森川 洋
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.14, no.5, pp.377-395, 1962-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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The purpose of this article is to classify the characteristics of the distribution of Japanese towns before the industrial revolution. To qualify such towns, the author uses “Kyomhseihyo” (1880), the national statistics on population and products, and limits as town the settlements with over 2, 000 persons, but some fishing villages may be exceptionally contained among them.The author thinks that the distribution of those towns is analogous to that “alten Kulturländer” called by G. Schwarz, which roughly speaking is related to the density of rural population (Fig. 1.) There was a dense net of towns with much urban populatin in coastal and basin regions (densely populated), where there were also large towns like Tokyo (725, 000), Osaka (363, 000), Kyoto (136, 000), Nagoya (117, 000), Kanazawa (108, 000) etc. (Fig. 2 and 3). Of course, the agglomeration of towns and urban population in those days were not in so large scale as in the present day.But the distribution of towns in those days can not be explained by population density only. The ratio of urban population per Kuni, regional division in those days (Fig. 4) and the hierarchical structure of towns were related more closely to scale of regional centres than to economic richness of the areas. For example, the large regional centre Toitori (36, 000) and some small towns (2-3, 000) lay in Inaba-Kuni, so that the ratio of urban population per Kuni was raised (exclusively) by the urban population of Tottori.Most of such regional contres were castle towns in feudal age, and their scale was in proportion to that of territories of “Daimyoes”, feudal lords. The origin of small towns was mosily market towns, coaching towns, and port-towns, which had grown in proportion to regional economic development.Therefore, the distribution of towns in early Meiji-era was related to hitstorical conditions in feudal age everywhere.
森川 洋
都市地理学 (ISSN:18809499)
vol.6, pp.47-53, 2011-03-15 (Released:2020-12-31)

Da das Städtesystem eines Landes die aktuelle Situation seiner sozioökonomischen Entwicklung widerspiegelt, entsteht eine enge Beziehung zwischen beiden Seiten. Für eine gleichmäßige Entwicklung eines Landes ist ein Städtesystem des Typs „Rank-Size-Rule“ oder eine polyzentrische Struktur wie in Deutschland nützlicher und wertvoller als ein System des „Primate-City“-Typs. Sie spielen auch eine bedeutende Rolle in der heutigen Globalisierung, wo die Zentren der überregionalen Gebiete, und nicht mehr wie früher die Hauptstädte, das Netz der Städtesysteme untereinander knüpfen. Zudem ist es notwendig, dass – wie in Deutschland – die Unterzentren dicht verteilt und aktiv tätig sind, so dass sie die umliegenden ländlichen Regionen mit städtischen Dienstleistungen versorgen können.Viele Jahre lang war die gleichmäßige Entwicklung des ganzen Landes das wichtigste Ziel der japanischen Raumplanung, obwohl es nicht so klar ausgedrückt wurde wie das Ziel der gleichwertigen Lebensverhältnisse in Deutschland. Zwar hat man in Japan stets angestrebt, die unipolare Konzentration auf Tokyo zu reduzieren, allerdings haben die regionalen Disparitäten gar nicht abgenommen. So hat sich das Hauptkonzept der japanischen Raumordnung in letzter Zeit von der gleichmäßigen Entwicklung des ganzen Landes zur individuellen Entwicklung einzelner Gebiete verändert. Ich meine dagegen, dass am Ziel der gleichmäßigen Entwicklung des Landes festgehalten werden soll, und dass die entsprechenden Maßnahmen für das japanische Städtesystem durchgeführt werden sollen.
森川 洋
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.82, no.3, pp.167-187, 2009-05-01 (Released:2011-08-25)
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森川 洋
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.84, no.5, pp.421-441, 2011-09-01 (Released:2015-10-15)
4 2

森川 洋
都市地理学 (ISSN:18809499)
vol.16, pp.1, 2021 (Released:2023-09-19)

森川 洋
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.47, no.1, pp.15-35, 1992-01-28 (Released:2017-04-27)
森川 洋
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.78, no.7, pp.455-473, 2005-06-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
1 1

森川 洋
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.75, no.6, pp.421-442, 2002-05-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

森川 洋
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.61, no.2, pp.111-125, 2009

