長坂 源一郎
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.3, pp.131-143, 1970-11-25 (Released:2009-05-29)

Since the formulation of measurement process by von Neumann, numerous attempts have been made to remove the various paradoxical aspects involved in the theory. The present exposition reveals that a serious linguistic confusion existed in the original formulation by von Neumann and no author has ever given serious considerations. A new approach to the problem is proposed which is based upon an interpretation of quantum mechanics basically in the spirit of Copenhagen Interpretation.
長坂 源一郎
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.2, pp.99-109, 1969-10-10 (Released:2009-05-29)

The recent discussions concerning the validity of the hypotheticodeductive model of scientific explanation are examined. The existence of conflicting theories would be a vital blow to the model. However, the failure on the part of Feyerabend in recognizing that the rival theories have their own domains of application has led to the erroneous denial of correspondence rules. The apparent paradox is the result of unlegitimate ontology introduced in the argument.
源 昌久
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.58, no.2, pp.195-207, 1985-12-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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明治・大正期の啓蒙思想家であり,地理学者であった志賀重昂(1863~1927)の著作,『地理學講義』(訂正5版,1892)中で紹介されている,ある英国地理学者および彼の著書を書誌学的アプローチを通じて確定することを筆者は初めに試みた.その結果,その人物は,今日の英国の地理学史研究においても忘れさられてしまった地理学者J. M. D. MEIKLEJOHN (1830~1902)であり,その著書は,A new geography on the comparative method with maps and diagrams (1889) であることが判明した.志賀は, MEIKLEJOHNの著作に活用されている比較法に注目し,これを日本の地理事象へ適用している.また,山上萬次郎(1868~1946)・濱田俊三郎(1870?~1946?)は,『新撰萬國地理』(1893)を著述したが,その内容はA new geography…の地誌の部分の翻訳であった.『新撰萬國地理』は,中等学校用参考書として十数版を重ね多数の読者を得た.山上・濱田の二人は,MEIKLEJOHNの比較法を応用して『新撰日本地理』(1893)を刊行し,本書も多数の人々に読まれた.さらに,牧口常三郎(1871~1944)は,『人生地理學』(1903)の中でA new geography…を著述の際に利用した参考文献として記載している. このように日本人地理学者たちの著作を通じて,わが国にアカデミック地理学が確立する以前に,A new geography…が流布していく過程を分析した.

1 0 0 0 OA 西宮記

[源高明] [著]
藤原元次 写
田中 聰 佐藤 源 曽田 益弘 小松原 正吉 河本 知二
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869776)
vol.39, no.4, pp.521-527, 1978

肝海綿状血管腫の3症例を経験し,それぞれ異なる摘除術式によって治癒せしめた.症例はすべて女性で,年齢は47歳, 47歳, 42歳であり,第1例は胆嚢水腫の診断のもとに手術されたが,第2例は腹腔鏡検査での腫瘤表面の性状から,第3例は肝動脈造影での造影剤のボタン雪状のpoolingから,術前に本症と診断されたものであった.その肉眼的増殖型はそれぞれ限局性被包型,多発性びまん型,部分的被包型で,第1例では腫瘤摘出術,第2例では左葉外側区域切除術,第3例では拡大右葉切除術(右葉および左葉内側区域切除術)をおこない, 270g, 890g, 3450gの腫瘤を摘除した.第1, 2例は腫瘤の圧迫によると思われる右季肋部痛,心窩部痛を主訴としたが,第3例の腫瘤は成熟胎児大であって.術前には下大静脈狭窄による両下肢浮腫,腹水の貯留,蛋白尿があり,ネフローゼとして加療されていた.また腫瘤内血液凝固に起因すると思われる血中FDP値の上昇があった.しかし腫瘤はほぼ被包化され,その約1/4周のみで肝実質に移行しており,結果的にはこの部での肝部分切除によって充分に摘除し得るものであった.肝海綿状血管腫は血管奇型とされているが,圧迫症状以外にも破裂による腹腔内出血, Kasabach-Merritt症候群,腫瘤内血液凝固にもとづくconsumption coagulopathy,貧血,うっ血性心不全,門脈圧亢進症状などを合併することが報告されているので,原則として外科的摘除を必要とするが,本症には有茎性肝外増殖型,限局被包型,不完全被包型,びまん性増殖型等,増殖形態に多様性があることが報告されている点を考慮し,必要最小限の侵襲にとどめるべく,術式の選択に慎重でなければならない.なお,ビリグラフィンによるcontrast enhancementを応用したCTスキャンは,肝嚢腫との鑑別上有用であった.
関 源太郎
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.42, no.42, pp.32-45, 2002 (Released:2010-08-05)

