石田 賢示
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.325-344, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

本稿では,「制度的連結論」の理論的枠組みに関するこれまでの論点を整理したうえで,学校経由の就職が若年者の初職離職リスクに与えた影響の趨勢を分析した。日本における学校から職業への移行過程において,若年者と労働市場を媒介する役割を学校が果たし,制度的連結の仕組みが日本の若年労働市場の成功の重要な要因だと考えられてきた。一方,1990年代以降の労働市場の構造変動期に,制度的連結が機能不全をきたしたという議論がなされるようになった。 制度的連結について対立する2つの立場はいずれも一般化されたものであるといえる。しかし,学校経由の就職とジョブ・マッチングの関係のトレンドを直接に明らかにした研究はそれほど多くない。そのため,本稿では1995,2005年SSM 調査の合併データを用いたイベントヒストリー分析によって,制度的連結効果の趨勢を検討した。 分析の結果,高卒者については1990年代以降に初職を開始した場合,制度的連結論の仮説が支持された。また,学校経由の就職の利用にはメリトクラティックな基準が作用していることも明らかになった。労働市場全体が不安定である時期に制度的連結は高卒就職を保護するようになったが,学校経由の就職の規模の縮小も同時に進んでいる。制度的連結は,それを利用できない層を生み出しながらその機能を維持しているといえる。また,中卒,大卒就職では仮説が支持されず,制度的連結概念自体の検討も必要である。
伊藤 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.93, pp.69-90, 2013-11-30 (Released:2015-03-25)
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本研究の目的は,生徒指導上の課題が集中する後期中等教育段階の学校(以下,「課題集中校」)で,生徒指導上の指導が受容されるメカニズムについて考察することにある。 課題集中校の生徒指導に関する先行研究では,①生徒たちは地位達成・学業達成へのアスピレーションが低く,教師の指導を受け入れる必要性をもたない存在であること,②教師=生徒間の葛藤を解消して生徒を学校にとどめておくためには,生徒の社会化から撤退するしかないこと,を示してきた。 しかし,課題集中校の中には,教師の指導に反発・無視していた生徒の大多数が,その指導を受け入れるようになる学校も存在する。本研究では,そうした事例である高等専修学校(Y校)でのインタビューと参与観察の結果から,生徒指導上の指導が受容されるようになるメカニズムを,「志向性」という新たな概念枠組みのもとで探究した。 Y校の生徒たちの語りからは,地位達成・学業達成のアスピレーションに集約されない,「成長志向」「被承認志向」「年長役割志向」といった3つの「志向性」との関連のもとで,生徒指導の受容の契機が生まれていることが見出された。 これらの知見からは,逸脱行動ではなく「志向性」という資源へと働きかける,生徒指導の「志向性基盤アプローチ」の重要性が示唆された。
上山 浩次郎
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.91, pp.95-116, 2012-11-30 (Released:2014-02-11)
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本稿では,「大学立地政策」の「終焉」が,大学進学機会の地域間格差にどのような影響を及ぼしたのか明らかにする。 先行研究においては,その「終焉」は大学進学機会の大都市部への集中と地域間格差の拡大をもたらしていないと示唆されている。だが,その「終焉」の独自の影響力を捉えきれていない等の限界がある。 本稿では,「インパクト評価」に依拠し,実測値と予測値の差からその「終焉」の影響を評価する。具体的には,「高等教育計画」での特定地域における新増設の制限に注目し,この制限の撤廃が,(1)「規制地域」(を含む地域ブロック)での大学進学機会の動向に影響を及ぼしたのか,さらに(2)この動向が全国レベルの地域間格差にどのような影響を及ぼしたのかを検討した。 分析の結果,①大学学部定員数では,「規制地域」で予測以上の定員増がみられ,さらに全国レベルの地域間格差も予測以上に拡大した結果,格差の趨勢が縮小から拡大へと反転した。②大学収容力でも,「規制地域」を含む地域ブロックで予測以上に値が上昇し,地域間格差も予測以上に拡大した。結果的に,現在の格差の大きさは,「大学立地政策」開始直後以上になっている。③大学進学率も,「規制地域」を含む地域ブロックでの値の上昇と全国レベルでの地域間格差の拡大とが予測以上に進行した。 これらから,「大学立地政策」の「終焉」は,大学進学機会の地域間格差の拡大をもたらしたと判断できる。
橋本 摂子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.64, pp.123-142, 1999-05-15

