山本 雄二
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.65-81, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)

The purpose of this paper is to apply text theory to the reading of documents and to show an example of how the theory is applied.In the field of cultural studies, there has been an accumulation of attempts to read texts. Among texts, a document is a special text, since it is written to be read from the beginning and therefore requires a particular way of reading. One method of analysis is to locate a document in different discourses in which some words gain meanings and others lose them. This paper examines a judicial ruling as an example of a document and attempts to show how to read it.The judicial ruling taken here is a decision on a lawsuit seeking compensation for a suicide caused by bullying in Iwaki City (1990). The victim was a third-year male junior high school student. It attracted considerable attention because it was the first case in Japan in which a court accepted professional negligence by school teachers as the cause for the suicide of a student. Three different meanings in three different discourses, that is, judicial, sociological, and educational radiate from this decision. First, in the judicial discourse, it is seen as quite senseless since it accepts the negligence of school teachers who could not foresee the suicide of the victim.This senseless decision, however, may be understandable in a sociological discourse. For, as Durkheim states in The Suicide, people tend to commit suicide for reasons of trifling matters when they cannot feel any bond with their society. If people accept the thought that ijime bullying breaks the feelings of a bond with society, and if they recognize the maliciousness of this, school officials can be seen as responsible for preventing the worst possible outcome, even if the particular direct causes of a suicide are not necessarily identified. This is the logic of the ruling.At the same time, the ruling placed 40 percent of the negligence on the victim himself. This 40 percent acknowledges his will and reason, in other words, his personality until immediately before death. This indicates that other people can work with a victim as long as he is alive. There is no education without a personality. This is none other than to read the ruling as an educational discourse.As I have shown in the example above, reading a document in different discourses gives us opportunities to consider the many possible issues it potentially entails.
小野 浩
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.25, pp.196-208, 1970-10

(1) This is an introductory work to a study of the evolution of lower secondary schools in post-war Japan, which will survey a transition of the placement circumstances of lower secondary school graduates and their actual working condition in these circumstances. (2) Present desperate efforts to employ graduates from lower secondary schools result, generally speaking, from the unbalanced ratio between supply and demand. In this respect, we need to inquire into the constitution of youth worker's employment of the enterprises. (3) The lower secondary school graduates are far more favourable in the labour market in 1956~7 and after than before. But, being employed only as such, most of them cannot but work as the unskilled, and may remain as the same throughout their career.
片瀬 一男 阿部 晃士
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.61, pp.163-183, 1997

The purpose of this paper is to show accumulativeness and complexity in causes of regional inequality in educational attainment. Although numbers of studies have been made on inequality in educational attainment, little is known about accumulativeness and complexity in causes of inequality. The main reason is that many of these studies neglect the effects of geographical determinants, regional history and regional culture on education. To solve this problem we examine the formation processes of parents' educational hopes for children and students' educational aspirations in the Sendai area and Kesennuma city, considering these factors.<BR>We conducted surveys on students at 13 high schools and their parents in the Sendai area (including Sendai, Tagajou and Natori City) in 1987 and on students at 10 high schools and their parents in three other cities in Miyagi Prefecture (Shiroishi, Furukawa and Kesennuma City) in 1988. The results may be summarized as follows:(1) in comparison with the Sendai area, parents' status (according to educational and occupational status) is lower in Kesennuma city;(2) in general, higher parental status promotes their educational hopes for children, but this effect is weaker in Kesennuma city.<BR>We used historical and statistical materials and conducted hearing from informants to clarify cultural and historical backgrounds to these results. Kessennuma is located on the south coast of the Tohoku area, and the main industries are fishing and marine product-processing, so before World War 2, educational credentialism permeated later in Kessennuma. Because educational attainment is not a beneficial strategy in a coastal area, parents attach greater importance to practical science. On the other hand, regional culture may cause changes in the meaning of modern education. We conclude that interaction between school education and regional society is needed to elucidate the social function of education.
江口 潔
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.129-149, 2013-07-25 (Released:2014-07-28)

