安永 遼真 熊谷 雄介 道本 龍
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第36回 (2022) (ISSN:27587347)
pp.2P4GS1002, 2022 (Released:2022-07-11)

マーケティング・サイエンスは,科学的な手法を用いてマー ケティングにおける意思決定の質を向上させる取り組みである.マーケティング・サイエンスは,個人単位のデータ(個票) に対する分析と,個票を集計したデータに対する分析とに大別できるが,近年は個票データを用いた手法が特に盛んに研究されてきた.しかし,プライバシー保護の潮流や技術規制に伴い,個票データの収集や分析に対する障壁が高くなりつつある.そのため,集計データのみからマーケティング活動に対する示唆を得られるMarketing Mix Modeling (MMM) に注目が集まっている.MMMは,広告の投対効果を把握し,予算配分を最適化するために用いられる市場反応分析手法の一種である.MMMは1960 年代に提案された問題設定だが,これまで産業界では調査会社や広告会社が独自に構築・提供しており,詳細な技術仕様は各社の独自ノウハウとなっていた.しかし,近年,産業界から論文やオープンソースの実装が多数公開され,新たな潮流が生まれつつある.本論文ではこれをMMMの「再発見」と捉え,その経緯と研究動向,課題について論じる.

18 0 0 0 OA TGN1412事件

熊谷 雄治
一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.37, no.6, pp.367-368, 2006-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)
板倉 陽一郎 熊谷 雄介 猪谷 誠一
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.11, pp.110-120, 2022 (Released:2022-08-28)

The Contract Guidelines on Utilization of AI and Data by METI assume that appropriate negotiations are conducted in advance between the parties concerned regarding the licensing of data, etc. that do not fall under the category of copyrighted works. However, in practice, OSS licenses are often used to distribute training datasets and trained models that are not copyrighted works. It is understood that a license using an OSS license is valid when it is not immediately clear whether the object of the license is a copyrighted work. It is reasonable to interpret “use” in the license terms as equivalent to the “use” under the Copyright Act, even for data that is not a copyrighted work. The issues of commercial and for-profit use and so-called ShareAlike can also be considered on the premise of such an interpretation. It may be necessary to discuss the clause concerning the distribution of data that does not fall under the category of copyrighted works in an international data protection forum.
熊谷 雄介 板倉 陽一郎 見並 良治 猪谷 誠一 道本 龍
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第35回 (2021) (ISSN:27587347)
pp.2D3OS7a01, 2021 (Released:2021-06-14)

さまざまな大規模データセットが企業や大学によって公開され,それらを用いた研究や開発が行われている.また,深層学習フレームワークの発展によってデータセットのみならず学習済み統計モデルも広く公開され,利活用が進んでいる.それらの資源には多くの場合さまざまなライセンスが指定されているが,一般の研究者がそれを意識することはまれである.しかし,データセットや学習済み統計モデルを用いた商用システムやソリューションの開発を行う際には,どの用途であればライセンス違反になるのか,またはならないのかを十分に検討しなければならないが,既存研究においては明らかにされておらず,各社の判断において行われているのが現状である.そこで本研究では,データセットと学習済み統計モデルを用いた研究やビジネスのより安心・安全な実現を手助けするために (1) 代表的なデータセットや学習済み統計モデルのライセンスを確認し,(2) データセットや学習済み統計モデルのユースケースを列挙し, (3) ライセンスとユースケースの組み合わせについて何が可能で何が不可能か,の3点を検討した.
熊谷 雄治 田中 理英子 宋 一大 坂本 泰理
一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.47, no.2, pp.31-37, 2016-03-31 (Released:2016-04-15)
2 6