This paper aims to clarify the dynamic process in "ijime" situations, focusing on the practical role of bystanders in group dynamics. In "ijime" studies, bystanders have been identified as the key persons who influence the seriousness of the "ijime" situation. However, the practical effects of bystanders on the "ijime" situation is not clear. Since the structure of an "ijime" group is presumed to be static, and the change of the "ijime" situation has been overlooked in previous studies. In this study, we attempt to show the different effects caused by the various roles bystanders play in the process of "ijime". Through interviews conducted on 62 students at the university and high school level, we were able to classify their experiences in elementary school or in junior high school on the subject of "ijime". There is a remarkable difference between the "ijime" situation in elementary school and in junior high school. Depending the role of the bystander in any given "ijime" situation, three patterns of "ijime" in elementary school and two patters in junior high school were identified. These differences can be attributed to the varying attitude that bystanders have toward a particular "ijime" situation. In elementary school, bystanders act either as an audience or remain silent for personal safety reasons, thus allowing the "ijime" to attract more attention by adults. In junior high school, however, bystanders are no longer concerned with the role of "ijime" because they have lost interest in the "ijime" behavior. In this case, bystanders detract attention away from the "ijime" in such a way that the assailants behavior become more serious. Then the situation turns for the worst with the possibility that a victim will emerge. It is during the freshman and sophomore year in junior high school that incidents of "ijime" can become most serious. This fact has been explained with the increase in the number of bystanders in previous studies.
有本 章
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.55, pp.5-21, 1994-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
佐々木 洋成 Yosei SASAKI 東京都立大学大学院 Tokyo Metropolitan University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.303-320, 2006-05-31

This paper examines trends in regional gaps in higher educational opportunities after the High Growth Period and the effects of structural factors. In the 1970s, educational policies were put in place with the aim to promote equal opportunity. Currently, regional gaps in higher educational opportunity are increasing. The purpose of this paper is to provide basic findings and knowledge on present conditions to contribute to the debate on educational opportunities. As an index of educational opportunity, we use capacity and college and university entrance rates. The findings are as follows: (1) in the 1975-1990 period, under the educational policy that aimed to spread education, gaps decreased in both indices of educational opportunity; (2) however, this decrease was the result of shrinking gaps in the three large metropolises of Tokyo Nagoya and Osaka, and educational opportunities were not necessarily expanding in the regions with the least educational opportunities; (3) after 1990, regional gaps began to increase again, due to rises in the three metropolises; (4) today, there are noticeable gaps not only among males but also among females by region; (5) the effects of socioeconomic conditions and school conditions on educational opportunities are increasing year by year. Today's regional inequalities are nearly equal to those in the 1970s when the educational policies were adopted, there is a possibility that equality of opportunities for education may become a political issue.
上山 浩次郎
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.207-227, 2011-06-10

橋本 健二
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.127-139, 1984-09-30

The purposes of this paper are to outline Marxist approaches in the socio-logical study of education taken initiative by S. Bowles in 1971, to point out problems to be solved in them, and to find direction to overcome them. There are three major question in the theory of Bowles and H. Gintis : (1) Instrumentalist view of public educational institutions, (2) Underestimation of economic functions of them, (3) Overestimation of reproductive functions of them. They dealt with the problems of reproduction of capitalist mode of production as far as public educational institutions took part there, and failed to locate them in the whole processes of the reproduction. Furthermore, they regarded public educational institutions as instruments of ruling classes which they could operate arbitrarily. And they concentrated on only noneconomic, political and ideological functions of them. There have been many critiques of their theory. And some have been proposed attempts to overcome them in two directions : (1) integration of "micro" and "macro" sociology, (2) investigation of structural mechanisms and contradictions. Relative to the second direction, I try to locate "Marxist sociology of education" as a branch of the theory of the capitalist state. That is, "Marxist sociology of education" must, based on more general theories of the state and social classes, (1) analyse functions of public educational institutions as a part of the state, (2) investigate factors influencing these functions, (3) locate these functions in the whole processes of reproduction of capitalist mode of production including both economic and non-economic.
秋葉 昌樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.83-104, 2013

