末次 有加
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.213-232, 2012-06-15 (Released:2013-06-17)

本稿は,ある公立保育所における発達障害とされる幼児への「特別な配慮」の実践に着目し,その実践がどのようなものであるのか,また,その実践がその場全体にいかなる意味や影響をもたらしているのかについて検討することを目的としている。その際,健常児同士のトラブル場面と発達障害児と健常児の場面を取り上げて比較し,それぞれへの保育者の対応の違いを明らかにする。分析の結果,以下の二点が明らかとなった。 第一に,発達障害とされる幼児への「特別な配慮」は,最初からそれとして行われるのではなく,その場の人々の相互作用を通じて状況依存的・協働的に作り上げられていくものであるということである。 第二に,障害のある幼児への「特別な配慮」の実践は,その子どもをクラス内で可視化・差異化する実践であることが観察可能となった。しかしながら,それは,クラス集団から障害児を切り離す実践というよりもむしろ,健常児と障害児との間にある差異を双方に確認させ,両者の関係を媒介するような働きかけとして行われていたのである。 以上の知見は,従来の医学・心理学的アプローチにおいて提出されてきた子どものニーズを実体的・抽象的に把握してなされるような「特別な配慮」とは異なる。加えてそれは,健常者と発達障害者とのコミュニケーションのありようを再考していく契機となりうるものであると考える。
中島 葉子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.247-267[含 英語文要旨], 2007

The aim of this paper is to examine relations between Japanese and foreigners in terms of educational support in communities from the perspective of the maintenance and change of relations. The paper clarifies the relationship by analyzing the gaze and interactions between undergraduate students and the newcomer children to whom they provide educational support. Previous research has discussed the educational problems of newcomers in the context of Japanese school culture. However, in order to focus on the relationship between Japanese and foreigners and to explain the maintenance and changing of the power of majority, it is necessary to study not only the school but also the relations in the community. In addition, some practical research focuses on educational support activities for newcomers, but is based on experiences rather than a theoretical background, and tends to find that support activities by NPOs have the potential to revolutionize the social system. However, some argue that relations between the majority and minority can be asymmetrical in the context of voluntary support. Therefore, this paper analyzes qualitative data, examining whether asymmetrical power relations between Japanese and newcomers are built or not within support activities in a community by an NPO, and how the relations are maintained or changed. The author interviewed and observed three undergraduate students participating in an NPO that provides educational supports for newcomer children. The following findings are obtained. First, the undergraduates had asymmetrical relations with the newcomer children, as they problematized the children's behavior. However, opportunities stemming from conflicts with the children led to the dissolution of the asymmetrical relations over "problems," as the undergraduates asked "questions" to understand the children. Second, while asymmetrical relations were maintained over "support," there was also a change in the relations with the children and parents. When the focus of narration is the worth of support activities rather than relations with newcomers, the categories of "Japanese who support foreigners" and "foreigners who are supported by Japanese" are fixed, and the asymmetrical relations are maintained. On the other hand, when a person has personal relationships with newcomers, and renarrates the problems and needs of newcomers as his/her "own problems," the asymmetrical relations change. If Japanese supporters consider the relations between themselves to be more important than those with newcomers, they become blind to their asymmetrical relationship and conceal it under the story of "support." This leads to a paradox of support under which relations are fixed as long as Japanese support newcomers. However, if Japanese re-narrate the needs of newcomers as their "own problems," they can free themselves from the asymmetry and create alternative relations with newcomers Previous research failed to sufficiently examine the power relations in support activities. Only looking at the positive side of support by NPOs, however, can blind one to the asymmetrical relations in support. Simply providing support for minorities does not free one from power relations. Research on relations between Japanese and foreigners in support activities in communities should be continued.
菊地 栄治
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.41, pp.136-150, 1986-10-15

