若林 満 WAKABAYASHI Mitsuru 後藤 宗理 GOTO Motomichi 鹿内 啓子 SHIKANAI Keiko
名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科 (ISSN:03874796)
vol.30, pp.63-98, 1983-12-24

The present study is aimed at exploring complex relationships between aspects of self concept, occupational attitudes and occupational choice itself. For this purpose, a set of instruments for measuring self concept and occupational attitudes were developed, based on subjects who were consisted of 875 female junior college students majoring in three different fields of professionalization: kindergartners (n=393), hospital nurses (n=227) and nonprofessional, humanity course students (n=255). They were asked to respond the questionnaire which contained 8 instruments stated as follows. (1) Occupational readiness included 30 statements regarding student's readiness for initiating her occupational life. Subjects rated each one by using a 4-point scale. A composite occupational readiness scale was created by combining 21 items selected by a series of item analyses. (2) The job orientation instrument consisted of 30 items which subjects might want to have as important goals or conditions for their occupations. They were asked to rate each one by using a 5-point scale. This instrument produced 3 orthogonal factors that were labelled as job challenge, human relations and working conditions respectively. (3) The student self-image included 23 adjectives each with a 7-point scale. This instrument produced masculinity and feminimity (M-F) scales by combining a set of adjectives identified to have a stereotyped masculine and a feminine character respectively. (4) Self-evaluated competence consisted of 22 ability dimensions considered to be necessary to lead an occupational life. Subjects were asked to evaluate themselves and to give ratings on each dimension by using a 7-point scale. This instrument produced 3 orthogonal factors labelled as competency, harmoniousness and reliability. (5) Occupational self-image was measured based on the 20 adjective pairs that were presented with a semantic differential format. This instrument was reduced to two composite scales, potency and affinity scales, by combining relevant SD scales. (6) The social-role attitude included 15 statements regarding roles of women in the society, and subjects were asked to rate each one by using a 7-point scale. All items were integrated into a single composite scale named equality in social roles. (7) Satisfaction with college life was measured by using 6 items based on a 7-point scale. (8) Career choice used a single item that asked subject's determination to continue an occupational career life. (9) Finally, the choice of occupation asked subjects to state occupational titles they wanted to be in after graduating from the college, together with the perceived probability (in percentage) of their actually engaging in those occupations. Major results of the analyses conducted by using composite scales described above can be summarized as follows. (1) Inter-correlations among 8 subscales of self concet (masculinity, femininity, competency, harmoniousness, reliability, potency, affinity, and equality in roles) were found all positive and mostly significant statistically. The same pattern of correlations was observed across three subject groups. (2) Correlation coefficients among 4 occupational attitude scales (occupational readiness, job challenges, human relations, working conditions) were found also high and statistically significant. However, the pattern of correlations for the nonprofessional, humanity course students showed an important difference compared to the students in other professionalized fields: kindergartner and nurse students. (3) Some aspects of self concept, particularly potency, mascurinity and role equality scales, showed a strong association with the achievement-oriented occupational scales, i.e., occupational readiness and job challenge. On the other hand, harmoniousness and affinity aspects of self concept showed significant correlations with human relations in job orientation. In addition, the femininity scale was found closely associated with orientation to working conditions. By cross-tabulating the dichotomized masculinity and femininity scales, the following 4 sex-role types were created: high masculinity - high femininity (M-F or androgynous) type, high masculinity - low femininity (Mf or masculine) type, low masculinity - high femininity (mF or feminine) type, and low masculinity and low femininity (mf of undifferentiated) type. Multiple comparisons were attempted based on these four groups with respect to aspects of self concept and occupational scales. Results of the analysis can be summarized as follows. (1) The androgynous, MF type students were shown as having the highest scores on both self conectp and occupational scales, while the undifferentiated, mf type students scored the lowest on these scales. (2) The MF and Mf type students showed the high scores on masculinity,'competency and potency scales, while the MF and mF type students showed high scores on femininity, harmoniousness, reliability and affinity scales. (3) The MF and Mf groups were found to have high scores on occupational readiness and job challenge scales, compared to their mF and mf type colleagues. These results suggest that the masculinity dimension within the female student's ego identity provides the strong basis upon which positive self concept and occupational attitudes can be developed. The relationship between self concept scales and occupational attitude scales was explored more extensively by using the canonical correlation analysis. Three canonical solusions were found statistially significant. The first canonical variate represented the interrelations between competence in self concept (masculinity) and self-actualization in occupation (high job challenge and occupational readiness). The second variate reflected close relationship between harmoniousness in self concept and human relations orientation in occupation. The third variate indicated an association between feminine self concept and orientation to the working conditions in one's occupational life. Additional analyses were attempted to further examine relationships between self concept and occupational attitude scales. First, on the basis of occupational readiness scores, subjects were divided into three subgroups: high, mid and low readiness groups. It was found that the high readiness group showed also high scores on job challenge orientation, masculinity, potent self-image and self-evaluated competency, followed by the mid and low readiness groups. Second, those who reported strong willingness to continue occupational lives were found to show the same pattern of results as exhibited by the readiness analysis. Third, on the basis of probability that the student would be engaged in the liked occupation, subjects were divided into the high, mid and low probability groups. Comparisons between these groups indicated that among kindergartener students the high probability group tends to show high occupational challenge, positive self-image and high evaluation of one's abilities. However, among non-professional, humanity students results were opposite: the low probability group showed high challenge and support for equality in social roles. In conclusion, results of the present study provided strong supportive evidence to the notion that there exists close relationships between aspects of self concept and occupational attitudes and orientations. However, the pattern of correlations between the two sets of scales were found somewhat different depending upon differences in the field of professionalization from which our female junior college subjects were derived. Therefore, it is suggested that to understand occupational choice processes among female college students, examination of the difference in contents of occupational socialization within the educational institution needs to be done, based on the longitudinal monitoring of choice processes over time.
内藤, 若狭
内藤, 若狭
内藤, 若狭
内藤, 若狭
内藤, 若狭
高橋 孝典 篠崎 毅 二宮 本報 遠藤 秀晃 佐藤 公雄 多田 博子 深堀 耕平 広瀬 尚徳 大友 淳 杉江 正 若山 裕司 苅部 明彦 沼口 裕隆 三浦 昌人 福地 満正 菊地 淳一 渡辺 淳 白土 邦男
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
心電図 (ISSN:02851660)
vol.23, no.6, pp.606-613, 2003-11-25 (Released:2010-09-09)

