年(一八六九)以降遠州での開拓・茶園経営に、あえて自らの資産を投入した。洋学知識や洋行経験を有していた彼らは、土質や害虫を研究し、先進地の製茶法を導入したり、アメリカへの直輸出を図ったりと、科学や情報によって地場産業を改良する役割を果たした。しかし、その行動は、苦しい藩財政を助けたり、国益を目指したりといった「公」を意識した動機のみによるものではなく、むしろ個人の営利・蓄財を目的とした私的経済活動としての側面が大きかった。廃藩に前後して上京、優れた能力を買われ一旦は明治政府に出仕した彼らであるが、遠州の茶園はそのまま維持された。海軍中将・男爵となった赤松は退役後には遠州に隠棲し、明治初年以来の念願だった田園生活を楽しむ。茶園開拓をめぐる赤松らの言動からは、官にあるか野にあるかを問わず、「一身独立」を率先実行した近代的人間像が見えてくる。Sliding towards poverty from the loss of stipends and livelihood following the Meiji Resoration, shizoku (former samurai) became involved in land settlement and reclamation projects around the countury. Shizuoka Domain, which had been reduced to a mere 70,000 koku, absorbed vast numbers of former hatamoto and gokenin relocated to the area without remuneration. From the domain's inception in 1868 (Meiji 1), the indigenization of retainer bands moved quickly as shizoku were encouraged to cultivate unopened lands. Following the domain's replacement by Shizuoka Prefecture, the prefecture continued to lend support to programs that encouraged shizoku businesses.At the same time that the domain, then prefecture, were lending support to shizoku, a small group of former Bakufu retainers began to cultivate tea independently without economic support from either government. Its members included Akamatsu Noriyoshi, Hayashi Dokai, Watanabe On, Fujisawa Tsuguyoshi, and Yatabori Ko. Yatabori and Akamatsu were both elite officers, products of the Nagasaki naval training center who had held executive positions in the Bakufu navy. Hayashi was a Dutch-medicine doctor with ties to the Juntendo in Sakura, while Watanabe was an England Studies scholar who taught at the Kaiseisho. Fujisawa was born to the Katsuragawa family of Dutch Studies scholars and had held an executive post in the Bakufu army. Each held positions in Shizuoka at either the domain's military academy or its hospital in Numazu. With official posts in the domain government, they differed from the unremunerated relocates and had incomes sufficient to "feed themselves." Still, beginning in 1869 (Meiji 2) they began to cultivate tea as a business in the Totomi region using only their own funds.With their knowledge and experience of the West, they studied soil and vermin, implemented the latest techniques of tea cultivation, and attempted direct export to America. With the science and information they brought to their business, they contributed significantly to the improvement of local industry. Yet, while their actions did aid the finances of a troubled domain and contributed to the benefit of the,nation, they were not exclusively motivated by "public" consciousness. Indeed, their activities were in large part private economic activities aimed at individual gain and wealth.Following the domain's dissolution they relocated to the capital where their outstanding talents were put to use in the service of the Meiji government. They continued to operate their tea plantation in Totomi, however. Following his retirement to the area, vice-admiral and baron Akamatsu pursued his early Meiji hope of enjoying life in the country. Whether in office or the countryside, the actions taken by Akamatsu and the others in the cultivation of tea cast an image of modern individuals at the forefront of "self-reliance".
河野 貴美子 樋口 雄三 小谷 泰則
Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISSN:13419226)
vol.19, no.1, pp.210-215, 2001-03-01

樋口 雄三 河野 貴美子 小谷 泰則 林 義貢 樋口 博信 佐藤 眞志 百瀬 真一郎
Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISSN:13419226)
vol.19, no.1, pp.216-222, 2001-03-01

