武谷 慧悟 渡 寛法
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.21, pp.1-14, 2015-12-01

Course evaluations have been widely conducted at Japanese universities to investigate students' understanding or satisfaction. However, most universities struggle to extract useful implications from their course assessments. The purpose of this study is to propose a method and perspective for effectively analyzing student course evaluations and free descriptive answers. We employed the text-mining method, using the free software "KH Coder" to calculate word frequency and find colloquial expressions in students' evaluation data. The marketing research perspective of Customer Satisfaction analysis was applied, comparing free descriptive answers between the "very satisfied" group and the "satisfied" group. We investigated course evaluation of the on-demand academic writing class at Waseda University, especially focusing on students' satisfaction with online feedback from instructors. As a result, particular colloquial expressions were found, such as "satisfied and question, " "scoring and lost points, " and "late and feedback." Statistically significant text analysis revealed three practical implications of class improvement: regulating the timing of feedback, developing the quality of individual support, and standardizing the instructors' grading.
薄井 道正
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.21, pp.15-25, 2015-12-01

Generally speaking, Japanese students are not trained in academic writing before graduating from high school. Nevertheless, they are required to write academic essays just after entering a university. This is why most undergraduate students find it difficult to write papers. Under these circumstances, our university set up a class teaching "Nihongo No Gihou" (The Technique of Japanese Writing) for first-year undergraduate students, on a trial basis. This class aims to ensure the acquisition of academic skills such as paragraph writing, argumentation, and discussion. In this paper, I shall present teaching methods and course materials I have developed for this class. Then, I shall argue for their efficacy with reference to some essays actually written by students in the class. Finally, I shall show that this class contributes to enhancing academic interest and active learning as well as improving skills in academic writing, by comparing results from students who have taken the class and those of other students.
高橋 哲也 星野 聡孝 溝上 慎一
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.20, pp.1-15, 2014-12-01

This paper presents the results of an analysis of students' learning processes and learning outcomes using e-portfoliosand student surveys along with performance data from Osaka Prefecture University (OPU). Student surveys wereintroduced in 2007 and have been conducted continuously since. E-portfolios were introduced in 2012 by modifying theCourse Experience Questionnaire introduced in 2005 to survey learning outcomes for each semester, and also to encouragestudents to reflect on their learning experience. This study's most important finding concerns daily student behavior andits relationship to GPA at OPU. Namely, GPA was related solely to the seriousness of a student's attitude toward his or herstudies; no relationship was found between time spent learning outside of the classroom or other behaviors. Additionally, only a student's knowledge of his or her discipline exhibited a relationship with GPA among questions concerning acquiredskills and learned abilities. In accordance with these findings, OPU will reform its performance evaluation method andimplement an active learning approach in all undergraduate courses.
村中 崇信 白水 始
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.20, pp.39-48, 2014-12-01

This study discusses the integration of a collaborative learning method called the "Knowledge Constructive Jigsaw"(KCJ) into a space education program at Chukyo University using a satellite communication lab experiment intended tointroduce undergraduates to space engineering. The program was designed so that it would resemble a familiar spacecommunication experiment, thus allowing beginners in space engineering to perform it without possessing highly technicalknowledge. The KCJ method was adapted to the experiment's procedures in order to improve the program's educationaleffectiveness. A small group dubbed the "jigsaw group" devised these procedures by integrating what each group memberlearned in the "expert group." Each of them was called an "expert, " and was trained to obtain the technical skills necessaryto conduct the experiment in the expert group. Obtaining these aforementioned skills increased participants' motivationduring the experiments. Moreover, communication among members in each group grew sufficiently to facilitate theexchange of technical knowledge between them. These results demonstrate that the jigsaw method not only enabledbeginners to obtain technical skills but also promoted an interest in space. In the future, jigsaw groups should be formedaccording to each member's level of expertise, and educational support should be provided for group activities in order toassess the scalability of the KCJ method to engineering domains.
丸山 正樹
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.2, pp.92-97, 1996-06-30

神藤 貴昭
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.17, pp.85-94, 2011-12-01

Faced an "FD obligation" phase, Japanese Universities are carrying out various faculty development programs. There are two faculty development models, the "mutual training model" and the "technological-business model". The latter includes a PDCA cycle for improvement of educational activities. These two models are complementary in faculty development activities. In this study, making reference to Sumeragi's (1996, 2002) clinical pedagogy, and Tanaka's (2003a, 2006, 2008) faculty development theory, it appears that these two models are unified by the "clinical sense of faculty development activities" of faculty development facilitators. "Clinical sense of faculty development activities" is defined as a "sense of faculty development facilitators to conduct faculty development activities as mutual trainings which are not operated by a technological-business model." "Clinical sense of faculty development activities" is clarified through case studies of classroom consultation in a Japanese national university. In addition, institutional character supporting the "clinical sense of faculty development activities" of faculty development facilitators is discussed. So, it is pointed out that "coordinated mutual training type faculty development" is important for actual university educational practice.
長澤 多代
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
no.19, pp.99-110, 2013-12-01

