黄 順姫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.108, pp.39-65, 2021-07-07 (Released:2023-04-08)

本論文は,個人が取得した学歴を投資の視点からとらえ,日本と韓国において学歴を社会の構造と個人の実践の文脈で相対的に比較分析を行った。本研究の結果は,社会構造的,文化的,心理学的な時限において学歴の機能が両方の社会で重要な類似性と相違を表している。研究の結果,以下の知見が得られた。第一に,学歴インフレ,デジタル社会で,学歴は両方の社会で,取得者の社会経済的な地位が降下する可能性を最小化し防いでくれることである。学歴のこのような作用を,社会的「地位降下防衛機能」と称することにする。 第二に,日本と韓国の教育制度・システムはそれぞれ固有の特徴がある。その社会的背景には,日本と韓国の社会で社会階層,不平等,教育機会の関係について固有の文化が存在しているのである。日本の高校教育では,偏差値の格差による学校別トラックシステムが存在し,同じ学校には学力の類似した生徒たちがいる。そのため,日本の高校は学校別トラックがあり,また,庇護移動,敗者復活の困難,集団主義の特性がある。韓国の高校教育では,日本のような偏差値によるトラックシステムがなく,同じ学校には学力の分布で明確な差異を見せる多様な生徒がいる。そのため,韓国の高校は,生徒の偏差値の多様性,トーナメントの競争移動,敗者復活,個人主義の特性がある。 第三に,日本と韓国の社会的,文化的特性が女子生徒の大学進学率,及び4年制か2年制の高等教育機関への進学パターンに影響を及ぼしている。 第四に,日本と韓国の高校では,将来について不安を抱いている生徒が約7割で多いのが共通している。日本では,生徒は格差トラックの同じ学校のなかで学歴の分布が類似しているので大学入試への激しい競争は低く,学業への不安を感じることは低い。むしろ,学内での人間関係における不安のほうが相対的に大きい。韓国では,学校別トラックがなく,ほとんどの生徒が大学進学を目指すため,大学入試による激しい競争による不安が相対的に高い。 日本と韓国の教育社会学者は,投資としての学歴の視点から多様で持続的な研究と政策提言が必要であろう。
有田 伸
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.108, pp.19-38, 2021-07-07 (Released:2023-04-08)

片山 悠樹 中村 高康
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.108, pp.7-17, 2021-07-07 (Released:2023-04-08)

アジアへの研究関心が高まりつつあるなか,日本の教育社会学はアジアの教育に対してどのように向き合えばよいのだろうか。欧米との比較を通して発展してきた日本の教育社会学は,アジアとの関係のなかで自らの課題や立ち位置を問い直す時期に差しかかっているのはないか。本稿の目的は,各論稿の要約を行ない,アジアから教育を見る可能性を提示することである。 論文の要約を通じて,次の2つの視点が浮かび上がった。 ひとつ目は,対象との距離感である。欧米との比較で浮上する異質性は,歴史的文脈や社会的価値・規範の違いから,目につきやすいかたちとなりやすいが,アジアという類似性の高い社会との比較では,異質性は目につきにくい可能性がある。そうした微妙な異質性に対してセンシティブになるためには,それぞれの研究者が「類似性」をいかに設定するのかという対象との距離感は重要となると思われる。 ふたつ目は,理論との距離感である。理論の多くは欧米の現実から生れたものであり,欧米の理論を無自覚に内面化することには注意しなければならない。アジア社会の現実を欧米とは異なる視座で適切に理解する作業は欠かせず,そのためにも欧米産の理論に対していっそう自覚的になる必要があろう。
数実 浩佑
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.101, pp.49-68, 2017-11-30 (Released:2019-06-14)
2 1

学力格差のメカニズムを考察する際の有力な理論として,文化的再生産論があげられる。しかしこの理論に基づく実証研究においては,ある1時点において親から子へ文化資本が伝達されるメカニズムに注力してきた一方で,通時的な観点から子どもの文化資本(知識,ハビトゥス)がどのように変化するかを分析した事例はほとんどない。そのため,ある1時点において生じる学力格差を説明することはできても,なぜそれが維持・拡大するかを説明することができていない。 そこで本稿では,「なぜ学力の階層差は維持・拡大するのか」という問いを設定し,パネルデータを用いた計量分析を通して検討していく。その際,学力と学習態度における因果の方向に着目し,両者に双方向の因果関係が見られるかについて明らかにしたうえで,学力格差のメカニズムについて考察する。 主な知見は次の3点である。(1)学年が上がるにつれて,学力に対する家庭の文化資本の影響が弱まっていく。(2)学年が上がるにつれて,学力の時点間の相関の強さが強まっていく。(3)学力と学習態度の間に双方向の因果関係が見られる。 分析結果をふまえ,スキルの自己生産性とポジティブ・フィードバックという概念を用いて,低学力の子どもにさらなる不利が累積するという仮説を提示し,家庭の文化資本に起因する初期学力の差が,その後の学力格差の拡大に不可避的に転じていくメカニズムの重要性を強調した。
岩木 秀夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.32, pp.80-92,en198, 1977-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