アミオダロン (AMD) が慢性心不全患者の左室収縮能に与える効果を検討した.頻脈性不整脈の治療目的にAMDが投与され, かつβ遮断薬を使用しなかった慢性心不全患者のうち, AMD投与後6カ月以上生存した連続15例を前向きに観察した, NYHA機能分類 (NYHA) , 左室駆出率 (EF) , 左室拡張末期径 (LVDd) , 心拍数 (HR) , 収縮期血圧, QTc, BNPについてAMD投与開始時から6ヵ月間の変化を検討し, 年齢・性別をマツチさせた対照群15例と比較した, AMD投与後にEFとQTcは有意に増大し, NYHA, LVDd, HR, BNPは有意に低下した.EF, QTc, NYHA, LVDd, HRの変化は対照群に比べて有意に大きかった.全15例中5%以上のEFの改善を示した9例は, 5%未満であった6例に比し, その後の心不全入院回避率が有意に高かった.EFの変化とHR, QTcの変化の間には相関を認めなかった.結論: AMDは慢性心不全症例の左室収縮能を改善させる.その効果はQTcおよび心拍数の変化で説明することはできない.
一棟 宏子/萩原 美智子/中野 迪代/若井 希水子/金 貞仁/崔 在順 イチムネ ヒロコ/ハギワラ ミチコ/ナカノ ミチヨ/ワカイ キミコ/キム ジュンギン/チョイ ジェソン ICHIMUNE Hiroko/HAGIWARA Michiko/NAKANO Michiyo/WAKAI Kimiko/KIM Jungin/CHOI Jaesoon
vol.45, pp.171-186, 2008-01-31

本研究は、分譲マンションの管理組合活動への参加困難層の負担を軽減しつつ組合の弱体化に対する支援と、建物と居住環境の管理レベルを一定に維持するしくみの検討を目指して、2005年度から取り組んでいる。その一環として、本報では2006年11月に京滋阪奈地区の管理組合(築30年以内)理事長を対象に実施したアンケート調査(有効回収59件、41.3%)とヒアリング事例調査(5件)による組合活動の実態を報告する。 アンケート調査の結果をみると、新築当初からの住民比率は、10年を超えた時点で新規居住者との入れ替えが急速に進むマンションとそうでないものに分かれる。賃貸住宅や空き家・事務所を抱えるマンションも多く、中には欠陥が疑われる工事の発見とその対応など、管理組合がかかえる問題は多様である。その中で、(1)築年数が古いマンションほど理事長は高齢化する傾向にあり、役員の世代交代をどのように進めていくか、(2)危機管理について理事長が居住者の基本的情報を把握していない事例が多く、どのようにリスク管理を進めていくか等が課題とされる。また、聞き取り調査から、(3)組合運営のための情報収集や支援に、専門家やNPO、他のマンションとの交流が大きな役割を果たしており、(4)当初設定された管理費用の見直しを行った事例も多い。マンション管理には経営的視点、技術的視点、危機管理とコミュニティ育成の視点が重要といえる。さらに、これまでの研究成果とあわせて検討し、改めて日本における分譲マンションの今後の課題を整理した。
内藤, 若狭
内藤, 若狭
ODERO James 夏目 欣昇 若山 滋
vol.74, no.638, pp.993-1001, 2009

This study aims to analyze and clarify the urban and architectural spatial elements of the slums as depicted in the Kenyan urban literature by a renowned Kenyan writer, Meja Mwangi, where the slum areas in Nairobi play the role of stage. We first extracted all the urban and architectural terms from the texts and divided them into ten major categories for analysis. This we did in order to obtain the general urban and architectural space context of the slums. Next, we extracted the various stages used by the author to expound the plot of a story and grouped them into eight different categories for analysis. This we did by counting the total number of words that we used to denote the length of time the author dwelt on that stage to explain a scene. Lastly we re-extracted the urban and architectural terms as they appeared on the stage categories obtained above. From the observations on stage analysis, we were able to identify the major spatial spheres of the slums and their composition.<br> Our study showed that lifestyle in slums is very simple and temporary. Next, we established that streets, bar and restaurants and the homes are the major spatial spheres in the slums. These are cheap, simple and temporary in form and are composed in coexistence within a rowdy atmosphere. This lifestyle is similar the traditional African lifestyle in the villages prior to colonial rule, showing that lifestyle in the slums could be an extension of the rural lifestyle into the city. Understanding this is will be helpful in making future decisions to solve this problem.
内藤, 若狭
内藤, 若狭
内藤, 若狭