Some complicated factors are causing many Japan's high schools to homogenize classroom composition. Under the circumstances, tracking is regarded as one of the most useful concepts. Having widened its range of application, tracking remains to be used as a "metaphor". Thus, this paper has three interrelated matters as follows. First of all, the conceptual refinement of "tracking" and "differentiation" leads us to redefine the former as a sub-category of the latter. Then, many kinds of tracking can be understood in light of some "anatomical" features, which are comprised of criteria of selection, locus of decision-making, scope, visibility, and so forth. Secondly, the intervening processes are examined. Tracking is followed by two different processes before and after track placement. Each of them is summarized as anticipatory socialization and sequences of some tracks, and as differential distribution of three major "resources" ......instruction, peers, and label (expectation). Finally, what we call "grass-roots" research is conducted. Using intensive data from two high schools, we examine the differentiation processes of educational expectations. Our findings suggest that institutionalized internal tracking per se (eg. "banding" in "A" High School) can be operated as a "sorting machine", and that such a function is fulfilled mainly through the differential distribution of various "resources", although not automatically caused. Hereafter, an attempt to grasp the dynamics of tracking-construction could help us to have a proper understanding of such a practice.
田中 雅文
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.95-110, 2005-05-30

Previous research findings show that voluntary activities carried out by NPOs (nonprofit organizations) enhance learning and self-development among volunteers. Meantime, it has become difficult for post-adolescents to form a self-identity. Can NPOs reduce this difficulty? This report discusses the above-mentioned issue, by adopting the concepts of reflexivity and public space. First, it discusses how the human relationships nurtured in voluntary activities can provide the self as a "reflexive project" with opportunities to form an identity. Second, it proposes a concept of public space produced by NPOs and examines the possibility of a reflexive transformation of the self and society promoted by voluntary activities within the public space. Finally, it discusses the significance of that kind of space for the formation of identity in post-adolescence, by combining two concepts, namely, public space and learning. The following findings are obtained. Voluntary activities nurtured within the public space produced by NPOs promote the reflexive transformation of the self and society based on concrete human relationships, experience and outcome of activities, and therefore liberates the participants from the formation of an identity dependent on abstract information. Such public spaces are filled with various kinds of learning, and therefore are nothing less than "learning spaces." The learning emerging there can be called "reflexive learning." At present in Japan, it is important for post-adolescents to understand that social transformation and self-development are part of one united body. Through that process they can recognize their own position and power in actual society and gain an identity as a member of society. Meanwhile, it may lead us to evade a "risk society." Therefore, "reflexive learning" has the potential to achieve simultaneously the formation of identity in post-adolescence and the liberation of our society from risk.
新井 眞人
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.42, pp.200-214, 1987-09-30

In this paper I attempted to investigate the reorganization processes of a traditional young men's group (Wakamono-gumi) from the viewpoint of historical sociology. The traditional young men's group called "Kosawada-wakazedan" in Kosawada village disappeared 30 years ago, but was regenerated in 1976. We visited Kosawada, a clan-type mountain village, and interviewed both active and retired Wakazedan members. We examined monographs done by previous folklore researchers, and gathered information from historical records, statistical data and other sources in order to approach the study from many angles. The results may be summarized as follows: (1) In the formation process of a big landlord, the social strata of the village was divided into the landlord class and the tenant-farmer class. The Wakazedan was also reorganized along the same lines, but later the two parts were integrated into one again. (2) Owing to the establishment of young men's associations sponsored by the government, some of the traditional young men's groups disappeared and others became mixed with the associations. However the Kosawada-wakazedan did not become mixed with them although they partly overlapped. Many young men who had dual allegiance participated in the meetings and events of the traditional young men's group rather than the association. (3) As Kosawada-wakazedan was incorporated into the social structure controlled by a big landlord, the disruption of the landlord-tenant-farmer system made the posiion of the Wakazedan vague and hastened its disappearance. Other factors accelerating its end were the movement of youth from the village to cities, an increase in the number of young men employed and many new voluntary youth groups. (4) The people felt apprehensive about the future of the village when the Wakazedan disappeared, causing a decline in the activities of young men's groups (Seinen-kai, Seinen-gakkyu) and in the traditional annual functions. As a result, some of the middle-aged men regenerated the Kosawada-wakazedan in order to develop the local community by revivint of traditional annual functions and providing opportunities for inter-generational communication. (5) Regardless of time and place, it would be impossible for a society to continue if there were no social intercourse among the generations. It may be said that the new Kosawada-wakazedan, which was regenerated in a village with a decreasing population, offers a model of the important social roles played by a group of young and middle-aged men in the intercourse among different generations in a village.
石岡 学
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.291-310, 2007-05-31

