鈴木 晶子 松田 ユリ子 石井 正宏
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.38, pp.1-17, 2014-03-10

鈴木 晶子 松田 ユリ子 石井 正宏
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.38, pp.1-17, 2014-03-10 (Released:2014-03-26)

本研究は、貧困世帯の子どもたちが集中的に進学する公立普通科課題集中校の学校図書館における交流相談の取組みの実践的フィールドワークである。交流相談とは、学外から包括支援が可能な相談員が学校に出向き、生徒たちの潜在的ニーズや課題を発見し、社会的な自立を支援する新たな支援手法である。分析の結果、交流相談は相談機能だけではなく課題発見機能を有していること、学内での相談支援活動は交流相談での課題発見と相談を経て、必要に応じて個別相談につながり、さらに地域資源へとつながっていること、学校図書館がもともと交流の機能を備えていることで、交流相談の場としても有効に機能することがわかった。さらに、セカンドプレイスとサードプレイスの間にある「2.5thプレイス」たる交流相談を起点として、貧困世帯生徒を地域につないでいく有効な支援のあり方として「貧困世帯生徒への+2.5thプレイスモデル」を提示した。 This is a practical fieldwork of a proactive consulting in communal space, which is a new approach of school consulting by professional consultants for students who have subconscious needs or potential problems. This study was conducted in a school library of a public high school wherein consultants approach students who are low achieving or belong to low-income families. Findings are: 1) The proactive consulting in communal space has the capability of providing students with a consulting experience as well as problem-finding. 2) Students who have serious problems can be found through this approach. They can be referred to the appropriate consultants and agencies concerned outside of school, if necessary. 3) The school library that works as a meeting, learning and creative space has shown to be of benefit to this new approach. And we present a model of the +2.5th place for low-achieving and low-income students and to be of help in referring them to their possible future third place.
中村 由香
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.34, pp.113-122, 2009

鈴木 晶子 松田 ユリ子 石井 正宏
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.38, pp.1-17, 2013

本研究は、貧困世帯の子どもたちが集中的に進学する公立普通科課題集中校の学校図書館における交流相談の取組みの実践的フィールドワークである。交流相談とは、学外から包括支援が可能な相談員が学校に出向き、生徒たちの潜在的ニーズや課題を発見し、社会的な自立を支援する新たな支援手法である。分析の結果、交流相談は相談機能だけではなく課題発見機能を有していること、学内での相談支援活動は交流相談での課題発見と相談を経て、必要に応じて個別相談につながり、さらに地域資源へとつながっていること、学校図書館がもともと交流の機能を備えていることで、交流相談の場としても有効に機能することがわかった。さらに、セカンドプレイスとサードプレイスの間にある「2.5thプレイス」たる交流相談を起点として、貧困世帯生徒を地域につないでいく有効な支援のあり方として「貧困世帯生徒への+2.5thプレイスモデル」を提示した。This is a practical fieldwork of a proactive consulting in communal space, which is a new approach of school consulting by professional consultants for students who have subconscious needs or potential problems. This study was conducted in a school library of a public high school wherein consultants approach students who are low achieving or belong to low-income families. Findings are: 1) The proactive consulting in communal space has the capability of providing students with a consulting experience as well as problem-finding. 2) Students who have serious problems can be found through this approach. They can be referred to the appropriate consultants and agencies concerned outside of school, if necessary. 3) The school library that works as a meeting, learning and creative space has shown to be of benefit to this new approach. And we present a model of the +2.5th place for low-achieving and low-income students and to be of help in referring them to their possible future third place.
新藤 浩伸
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.36, pp.17-31, 2011

日本において博物館は, 施設建設が一定の成果をみた現在, 財政難等の様々な課題に直面しつつも,制度改革の途上にある。しかし, 制度改革の途上にある現在だからこそ必要な「博物館とは何か」という根本的な問いは, 博物館学が多領域にわたることなどから十分とはいえない。これに対し本論では,第一に, 議論の前提として近年の博物館の現状および制度改正の動向を, 背景にある状況とともに概観する。第二に, 近代国家の機関としての博物館に向けられた批判の論点をふまえ, それにこたえていくにあたり,(1)公共施設としての意味, (2)コレクションと場所としての意味, (3)博物館において学ぶことの意味という観点から検討する。そして第三には, 近年の文化施設研究, および文化の視点からの教育学研究の検討を通して, 生涯学習社会における文化学習基盤としての博物館のあり方について展望的に考察する。論文/Theses
山本 珠美
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.21, pp.47-55, 1997-03-31