Joint selection or “sogosenbatsu” has now become one of the most important issues about senior high school education. The most controversial point about it is whether it degenerates academic standard of senior high school education or not. This paper deals with this problem.The hypothesis has been held by advocates of joint selection system that equal distribution of high school entrants' academic ability (which ought to resolve school differential) among several schools (which constitute one school set) through joint selection would, far from lowering academic standards of high school education, raise it on the contrary. In the context of “school production function” study in America, the opinion that asserts the existence of peer cultural influence on cognitive output was exposed to severe criticism, but in Japan it might have every reason to be believed in, in view of her different racial and social class situation. According to this opinion, dissemination of “academic culture”, in stead of confining it into limited elitist schools, would elevate the level of academic output from school system as a whole. Hence the hypothesis cited above.Comparison before and after implementation of joint selection system of academic output, which is measured by a percentage of applicants who were admitted, from fourteen school sets in five prefectures shows maintenance or upgrading of its standards in all cases. In some cases, considerable uprising which suggests the effect of joint selection was observed. Cross-sectional analysis of nation-wide data in 1975, however, made it clear that the standard of academic output correlated with university entrance ratio (r=.76), but not with school differential (r=.01). Correlation between upgrading of academic standards and resolution of school differential found out by trend analysis of fourteen cases, therefore, came out to be false correlation. Thus, initial hypothesis was not supported. The effect of hitherto overlooked factor, i. e. university entrance ratio, was brought to light by this study.
石川 准
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.68, pp.105-124, 2001-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)

An increasing number of people have come to believe that the currentschool system has failed to adapt to the rapid social changes taking placetoday, and has somehow become fundamentally dysfunctional.Educational reformers for the most part assert the necessity oftransforming the system from a discipline-oriented to a self-actualizationoriented one, namely substituting the school as a producer of useful andsubmissive workers by the school as a supporter of self-actualization.Historically, the modern education system was designed to instillbasic habits and ways of thinking which could last consistently throughoutan individual's life. The concealed but clear function of education inmodern industrial society was to cast children into a mold of industrialworkers.However, the contemporary social system demands workers who havethe strong ambition to develop their ability as workers and have strongwork motivation and the desire to continuously educate themselves to learnnew technology and knowledge.Therefore, educational reformers seek useful management technologyin order to motivate people toward self-actualization. Professional interestgroups of counselors have responded to this demand for new customersby gradually ridding themselves of the medical paradigm an adopting aneducational one.Critics who see devices for modern discipline and training to beunnecessary or even harmful, and who view counseling as a useful toolfor such devices, are against school counseling.On the other hand, there are people who believe schools shouldcontinue to play an important role for discipline and training, but whoconsider that traditional methods are no longer effective. Those who seethings in this way and consider counseling as a useful new tool fordiscipline and training obviously welcome school counseling.This author is personally in favor of a school system which promotesself-actualization, but is critical of traditional counseling with its inclinationto eliminate problems without solving by emotion management. The authoris also opposed to the social construction of counseling as an authentichuman relation.Many problems involving schools arise from their excessive roles andfunctions. Nobody can exit from the school as a total institution, becauseeverything resides inside them. This author's belief is that shelters and otheroptions should be provided outside.
高旗 正人
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.75-88, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the process through which new types of problems of deviance have taken place in contemporary Japanese schools, referring to the perspectives of organization studies, especially those of T. Parsons and A. Etzioni.Schools, as instructional groups, must be orderly and systematic in order to achieve their given tasks. Confronted with a growing number of deviant pupils, Japanese schools have attempted to enlarge and strengthen control and punishment. However, these strategies have again driven schools into trouble in two ways. First, they have raised external criticism that schools themselves are unusual and deviant. Second internally, schools have seen the emergence of new kinds of deviant behaviors, namely bullying (ijime) and school non-attendance (futoko). To deal with such problems, the Ministry of Education has proposed to weaken control and punishment in schools, i.e. to build a “supportive climate, ” and to enhance their “group-maintenance functions.”It is said that punishment serves to tame deviant pupils and to quiet down learning groups. But this order is transient, for once the coerciveness is withdrawn the situation returns to the original state. Ijime is often a by-product of coerciveness. It is believed that oppressed pupils will attack others too weak to strike back. As forfutoko, among the causes for its increase is the current trend toward toleration in school education. Once instructional control is weakened, there can be a loss of the sense of belonging among pupils who, under coercive situations, readily identified themselves with the school. This suggests that schools should develop new school guidance practices to foster the “moral involvement” of pupils.
木村 祐子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.159-178, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)