The purpose of this study is to examine how the relation between general education and the world of work was structured, and what supported it in the early Showa Era, when the relationship appeared, through an analysis of the state of vocational guidance in primary school. Section 1 points out that the "Japanese" pattern of transition from school to work dates from the prewar period, and that earlier studies only clarified the intention and the actual situation on the part of companies or employment agencies. However, in order to grasp the entire historical process of the structuring of the system, it is necessary to elucidate the intention and the actual situation on the part of schools, and to inquire again on the issue of transition as a problem of education. The paper then explains the significance of clarifying the problem mentioned above. Section 2 examines the opinion of the Ministry of Education on the introduction of institutions for vocational guidance, and considers the kind of problems that occured in school. It shows that setting up a special subject of vocational guidance has consistently been shelved although teachers thought the problems emerged because of the lack of such courses. In the background was an essential aporia regarding vocational guidance. The aporia was caused by the fact that the transition from school to work was not always successful even if vocational aptitude tests were complete, because it depended on the situation of the labor market. Section 3 clarifies that two methods for giving vocational guidance in primary schools emerged. The two methods were as follows: (1) directly helping students to find jobs, (2) cultivating a "spirit of enterprise." In addition, the paper points out that this divergence corresponded to an aporia in vocational guidance, based on "ideal" versus "reality." These methods led to the development of the relation between general education and the world of employment in postwar times, with "continuity in system" and "discontinuity in substance." Section 4 discusses "Love," which was used to support vocational guidance in school. "Love" was a magic word used to justify both methods, and to hinder any examination of the methodology of vocational guidance. The paper then argues that "Love" was the trigger for the emergence of the issue regarding transition as a problem of education. Section 5 is a summary and discussion. It points out that the divergence of methods for giving guidance was an inevitable result considering the matter of transition as a problem of education. Moreover, it hypothesizes that the two methods of vocational guidance in school were united by the justification of the practices using the word "Love". The word "Love" continued to be used in postwar times.
石川 良子 Ryoko ISHIKAWA 東京都立大学大学院 Graduate School of Social Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.25-46, 2006-12-10

The purpose of this paper is to describe and interpret interviews with persons who regard themselves as "hikikomori," and to point out the negative effects, especially for such individuals, caused by the confusion of the concepts of "hikikomori" with "NEETs." "Hikikomori," which refers to youth in a state of social withdrawal, has been noted since the latter half of the 1990s in Japan. In recent years, the concept of "NEETs" has also come to attract attention. "NEETs" refers to young people who are "not in education, employment, or training." The concept of "hikikomori" has been partly incorporated into discussions about "NEETs," and it is commonly said that the two can be discussed in the same context. Moreover, some organizations dealing with "hikikomori" have started to support "NEETs." However the understanding of "hikikomori" that has accumulated may be distorted by the confusion between the two concepts. Moreover, this confusion has a direct effect on individuals who consider themselves to be "hikikomori." Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two concepts. Based on this perspective, the author describes and interprets interviews with such individuals, and points out the problems of providing support for "hikikomori" sufferers within the concept of "NEETs." The interviewed revealed the following facts. People who consider themselves to be "hikikomori" see themselves as inferior and withdraw from relationships with others because though they have difficulty working, they worry excessively that "working is the natural state for an adult." Their self-esteem cannot be restored immediately even if they participate in a self-help group. Informants re-construct stories about themselves and their lives and come to see the norm of life-courses in relative terms, and regain self-esteem from this. However, this can lead to a decline in their motivation to start working. Moreover, informants cannot overcome their distrust and fear of society. Therefore, sufferers of "hikikomori" seek a new way of life as they again ask themselves various questions, such as, "why must we work?" "What do I want to do?" "Who am I?" and so on. As they think through these questions, they resolve to make a fresh start. This process of struggle is in essence the process of recovery from "hikikomori." Current measures for "NEETs," are based on the idea that it is more important to start working than to think too much about the meaning of working. However, individuals suffering from "hikikomori" have regained their self-esteem by asking the various questions concerning working and their own lives. Therefore, it is likely that the confusion of the two concepts will not only deprive people suffering from "hikikomori" of the opportunity for recovery but will also lead them to abandon their own efforts voluntarily.
相澤 真一 堀 兼大朗
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.110, pp.115-136, 2022-07-30 (Released:2024-04-01)