In Japan, colleges and universities have undergone massive educational reform since the 1990s. By switching to active learning and activating course design, they have been training students as active and lifelong learners. In this context, college and university libraries have provided various learning support services to students and instructional support services to faculty members. To further enhance learning outcomes, these services should be integrated into both course instruction and educational reform. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how college and university libraries can actively engage in educational reform, from the perspectives of information literacy instruction and learning commons. Most libraries have provided students with information literacy instruction such as course-related instruction in the courses. Some have developed pathfinders as navigators to information resources. During the past decade, the number of learning commons has increased significantly in Japan. In learning commons, as well as physical spaces such as collaborative learning areas and work station areas, various learning support services relating to information retrieval resources and writing papers have been designed by faculty members, librarians, ICT support staff and student assistants.
雨森 聡 松田 岳士 森 朋子
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
no.18, pp.1-10, 2012-12-01

This paper argues institutional research's possibilities for expansion, and addresses related issues. One of the issues of institutional research concerns the development of suitable analytical methods. This paper addresses that issue by using decision tree analysis. As a conclusion, decision tree analysis is a usable technique for institutional research. Moreover it is able to analyze multiple aspects, for example checking secular change, the effect of educational improvements, and so on. There are currently three issues: 1. database construction and introduction of the analytical system; 2. development of analytical methods; 3. training of institutional researchers in faculty development. We make a beginning in handling the challenges of these issues.
田口 真奈 出口 康夫 赤嶺 宏介 半澤 礼之 松下 佳代
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.16, pp.91-111, 2010-12-01

The PPF program of the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, is one of pioneering attempts of PPF in Japanese universities. This paper aims to describe the program against its international and national backgrounds, to evaluate it on the basis of, among others, interviews of its participants, and to outline its future prospects. The program started in 2009, and now it is in its second year. It was planned and run by a project team that consisted of staff of the Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education and the Graduate School of Letters. The authors of this paper are among its members. The program is also authorized and supervised by the committee of Faculty Development of Kyoto University. In 2009, 30 lecturers took part in the program. They were former students of the Graduate School of Letters, and taught as part time lecturers in undergraduate courses of the Faculty of Letters. The program was designed to be an example of mutual FD in which each lecturer was expected to peer review the classroom performances of his or her fellow lecturers. To carry out the task of mutual peer review, lecturers were asked to attend several lectures of their colleagues, discussion meetings that followed immediately after each lecture, and a half-day teaching seminar that was held at the end of the entire lecture series. Our research revealed that most participants positively and highly evaluated this program as a precious opportunity for improving their teaching skills. They also found that the program provided them with mental support and encouragement for their carrier making. Admittedly, follow up studies are needed to assess whether this program really contributed to the development of participants' teaching abilities. It remains a problem how to sustain this program and to incorporate it into a regular graduate school-level curriculum of teaching training.
溝上 慎一
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.15, pp.107-118, 2009-12-01

In past studies by the author regarding university students' learning and development, mainly three results were found; first, there was too little time for out-of-class studies regardless of the recent trend of hard studies in the classrooms. Second, nevertheless, those who studied hard outside classes felt they were developing; and third, the particular ways they spent outside classes were effective in acquiring new knowledge and skills. Through these results, this study examined university students' learning and development from a college life perspective. Past results implied that, if you would like to examine student learning and development, you should approach not only classroom studies but out-of-class studies and extra-curricular activities, too; that is, students' whole college lives. The survey was administered nationwide in November 2007. A total of 2,013 students participated (988 first year and 1,025 third year students). The analyses were done by using four student types (Type 1 to Type 4) which were determined using cluster analysis with scores of college lives. The main result was that Type 3 significantly felt more of their development than other types through many different activities, including in-class and out-of-class studies. Type 4 students, who enjoyed their college lives without being much involved with out-of-class studies, were as satisfied with their college lives as Type 3 students. However, Type 3 students scored significantly higher than Type 4 students on future perspectives, acquisition of knowledge and skills, etc. I concluded that well-balanced activities including studies were important for student learning and development.
中山 留美子 長濱 文与 中島 誠 中西 良文 南 学
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.16, pp.37-48, 2010-12-01

In 2009, a First-Year-Experience (FYE) course of Mie University was introduced as an endeavor to transform students into active learners by having them acquire the university's educational goals. Mie University established this program to allow the students acquire generic skills broadly categorized into four abilities: to appreciate (kanjiru), to analyze (kangaeru), to communicate, and to integrate those skills in various practical situations (ikiru). The course consisted of 16 sessions. The first five sessions emphasized communication practices to enable the students to brush up their discussion skills. In the next seven workshops, the students were assigned a group project to complete. The last four sessions included presentation, evaluation of the projects, and reflection of their achievements. The student's responses were measured by a scholastic achievement evaluation, which was administered in September. To clarify the effect of the FYE course, we compared the evaluation of students enrolled in 2008 with 2009. ANOVA revealed significant differences in the evaluations. Their expectancy to acquire the four abilities was not as low as those who did not take this course. In addition, the majority of the students felt that their communication and practical skills had improved. Among all freshman in 2009, the evaluations for students who took the FYE course showed a similar trend. This course was evaluated as successful in transforming the students into active learners.
林 創 山田 剛史
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
no.18, pp.41-51, 2012

