勝又 悠太朗
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.70, no.2, pp.39-59, 2015

松田 松男
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.41, no.2, pp.1-10, 1986 (Released:2017-04-20)

The part-time senior high school is gradually changing its nature. Night schools for working youths are becoming what is called a "saucer" to absorb spillover students from day schools. At the same time they are also places which absorbs not only students of low scholastic abmty, but also students who refuse to attend school, have lost their parents, are unstable in mind and body, or have become handicapped. In this paper the author would like to report on his practices in geography lessons in which he has tried to arouse interest, and expectations in students, and in which he wants his students to become aware of changes of circumstances in their own region. Four "pillars" for classroom practice are described; that is, working study using "handmade" print, the confirmation and building up of elementary skills, excursions, and the learning of place names. There have been few studies on elementary skius in geography. So-called elementary skius are not just mental faculty and knowledge, but skius which can get over what is psychologically called "the wall of age ume" caused by a delay m the practical experiences of life for the child. The sumrnary of this paper is as follows: 1. In the working study, "handmade" prints are distributed in every class hour in parallel with the text book. A sheet of printed material is given to each student and also a hint is given to students so that they can guess an answer and write them in parentheses. Answer sheets are presented to the teacher. In commentary on the correct answers, the teacher fumishes date which is interesting to the students. 2. Conceming elementary skills, the teacher tries to make students understand the difference between various life styles in the Odawara districts, to make students draw a road map of companies, offices and school; to make students write geographical descriptions of the Ashigara district in Kanagawa Prefecture; to make students prepare for a test on the place narnes of cities, towns, and villages, urban and rural districts, current topics, and the geographical description of special products in Japan. It is important for us to understand that elementary skills cannot be built up simply by the repetition of the lessons of primary school. 3. The theme of the excursion is the flooding of the Sakawa River and the utilization of underground water. The purpose of the excursion is to give students a living and practicai geographical lesson. 4. It is important that the learning of place names not be carried out by memory work only, but be of practical use, giving the place names of cities, towns, villages, and Prefectures, and the origin of the place names. The basic principles of gergraphy lessons in the part-time high school are not the preparation of students for entrance to university. Emphasis must be on the unit leaming of practicai matters. The above example of the practice in iessons will be useful for part-time high schools in the process of rapid change.
森川 洋
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.71, no.1, pp.1-18, 2016

<p>The massive population concentration in Tokyo is continuing to grow under the weight of outmigration from Japanese prefectural capitals and provincial centers, while those capitals and centers, in turn, increase their populations by absorbing outmigration from small and medium-sized cities of 30,000–200,000 residents. Most such cities have tended to continually decline due to this outmigration, with the exception of satellite cities neighboring metropolitan areas. As the central functions of small and medium-sized cities are stagnating, the rural areas belonging to their tributary areas are not so active and also are depopulating.</p><p>Revitalization of Japan's small and medium-sized cities is therefore of keen importance for controlling the increasingly massive concentration of population in Tokyo. This, however, is a difficult problem, because these smaller cities have normally tended to decline because of their lack of competitive force against larger cities; a phenomenon persisting under the economic development since the country's modernization. Additionally, amid advancing globalization, many plants in small and medium-sized cities have shifted production overseas, also leaving the cities' shopping streets vacant and decaying as large retail stores from metropolitan capitals have invaded.</p><p>I am searching for regional policies to serve as guidance in preventing the decline of small and medium-sized cities. It is noticeable that in Germany most medium-sized cities (20,000–100,000 residents by the German standard) saw increasing populations in the periods of 1980–2010 and 2005–2010. I investigated the vitality of medium-sized German cities in hopes of finding regional policies that can be useful references for revitalizing Japan's small and medium-sized cities. But I concluded that such German cities face different conditions than Japan's small and medium-sized cities. Some of the German cities even house universities and headquarters of large firms. This is because of the low number of large cities and the lesser urban population in Germany; thus, the medium-sized cities do not face a conspicuous lack of competitive force against large and/or metropolitan cities. In this comparison, it is also difficult to dissipate the massive concentration already formed in metropolitan Tokyo.</p><p>However, we can take special note of two policies for controlling Tokyo's imbalance. The first is to implement the regional policy of moving head offices of large firms from the Tokyo metropolitan area to nonmetropolitan cities. However, it is difficult to spearhead movement into small and medium-sized cities other than prefectural capitals and provincial centers. The second policy is to introduce German <i>Raumordnungspolitik</i> (regional development policy) based on <i>punktachsiales Entwicklungskonzept</i> (development policy using central places and networks). This approach proposes regional planning by the central government-called <i>teiju-jiritsuken-koso</i> (promotion plan for settlement and independence) and <i>renkei-chusutoshiken-koso </i> (cooperative center urban plan) in Japanese-aimed at development of central cities that should be integrated and improved to serve as more active regional centers. Designated as medium-order centers (<i>Mittelzentren</i>) and high-order centers (<i>Oberzentren</i>) by German classification, these will to some extent be effective at revitalizing small and medium-sized cities, as well as their surrounding rural areas. Alternative regional policies must be adopted in Japan's isolated islands and mountainous areas.</p>
内田 和子
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.44, no.1, pp.1-16, 1989