Background: Acetaminophen is widely used for pain relief, but is known to cause liver injury in cases of overdose. Previously, the maximum dose in Japan was 1500 mg/day, which was much lower than those in other countries. In 2011, the approved maximum dose was changed to 4000 mg/day in Japan, raising concerns over the safety of its use in Japanese patients. Therefore, we performed an epidemiological study to examine the safety of acetaminophen. In this study, we analyzed the data from a special drug use surveillance on elevation of liver function tests in Japanese patients, to assess drug-induced liver injury (DILI) of high-dose acetaminophen.Methods: Patients who were treated with a high dose (2400 to 4000 mg/day) of acetaminophen for 4 to 24 weeks were included. Data were collected from the hospital medical information systems of 87 hospitals, from which consecutive eligible patients between January 2011 and April 2013 were identified. An abnormal liver function test (LFT) was defined as elevated alanine transaminase (ALT) level greater than 3 times the upper limit of the normal range. The prevalence of abnormal LFT was calculated, and correlation with background factors was analyzed using logistic regression.Results: A total of 703 cases that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. Abnormal LFT findings were observed in 22 cases (3.1%), and causality with acetaminophen could not be ruled out in 7 cases (1.0%). A logistic regression analysis showed that abnormal LFT findings correlated significantly with the presence of concomitant disease, a history of allergic disease, the duration of treatment, and on-demand use.Conclusion: The prevalence of elevated ALT level among Japanese patients treated with acetaminophen was almost identical to that reported in other countries. However, a significant relationship between abnormal LFT and some clinical factors including the duration of treatment was found. However, this study had a limitation of inadequate patient population, suggesting a need to collect data continuously in Japan.
星 葵 亀田 光宏 榊 聡子 井上 翔太 小林 紀子 熊谷 雄基 松永 康二郎
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.46, pp.A-65_1-A-65_1, 2019

<p>【背景・目的】</p><p>我々は食欲の評価指標であるCNAQを用いることで,食欲低下のある慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)患者は6ヶ月後に体重が減少し6分間歩行距離が低下することを報告した.一方で,COPD患者は,%標準体重(% ideal body weight:%IBW)が90%未満の場合に栄養障害と判断され,栄養障害が重症化するほど改善が困難なため,体重が正常範囲の時点で栄養障害を予測する必要性がある.本研究では,栄養障害のないCOPD患者の食欲低下が体重と運動耐容能に与える影響を検証した</p><p> </p><p>【方法】</p><p> 対象は,当院呼吸器内科にて外来通院している栄養障害がなく食欲低下しているCOPD患者6名(年齢77.6±3.4歳,FEV1.0%34.7±7.3%,%IBW97.5±3.6%,BMI21.7±0.8,CNAQ25±2)とした.初期評価時より6ヶ月後の体重と%IBWの変化率,及び6分間歩行試験(6MWT)の変化率に対し,Wilcoxon符号付順位和検定を用いて比較した.有意水準5%未満とした.</p><p> </p><p>【結果】</p><p> 初期評価と比較し6ヶ月後の体重が5.4±2.7kg減少,%IBW9.4±4.7%減少した(p<0,05).また,6MWTが66±33m減少した(p<0,05).</p><p> </p><p>【考察】</p><p> COPD患者では,%IBWが90%未満の軽度体重減少の場合は食事指導などの栄養治療の適応となるが,90%以上では正常体重と判断され経過観察となる.しかし,今回の結果より経過観察となる正常体重のCOPD患者が食欲低下を認めた場合,6ヶ月後には栄養障害に移行し運動耐容能が低下することが示唆された.今後は,CNAQを用いて食欲低下を評価し,栄養障害を予測し早期の食事指導を開始し,呼吸リハビリテーションを併用することで治療効果を高めていく必要がある.</p><p> </p><p>【倫理的配慮,説明と同意】</p><p>人を対象とする医学研究に関する倫理指針に基づき,各症例に対して説明と同意を得た.</p>
熊谷 雄治 藤田 朋恵 横田 愼一 澤田 実花 井澤 志名野 鈴木 勇一 立岡 和弘 庄田 隆 矢後 和夫
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.33, no.5, pp.205-213, 2002-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