本研究では戦前期百貨店の女子店員を取り上げて,技能観の変容過程を検討する。女子店員の職域が拡大したのは,彼女たちの賃金が安いというばかりでなく,彼女たちの対人技能が評価されたからでもあった。彼女たちが売場の過半数を占めるようになると,彼女たちの振る舞いは標準化されていくこととなる。ここでは,三越の女子店員を取り上げて,以下の3点について検討した。 女子店員が採用されるようになった当初,百貨店では,彼女たちが永続的に勤めることを前提としていた。ところが,花嫁修業として働く女子店員が多かったこともあり,短い勤務年数が一般的となった。彼女たちの多くは昇進とは無関係に店員生活を過ごすこととなる。 1900年代初頭には,女子店員は簡単な職務に配属されていた。それというのも,男子店員ほどには専門的な知識を身につけることができないと考えられたからである。その後,百貨店化がすすめられる中で女子店員の丁寧な応対が評価されたことにより女子店員は様々な売場に用いられていくようになる。 1930年代には店舗の拡大を受けて,女子店員が売場の過半数を占めるようになる。この頃から三越では映画や写真を用いた店員訓練を導入して,標準化された対人技能を女子店員たちに学ばせるようになった。そこでは不特定多数の人に開かれた振る舞い方を身につけられると考えられていたのである。
金南 咲季
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.113-133, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)

本稿は,地域社会における外国人学校と日本の公立学校の相互変容過程を,接触によって立ち現れる教育実践に着目して描き出すものである。そのうえで,従来の研究が看過してきたミクロな地域的観点から「外国人学校」を捉え直す視座と,ローカルな地域的実態を踏まえた支援の在り方について示唆を提示することを目的とする。 具体的には新興のコリア系外国人学校T校と校区の公立2小1中を事例に,その接触の様相を「コンタクト・ゾーン」を視点として記述した。 本稿の知見は以下に纏められる。第一に,T校と校区の公立学校は非対称な力関係のもとで出会うが,既存の実践を問い直していくなかで双方に主体化し交流をもつようになっていた。第二に,接触の継続のなかでは,授業実践や構成員の変容,新たな軋轢とそれを契機とする連携強化,進学制度の創出と活用といった展開がみられた。第三に,その背景には社会的不利益層のエンパワメントを重視する校区の地域教育組織と,構造的な窮状に直面しつつも教育理念の実現を見据えて地域社会との関係構築を進めるT校の主体性が重要な役割を果たしていた。 以上より,所与の環境や固有の構造的制約に規定されつつも,単に受動的に対処するだけでなく,既存の実践を問い直し相互に教育資源と位置づけ合うなかで,双方の教育実践を発展的に展開する外国人学校と校区の公立学校の姿が明らかとなった。踏まえて最後に学術的示唆と政策的示唆を論じた。
高橋 靖幸
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.102, pp.175-194, 2018-05-31 (Released:2020-03-13)

本稿は,昭和戦前期における社会問題としての児童虐待の構築過程で,貰い子殺しと児童労働がどのように問題化され,児童虐待防止法の制定へ結実したかを明らかにする。そのうえで虐待を防止する法律の制定が,日本の近代的な子ども期の語りのあり方にどのような変容をもたらしたかを社会構築主義の視点から考察を行う。 本稿はまず児童保護事業に関する内務省の審議から,児童虐待防止の議論の経過を整理し分析を行った。結果,それらの議論が児童への虐待を重大な問題とする訴えを展開しつつ,一方で虐待問題の範囲を必ずしも確定しないまま進行し,複数の子どもの問題を包含するように発展したことが明らかとなった。 また,児童虐待防止の法制化の議論を考察するにあたり,貰い子殺し事件を契機とする一連の新聞報道を分析した。結果,昭和戦前期における社会問題としての児童虐待の構築が,貰い子殺し事件をはじまりに,内務省社会局の公式統計が示す「実態」を資源としながら,児童労働を社会問題としていったことが明らかとなった。 本稿の分析の結果,児童虐待防止法の成立が,保護と教育の対象としての「子ども期の享受」の議論をうみだし,労働の世界にとどまる,近代的な子ども期を享受しない子どもを問題とする語り方を生成したこと,そしてこの語りが児童労働を児童虐待防止法の成立以前とは違った新たな問題として社会のなかに定着させたことが明らかとなった。
粕谷 圭佑
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.102, pp.239-258, 2018-05-31 (Released:2020-03-13)