本論文は,少年非行がこれまでにはみられなかった診断で説明・解釈されつつあることに着目し,実践家(家庭裁判所調査官,法務技官,法務教官)が医療的・非医療的な解釈や実践を構成していく過程を明らかにした。研究方法は,実践家17名へのインタビュー調査である。 第1節は,医療化と医療の不確実性に関する先行研究を概観し,非行の解釈や実践に医療と非医療が混在していることを示した。そして,諸障害が矯正の現場で普及した背景を整理した。非行の医療化は,医療の不確実性が実践家によって運用・管理されることで進行するため,それらを分析する必要があった。 第2節は,インタビュー調査の概要を提示した。 第3節では,矯正の現場に医療的な解釈が介入する過程を概観し,そこでみられる不確実性の特徴とそれらの運用・管理のされ方を検討した。第一に,非行少年は新しい診断で解釈されていたが,実践家は以前から少年を経験に基づいて医療的に解釈・対処しており,矯正における医療化はゆるやかに進んだ。第二に,非医療的な要素は,医療が介入した後も,医療の不確実性として表出した。それは,医学上の不確実性と組織上の不確実性に類型化できた。しかし,実践家はそれらを肯定的に意味づけたり,医療と非医療的な要素を戦略的に使い分け,医療的な解釈を実践の資源として用いていた。このように,不確実性が管理・運用される過程で構成されるものとして医療化現象を捉えていく必要がある。
葉柳 正
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.23, pp.110-123,en208, 1968-10-05 (Released:2011-03-18)

The purpose of this study was to examine the hypothesis based on Carl R. Rogers' Personality Theory:The understanding (empathic) child-rearing attitude of mothers contributes to the development of their children's “stable” personality, whereas the rejecting one to their “unstable” or maladjusted personality.(Procedures)A special set of questionnaire was prepared to find out the child-rearing attitudes of parents and used for setting a typology of their attitudes: understanding and rejecting ones. In addition, its validity was further examined by interviews with mothers sampled from the parents of kindergarteners around Tokushima City. We administered a personality test to the children, while employing two other techniques to their mothers and teachers to obtain their judgement of the children's personality traits.As a result, we elucidated the mother's child-rearing attitudes as well as their children's personality traits. By using these data we examined correlation between the types of parental attitudes and their children's personality traits.(Results) Findings in the Table show the relation between. the child-rearing typesand children's personality traits.
米村 明夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.32, pp.104-117,en200, 1977-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

The Coleman Report (1966) was published in an atmosphere in which ideas and policies were based on the belief that education and public schooling could be one of the main means by which social inequality could be reduced. But this assumption came to be discredited with the findings of the Coleman Report.Since then, several empirical and statistical studies on the ineffectiveness or insignificance of education or educational policies were carried out and challenged the liberal ideology of social reform by education. One example is the papers presented at The Seminar for Re-examination of the Coleman Report in which D. P. Moynihan, M. S. Smith, D. J. Armor, C. S. Jencks, and others participated, and another example is Jencks' INEQUALITY.Against these “school-incompetence” theories, this paper sets forth a hyposesis that education or schooling plays an important part in the reproduction of social class stratification, and that it is the close relationship between education and social class that minimizes the net effect of schooling independent from social class.From this viewpoint % this paper deals with, in turn, the relationship between scholastic achievement and social class, the relationship between educational attainment and social class, the role of educational attainment in the reproduction of social class stratification, and finally the role or substance of education or educational process in the reproduction or hereditary continuation of social class stratification.In conclusion, this paper agrees with and supports the classical and orthodox proposition in the field of the sociology of education, that social classes influence education and that education contributes to the hereditary reproduction of social class stratification.
平木 耕平
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.83, pp.107-127, 2008-12-15 (Released:2016-11-05)
2 1

