横瀬 久芳 佐藤 創 藤本 悠太 Maria Hannah T. MIRABUENO 小林 哲夫 秋元 和實 吉村 浩 森井 康宏 山脇 信博 石井 輝秋 本座 栄一
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.1, pp.46-68, 2010-02-15 (Released:2010-05-21)
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To understand the submarine volcanism surrounding the Tokara Islands, a submarine topographic analysis and 67 dredge samplings were carried out. Prior to the submarine investigations, we reviewed comprehensively geological and geophysical data on this region and confirmed the complexity of both volcanic activity and tectonic setting of the Tokara Islands. In contrast to the homogeneous subaerial volcanic rocks comprising predominantly two-pyroxene andesite lava flows, the dredged samples vary from basaltic andesite to rhyolite in composition. Furthermore, we reveal that dacitic and rhyolitic pumices are abundant and broadly distributed throughout the submarine area. The recovered volcanic rocks were mainly subangular to angular cobble-boulder fragments of lava, scoria, and variably vesiculated pumice. Volcanic rocks with hornblende phenocrysts occur only north of the Tokara strike-slip fault, which is a major tectonic element of volcanism. The pumices can be classified into three categories based on the size and abundance of the phenocrysts: aphyric pumice, fine-grained porphyritic pumice, and coarse-grained porphyritic pumice. Occurrences, such as amount in a dredge, shape without extensive abrasion, large fragment size, and bulk rock chemical compositions of the major pumice fragments suggest that they are in situ, rather than originating as drifted pumice or air fall, exotic pyroclastic fragments derived from the four super-eruptions of Kyushu Island. Because dredged samples contained fresh volcanic glass in the groundmass, and are not covered by iron-manganese oxide crust, they appear to have originated from the Quaternary eruptions. Indeed volcanic islands have developed above the submarine erosional terraces (indicated as knick points at approximately 110 m in depth), which is assumed to have formed during the last glacial age. K-Ar age dating on the representative pumice samples resulted in ages of 0.60 ± 0.20 Ma and < 0.2 Ma, respectively. These newly obtained submarine data support that acidic volcanisms occurred around the submarine calderas during the Mid-Pleistocene age.
横瀬 久芳 小林 哲夫 長岡 信治

堤 彩紀 石橋 純一郎 今野 祐多 横瀬 久芳

【はじめに】 カルデラ地形は,熱源・帯水層・不透水層等がそろっており,熱水循環系が発達しやすい地質環境である.横瀬ほか(2010)は,九州の火山フロントの南方延長線上のトカラ列島近傍の海底に,第四紀の火山活動で形成された巨大カルデラが存在することを提唱している.そのうちの一つである宝島カルデラでは,その外輪山に位置する小宝島で,90℃以上の高温の温泉が海岸沿いに噴出していることが知られている.この小宝島の温泉水を採取・分析した結果を報告し,その熱水形成機構を考察する.【試料の採取と分析方法】 温泉水試料の採取は、2013年5月に行われた。温泉水の温度・pH・電気伝導度・酸化還元電位を現地で測定した.温泉水試料は,0.45μmフィルターでろ過してポリびんに入れて持ち帰り,実験室にて主要溶存成分の分析を行った.主要陽イオン濃度はICP‐AES法,陰イオン濃度はイオンクロマトグラフィーを用いて分析した.アルカリ度はグラン法に基づく滴定法,ケイ素濃度は比色分析によって定量した.【結果と考察】 温泉水の化学組成の特徴として,Cl-濃度が高いこと,Na/Cl比が0.75と海水とほぼ一致すること,酸素・水素同位体比が海水の値に近いこと,があげられ,熱水が海水を起源としていると考えられる.また,海水に比べてMg2+,SO42-濃度が低く,K+,Ca2+濃度が高かった.これは海水と岩石の熱水反応において見られる特徴と一致している.地化学温度計を適用すると,熱水貯留層内の温度は250℃~300℃とかなりの高い温度であると推定できる.また,これまでに宝島カルデラ周辺で行われた海底ドレッジでは,玄武岩質安山岩,安山岩,デイサイト,流紋岩からなる溶岩片などが多量に採取されており,最近のマグマ活動が示唆される. これらの結果から,宝島カルデラに規制された熱水循環系があり,その一端が小宝島の海岸で高温の温泉水としてあらわれている可能性が高い.
横瀬 久芳 山本 茂
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩鉱 (ISSN:09149783)
vol.91, no.3, pp.86-101, 1996 (Released:2006-12-13)
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To understand the character of deep-seated crustal components, we have investigated the crustal xenoliths, in Pleistocene andesites from the Kinbo volcano, northwest Kyushu, Japan. Various types of rocks, such as gneiss, Px granulite, Ho-Pl amphibolite, hornblendite, Ho±Cpx gabbro and granitoids, are found as crustal xenolith in the andesites. The average chemical compositions of the crustal xenoliths in Araoyama and Ishigamiyama are similar to those of tholeiitic basalt and basaltic andesite, respectively.     There is no interaction zone between the xenoliths and host andesites in their appearance indicating that the thermal difference between them was small at entrainment. However, complex disequilibrium textures, including breakdown of hydrous minerals, plagioclase with sieve texture and quenched anatectic melt, occur in thin section of almost all the samples. These textures indicate that pyrometamorphism of the xenoliths resulted from the heating of basaltic magma erupted at early stage of the volcano. The parent rocks, eliminating the influence of pyrometamorphism from the xenoliths, presumably equilibrated under amphibolite facies condition, and were heterogeneous basic gneiss as a whole. Based on the lithologic and chemical character of the basic gneiss combined with reported geophysical data in this region, it is expected that the basic gneiss may widely distribute as the crustal components under the Conrad discontinuity in the northwest Kyushu.
宇井 忠英 隅田 まり 大学合同観測班地質班 荒牧 重雄 大島 治 鎌田 桂子 小林 武彦 小屋口 剛博 佐藤 博明 中川 光弘 中田 節也 藤井 敏嗣 藤縄 明彦 古山 勝彦 三宅 康幸 横瀬 久芳 渡辺 一徳
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.38, no.2, pp.45-52, 1993-07-01

Small-scale pyroclastic flows due to the collapse of the lava dome have been frequently generated during the 1991-93 eruption of Unzen Volcano. We have recorded video footages which show the generation of pyroclastic flows during January-March 1992. Two types of phenomena have been observed : deformation of the lava dome due to flowage ; and a sudden discharge of gas and ash through fractures and peeling-off of rock fragments from the surface of cooling lava blocks. Pyroclastic flows were generated only in places on the lava dome where these precursory phenomena were frequently observed.