秋山 幸秀 世古口 竜一
地図 (ISSN:00094897)
vol.45, no.1, pp.37-46, 2007-03-31 (Released:2011-07-19)

1 0 0 0 OA Kinetic Kite

秋山 幸雄
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.66, no.9, pp.1362-1365, 2000-09-05 (Released:2009-04-10)
徳村 朋子 高橋 祐樹 桑山 絹子 和田 一樹 黒木 友裕 高橋 幹雄 秋山 幸穂 高橋 秀介 篠田 純 中川 純 田辺 新一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.86, no.783, pp.441-450, 2021-05-30 (Released:2021-05-30)

As a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, telecommuting has been recommended by many companies since March 2020 in Japan. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic is over, the telecommuting implementation rate, including working from home, may continue to increase.The purpose of this study is to clarify the impact of working from home on the individual satisfaction and productivity of workers in companies that introduced the telecommuting system from April 2020 as a countermeasure against COVID-19.Questionnaire surveys of workers who normally work at an activity-based working office were conducted in order to compare the effects of working from home and at the office. The survey targets were workers of a research and development institute located in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Approximately 210 employees work in the facility, of which 85% are researchers and 15% are in clerical positions. In this study, the results of three questionnaire surveys are described. We conducted a survey of “conventional office work period” in February 2020, a survey of “recommended work from home period” in April 2020, and a survey of “combined work from home and at the office period” in July 2020 where workers could choose to go to work or work from home.From the survey results, it was found that the working environment at home had large individual differences, and the illuminance and CO2 concentration levels often deviated from the standards of the “Ordinance on Health Standards in the Office”. Despite the environment with large differences, the satisfaction level of the thermal environment, air quality and sound was significantly higher at home. It was also found that when working from home, self-efficacy regarding control of the indoor environment increases. This is considered to be one of the reasons for the increase in satisfaction of environmental qualities at home.As an advantage of working from home, most office workers chose “reduction of coronavirus infection risk”. Next, more than half of the respondents chose “having no commuting stress” and “having a reduced dress code” as advantages. On the other hand, “lack of face-to-face communication” became the highest disadvantage of working from home. The degree of satisfaction with interpersonal communication was significantly lower at home than at work. In particular, the decrease in the satisfaction of informal communication was large.Compared to the period when workers could only work at the office or at home, the period with relative freedom to choose between both options showed a great increase in the satisfaction with the work environment and a decrease in the difficulty of performing office activities.In addition, a high correlation was found between the frequency of working from home and commuting time. Workers with longer commuting hours tended to work at home more frequently. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the higher the frequency of working from home, the higher the degree of satisfaction with the working environment at home.The most common response to the ideal rate of working from home was two times a week, but the actual rate was only 25% in the survey conducted in July. It is presumed that there were many situations in which employees chose to come to the office in order to proceed with their work duties more efficiently.
中島 一 増田 健 秋山 幸生
情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO) (ISSN:18827802)
vol.5, no.1, pp.32-32, 2012-03-28

企業の情報システムを構成するOSやハードウェアの更改に対して,それら環境の上で動作するソフトウェアの回帰検査技術を確立することが,急務となっている.特に近年は,技術の加速的な進歩によって,EOL(End Of Life)までの期間が短縮化している.それによって,ソフトウェアの動作環境の更改頻度が増加しているため,回帰検査の稼働を低減することが重要な課題である.この課題を解決するために,本研究ではGUIを持つソフトウェアを対象として,GUIアクセシビリティ技術により網羅的に自動操作し,更改前後の画面遷移を比較することで,画面遷移の回帰検査を自動化する.提案手法は,動作するソフトウェアさえあれば,画面遷移の網羅的な回帰検査が可能であるという特長がある.ソフトウェアの動作環境の更改にともなう回帰検査の現場では,検査期間,体制,開発成果物の管理状況などによって,たとえば,テストケース設計などを適切に行えない場合が数多くある.提案手法は,このような状況下にあるときの検査品質の向上にも貢献できる.本発表では,網羅的に自動操作するアルゴリズムと,提案手法を適用したときの実験結果を報告する.The one of important issues in many information departments is the regression checking of software for change of operating systems and hardware on which software run in information systems. The life of operating systems and hardware gets shorter because of the rapid progress of these techniques. Therefore information departments often must renew such environments in information systems and check whether same software run on new environments immutably. For information departments, reducing costs for the regression checking is a big challenge. To accomplish this goal, we propose the automation technique for the regression checking of screen transitions in software with the graphical user interface (GUI). In our method, we operate the GUI of software exhaustively using GUI accessibility techniques and compare obtained screen transitions between old environments and new ones. The feature of our method is that it enables us to check exhaustively with only running software. The many fields of such the regression checking usually cannot design test cases faithfully by several factors, for example the lack of testing time and the knowledge of test techniques, sloppy managements of development deliverables and so on. Our technique can check screen transitions thoroughly in such conditions. In this presentation, we report our automatic operation algorithm and experimental results.
秋山 幸 金沢 治子
研究紀要 (ISSN:0389830X)
vol.4, pp.11-25, 1985-04-30