What significance did people give to “entering university from local areas” in Japan in the period following the Second World War? And how have their views changed in the time since? To answer these questions, this paper focuses on the “advanced course” of Tottori prefectural senior-high schools, using the methods of political-sociology.The “advanced course” of Tottori prefectural senior-high schools is sometimes called a “publicly funded cram school.” The teachers of the prefectural schools give instruction to students who are preparing for a new chance to enter university after failing the first time. In the period around 1960, there were still no private cram schools in Tottori Pref., but the number of students hoping for a second chance to enter university was rapidly increasing. In response, teachers at one prefectural senior-high school began to give them instruction on a volunteer basis, and a few years later, the Board of Education institutionalized it as the “advanced course.” This system was spread within the prefecture by the Board. Judging from this analysis, it may be said that the Governor, administrators and teachers recognized the disadvantageous condition of the local prefecture, and devised a policy to train talented youth as a means to overcome the backwardness of their home region.However, a debate on whether the “advanced course” of prefectural senior-high schools should be maintained or not began in Tottori Pref. about 2005. Private cram schools asked for the abolition of the “advanced course,” because the social changes since 1990s had hurt their business. As a result, this demand became a focus of public policy in the prefectural assembly. The groups on both sides of the issue disagreed fundamentally on whether the course should be maintained or abolished, but agreed in regarding the “advanced course” as a device for meeting the “needs of individuals.” With the massification of university education, the existence of the “external effect,” meaning the social profit brought about by higher education, has come into question. In addition, the “needs of society,” meaning the survival of the local prefecture, is not recognized within the policy of the modern “non-profit-sharing” model. In comparison with the “supplementary courses” established by PTAs, which perform a similar function in senior high schools of other prefectures, people do not feel a justification to spend public money on Tottori prefecture’s “advanced courses.”This leads to the hypothesis that the significance of “entrance into university from local areas” changes with the movement in perspective from social profit to personal profit. This means that the circuit between “education” and “society/economy” has been severed. Hence, the nurturing and outflow of talented youth from local prefectures is no longer seen as the main issue. However, local prefectures have been seriously affected by recent changes in both the industrial structure and decentralization. Now is the time to rebuild the tripartite affinity between “education,” “society/economy” and “local areas.”
原 喜美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.26, pp.85-103,en238, 1971-10-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

Japanese higher education is faced with a crisis. Women's higher educationcannot escape its fate. Because of the age-old discrimination and of handicapsand hurdles attached to women's education in Japan the situation might be moreserious and complicated.Never in the history of Japanese education has the female population incolleges and universities including junior colleges been so great. In 1960 therewere 16, 448 girls graduating from 4-year colleges and 21, 041 graduating fromjunior colleges, while in 1970 48, 769 girls graduating from 4-year colleges and 99, 518 girls graduating from junior colleges. In 1970 one out of ten girls, interms of agegroup, attends college or university, while in case of boys nearlythree out of ten attend. Ten years ago 4 out of 100 girls attended colleges anduniversities and one out of 6 boys attended. It is quite ironical to meet with acrisis in the midst of prosperity. In spite of such phenomenal increase thegovernment has failed to meet the needs of the students. Junior colleges areoccupied by female students: almost 83% of the student population in juniorcolleges is women. On the other hand almost 82% of the student population in4-year colleges is men. At the same time 94% of female studnts are enrolled inprivately-supported junior colleges, because the government paid no attention towomen's higher education, leaving it almost entirely to private schools.There seems to be a stereo-typed social image of women in Japan. Collegewomen are expected to work for a short period on a stop-gap job; they areexpected to quit the job at the time of marriage. In ten or fifteen years theyare expected to work as part-timers, because industry demands labor force verybadly. Since we are inclined to behave as expected, most college graduatesfollow this track. It seems that women's higher education is geared to meet theneeds of industry. It is serious for higher education to be subjugated byindustry.As indicated in the statement issued by the Ministry of Education concerning the revision of high school curriculum, there is a resurgence of age-old education.peculiar to women. “Education for good-wife-and-wise-mother” has been emphasizedagain as a guideline for woman's education. In this post industrial societyin which women's roles become more complicated and varied, this kind of educationalpolicy formulated out of ignorance and negligence by the government willin all probability jeopadize not only women's higher education but the totalsociety.
志田 未来
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.107, pp.5-26, 2020-11-30 (Released:2022-06-20)