Between the late 18th and the early 19th century, the Scottish Society experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization which caused various kinds of urban problems. Glasgow, especially, was notorious as “the unhealthiest city in Britain”. Moreover, since the poor relief system of Glasgow was increasingly burdened by the increase of costs and prices due to the Napoleonic wars, economic distress and epidemic, it was seriously complained of. In 1819, Thomas Chalmers was appointed minister of St. John's in Glasgow and attempted, as the Evangelical clergy, a new experiment in poor relief. Most scholars have regarded the experiment as less than successful. Though their evaluations still have some validity, this paper is concerned with Chalmers' intention regarding poor relief in terms of theory and thought as well as practice. It will clarify the historical significance of Chalmers' views of poor relief through examination of the relation of his experiment to his theory and thought.Chalmers criticized the poor relief program of Glasgow for being complicated, and having a physical and mental distance between the recipients and the providers of relief. Thus he built up at his parish a poor relief system which was structurally and financially independent of any other organization. He expected that poor relief should be provided by the parish itself, and the morality of the poor be improved. Meanwhile, he identified the final cause of poverty as a tendency for a population to increase beyond the natural limit of food production. He pointed out that there were two sorts of measures to solve this problem: “an external remedy” and “an internal remedy.” He went on to assert that the former, for instance, a home colonization and an increase in the productivity of manufacturers, would be useless without the latter. “An internal remedy” meant that laborers should contemplate the futures of their families and defer marriage by excising their “prudence and principles from within.” At the same time he explained that whether labor wages were high or low would depend on labor supply which depended on the laborers' decision in turn. Thus he concluded that poor relief ultimately depended on the laborers' behavior. We can understand that the conclusion as such was interrelated with his experiment.Chalmers' theory, thought and practice were agreeable to the landlords who demanded the reduction of their burden of the poor relief and to the New Whigs who claimed the complete protection of property. However, his original intention consisted in the argument that the laborers had to transform themselves into the adequate actors in order to survive in the new industrial and urban society.
岡本 源太
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.64, no.1, pp.15-25, 2013-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Selon Erwin Panofsky, c'est a la Renaissance qu'est apparue l'idee de temps <<destructeuro>>, Kronos, represents par la figure d'un vieillard ails avec ses attributs sinistres: la faux, un corps decharne, etc. Cette idee correspond, semble-t-il, a la nouvelle sensibilite a l'egard de la vicissitude des choses, comme on peut le voir notamment darts les traites d'art de l'epoque. Dans cette optique, j'examine l'esthetique de Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) a l'aube de la Renaissance puis a sa fin, de Giordano Bruno (1548-1600). A relire leurs comedies telles que le Momus d'Alberti ou bien le Candelaio de Bruno, on percoit immediatement qu'ils montrent avec ironie comment les hommes ou encore les dieux ignorent l'instabilite du temps a cause de l'apparence trompeuse d'une permanence des choses. De ce point de vue, l'art ne semble etre qu'une fiction trompeuse. Mais, en meme temps, ces auteurs donnent a l'art un nouveau statut: Alberti suggere que la peinture est une forme du savoir prete a detroner la vieille philosophie, Bruno identifie la vraie peinture avec la vraie philosophie. Le nouveau statut de l'art face aux vicissitudes des choses est etroitement lie a l'argumentation albertienne sur l'ornamentum et au concept brunien de vinculum.
岡本 源太
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.61, no.2, pp.13-24, 2010-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

Dans le De gli eroici furori (1585), Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) interprete la fable d'Acteon, mythe grec d'un chasseur metamorphose en cerf par Artemis (Diane) au bain et dechiquete par sa propre meute, comme destin de ceux qui cherchent a voir la verite divine. Pour cerner l'enjeu de cette interpretation, qui constitue certainement l'un des points forts du De gli eroici furori, le mieux est d'examiner comment Bruno fait face au petrarquisme a travers la variation de la figure d'Acteon. Car, a la Renaissance, la figure d'Acteon se diffusait comme allegorie de la melancolie amoureuse petrarquiste. Mon hypothese est que l'interpretation brunienne de la fable d'Acteon met en cause la conception petrarquiste de l'art comme activite melancolique. Selon Bruno, l'art n'est pas l'activite melancolique qui tente de perpetuer l'aimee, mais le processus des <<vicissitudes>> comme la metamorphose d'Acteon le suggere.