本稿の目的は,「フォーラムシアター」と呼ばれる応用演劇の手法によって,養護教諭が日常的に抱える問題意識やその仕事の流儀と向き合う作業を支援する方法について考察し,「教育臨床の社会学」の新たな展開可能性を探ることにある。<br> 「フォーラムシアター」は,観客ないし演じ手が日頃直面しがちな問題をとりあげ劇として上演し,観客を巻き込んだ 討論と劇の再演を繰り返しながら問題状況における変化,変容可能性を探っていく手法である。それはいわば演劇を用いた社会教育的実践とも言いうるものだが,その応用的性格からか,理論的定式化は必ずしも十分に進められてこなかった。<br> 本稿では,この手法がもたらす当事者支援の可能性を視野に,筆者が養護教諭らのグループとともに運営してきたフォーラムシアターを事例として分析した。 その結果見えてきたことは,フォーラムシアターという手法によって,参加者である養護教諭が,日頃の葛藤や問題意識を共有しつつ再認識し,またそれらを乗り越えるべく主体的に探究を開始し,今後の変容可能性を見いだしているということである。そして本稿では,参加者によって主体的に見いだされる変容可能性が,フォーラムシアターが備える遊戯性および"未完"性という構造的特質によってもたらされることを明らかにした。
戸村 理
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.219-240, 2013-07-25 (Released:2014-07-28)

本論文は明治期慶應義塾における教育課程と教員給与の分析をとおして,当該期間における慶應の経営実態を明らかにすることを目的とする。 大学教員は教育課程の運営を行い,その対価として給与を得る。このように経営上,教育と財務は不可分の関係にあるが,高等教育史研究ではこの関係性が十分に考察されて来なかった。そこで本論文では教員の雇用形態に着目して「教育と財務の相克」という歴史的課題を考察した。 教育課程の分析では,専任教員が各学科の授業科目をどれだけの時間担当し,いかに配置されていたのかを検証した。その結果,担当時間および配置ともに学科間で差異があることが明らかになった。 教員給与の分析では人事管理,人件費分析,教員個人の処遇と負担の実態を検証した。人事管理は採用管理,時間管理,給与管理の3点を考察した。人件費分析では,教員給与総額が年々増加し,とくにその9割が専任教員の給与であることを示した。教員個人の処遇と負担の考察では,専任教員の中に「高給かつ低負担」,「薄給かつ高負担」という階層性が存在することを明らかにした。 以上の知見を整理すると,慶應では専門性の高い授業科目を担当した少数の専任教員には「高給かつ低負担」という傾向が,それ以外の授業科目を担当した多数の専任教員には「薄給かつ高負担」という傾向がみてとれた。こうした階層性は,経営の維持と発展を目指すがゆえの階層性であったと推察された。
渋谷 知美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.65, pp.25-47, 1999

This paper shows the images of youth sexualities in mid-last-Meiji period and examines the way in which sexualities of youth was discussed as problematic by society and the reactions of youth to the problematization. To do this, I examined articles about<I>Gakusei-Fuki Problem</I>in<I>Kyoiku-Jiron</I>published in Meiji period. The perspective of social-constructionism approach developed by Kitsuse and Spector was employed in this study. The questions I asked here were:(1) what sexual behaviors were considered problematic?;(2) what rhetoric was used to make them problematic?; and (3) what reactions were arisen. In these problem areas, I also examined the countermeasures taken by educators and administration, the counter discourse and the behaviors of students.<BR>The following are the findings of this study.(1) Male students: buying prostitute, sexual violence against younger boys (including gay sexual behaviors), women or girls and having a date with female students were considered sexually delinquent. Female students; prostituting, becoming a mistress and having a date with male students were thought to be sexually improper.(2) In most articles, these sexual behaviors were problematized without providing reasons. Simultaneously, the authors immediately concluded that sexual behavior of youth must be controlled with vigor.(3) Educators thought that bad manners ubiquitously seen in Japan were the factors of youth's problematic behaviors and suggested that students should be strictly supervised. These arguments were realized as the purity of environment around students and the supervision of youth by administrators and educators. Contrary to these movements, however, heated problematizations on sexual behaviors of youth caused some counter discourses. They also led student's movement of self government.
中澤 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.151-174, 2013

菊池 城司
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.50, pp.87-106, 1992-08-07 (Released:2011-03-18)
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北沢 毅 Takeshi KITAZAWA 立教大学 Rikkyo University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.63, pp.59-74, 1998-10-20

This paper argues about the possibility of discourse analysis from the point of view of social constructionism. Under this theory, social problems are defined as the activities individuals or groups making grievances and claims with respect to certain putative conditions.Therefore, this theory "directs attention to the claims-making process, accepting as given and beginning with the participants' descriptions of the putative conditions and their assertions about their problematic character."(Ibarra and Kitsuse 1993, p.28.) However, there is a criticism that regarding the claims-making process as given is ontological gerrymandering by constructionists, because claims-making activities are cast as having the same ontological status as the conditions claimed by members: But, according to Coulter, this paper asserts that claims-making activities or discourses and the objects indicated by them are not ontologically equal, and these things are shown by members' everyday practices them-selves. Taking these methodological positions, this paper examines the 1997 Kobe murder case in order to figure out how the"juvenile"category has been used by members. For example, the 14-year old suspect in this case remained unnoticed and a month passed after he committed his second murder in May 1997 in spite of many possibilities that he could be recognized. The way members have used the "juvenile" category in everyday life made him visible but unrecognizable. Therefore, this murder case teaches us that the "juvenile" category should not be taken for granted and should be reconsidered all the time.
石岡 学
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.173-193, 2014