本稿の目的は,学校の「お説教」場面において,子どもたちがいかにして場面に即した形で「児童としての適切なふるまい」を組織しているのかを明らかにし,そこから「児童になる」こと,すなわち「学校的社会化」のあり様を検討することである。上記の目的のために,本稿では,小学校6年生の教室で生起した「お説教」場面における教師―児童間の相互行為を分析する。その際,サックスの社会化論を参照し,子どもの相互行為能力としての「観察可能性の提示」と「カテゴリーの理解」に着目した。 分析の結果,「お説教」場面では,児童らは,教師によって方向付けられ,教師によって想定された反応を提示することによって,自らを「お説教を従順にうける児童」として観察可能にし,「非お説教」場面や「お説教」が収束に向かう場面では,教師の想定外の反応を提示することで,「教師と親密に話す児童」として,自らを観察可能にしていた。これは,児童らが学級というローカルに組織されたカテゴリーに結びついた活動と期待の複層性を把持しているということである。こうした分析結果を踏まえ,本稿では,子どもが学校の中で「児童」となる「学校的社会化」は,個別具体的なクラス(=教師と児童集団)の日々の営みの中に埋め込まれており,日常の実践的関心においては,「観察可能性」の調整が適切なものとして前景化していることを指摘した。
住田 正樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.93-109, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
7 6

The aim of this paper is to provide an outline of the clinical sociology ofeducation, with the aim of solving educational problems and to think about theeffectiveness of “elonging” for problems involving children. The author takesup children's problems as one example of educational problems, from theviewpoint of the clinical sociology of education.In recent years, many difficult educational problems have arisen, and thesociology of education needs to carry out useful studies for solving these problem.Consequently, the clinical sociology of education has attracted the attentionof many researchers. This is because it aims to actually solve educationalproblems in a different from the sociology of education, which aims to acquirescientific knowledge. The sociology of education focuses on science, while theclinical sociology of education places weight on practice. Therefore researchfrom the perspective of the clinical sociology of education should be useful forsolving actual educational problems.The defining characteristic of the methodology of the clinical sociology ofeducation is intervention in actual educational problems. It attempts to solveactual educational problems through interventions. Therefore, the author arguesthat it is necessary to limit the object of the clinical sociology of education tofields where the scientist and practitioner can actually intervene. In other words, the field of the clinical sociology of education should be limited to the dimensionsof interpersonal relations and groups. This means that the clinical sociology ofeducation takes the individual in social context as the unit of analysis.There are various patterns of problem behavior among children. Whateverform it takes, however, negative self-definition is a common feature. Therefore, such children always suffer from undefined anxieties about themselves. Childrenadopt problem behavior as means to escape from these anxieties. Children mustredefine themselves in order to overcome such problem behavior. The negativeself-definition of the child is changed into an active, affirmative one. That is theintervention of the researcher and practitioner.Here, it is “belonging” that prompts the beginning of the child's self redefinition. “Belonging” means a gathering of similar children. Therefore, itindicates a place where the child can feel at ease, relaxed, free and can becomecalm. Therefore, (1) “belonging” acts as a self-help group and (2) “belonging” refers to a place where children can speak freely. Therefore, it is a clinical placewhere the researcher and practitioner can actually intervene. Children redefinethemselves in the place where they belong, and can experience selfreconfirmationand rediscovery.This self-redefinition is the solution to children's problems, and it is the goalof the clinical sociology of education.
数実 浩佑
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.101, pp.49-68, 2017

<p> 学力格差のメカニズムを考察する際の有力な理論として,文化的再生産論があげられる。しかしこの理論に基づく実証研究においては,ある1時点において親から子へ文化資本が伝達されるメカニズムに注力してきた一方で,通時的な観点から子どもの文化資本(知識,ハビトゥス)がどのように変化するかを分析した事例はほとんどない。そのため,ある1時点において生じる学力格差を説明することはできても,なぜそれが維持・拡大するかを説明することができていない。<br> そこで本稿では,「なぜ学力の階層差は維持・拡大するのか」という問いを設定し,パネルデータを用いた計量分析を通して検討していく。その際,学力と学習態度における因果の方向に着目し,両者に双方向の因果関係が見られるかについて明らかにしたうえで,学力格差のメカニズムについて考察する。<br> 主な知見は次の3点である。(1)学年が上がるにつれて,学力に対する家庭の文化資本の影響が弱まっていく。(2)学年が上がるにつれて,学力の時点間の相関の強さが強まっていく。(3)学力と学習態度の間に双方向の因果関係が見られる。<br> 分析結果をふまえ,スキルの自己生産性とポジティブ・フィードバックという概念を用いて,低学力の子どもにさらなる不利が累積するという仮説を提示し,家庭の文化資本に起因する初期学力の差が,その後の学力格差の拡大に不可避的に転じていくメカニズムの重要性を強調した。</p>
住田 正樹
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.93-109, 2004-05-20