本論の目的は,これまで逸脱集団として扱われてきた生徒の相互作用を詳細に描くことにより,逸脱研究に対して新たな視角を提示することにある。既存の逸脱研究は,生徒の相互作用を下位集団に限定してきた,生徒を下位文化に染まる受動的な存在だと仮定してきた,という2つの課題が残されていた。そこで本研究ではFurlong(1976)のインタラクション・セット概念を用いて彼らの学校経験について分析を行った。分析より以下が明らかになった。①ある生徒の行動によって,それまで逸脱することはなかった生徒たちの「適切なふるまい」が作り変えられたことが逸脱の契機となっていた。②彼らはインタラクション・セットへの参加者に応じて逸脱の強度を変え,その意味も変化していた。関係性のない教師には「消極的逸脱」を,関係性のある教師には「積極的逸脱」を行っており,後者は「コミュニケーション系逸脱」とも呼べる,教員との関係性構築のための代替手段の機能を有していた。③受験制度はインタラクション・セットに大きな影響を与える外圧であった。3年生になると,最小限の努力で入試を成功させるということが「状況の定義」を行う際の新たな判断基準に採用されていた。 以上より,彼らの相互作用の場は集団ではなく常に構築されるインタラクション・セットとして捉える必要があること,そして逸脱に対して彼らが持つ価値規範をも累積される相互作用の過程で常に創造し直されていることが明らかになった。
金子 元久
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.66, pp.41-56, 2000-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

When the movements of studets and ideas beyond the nation state have been talked about as “internationalization” of education, it was implicitly linked to the hope of uniting different nations. With “globalization” of education, not only has its scope been extended to social and economic aspects, but also to the negative side of the unavoidable trend. In fact, many people consider globalization of education as a grave challenge, or even intrigues that creates new inequity among and within nation states. Such a radical shift of perspective is most pronounced in higher education. In this paper I first tried to clarify the context in which “globalization” of higher education is talked about from the perspective of social and economic relation between the University and the mondern nation state (Section I). Then, more concrete issues are analyzed with respect to education (Section 2) and research (Section 3) functions of the Univesity. It is argued that globalization, together with the development of Information Technology, is creating huge markets of both learning opportunities and scientific knowledge beyond the boundary of state. Even though all the nations are involved in this trend, the impacts are significantly different by nation. For Japanese higher education the difficulty appears to lie less in being involved in the trend than eploiting the opportunities offered by the trend. in this particular sense, Japan's position is increasingly entrenched in a hinterland. Departure from such position will require a considerable restructuring in organization and the value in the academics.
新井 郁男
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.18-30, 1988-10-03 (Released:2011-03-18)
劉 麗鳳
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.102, pp.155-174, 2018-05-31 (Released:2020-03-13)

本稿の目的は,中国の都市部と農村部の中学校における「できない生徒」に対して,教師がどのように処遇しているのかを考察することである。用いたデータは,都市部と農村部の中学校での参与観察とインタビューである。中国では農村部の中学生の退学率が高く,先行研究から家庭の貧困と親の勉学への無理解,学校の物理的な条件が指摘されているが,教師文化や指導文化など学校内部のミクロレベルでの教師 - 生徒間の相互作用が中学生の退学行動に及ぼす影響の考察も重要である。 本論では,以下の点を明らかにしている。都市部の中学校の教師は,他の生徒の学習の妨げにならないよう「できない生徒」に対して「ソフトな隔離」をしつつ,教室内の役割を与えることで生徒集団の一員として包摂していた。一方,農村部の中学校の教師は「できない生徒」を教室や授業からあからさまに排除し,彼らに教室外の役割を与えると同時に,彼らを監視役に利用して校内の秩序づけを行っていた。中国における「学業成績重視」の価値観のもとで教師の処遇に違いが生じる背景には,教師が用いるストラテジーに違いがあり,前者は生徒の学習意欲の喚起を重視するペダゴジカル・ストラテジーが用いられていたのに対して,後者は「できない生徒」を教室や学校から排除することで自らの評価を高めようとする教師のサバイバル・ストラテジーが用いられていた。
範 俏慧
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.101, pp.91-110, 2017-11-30 (Released:2019-06-14)