In the Meiji era the fruits of science and technology were seen only in public enterprises, while in the Taisho era they started to affect home life. The impact of WWI caused science boom in the political, the business, the academic circles. At the same time, new attention was paid to home life. For example, home life was displayed in many kinds of expositions, which were held originally for the development of domestic industries. Then the connection between science and life was completed. The concrete examples were (1)special exhibitions in Tokyo Educational Museum about health and sanitation, efficient homework (food, clothing, shelter, and bringing up a child), and economical life through; (2)many kinds of articles in Friend of housewives (Shufu no tomo) , Scientific Knowledge (Kagaku Chishiki) etc. In this phase, women were expected to carry out "Saientification of Life". Though they were named 'science', many of them were how-to instructions about daily life. First of all, 'Scientification of Life' meant a source of national wealth and power, and secondary the presentation of civilization. But women regarded it as an almighty means for an achievement of enjoyable and beautiful life. There was a gap between scientists and women, but they had agreement in that science would make up desirable future.
今井 福司
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.34, pp.27-40, 2009

論文/Thesis本研究では日本占領期の教育改革における、視聴覚教育と学校図書館の関わりについて検討した。占領期の教育改革では、占領軍によって多様な資料を用いた教育や、図書以外の視聴覚資料を備える教材センターとしての学校図書館の設置が提示された。これに応じ、視聴覚教育、学校図書館の双方で制度構築が進み、視聴覚教育と学校図書館が連携しうる状況が整えられていった。こうした連携が重要であることは、運動団体の議論や、実践報告においても示されていた。よって占領期においては、占領軍の占領政策が終結したこと、学校図書館法による国庫補助が視聴覚教材まで及ばなかったこと、文部省内での視聴覚教育課の位置づけが曖昧だったこと、以上3つの阻害要因により両者の連携が広まることはなかった。The paper describes the relationship of school libraries and audio-visual education during the post-Workd War II era in Japan under the US occupation (1945-1952). The General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and related organizations proposed the education using various materials and the suggestion that a school library should manage audio-visual materials. Accordingly, Japanese Ministry of Education built the system of a school library and audio-visual education. The basement of the relationship was debeloped. Some private organizations and practitioners stressed the importance of the relationship. Therefore it was attempted to establish the relationship between school libraries and audio-visual education. However, the relationship was not diffuse. There are three disincentive factors for the relationship: the termination of occupation policy, the absence of finance supports for audio-visual materials in school library law, and the ambigous position of audio-visual education in Japanese Ministry of Education.
深川 恒喜 塩見 昇 安藤 友張 根本 彰
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.35, pp.67-94, 2010

資料/Research Material本資料は、1946年から1961年までの間、文部省の担当官として学校図書館行政に携わった深川恒喜に対して、1985年に塩見昇が実施したインタビューの記録である。This material is transcript of interview with Tunenobu FUKAGAWA, who was duty officer of school library in ministry of education in Japan. This interview brought by Noboru SHIOMI in 1985.
根本 彰
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.39, pp.3-22, 2015-03-10

2015年3月に東京大学大学院教育学研究科を退職する根本彰が, 子ども時代から始まって, これまでの約40年間に関わった図書館情報学関係のさまざまな研究活動を振り返る。初期のアメリカ図書館学のレビューから始まり, 日本の公共図書館論や戦後の占領期研究などを経て, 図書館情報学教育への関与や学校図書館研究に至るまでの道筋を語っている。Akira Nemoto, who will retire from the Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo, in March 2015, looks back at his research activities in the field of library and information science. From his studies of American library science in the 1930s, through research into topics such as post-war occupation policies and public library management in Japan, he describes the path that led to his involvement in school library research and library and information science education.
浅石 卓真 松田 めぐみ 河村 俊太郎
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.38, pp.53-59, 2014-03-10

久保内 加菜
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.21, pp.25-33, 1997-03-31