本稿では,ブルデューの『ディスタンクシオン』およびイギリスにおけるその実証的展開である『文化・階級・卓越化』から示唆を得て,日本社会において同様の問いを検討し,いかなる文化資本を見いだすことが可能なのかを計量的に検討する。ただし,本来,このような問いを明らかにすることのできる調査データは存在しないため,現在,広く入手可能なデータでどこまでこのような問いに接近可能なのかについて検討する。 本稿では,文化的変数あるいは生活様式にかかわる変数を投入した対応分析を行う。『文化・階級・卓越化』に則り,対応分析には,文化的活動あるいはライフスタイルにかかわる変数をアクティブ変数として投入する。具体的な分析手順としては,第1に,文化的活動あるいはライフスタイルにかかわる変数のいずれかのみを投入する。第2に,その両者を投入する。このそれぞれの分析結果に追加変数として,社会階層の分析でよく用いられる変数をプロットし,両者の関係を検討する。分析には,2015年「社会階層と社会移動全国調査」(以下,SSM2015)と東大社研パネル調査(以下,JLPS)の一部のWaveを用いる。 結果として,文化的活動への関与の有無と資本の総量は相関していることが示唆される。特にクラシック音楽や美術への関与と社会階層変数との重なりが大きい一方で,第二軸の分散は主に年齢と関連していることが明らかになった。
荒牧 草平
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.110, pp.47-67, 2022-07-30 (Released:2024-04-01)

富田 英典
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.77-94, 2005-05-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

This study analyzes the relationship between the usage of media and subculture in extended adolescence. The media seen as most characteristic of people in extended adolescence include chatting and electronic bulletin boards on the Internet, and comic magazines. Sherry Turkle thinks that the use of the Internet has influenced the establishment of the identity of adolescents since they can experiment with multiple identities in the world of the Internet. She also presented the concept of an “online persona, ” where one can assume a fluid and multiple identity and act differently from one's true self.During the 1960s and 1970s, young people were fond of popular television programs known as teen dramas, which were set in high schools and involved young teachers and their students. The shows were based on themes such as “effort, ” “dreams” and “love, ” and the heroes fulfilled their dreams, overcoming various obstacles. One effect of these shows was that during this period, young Japanese people discovered their own stories of adolescence by reproducing the teen drama programs in their everyday lives. However, after the 1980s, young people started to read comic magazines targeted at teens and the postadolescence stories gained in popularity. At that time, animated cartoons such as “Mobile Suit Gundam, ” “Dragon Ball” and “Neon Genesis Evangelion” became very popular. Their heroes all experienced an “awakening, ” in which they became super-heroes. Unlike the heroes of the teen drama shows, who were regular high school students, they realized that they had latent superhuman powers. In these animated cartoons, the “adherence to identity” is typically represented in the form of an ominous alien.The sense of liberation from one's actual self through means such as chatting and electronic bulletin boards, as well as the post-adolescence stories, is thought to be closely related to the problem of extended adolescents who are a focus of social attention in the present world. It is clear that the adolescent strategy toward the media, which uses the media as a means to arouse one true self, has a parasitic relationship with the media.
宮田 りりぃ
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.100, pp.305-324, 2017-07-28 (Released:2019-03-08)