The aim of this paper is to provide an outline of the clinical sociology of education, with the aim of solving educational problems and to think about the effectiveness of "belonging" for problems involving children. The author takes up children's problems as one example of educational problems, from the viewpoint of the clinical sociology of education. In recent years, many difficult educational problems have arisen, and the sociology of education needs to carry out useful studies for solving these problem. Consequently, the clinical sociology of education has attracted the attention of many researchers. This is because it aims to actually solve educational problems in a different from the sociology of education, which aims to acquire scientific knowledge. The sociology of education focuses on science, while the clinical sociology of education places weight on practice. Therefore research from the perspective of the clinical sociology of education should be useful for solving actual educational problems. The defining characteristic of the methodology of the clinical sociology of education is intervention in actual educational problems. It attempts to solve actual educational problems through interventions. Therefore, the author argues that it is necessary to limit the object of the clinical sociology of education to fields where the scientist and practitioner can actually intervene. In other words, the field of the clinical sociology of education should be limited to the dimensions of interpersonal relations and groups. This means that the clinical sociology of education takes the individual in social context as the unit of analysis. There are various patterns of problem behavior among children. Whatever form it takes, however, negative self-definition is a common feature. Therefore, such children always suffer from undefined anxieties about themselves. Children adopt problem behavior as means to escape from these anxieties. Children must redefine themselves in order to overcome such problem behavior. The negative self-definition of the child is changed into an active, affirmative one. That is the intervention of the researcher and practitioner. Here, it is "belonging" that prompts the beginning of the child's self redefinition. "Belonging" means a gathering of similar children. Therefore, it indicates a place where the child can feel at ease, relaxed, free and can become calm. Therefore, (1) "belonging" acts as a self-help group and (2) "belonging" refers to a place where children can speak freely. Therefore, it is a clinical place where the researcher and practitioner can actually intervene. Children redefine themselves in the place where they belong, and can experience self-reconfirmation and rediscovery. This self-redefinition is the solution to children's problems, and it is the goal of the clinical sociology of education.
佐久間 亜紀
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.97-112, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)

本稿では,90年代以降の教員養成カリキュラムの変容とその問題点を,高等教育全体の改革動向に位置づけて整理した。先行研究において,教員養成論と高等教育論は乖離しがちであり,近年の高等教育改革が教員養成カリキュラムに及ぼした影響は,充分に検討されてこなかった。 高等教育全体に市場原理を導入する90年代以降の改革は,教員養成大学・学部と教育委員会の「連携」を「融合」ともいえる状態にまで至らしめ,大学教育の質を向上させるという本来の意図とは裏腹に,教員養成カリキュラムの「矮小化」や「非学間化」を進行させていた。また,90年代にいったんは規制緩和に向かった教免法の改革は,00年代以降「再統制化」の傾向を強め,教員養成カリキュラムの「規格化」を進行させていた。そして教員養成大学・学部は,学生の成長を支援し教員を「養成」する機関から,国や地方自治体の求める規格や要望にあわせて教員を「供給」する機関へと変質しつつあった。これらの変化から,改革の意図とは裏腹に,輩出される教員の「質」が低下している可能性を指摘した。 最後に,大学とは何かという共通理解が失われた高等教育界の現状を踏まえれば,先行研究の鍵語とされてきた「大学における教員養成」「開放制」という二語では,もはや近年の教員養成の変容を捉えきれなくなっていることを指摘した。その上で,今後の教員養成研究は,高等教育論に充分根ざしつつ探究される必要があることを論じた。
芝野 淳一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.95, pp.111-130, 2014-11-28 (Released:2016-11-15)