本研究の目的は,1920年代日本の中等学校入試改革論議における「抽籤」に関する言説に照準し,「抽籤」に対する賛否の対立軸の分析を通して,選抜の公正性がいかに捉えられていたのかを解明することである。<BR> 1章では,公平性と正当性の二要素から構成されるものとして選抜の公正性を概念定義した。その上で,1920年代の中等学校入試に関する先行研究を検討し,これまで等閑視されてきた「抽籤」をめぐる議論を分析する意義について論じた。<BR> 2章では,1920年代に中等学校入試が社会問題化した背景について論じた。入試改革には,準備教育の軽減・入学難の解消・的確な能力選抜という3つの問題の解決が期待されていたことを述べた。<BR> 3章では,従来の入試にかわる入学者決定法としての「抽籤」に関する議論を分析した。賛成論の多数派であった条件付き賛成論は,先天的素質の差異は固定的・恒常的だとする能力観を基盤に,大多数の中位者に対する能力判定は困難とする認識に立脚していた。一方,反対論は能力の伸長可能性を前提としており,人為的選抜の技術的な限界に対する意識は希薄であった。<BR> 4章では,1927年に行われた文部省の入試改革における「抽籤」の位置づけについて論じた。人為的選抜の困難性という認識が,実際の改革においても引き継がれていたことを明らかにした。<BR> 5章では,選抜の公正性という問題に対して「抽籤」論が持つ含意について考察した。
菊地 栄治 永田 佳之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.68, pp.65-84, 2001

One of the outstanding phenomena of Japanese education in the last few decades has been the increasing number of children with a psychological hatred toward attending school. These "school-refusers" have rapidly increased in number, coming to exceed 130,000 in the 1990s. In order to resolve this newly emerging problem, the government has implemented a number of educational reforms at various levels. However these efforts based on "operationalism" have not brought the problem settled. The present authors believe that it will be impossible to find a solution without regarding the phenomena not as a burden to the existing systems of our society, but rather as a mirror image of modern society. Therefore, our attention should be directed not to discovering the causes of "school-refusing" and to shifting the responsibility onto their mental defects, but to creating "public spheres" in pluralistic educational systems. This paper, which focuses upon various forms of alternative learning for "school-refusers" in Japan, endeavors to depict the whole picture of Japanese alternative education. First, it begins by reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of some thoughts on "publicness" by several thinkers such as H.Arendt, J.Habermas, N.Fraser, R.Sennett. Second, the authors attempt to give a picture of the present situation of alternative education in Japan with quantitative and qualitative analysis from the findings of a questionnaire survey conducted in 1999. Third, in order to take an objective view of the existing educational system, the paper describes some trends in alternative education and supporting systems in countries as the United States, Denmark, Republic of Korea and Thailand. It is indispensable to examine these actual movements in and outside the country and search for possibilities for creating our own "public spheres." In conclusion, the paper attempts to discuss some portions of the "message" we receive from these alternative practices and finally the authors stress the importance of taking a self-reflective attitude towards the creation of "public spheres."
松本 良夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.22, pp.111-125, 1967-10-08

This articls aims to analyse interrelationships among boy's social origin, school achievement, educational attainment and delinquency, based on the result of the research project entitled "Comparative Study on Adolescent Delinquency in Industrial Societies" planned by Jackson Toby, an American sociologist. The project aims to compare subcultural delinquency in several societies in relation to the attitude of young people, and their social origin and educational attainment. Problem; In this interrelationships among adolescent delinquency are treated as a dependent variable, differential attitude toward education (educational attainment, school achievement) as intervening vasiables and boys' socio-economic background as an independent variable. Procedure; 6172 boys born in 1942 selected from graduating classes of 30 public junior high schools in Tokyo were traced back to their attitude toward J.H.S. education, educational career and delinquent acts recorded by the police. Results; I. Of the 6172 J.H.S. graduates, 415 boys were arrested by police by the time they reached 20 years of age. Rate of delinquency was 6.7%. II. Rate of delinquency i) by social class ii) by educational attainment and iii) by school achievement in J.H.S. are shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3. i) Larger per cent of boys from bluecollar families than from white collar families have records of delinquency. ii) Higher the educational attainment of boys the less likely they have delinquent records. iii) The lower the school achievement of boys in J.H.S., the more likely they have delinquent records. III. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the interrelationships i) between social origin (S.O) and educational attainment (E.A) and delinquency (D)., ii) betweend S.O and school achievement (S.A) and D., iii) between E.A S.A and D. i) Difference of delinquent late (d.r) by E.A within the same S.O is larger then by S.O within same E.A. ii) Difference of d.r. by S.A within same S.O is larger than by S.O within same. S.A. iii) Difference of d.r. by S.A within same E.A is larger than by E.A. within same S.A. Figures 4 indicates associations of each pair in terms of coefficient. S.O -D:0.10, E.A-D:0.17, and S.A -D:0.22, S.O -E.A:0.45, S.O -S.A:0.23 and E.A -S.A:0.55.
潮木 守一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.7-25[含 英語文要旨], 2008