The purpose of this study is to examine whether the disposition to critical thinking of university students can be improved by teaching "research literacy, " a term corresponding to the basic academic skills needed for research. Nineteen junior-year students participated in a seminar on research literacy, focusing on its relations to the abilities of academic writing and data analysis. Participants were required in advance to submit assignments on applying academic writing and data analysis. Furthermore, they were measured with a critical thinking disposition scale before and after the seminar. From the results, the participants' answers on the assignments showed that about half of them did not adequately understand the essence of academic writing. Most participants created both good and bad examples of critical thinking. Furthermore, performance on the critical thinking disposition scale for participants who learned research literacy in the seminar clearly improved compared with a control group not taking the seminar. These results demonstrate that it is important not only to teach research literacy to university students around the sophomore or junior year but also to give them opportunities to think critically. This would lead to an improved disposition to critical thinking of the students.
吉良 直 北野 秋男
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.14, pp.25-35, 2008-12-01

This paper examines training programs for graduate students as junior educators and researchers in U.S. universities in order to learn lessons for the development and improvement of such programs in Japan. For training junior educators, teaching assistant (TA) programs play a crucial role in providing graduate students with invaluable experience of developing their teaching skills. Most large research universities have training programs for new TAs in place, and Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) programs, started in the 1990s, have been assisting graduate students to acquire important skills and knowledge to become faculty members. For training junior researchers, research assistant (RA) programs and postdoctoral fellow (PDF) programs play a major role in providing graduate students with opportunities to develop their research skills. Unlike with TAs, there is no systematic training program for RAs and PDFs, but lessons can be learned from U.S. programs of the responsibilities, statuses, and remuneration for RAs and PDFs at Japanese universities. Japanese universities have expanded their programs for TAs, RAs, and PDFs, but now the quality of these programs needs to be improved to develop the next generation of educators and researchers in Japan.
大森 不二雄 牧 貴愛 江川 良裕 北村 士朗 渡邊 あや
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.15, pp.47-58, 2009-12-01

This article describes a project for developing a work-based learning module called 'University-Corporate Partnership Learning' in a Master's degree programme, and explores its general implications for postgraduate education for professionals in the dialogue between practical and academic knowledge. The project is part of the government-funded initiative by Kumamoto University's Graduate School of Instructional Systems, which has been selected and funded by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as one of the good practices in postgraduate education. This graduate school is the first in Japan to provide postgraduate degree programmes for training e-learning professionals in both the corporate and education sectors. The pilot practice of the module ran from November 2008 to March 2009, with the module's official launch as a formal part of the Master's degree programme to be from October 2009 to March 2010. Based on a description of the project and formative evaluations of the pilot practice, the article examines the possibilities and conditions for successful postgraduate education for professionals in the dialogue between practical and academic knowledge.
岡田 有司 鳥居 朋子
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.17, pp.15-26, 2011-12-01

The purpose of this study was to investigate students' learning mechanisms based on learning outcomes assessment of a Japanese private university in the era of universal access. Concretely speaking, relations among student demographics, classroom experiences and commitments to learning were revealed, and determinants of learning outcomes were explored according to an assumed model which referred to Astin's IEO model. A self-report questionnaire survey was administered to students of X private university, and 2,074 students responded (response rate, 58.6%). Covariance structure analysis showed that classroom experiences, commitments to learning and learning outcomes differed according to student demographics (gender, grade, major and admission type). It suggests that universities need to consider a more appropriate educational policy which suits each student with diverse background in the era of universal access. It was also shown that commitment to learning had a significant role in student learning outcomes, and classroom experiences had significant effects on commitment to learning and learning outcomes. These results imply a possibility that universities can directly or indirectly intervene in student learning outcomes by reconsidering current classroom settings. Based on these findings, agendas in university curriculum, class design, and student support were discussed.
長田 尚子 村田 信行
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.17, pp.39-51, 2011-12-01

To develop a practical vocational program in a junior college, this study specifically examined previous research on service-learning that demonstrated effective results in linking the classroom and the community and which improved the learners' autonomous activities in the academic field and the social field. The activities' basic structure and design guidelines were developed in reference to those service-learning findings. The targeted course exploited the activities and guidelines to improve a project in which students produce papers for public relations. The reported levels of reflection by the students were used to evaluate the course design. Results show that course design based on service-learning for a vocational context is effective to promote reflection and continuing learning activities. Results of this study are expected to contribute to higher education focused on vocational and career education.