近年,海外子女教育研究では,日本人学校に駐在家庭以外の長期滞在・永住家庭や国際結婚家庭といった多様な背景をもつ日本人が参入し,学校内部がトランスナショナルな様相を帯びていることが指摘されている。そこで争点となっているのは,日本人学校に立ち現われる本質主義的な「日本人性」の問題である。本稿は,グアム日本人学校の教員が語る「日本らしさ」を「日本人性」の表れとして捉え,現場において「日本らしさ」が実践される局面と,それがトランスナショナルな日常を生きる教員にもたらす葛藤を描き出すものである。 本稿の知見は,三点である。①日本人学校が抱える経済的・制度的基盤の脆弱性を乗り越えるために,多様な背景をもつ日本人を呼び込み学校を安定させようとしていた。②教員は保護者の期待を反映させた象徴的かつノスタルジックな「日本らしさ」を戦略的に構築し,入学者確保を試みていた。その結果,多様な子どもが在籍するようになったにもかかわらず,教育内容はますます「日本らしさ」に方向づけられていくというパラドキシカルな状況が生じていた。③一方で,教員は「日本らしさ」に基づく教育実践と自らが経験するトランスナショナルな日常との間のズレを認識することで葛藤を抱えていた。さらに,それが「日本人性」がもつ自明性や権力性を問い直すことに結びつき,多様性に配慮した慎重な教育実践を編み出していた。 最後に,本稿の知見が当該領域に与える示唆を論じた。
秦 政春
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.59-76,en305, 1984-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 1

The purpose of this article is to analyze the specific character and primary factor of delinquency and deviant behavior, and to discuss problems of educational process in school which affect the behavior, in modern society. The results of analysis on contemporary specific character and primary factor of delinquency are as follows(1) As the recent tendency, the delinquency ratio has increased in younger children than before (juvenilization of delinquent). Especially, the rate of increase of delinquent in primary school is remakable (see table 1).Moreover, a large number of delinquents in primary school tend to repeat the same deviant behavior to grade of upper secondary school (continuationalization of delinquency, see table 2).(2) As to students' consciousness and attitude on the delinquency and deviant behavior, it is not necessarily that all students take objection to the behavior (see table 3, 4).(3) As a result of path analysis, the most influential variable in the direct effect on delinquency is the record of delinquency, and then school-hierarchy, school record, and negative identity (see figure 1, 2).Based upon these results, several problems of educational process in school system on delinquency and deviant behavior must be discussed. That is to say, the problems are educational conditions producing the behavior as an important pathological phenomenon of education.In conclusion, some speculations growing out of the present research are offered. Firstly, it is pointed out that teachers' guidance for delinquent is not practically effective, and educational relationship between primary school, lower secondary school, and upper secondary school is not linked up systematically.Secondly, there are difficult problems concerned with structure of school system ; educational credentials, school-hierarchy, and selection examination. These problems have a considerable effect on delinquency and deviant behavior, even though the effect is not immediate.
清矢 良崇
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.54, pp.p5-23, 1994-06

This article is a detailed discussion about how to make use of H. Sacks' viewpoint of Discourse Analysis in the study of the process of socialization in Japan. The discussion of the paper has three purposes. First, it calls attention to the uniqueness of Sacks' viewpoint of Discourse Analysis in the study of socialization. Secondly, it makes clear the cultural bias found in his actual descriptions of conversational data. Thirdly, it makes a suggestion about an alternative approach to the study of the process of socialization in Japan. The first part of the paper contains a detailed discussion and evaluation of Sacks' lecture called "The Inference-Making Machine: Notes on Observability". The second part of the paper briefly discusses the limitation of his analysis, in relation to the fact that he makes use of Job's story in the Old Testament to describe his conversational data. And the last part of the paper seeks to show how to make use of the stories of Gods in "Kojiki" in order to describe the process of Japanese socialization, and makes an attempt to analyze some conversational data of Japanese adult-child interaction, using the idea of social order found in the story of "Susanoo's crying" as an example of the alternative approach suggested in the paper.
柴野 昌山
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.37, pp.p5-19, 1982-09

The author presents a conceptual framework for the analysis of distribution forms of knowledge and "negotiation" processes between teachers and students in the school instead of a "black-box" view of schooling. The analysis based on the interpretative paradigm has several implications for the direction along which researchers should proceed. First, educational knowledge is, as B. Bernstein says, a major regulator of the structure of schooling experiences. Second, the hidden curriculum determines the mode of the transmission of educational knowledge and the forms of knowledge by which students are socialized in terms of the legitimation of symbolic control. Third, major implication of this idea is that this framework would give us a possibility of articulating micro- and macro-levels of analysis, if researchers concerned with sociology of schooling pay more attention to the organizational socialization processes regulated by the hidden curriculum, despite the relative lack of empirical studies under existing circumstances.
吉田 美穂
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.77, pp.47-67, 2005-11-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
3 2