樋口 雄彦
近代日本研究 (ISSN:09114181)
no.34, pp.273-303, 2017

樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.109, pp.47-93, 2004-03

維新後、旧幕臣は、徳川家に従い静岡へ移住するか、新政府に仕え朝臣となるか、帰農・帰商するかという選択を迫られた。一方、脱走・抗戦という第四の選択肢を選んだ者もいた。箱館五稜郭で官軍に降伏するまで戦った彼らの中には、洋学系の人材が豊富に含まれていた。榎本武揚ら幹部数名を除き、大多数の箱館戦争降伏人は明治三年(一八七〇)までには謹慎処分を解かれ、静岡藩に帰参する。一部の有能な降伏人は静岡・沼津の藩校等に採用されたが、「人減らし」を余儀なくされていた藩の内情では、ほとんどの者は一代限りの藩士身分と三人扶持という最低の扶持米を保障されることが精一杯であった。勝海舟は、箱館降伏人のうち優れた人物を選び、明治政府へ出仕させたり、他藩へ派遣したりといった方法で、藩外で活用しようとした。降伏人が他藩の教育・軍事の指導者として派遣された事例として、和歌山・津山・名古屋・福井等の諸藩への「御貸人」が知られる。なお、御貸人には、帰参した降伏人を静岡藩が直接派遣した場合と、諸藩に預けられ謹慎生活を送っていた降伏人がそのまま現地で採用された場合とがあった。一方、剣客・志士的資質を有した降伏人の中には、敵として戦った鹿児島藩に率先遊学し、同藩の質実剛健な士風に感化され、静岡藩で新たな教育機関の設立を発起する動きも現れた。人見寧が静岡に設立した集学所がそれで、士風刷新を目指し、文武両道を教えるとともに、他藩士との交遊も重視した。鹿児島藩遊学とそれがもたらした集学所は、藩内と藩内外での横の交流や自己修養を意図したものであり、洋学を通じ藩や国家に役立つ人材を下から上へ吸い上げるべく創られた静岡学問所・沼津兵学校とは全く違う意義をもつものだった。After the restoration of Emperor Meiji, vassals of the former Bakufu were faced with the option of moving to Shizuoka with the Tokugawa family, becoming court nobles who entered the service of the new government, or returning to farming or commerce. There were also those who chose the fourth option of escaping and taking part in the resistane. Many of the vassals who fought at the Goryokaku in Hakodate until they surrendered to the government forces had undertaken Western studies. With the exception of Enomoto Takeaki and several other high-ranking officials, most of the men who surrendered during the Battle of Hakodate were able to avoid confinement and returned to the Shizuoka feudal domain before 1870. Some of the competent among them were employed by domain schools in Shizuoka and Numazu. However, the situation inside the Shizuoka domain was such that they were forced to "reduce numbers" as the domain was finding it difficult enough to guarantee a minimum rice allowance so that in most cases the status of warrior was restricted to one generation and the allowance covered just three persons.Katsu Kaishu sought to make use of vassals outside of the domain and adopted a method whereby he selected the most talented among those who had surrendered at Hakodate and either sent them to serve under the Meiji government or dispatched them to other feudal domains. Examples of these men who were dispatched to other domains to provide instruction in education and military affairs are to be found in the well-known "Okashinin", or "loaned persons" who went to work in the various domains, including Wakayama, Tsuyama, Nagoya and Fukui. These Okashinin took up their new roles by either one of two methods: they were either sent to domains directly by the Shizuoka domain upon their return home, or they had been sent to the various domains to serve their period of confinement and were subsequently employed locally.Some of the vassals who surrendered that were skilled at sword fighting and very patriotic were the first to be sent to study under the Kagoshima domain, who had been their enemy in battle, where they came under the influence of the Kagoshima domain's simple and robust warrior spirit. This also motivated the establishment of new educational institutions within the Shizuoka feudal domain. One of these was the Shugakujo established in Shizuoka by Hitomi Yasushi, which aimed to enforce discipline among warriors and to provide education based on learning and martial arts, and also attached great importance to conducting exchanges with warriors from other domains. The intention behind sending these vassals to study in the Kagoshima domain and the Shugakujo that were established as a result, was the promotion of horizontal interaction within the domain and between the domain and outside, as well as self-cultivation. As such, their significance is totally different from that of the Shizuoka Gakumonjo and the Numazu Military Academy, which were established for the purpose of raising people through the ranks to serve the domain or the state by means of Western studies.
樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.121, pp.199-222, 2005-03-25

樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.203, pp.161-293, 2016-12

江戸幕府において天領の治水行政を所轄したのは勘定奉行をトップとする勘定所であり、その配下として実地で防災・復興などの土木工事を担当したのが普請役という下級官吏であった。普請役には純粋に技術者だった者がいた半面、工事に従事する農民を管理・監督するだけの行政官だった者も混在していたと考えられる。維新後、明治政府は治河使・土木司・土木寮・土木局といった担当部門を会計官・民部省・工部省・大蔵省・内務省などの下に位置づけ、治水を遂行するとともに、西洋からの新たな技術導入をはかった。新政府の直轄県で治水を担当した下級官吏の中には幕府時代に普請役だった者がおり、政権交代を経た後も現場レベルでは人的継続性が見られた。七〇万石の一大名として存続した、江戸幕府の後身たる静岡藩では、領内に富士川・安倍川・大井川・天竜川という大河があったことから、藩政機構の中に水利路程掛(後に水利郡政掛・水利郡方掛と改称)を置き、治水に意を注いだ。ただし、実際に領内各地で展開された治水技術は、蛇籠・大聖牛・牛枠といった竹木石を材料とした伝統的な工法にとどまり、近世との大きな違いは見られなかった。その一方、同掛には幕府時代に勘定所に属した者や普請役など、古くからの民政部門の経験者が身を置いた一方、海軍士官として西洋の科学技術を学んだ人物が幹部に就任するなど、近代化への志向が見られた。廃藩置県に前後して静岡藩の人材は明治政府に吸収されていったが、水利路程掛の出身者には中央省庁や府県において土木・治水行政を任された者もいた。また、同じ旧幕臣・静岡藩出身者としては、同藩の藩校沼津兵学校で身に付けた洋算・測量などを武器に土木寮の技師となり、お雇い外国人とともに仕事をしたような、より若い世代の一群の存在が生まれた。さらに、同校から工部大学校に進学し高等教育を受けた者の中からは、本格的な土木技術の専門家が輩出した。伝統工法にもとづき幕府の治水行政を担当した者たちと幕末に西洋近代科学を学び取った幕府海軍士官たちは静岡藩で合流し、水利路程掛や沼津兵学校を経由して明治政府へと引き継がれ、世代交代や新陳代謝を繰り返しつつ、真に近代的な意味での治水行政の担当者たる土木官僚・土木技術者へとつながっていったのである。In the Edo Shogunate Government, the Kanjō-sho (Treasury Department), led by the Kanjō-bugyō (Chief Treasurer), was responsible for flood control administration in the shogunal demesnes. Under the control of the Department, the low-ranking government officials called Fushin-yaku were in charge of construction works for disaster prevention and rehabilitation. They seem to have consisted not only of engineers but also of administrative officials who only supervised farmers engaged in construction works.After the Meiji Restoration, the Government of Japan set up departments in charge of civil engineering and construction, such as Chika-shi, Doboku-shi, Doboku-ryō, and Doboku-kyoku, under the supervision of the Kaikei-kan (Ministry of Accountant), Minbu-shō (Ministry of Public Affairs), Kōbu-shō (Ministry of Public Works), Ōkura-shō (Ministry of Finance), and Naimu-shō (Ministry of Home Affairs) to enhance flood control. Moreover, the Meiji Government strived to adopt new technologies from the West. In the meantime, some of the low-ranking government officials who had worked as Fushin-yaku in the Edo period continued to engage in flood control projects in prefectures under the direct control of the new Meiji Government, which indicates the retention of human resources at the field level even after the regime change.The Shizuoka Domain, established for the ex-shogun who was demoted to a daimyo with revenues of 700,000 koku, set up the department of water resources management (originally named as Suiri-rotei-kakari, later renamed as Suiri-gunsei-kakari, and then renamed again as Suiri-koorikata-kakari) under the local government to enhance flood control since there were large rivers within the territory, such as the Fuji, Abe, Ōi, and Tenryū Rivers. Though in the domain, technocrats only built simple wood, bamboo and/or stone structures for flood prevention, such as those called jakago, daiseigyū, and ushiwaku, by using traditional techniques similar to those used in early modern times, and seem to have strived for modernization. This is also illustrated by the fact that the department of water resources management not only consisted of government officials who had engaged in public affairs for years under the Edo Shogunate Government, such as Fushin-yaku and other officials of the Kanjō-sho, but also hired as senior officials those who had learned Western scientific knowledge and skills to become naval officers.Around at the time of haihan-chiken (the abolition of feudal domains and the establishment of prefectures), most officials of the Shizuoka Domain were assimilated into the Meiji Government. Some of those who had worked for the department of water resources management were appointed as civil engineering/flood control administrators at the central and prefectural governments. Meanwhile, among the ex-shogunate officials and the Shizuoka Government who had learned Western arithmetic knowledge and measurement skills in the Numazu Military Academy established by the Shizuoka Domain, some young officials served as engineers at the Doboku-ryō (Department of Civil Engineering), working with foreign specialists employed by the Government of Japan. Moreover, some of the students graduating from the academy and going on to the Imperial College of Engineering to further their education became professional civil engineers.Thus, the shogunate flood control administrators equipped with traditional engineering techniques and the shogunate naval officers armed with modern Western scientific knowledge were merged together in the Shizuoka Domain. After working for the department of water resources management or studying in the Numazu Military Academy, they were assimilated into the Meiji Government. Then, despite the change of generations and the turnover of personnel, their knowledge and skills were transferred to civil engineering bureaucrats and engineers in charge of truly modern flood control.一部非公開情報あり
樋口 雄二郎 髙嶋 博
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.104, no.7, pp.1470-1478, 2015-07-10 (Released:2016-07-10)