養護施設の献立16日分,精神薄弱児施設の献立18日分,保育所年少児95,年長児98,献立を対象に,食品群別給与量から栄養量を算出し,また給食の調理形態を調査して次のような結果を得た。1)養護施設(平均年令10才)と精神薄弱児施設(平均年令15才)の食品群別給与量を,愛育研究所案の食構成と比較した結果,両施設の穀類給与量は,基準量に比べて少なく,魚介類は,大体基準量を満している。肉類は共に基準量を越えているが,卵類は基準量より少なく乳類は不足している。また野菜の給与量は,両施設共基準量を満しているが,果実類は少ない。保育所年少児の穀類給与量は平均44gで基準より少なく,魚肉,卵類,野菜の給与量は,年少,年長とも基準量を満し,大体よい充足状態を示したが,保育所の魚介肉類,野菜果実の給与量は施設により大きな差が見られる。2)牛乳の給与量は,養護施設149g,精神薄弱児施設133gで,乳製品の給与量も養護施設がやゝ高い。保育所の年少児は,牛乳142g,年長児は45gで,乳製品の給与量は,それぞれ,42gと29gである。そのうち脱脂粉乳は,年少児平均7.9g,年長児7.2gであるが,保育所では,乳量の給与量も施設による巾が大きく,また,乳類は,大部分が間食として与えられている。3)養護施設,精神薄弱児施設の栄養給与量は,各栄養素とも大体所要量を満たしてよい充足状態を示した。保育所では,年少児と年長児の給与量に差が見られ,年少児は,鉄以外の給与量が基準を上廻り,年長児は,カルシウム,鉄,ビタミンB1 B2とも不足している。給与量は,施設によって異り,エネルギーやたん白質は基準量の80%以下の施設が約1/5,20%以上多いものが約1/5見られて,保育所給食における今後の栄養指導が望まれる。4)総給与量に対する乳類の栄養量は,エネルギー,たん白質,脂質とも乳量の多い養護施設は,精神薄弱児施設より多く,保育所の年少児は,年長児より多い。栄養基準量に対する乳類の栄養量は,乳類の栄養量が少い時も,乳以外の食物がこれを補って,栄養量をみたすことがあり,年少児は,年長児より乳以外の食物の栄養の比率が少い。5)養護施設,精神薄弱児施設の主食の形態は,米飯約74%,パン17%,めん約10%で,両施設とも昼食には,パン,めんの複合形態が多い。主菜の魚肉,卵,大豆製品の調理法は,焼物,煮物,揚物,汁物の順に多く,野菜は,生物,和え物として魚肉のつけ合せや汁物に多く使われている。施設の夕食は,朝昼に比べて食品数が多く,家庭的な献立が工夫されていいた。保育所給食における主食の調理形態は,米飯45.1%(単一形態46%,複合形態54%),パン26.1%(単一形態82.8%,複合形態17.2%),めん28.8%(単一形態21.9%,複合形態78.1%)であった。主食として供された主な料理は,スパゲティナポリタン,親子丼,肉うどんであった。副食の調理形態比率は,主菜では汁物40.2%,煮物23.9%,揚物11.7%,焼物7.6%,炒め物4.5%,ゆで物3.4%,和え物2.8%。副菜では,つけ合せ(生野菜,野菜塩もみ,つけの,果物)41.5%,和え物(野菜サラダ類,ごま和え,酢の物)35.5%,ゆで物7.3%,揚物,炒め物共に5.1%,煮物4.1%,汁物1.4%であった。主菜及び副菜の料理数はそれぞれ264,217であった。主材料別頻度比率は,主菜では,肉類34.5%,大豆製品29.3%,水産ねり製品卵類共に11.7%,魚介類7.2%,肉類加工品5.7%。副菜では淡色野菜38.2%,果実21.5%,菓子その他12.2%,緑黄色野菜11.3%,いも類10.3%,穀類4.0%であった。
三宅 正二郎 秋山 幸弘 宮崎 俊行 榎本 祐嗣
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.63, no.614, pp.3586-3591, 1997-10-25

The tribological properties of silicon with and without water boundary lubrication with silicon, silicon carbide and a diamond tip were studied and the following results were obtained. (1) The friction coefficient between silicon and silicon or silicon carbide tips is as high as μ=0.2〜1.0, with and without lubrication. Surface damage occurred due to the adhesion between similar materials. (2) When a diamond is used as the opposite tip, the friction coefficient is as low as μ=0.09〜0.16 without lubrication. With water boundary lubrication, the friction coefficient is as low as μ=0.07. Damage is not observed on surfaces either with or without water boundary lubrication. (3) To determine the reason why sliding with the diamond tip did not result in damage, stress analysis was carried out using the boundary element method for each combination of materials. The maximum Mises stress was observed inside the silicon and diamond bulk when silicon and diamond were tested. However, the maximum Mises stress for the silicon with silicon and silicon carbide with silicon combination was observed.
真鍋 龍治 欅田 尚樹 加藤 貴彦 黒田 嘉紀 秋山 幸雄 山野 優子 内山 巌雄 嵐谷 奎一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.63, no.4, pp.717-723, 2008 (Released:2008-09-30)
3 5

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and effectiveness of the Quick Environment Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) in Japanese workers in specific buildings. Methods: The survey was performed in 2004–2006 in Japan. QEESI (Japanese version) and a checklist on accumulation of fatigue developed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare were used in the examination of 410 workers in specific buildings. Three criteria of QEESI’s “symptom severity”, “chemical intolerance”, and “other intolerance” were evaluated in this study. Clinical histories were also surveyed. Result: Responses were obtained from 368 (89.8%) workers. The results showed that 132 (35.9%) individuals have been diagnosed as having allergy. Only two (0.5%) individuals were found to be MCS patients. There was no sick building syndrome patient. Applying the “high” criteria with QEESI to the standard of Miller and Ashford, we determined that only four (1.1%) individuals met all the three criteria, and 17 (4.6%) individuals met two of the three criteria. The QEESI score of allergy persons was higher than that of nonallergy persons. Among nonallergy persons, those who have a high score on accumulation of fatigue in the checklist showed a high score in QESSI. Conclusions: These findings indicated that the QEESI score tended to increase with workload and be high in individuals with allergy. Therefore, careful consideration is required, when QEESI is applied for screening MCS patients in Japan.