The purpose of this study is to clarify the internal structure and dynamism of teachers' culture and its interactions with the outside world, by analyzing a survey of teachers' attitudes towards teaching evaluations by students, carried out for all public high school teachers in Kochi Prefecture in 2004.Previous studies in the field of educational sociology have pointed out the following properties of teachers as a group, which demonstrate an introverted and pro-status quo nature: exclusiveness, conservatism, nonintervention, and the prioritization of harmony with colleagues. On the other hand, some recent studies in the field of educational administration argue that collaboration between teachers can contribute to the improvement of schools. However these various properties are only described independently, and there has not been sufficient clarification of the relations among them within the reality of teachers as a group. For example, what is the relationship between collaboration and placing priority on harmony? Recent policies for educational reform have aimed at changing the conservative culture of teachers. Unless we have an adequate understanding of the internal structure and dynamism of teachers' culture, however, we cannot decide which strategy is better. There is a need to clarify its internal structure and dynamism.To elucidate the problem mentioned above, firstly, this paper presents the results of an attitude survey conducted by questionnaire targeting all teachers in public high schools in Kochi prefecture. The reason I chose Kochi is that it is one of Japan's most advanced prefectures in the area of teaching evaluations by students, which have been introduced during the past several years in Japan. Secondly, from these surveys, I extract six factors of school organizational culture by factors analysis, and search for causal relationships between these factors and teachers' attitudes towards teaching evaluation by multivariate analysis. Thirdly, based on these findings, I discuss the internal structure of teachers' culture.The paper reaches the following conclusions:(1) The organizational culture of a school has a greater effect on each teacher's awareness or attitudes toward educational reforms than their individual attributes.(2) Collaboration by teachers' groups needs to be divided into two properties: democratic collaboration and collaboration for improvement.(3)Democratic collaboration is the basis for collaboration for improvement, which make it possible for teachers to transform themselves; on the other hand, there is some possibility of it leading to exclusiveness, conservatism and nonintervention.(4) In order to foster collaboration for improvement on the basis of democratic collaboration, there is a need to escape from nonintervention through the building of friendly relationships and promotion of the redundancy of information, and to avoid conservatism and exclusiveness by the achievement of open management with adequate communications between administrators and ordinary teachers.(5)The properties of teachers as a group that have been mentioned in the past, such as exclusiveness, conservatism and nonintervention, should be understood within a variety of dimensions, based on the factors of organizational culture mentioned above, and on this basis, different appropriate strategies should be devised for solutions.
橋野 晶寛
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.185-205, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)

Despite the recent vigorous debate concerning the necessity for further increases in educational expenditure, the basic questions “Is Japanʼs spending on education really low?” and “Does money matter?” have never been examined analytically in Japan. The main purpose of this paper is to carry out a quantitative analysis of the effect and efficiency of educational expenditure in Japan and other developed countries. The paper consists of two parts. Firstly, using OECD expenditure data, I examine the conventional indices concerning educational expenditure and compare Japan and other developed countries using an alternative index. Secondly, I evaluate the effect of expenditures on secondary education and the inefficiencies of OECD countries by employing a stochastic frontier model. The following are the main results of the analyses.As to the comparison, there are some problems with the conventional macro indices such as educational expenditure per student, the educational expenditure-GDP ratio and the educational public expenditure-general public expenditure ratio. I employ the alternative index of Ram (1995) using the residuals of simple linear regression and compare the level of educational expenditures in OECD countries. In terms of primary and secondary education, the level of educational expenditure in Japan is close to the average of developed countries, and is therefore not much inferior to that of other developed countries, contrary to the recent claims concerning public education.The productivity of educational expenditure is evaluated in the light of two points: mean level and equity. The output indices of mean level and equity are estimated by the fixed-coefficient regression of the PISA data. The main analyses are conducted using a Bayesian semi-parametric stochastic frontier model which assumes no particular functional form concerning the effect of expenditures and the particular distribution concerning the inefficiencies. In terms of the mean level, an increase in educational expenditures has some positive effect. However, the production function is concave, and therefore there is a tendency for the effect of additional units of expenditure to diminish. The effect of educational expenditure on equity is neither monotonous nor strong. The estimated inefficiencies of each country tell us that there is a considerable gap between best practices and educational practices in many countries, and that the Japanese educational system is relatively efficient in mean level output and inefficient in equity output. These results imply that increasing educational expenditure requires further careful examination and discussion.