與倉 豊
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.71, no.1, pp.19-32, 2016-04-28 (Released:2017-02-10)

This study examines the centrality and connectivity of major cities in Japanese urban system through relationships of corporate offices. After analysis of data concerning listed companies of five industrial sectors (textile products, chemicals, iron and steel, electric appliances, and transportation equipment) in 1985 and 2009, the following findings were obtained. Japanese inter-city network indicated that Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya had a significantly high degree of centrality. The degree of centralities of major core cities such as Sapporo, Sendai, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka were also high, but the disparity in their centralities was seen. Allocation patterns of branch offices ware different by sector, but branch arrangement patterns of company were quite similar within a same sector. Therefore, the inter-city relationships differ by sector.
テイラー ピーター・J 山田 晴通
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.47, no.4, pp.197-220, 1992-10-28

The Scottish Geographical Magazine is an internationally circulating journal published three tirnes a year. The annual subscription is £27.00 and those intending to submit items for publication in English should send these to the Editor, Dr A S Mather, Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen, St Mary's, Old Aberdeen AB9 2UF, Scotland U. K.
スクワイア シーラ・J 山田 晴
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.48, no.4, pp.269-275, 1993

本稿は,湖水地方(Lake District)におけるビアトリクス・ポターゆかりの観光旅行について考察する。主として定性的な調査の結果に依拠しながら,田舎や,イングランドの農村生活についての諸価値が広まる過程で,ポターがどのように利用されるのかを論じる。こうした諸価値は,イングランドらしさをめぐる諸概念や,田舎と都会の対立関係と結びついている。ビアトリクス・ポター(1866〜1943)は,最大級の評価を受けているイングランドの児童文学作家である。国際的にも成功した彼女の絶大な人気は,今日では彼女の著書(その大半が今日も版を重ねている)の売り上げだけでなく,様々な商品や観光旅行,宣伝活動などにも反映されている。こうしたビアトリクス・ポター関連産業の存在は,彼女の作品が評価され続ける理由をめぐって,いろいろと問題を提起する。ヴィクトリア朝末期の人であったポターは,ピーターラビット(1902),ティギーおばさん(1905),あひるのジマイマ(1908),といったキャラクターを生み出し,第一次世界大戦以前に名声を確立した。しかし,今日,彼女の作品は,それが生み出された文脈とは異なる多様な文脈で読まれている。そのため,作品は異なった意味をもつようになっている。文化研究(Cultural studies)の業績は,テキストと読者,生産者と消費者の関係を論じてきた(Jackson, 1989; Gregory and Walford, 1989; Burgess, 1990)。とりわけバージェス(Burgess, 1990)は,ジョンソン(Johnson, 1986)に依拠しながら,意味の変成に焦点を当て,メディアのテキストは多様な読み方が可能な象徴体系の一部であると論じている。同様の議論は,地理学者がこれまでほとんど無視してきた児童文学の解釈や,観光旅行の解釈についても展開できる。本稿は,観光客となった読者が,ビアトリクス・ポターのテキストや彼女にインスピレーションを与えた湖水地方の舞台だてから,どんな意味を汲み上げているのかを論じる。文学観光旅行,つまり著作や作家との関連で有名な場所への旅は,様々な文脈から注目されてきた(Lowenthal and Prince, 1965; Newby, 1981; Butler, 1985, 1986; Curtis, 1985; Pocock, 1982, 1987; Squire 1988, 1990; Ousby, 1990)。しかし,アーリ(Urry, 1990)やヒューズ(Hughes, 1991)が指摘するように,観光旅行については解釈論的分析がほとんど無視されていることもあって,文学観光旅行の研究はまだまだ遅れている。観光旅行の展開とともに,経済的な利益を求めて,風景は新たに意味づけられる。こうした意味を,訪問する観光客がどう解釈するかについて,定性的な研究はほとんどない。湖水地方におけるビアトリクス・ポターゆかりの観光旅行は,こうした観光的意味の生産と消費の研究に,格好の舞台を提供してくれるのである。
山下 博樹
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.48, no.1, pp.1-19, 1993