At the very beginning of the Meiji Era, the Ministry of Education was established and it began to manage collecting things like products, minerals and works of art and so on in the context of 'education'. Since then, museums had been one of the important institution of education and also exhibitions, which were opened frequently in cooperation with local authorities and several local groups, such as boards of education and voluntary groups. The purpose of this article is firstly to describe the brief history of the educational policy on collecting since the Meiji Era to the early Showa Era, and secondly, to examine the concept of collections in the institutions of popular education. In Chapter one, the process on collecting special products and exhibiting them that was practiced by the powers of the nation in the early Meiji Era is confirmed. In Chapter two, some reports on the institutions of popular education in local authorities and some kind of exhibitions in the early Taisho Era were examined. Chapter three, multiplication of exhibitions and museums with standardized information in the Taisho Era is described.
崔 英姫 根本 彰
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.38, pp.29-39, 2013

本稿は、高校生が取り組む「卒業研究」の事例を挙げて、卒業研究で要求される論文を執筆した生徒の視点から、探究型学習の現状を把握し、その抱える課題について考察することを目的とする。調査のため、卒業研究が高校卒業の要件である中高一貫校A校を選定し、高校生の執筆者を対象にアンケートを実施した。調査結果、A校の卒業研究に観られる探究型学習は、現実社会との連帯を意図した体験的な探究活動を重視する特徴をもち、執筆者にとって自己主導型な学習を行ったという肯定的評価に結びつく教育効果をもつことが分かった。卒業研究の課題としては、論文作成についてのより明確な指導法の確立、テーマ設定や情報の探索・利用時に必要な情報リテラシーの育成、学習過程全般にわたる情緒的支援の必要性が示唆された。This paper examines the circumstances of inquiry-based learning and analyzes students'problems in conducting `graduation research', which is implemented in connection with `integrated studies'in school curriculums. In the study, we selected a school which graduation research required for high school graduation, and conducted a questionnaire survey targeting learners who had done such research. The survey results revealed that inquiry-based learning for graduation research emphasizes inquiry activities and experiential studies designed to encourage solidarity with the real world, and that graduation research has an educative effect connected with learners positively evaluating the fact that they had performed self-directed learning. The results indicated the necessity for affective support throughout the learning process, establishing a method for instructing students in writing papers, and the development of information literacy when defining research questions, and searching for and using information.
古屋 貴子
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.31, pp.73-82, 2006-12-26

The earlier studies about educational materials have mainly focused on textbooks used in schools. But, historically, not only books but various kinds of materials have been used as educational media in Japan. In this paper, I focus on "Kyoiku Nishiki-e" (educational wood block prints) used in early Meiji era as a visual-educational media. The series of "Kyoiku Nishiki-e" were published by the Ministry of Education for children before school age and their parents. Those pictures show us the educational dimensions at the time. I examine the contents and political background of the pictures, then, clarify the significance of "Kyoiku Nishiki-e" as a educational media.
上原 直人
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.29, pp.15-24, 2004-12-25

The purpose of this paper is to examine the definition of "Seiji Kyouiku". Generally, "Seiji Kyouiku" has been discussed mainly relation to the formation of Fundamental Law of Education Article VIII "Political Education". However, this paper discusses the process of formation of the idea of "Seiji Kyouiku" between the period of the 1920s and the Postwar Educational Reform, considering that the Post Educational Reform was related to the prewar Theory on Education and that the word "Seiji Kyoiku" could be seen in the document from the Prewar time. Through the analysis, I got four important finds. First, the idea of "Seiji Kyouiku", which had been spread over the universal suffrage in the 1920s, was mentioned mainly in relation to the election enlightenment in the 1930s. Second, after the latter half of the 1930s, the meaning of "Seiji Kyouiku" had been changed and the word had rarely been used because of the reconstruction of the notion of "Komin" and the broad extent of the criticism for the theory of the Emperor as an organ of government. Third, although the word "Seiji Kyouiku" could be used again after the Post Educational Reform, the meaning of the word had been argued from the point of the relationship with "Komin Kyouiku". Finally, the definition of "Seiji Kyouiku" is different between Pedagogy and Politics. That is, while cultivating people's political mind is valued in Pedagogy, maintaining the stable political system is made much of emphasized in Politics.