本稿の目的は,トランスジェンダーの人々を調査対象に社会との相互作用を通した自己形成過程に着目し,性別越境を伴う生活史におけるジェンダー/セクシュアリティに関する意識を明らかにすることである。そのため,3名のトランスジェンダーに対して生活史調査を実施した。 分析の結果は以下のとおりであった。第1に,調査対象者たちが直面した問題の源泉は,個人の側にではなく,固定的な性別役割モデルの体現を求める社会の側にあった。第2に,それゆえ,調査対象者たちは社会との相互作用を通した自己形成過程の中でジェンダー/セクシュアリティに関する違和感や抑圧的感覚を覚えるようになり,そのきっかけや時期は調査対象者によって多様であった。第3に,調査対象者たちは,「重要な他者」たちとの関わりを通して新たな準拠枠を獲得し,それを参照することで固定的な性別役割モデルの体現を求める社会のあり方に抵抗する可能性を見出し,上記のような違和感や抑圧的感覚から解放されていった。 以上の知見をもとに,①「GID(性同一性障害)」支援の限界及び,②トランスジェンダーが直面する問題を医学概念にもとづいて捉える立場に留まることが含む,ポリティカルな問題について考察を行った。本稿が,今後教育における国のトランスジェンダー支援の見直しに役立てば幸いである。
藤田 英典
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.73-94, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)
5 2

Many countries including Japan have promoted radical education reforms guided by neo-liberal and quasi-market ideas. But no appropriate evidence has been provided to show their validity and effectiveness. They are promoted by ideological preferences and in the populistic political atmosphere.Given this situation, this paper first identifies some major features of the following five quasi-market models; simple school choice, education voucher, alternative schools, charter school, and school management by for-profit company. The aspects examined are the institutional idea, framework of school choice, school budget, school management system, freedom from government control, form of parent participation, and the influence of each model over the whole education system.Secondly, the paper discusses the five major problems that are neglected in their arguments and will damage the public education system.(1) Due to the fact that school is an institutional good, school choice will differentiate schools both substantially and relatively on such evaluation criteria as academic success, school safety and social attributes of students and neighborhood atmosphere of each school.(2) Due to the fact that school is a collective and unfinished (or half-finished) good at the time of choosing and entering, the school performance and its evaluation depend on the students who are recruited to each school, and accordingly, school choice differentiates schools in terms of students' and their parents' attributes.(3) Under the system of alternative school, charter school or for-profit management school, school choice and other privileged conditions applies only for those schools and their clients, and accordingly, those schools should be recognized as ones for the privileged small number of students. It should be also recognized that if these systems spread widely, then the utility of their privileges will diminish and various problems intrinsic to school choice will also spread.(4) School choice ideas put a prior value on institutional choice, while neglecting the importance of practical choices within each school as well as the fact that someone's freedom of institutional choice restricts the range of the other's.(5) Deregulation of government control and the accountability requirement will result in the rise of market control and other type of government control for quality assurance like the school inspection by quasi-public agency and testing of achievement standards. Under the system of school choice, parents are likely to behave as consumers/claimers rather than organizational members who should cooperate in the process of finishing their un-finished goods.Finally, the paper suggests that all of these will become seriously problematic in the country like Japan where the levels of equal opportunity, efficiency of schooling and parents' concerns of school ranking are high.
田邉 和彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.109, pp.29-50, 2022-02-21 (Released:2023-06-30)

日本の高等教育においては,性別によって専攻分野が分離している状況が見られる。特にSTEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)と呼ばれる領域には女子が少なく,このような性別専攻分離の背景として,一部の高校に存在する文理選択制度の影響が指摘されている。すなわち,文理選択に基づいて,男子は理系,女子は文系へと「水路付け」されていくという見方である。 しかし,性別専攻分離には文系-理系の次元とSTEM-ケアの次元が存在しており,後者の分離は主に理系トラックにおいて生じていると考えられる。それゆえ,後者がいかに生じるのかということは,文理選択のジェンダー差とは異なる見地からも検討される必要がある。 日本の高校生を対象としたパネル調査を分析した結果,同じコースに所属していても,女子の方が理系学部における成功確率を低く見積もる傾向が確認され,さらに成功確率を低く見積もっている人の方が,ケア領域を選択しやすい傾向が観察された。また,STEMやケアに関するジェンダー・ステレオタイプは高校生の間に流布しており,それらを内面化している程度は,STEM領域およびケア領域の選択傾向と関連していた。 最後に,本研究で用いた要因をすべて考慮したとき,文系-理系の分離は解消に向かう可能性が示唆されたのに対して,ケア領域における分離は残存する可能性が示された。これは,性別専攻分離において,STEM-ケアの次元へと着目することの重要性をさらに強調するものと捉えられる。