At 1954, Professor Yoshihiro SHIMIZU of Tokyo University emphasized that the Educational Population Study could be a major topic in the field of the sociology of education. He was well informed regarding contemporary research trends in French sociology, and was very aware of the importance of the Population Study. Since then, several students in the sociology of education have engaged themselves in the study of educational populations. Governments have compiled statistics on education like student population, number of teachers and educational expenditure. In some countries these statistical data can be traced back to the middle of the 19th century. The first scholar who attempted a systematic analysis of such governmental educational statistics was Friedrich Edding in Germany. In 1957, he published International Trends in Educational Expenditures. In this book he compared trends of educational expenditures in several countries since the middle of the 19th century. From this time-series comparative study he drew the conclusion that countries which had attained a similar level of economic development should have similar sizes of educational systems and similar sizes of investment in education. In 1961, he presented a keynote paper to the OECD conference on "Economic Growth and the Investment in Education" along with Svennilson and Elvin, pointing out the existence of a strong correlation between the enrolment ratio and per capita GNP of OECD member countries. At the same time, they examined the ratio of educational expenditures to GNP, and they broke down 5 components which determine the ratio of educational expenditure among GNP, like proportion of school age population among total population, enrollment ratio, ratio of average teacher salary against GNP p.c. and per-teacher student ratio. This formulation has made possible international comparison of those educational indicators. Furthermore this formulation has made possible the simulation of educational expenditure allocation. This simulation model is now used by various international cooperation agencies to make clear trade-off relationship between various educational indicators. Stimulated with these research trends overseas, several Japanese students of educational population has started to analyze the trends of Japanese educational population based on modified models which have been developed in oversea countries. The author, who studied with Friedrich Edding since 1968, forecasted required numbers of high school and educational expenditure necessary for this expansion in 1974. Since then, various research outputs have been produced in the field of educational population studies. One major task facing this field of study is to extend the research perspective beyond the borders of one country. With globalization, movements of educational populations should no longer be confined within one country's borders. A second task is to encourage follow-up studies to ensure the quality of research outcomes in the field of educational population studies. Japanese scholars of sociology of education produce a large research output every year. However, most lack connections with the outputs of their colleagues. Outside people are much interested with those research outcomes, but most of the outcomes are not verified objectively by colleagues. Therefore, outside people are skeptical about whether these findings of particular experts are reliable because of the lack of follow-up studies. Recently, there have been strong opinions in factor of "Evidence-based policy." To put this into reality, we need to vitalize the cross-check studies, follow-up studies on research output done by our colleague researchers in the field of educational population studies.
片岡 徳雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.16, pp.193-208, 1961-10-20

We have many researches about "influences of mass-communication upon children. These studies have taken, I think, a grave view of the forces of circumstance. Therefore, first, they found out the correlation between mass-communication and children, but not the causal relation; second they seemed to assume the 'direct' influences upon children through mass-media. To analyze the influences of mass-communication upon children we must distinguish pre-existing relations from after-effects brought about by mass-media, and set the intervening variables-e.g. the reference group or the interpersonal relations-between mass-media and children. Thus, according to the Katz and Lazarsfeld's assumption-'the two step flow of communication'-, I want to investigate two following social events, and to illustrate the relations about mass-communication, small group and children: 1) the participation by the senior high school students in the demonstration of the struggle against Revision of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. 2) some of cants among the school children influenced through the catch-phrases, which were used by some of the comic talents of TV. From the first study, I clarify that some of the senior high-school students who regarded their family as their reference group seemed to take part in the demonstrations, and the others who regarded their friends as their reference group seemed not. From the second, I illustrate that the children set a high value on the comic talent's cants in their play group, but set a low value on the cants in their study group.