本稿は,大卒者の学校から職業への移行を「成人期への移行」の一局面として捉え,中国の小都市出身の大卒者の就職プロセスに焦点を当て,職業選択(就職地選択及び就職先選択)における「親の意向」による影響と,就職時における「家族・親族ネットワーク」の効果との2つの要素に注目し,中国の大卒者の就職における家族の影響を明らかにすることを目的とする。 分析の結果,以下のことが明らかになった。共産主義の遺制と強い家族主義の文化を残したまま急激な市場経済を導入した中国においては,大卒者の就職プロセスは,依然として戸籍制度や労働市場における体制内外の分断といった構造的・制度的要因によって制約されている。大卒者及びその家族はその中で可能な限り有利な就職機会と将来設計を手にするために,私的な家族・親族ネットワークを動員している。家族・親族ネットワークの効果は,ネットワーク自体の地域的広がりの度合いにより一定程度規定されている。そのような「家族戦略」とも言える中国の大卒就職のあり方は,個人としての大卒者にとって制約と資源という両義的な意味をもつ。 本稿の分析が示唆するように,大卒の就職を「成人期への移行」の一部として捉えることで,大卒者の就職が埋め込まれている「社会構造」を,これまでよく分析の射程に入れられてきた「大卒労働市場」及び「社会ネットワーク」を超え,より包括的に検討することが可能となる。
田中 葉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.64, pp.143-163, 1999-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the transformation of the process of choosing subjects in a “Sogo Sentaku-sei” High School. “Sogo Sentaku-sei” or “Sogo Gakka” senior high schools have attracted much attention in recent educational reform policies, since they are different from the conventional senior high-school system, by allowing students to make their own curriculum.However, recent studies have pointed out that these schools in fact restrict a students' capacity to choose their own subjects, thereby going against the purpose of this policy. In order to properly carry out highschool reformation policies today, the causes of this phenomenon must be analyzed.This paper will attempt to investigate how and why these schools have come to restrict the students' capacity to choose their own subjects, based on ethnographic research at “A High School”, one of the leading “Sogo Sentaku-sei” high schools in Japan.The results of the research are as follows: In the beginning, the teachers of A High School did not restrict students' choice of subjects. Eventually, however, restrictions were imposed because of the problem of time cards organization. Then a few years later, the teachers of the minor ‘gakukei’-which are loose courses-allowed students to select their own subjects because they wanted to give specialized lessons and to secure enough schooltime for them. Major ‘gakukei’ teachers who couldn't control the subjects which students would be taught because of the number of students demanded to increase the number of credits of the obligatory subjects. This demand was related to the problem of the school's overall reputation of sending students to universities.In this way, the students' ability to choose their own subjects was restricted by both of individual teachers' interests and the problem of the school as a whole. These results suggest that the problem of curriculum includes the problem of school management and that it is difficult to change the curriculum, by introducing alternative educational institutions, such as ‘Sogo Gakka’.
鈴木 雅博
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.145-167, 2012-06-15 (Released:2013-06-17)

本稿は,生活指導事項の意思決定における教師間相互行為を,クレイム申し立てによる〈問題〉の構築過程として捉え,そこで語られる日常言語的資源としての慣用語化したレトリックに着目し,その特質を明らかにすることを目的とする。 ここでは社会問題研究に倣い,クレイム申し立てを生徒の「状態のカテゴライズ」とその「解決法の提示」と位置づけ,各々に関するレトリックを検討した。 観察では,生徒の現状を〈問題〉とカテゴライズする際には,荒れるリスクを強調するレトリックが,解決法である指導事項を提示する際には,〈共同歩調〉のレトリックが用いられる点が確認された。〈共同歩調〉レトリックの効力は〈荒れ〉への有効な処方であったとの〈経験〉に由来する。教師はレトリックの説く因果関係を枠組として〈経験〉を解釈するが,これにより構築された〈経験〉が再帰的にレトリックの効力を強化するという相乗的循環構造が生起している。 〈荒れ〉発生時の責任問題はクレイムへの抵抗を困難にする一方,学年等を特定するクレイムへの反発を引き起こす。他方で,教師はクレイムメイカーによる状態のカテゴライズに必ずしも同意しておらず,また逸脱生徒にはクレイムが説く管理的教育を適用していない。つまり,レトリックを用いたクレイム申し立て活動は「集団としての生徒」を対象とした管理教育的な生活指導の提案・要請に対する,メンバーの沈黙と決議の調達を到達点としている。