Objectives: Tibolone (KB-889) is a novel compound that possesses tissue-specific hormonal effects. We investigated the pharmacokinetics of tibolone in postmenopausal women in four pharmacokinetic studies, namely a dose linearity study, a multiple dose study, a study in fasted condition, and a study in elderly. In this report, the results obtained from the above four studies are summarized.Methods: In the dose linearity study, a single dose of 0.5 mg, 1 mg and 2 mg of tibolone was administered to 6 postmenopausal women using a 3-period crossover method with at least a 7-day wash-out period between treatments. In the multiple dose study, 2 mg of tibolone was administered once daily for 4 days to 6 postmenopausal women. In the study in fasted condition, a single dose of 2 mg of tibolone was administered to 6 postmenopausal women after overnight fasts. In the study in elderly, a single dose of 2 mg of tibolone was administered to 6 elderly women aged 65 or older. Plasma and urine concentrations of tibolone and its metabolites were measured.Results and Conclusion: Plasma concentrations of the 3α-OH and 3β-OH metabolites of tibolone were measured, since the levels of tibolone and its Δ4-isomer were under or near the detection limits. After single dose administration of 0.5, 1 and 2 mg of tibolone, the means of Cmax and AUC0-12h of plasma 3α-OH metabolite were 2.3, 3.5 and 6.5 ng/mL and 10.2, 18.5 and 36.7 ng·Eh/mL, respectively, and those of 3β-OH metabolites were 0.9, 1.7 and 3.1 ng/mL and 4.6, 8.8 and 17.7 ng·Eh/mL, respectively. The means of Tmax and T1/2 (6-12h) of plasma 3α-OH and 3β-OH metabolites were between 3.7 and 5.7 h, and between 3.2 and 4.4 h, respectively. The pharmacokinetic properties of tibolone were considered to be linear within the dose range of 0.5 mg to 2 mg. In the multiple dose study, no accumulation was found. When comparing the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained from the study in fasted condition with those of day 1 of the multiple dose study, the absorption of tibolone was rapid under fasted condition, but AUC was not influenced by food intake. [The means of Tmax of 3α-OH and 3β-OH metabolites were 1.17 and 1.33 h in fasted condition, and 3.83 and 4.00 h on day 1 of multiple dose.] Finally no difference in pharmacokinetics was found between postmenopausal women and elderly women in the comparison of the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained from the study in the elderly and those of day 1 of the multiple dose study.
脇坂 真美 宋 一大 田ヶ谷 浩邦 藤田 朋恵 前田 実花 野村 今日子 小林 真美 山本 明子 坂本 泰理 田中 理英子 熊谷 雄治
一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.46, no.5, pp.243-248, 2015-09-30 (Released:2016-01-15)

The aim of the present trial was to compare the sedative effects of second generation antihistamines in healthy adult male volunteers. This randomized, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial compared the effects of single doses of olopatadine 5 mg, ketotifen fumarate 1.38 mg, fexofenadine 60 mg, and placebo on psychomotor function in 15 healthy male subjects who gave written informed consent for participation in the study. For each sedative, sleep latency time was measured using the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT); and psychomotor function was measured by thresholds of critical flicker fusion (CFF), the digit symbol substitution test (DSST), and a Straight line Analog Rating Scale (LARS). Measurements were performed before and 2, 5, and 8h after drug administration. The differences between the drugs and placebo were analyzed by repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired t-tests as appropriate. Intergroup differences in baseline values of all parameters were not significant. Ketotifen induced the shortest sleep latency at 2h (p=0.03 vs. fexofenadine, p=0.03 vs. olopatadine) and 5h (p=0.04 vs. fexofenadine) after administration. Ketotifen also showed the most prolonged recognition (CFF down) at 2h (p<0.001 vs. fexofenadine, p=0.03 vs. olopatadine) and 8h (p=0.01 vs. fexofenadine). Olopatadine showed a more prolonged recognition than fexofenadine at 2h (p=0.03). Ketotifen induced the greatest decline in concentration and cognitive function at 8h (p=0.03) according to DSST. The drugs affected objective psychomotor function without causing subjective symptoms as shown by no significant differences in LARS score. The study indicates that the extent of impaired performance, an important adverse drug reaction, may differ even among second generation antihistamines.
新垣 智也 末廣 豊 平口 雪子 玄 茉梨 吉野 翔子 熊谷 雄介 海老島 優子 大和 謙二 尾辻 健太 近藤 康人
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.66, no.10, pp.1240-1243, 2017

<p>症例は10歳女児で既往に鶏卵アレルギーがあった.4歳時,鍋料理のエノキタケを摂取後に口腔内の痒みを訴え,以降はエノキタケを摂取していなかった.10歳時に学校給食でエノキタケの入ったすまし汁の汁のみを飲んだところ,口腔内の違和感と痒みが出現し20分間程度持続した.精査のために当科で実施したprick to prick testではエノキタケの生,加熱,茹で汁がいずれも陽性であった.</p><p>患者血清を用いてアレルゲンの同定を試みた.western blottingを行ったところ,75kDaで特異的な反応がみられ,本症例のアレルゲンと考えられた.</p><p>過去に報告のあったエノキタケアレルギーとは症状の程度,他のキノコ類への感作,抗原のタンパク質分子量などで違いがあり,新規のアレルゲンが関与しているものと推定された.</p>