遺伝性ニューロパチーは,運動・感覚または自律神経障害を呈する疾患の総称であり,臨床的にも遺伝的にも非常に多様である.これまでに70以上の原因遺伝子が同定されており,分子病態は細胞内の様々な小器官に複雑に関与していることがわかっている.遺伝性ニューロパチーの遺伝子診断は次世代ゲノムシークエンサー(next-generation sequencer:NGS)を用いたターゲットリシークエンスやエクソーム解析が非常に有用であり,診断確定だけでなく患者の予後予測や治療法の確立につながる.また,分子病態ごとに様々な治療法が開発されており,モデル動物では有効性が確認されている薬剤もあり,なかでもクルクミン治療は我が国でヒトへの臨床試験が計画されている.
樋口 雄彦 宮地 正人 熊澤 恵里子 遠藤 潤 樋口 雄彦

樋口 雄一
中央大学政策文化総合研究所年報 (ISSN:13442902)
vol.20, pp.153-167, 2017-08-24

This paper investigates the status of drug production during 1930s in Korea under the Japanese colonial empire and the facts of Oriental Development Company(or Toyo Takushoku Kabushiki Gaisha)’s drug production for peasants in Korea. In addition to Oriental Development Company, the order from the province(prefecture) governments and landowners enforced the general tenant farmers to produce drugs. However, the revenue from the drug production was not enough for the peasants to make a decent living. While surveying the number of Korean drug addicts at that time, this paper also verifies the Governor-General of Korea’s administrative responses to Korean drug addicts. In conclusion, this paper makes clear the brutal side of Japanese colonial rule in Korea that used drugs to dominate Korean peasants. This caused a large number of drug addicts among Korean peasants. Even worse, there was only one drug treatment facility at the time. Sources are all new which were written by the Governor-General of Korea and its related organizations. As a further study, the effect of the drug production which remained in Korean society after the end of colonization should be inquired.
樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.121, pp.199-223, 2005-03

樋口 雄太郎 河野 義広
vol.2012, pp.97-100, 2012-09-14

Today, there is difference in features of each SNS (Social Networking Service). Then, use purpose of each SNS is different among users. We have an investigation of difference of the features about major SNS: mixi, Twitter, Facebook. Concretely, the diary function of mixi was utilized to investigation about use situation and use purpose of each SNS. In addition, the respondent is suggested to share this questionnaire written in the diary. As a result, it is confirmed that the purpose of using mixi and Facebook have a common feature in many points, and the person using both mixi and Facebook is a few.