<p>In May 2004 the National Land Council introduced the concept of 'service areas of central cities (living areas)' in the 'regional structure of two tiers'. It consists of two parts: 9 regional blocks with 6 to 10 million inhabitants, and 82 living areas principally with more than 300,000 inhabitants in areas delimited by a one-hour-distance (by family car) from central cities with over approximately 100,000 inhabitants. However, in actually considering their distribution as uniform as possible throughout the whole country, there are smaller areas such as the living area of Imabari City with only 190,000 inhabitants in 82 living areas which are distributed similarly to the 85 commuting and schooling areas prepared by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Within these 82 living areas about 90 percent of total population of the country can enjoy fundamental urban services and maintain their high living condition. Accordingly, the concept of living areas is intended to prevent population decreases in non-metropolitan areas.</p><p>Although this concept that intends to maintain a uniform living standard for the inhabitants of non-metropolitan areas seems to be mostly effective in the period of population decrease forecast for the future, it tends to overestimate the service areas of central cities as compared to the actual commuting area of each central city as shown in Table 3. Commuting areas of smaller cities located on the peripheries of designated living areas, such as the commuting area of Kashiwazaki City near by Nagaoka City and the commuting area of Mihara City near Fukuyama City, are fearful of extraordinary decline under decreasing population brought about by the measures for the promotion of these 82 central cities. In order to prevent the rapid population decrease of central cities and their surrounding areas in non-metropolitan areas, and to keep a population balance between them and metropolitan areas, it is necessary to designate smaller central cities with living areas of 100,000 to 300,000 inhabitants as the second tier, adding to the living areas of over 300,000 inhabitants. In addition, the author will propose the promotion of central places with living areas of more than 10,000 inhabitants as the third order. The promotion measures of larger cities strikes a severe blow to smaller cities, so it is necessary to promote not only large cities but also small cities. Since some of these small central places have under-populated areas within their living areas, these measures will contribute to relieving the population decrease in under-populated areas and areas rich in natural surroundings.</p>
森川 洋
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.9, pp.503-524, 2007-08-01 (Released:2010-03-12)

メクレンブルク・フォアポメルン州では職員過剰の現状と将来の人口減少予測や東ドイツ支援資金の廃止予定により, 郡の機能改革だけでなく地域改革をも含めた「行政近代化計画」が進行している. 州は職員支出を抑えるために多くの州職員を郡に移管するので, その受入れのためには, 郡の合併と特別市の郡復帰によって, 面積3,200~7,000km2からなる広域郡を形成する予定である. それは自治体自治の強化を無視し, 規模の経済による行政の合理化だけを意図した改革であり, 基本法や制度法に抵触するといわれ, 郡も特別市も市町村やアムトもこの改革に反対している. この「行政近代化計画」においては, 改革費用の問題をはじめ, 公聴会の開催や現行制度に対する「欠陥分析」, 改革頻度などの問題が取り上げられた. 政治的決着による五つの広域郡についても, 役場の距離や郡域の均等発展のほか, 特別市の郡復帰に伴う問題点, さらには空間整備計画との関係などが論議された. 将来この改革が法的に承認されたとしても, 新連邦州のすべてが本州と同じ道を歩むとはいえないであろう. 本稿の目的は, この「行政近代化計画」を通してドイツにおける行政システムの問題点を検討することにある.
森川 洋
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.106, no.1, pp.10-30, 1997-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
1 1

This paper is focused on the modernizing process of urban functions in Japanese cities which should remarkably transformed since the end of feudal age ; the transformation of dominant urban functions from parasitic character through central function to management function in main cities of nonmetropolitan areas.First, examining the comparative descriptions between the end of Edo Period and the early Meiji Era mentioned in 'the Annual Report of Commercial Situation (Shokyo Nenpo)' published in 1877 and 1878, we can often reveal the properties of urban functions and urban systems in the comparative descriptions with the end of Edo Period. According to such an analysis the castle towns forming the main element of Japanese urban system in feudal age can be recognized as a kind of parasitic cities, because the merchants of castle towns mainly supplied the necessary goods to samurais inhabited in their own towns. While foods and fuels were transported into castle towns from the surrounding rural areas, the merchants of castle towns could not supply many goods with the same intensity to inhabitants of the rural areas. Besides the circulation of commodities controlled within the territory of clans, Edo (the old name of Tokyo), Osaka and Kyoto functioned as the triple centers within the whole country through oversea transportation of goods. Accordingly, the hierarchical structure of two strata can be recognized in the urban system in those days : national urban system due to the triple centers and the regional and local urban systems in clan territories. The latter usually consisted of smaller areas with castle towns as a center than in the present prefectural areas.Since the Meiji Restauration in 1868 the free economic competition has become active among cities or towns. As the merchants of castle towns lost their privileges, most of castle towns declined, at least temporally. Although there are no adequate materials to analyze central place functions, it can be estimated that they played an especially important role as urban functions in the early Meiji Era except for traffic functions because manufacturing industry has still not developed. Central place functions such as administration, education, health service, etc. were gradually established in larger centers, especially in prefectural capitals. Japanese industrial revolution occurred with singular form about from 1887 to 1907. Usually, larger centers grew and smaller ones declined, although a few new industrial towns appeared.Next, the author analyzed the branch offices of companies registered in Tokyo and Hiroshima Prefectures in 'the Main Staff List of Most Companies in Japan (Nihon Zenkoku Shohaisha Yakuinroku) in 1908 and 1935 in order to investigate firm activities in both periods. In 1908 the insurance companies located in Tokyo Prefecture already formed a network of branch offices in the main cities of the whole country including the present provincial capitals, but other firms such as manufacturing, wholesale-retail companies, etc. had only a few branch offices, mainly located in Osaka. During the period 1908 to 1935 firm activities were largely developed and the number of branch offices increased evidently.We can classify the location patterns of branch offices in those days into 4 types, apart from the present location patterns in which their location in provincial capitals is dominant : the types located 1) in large markets or large cities such as Osaka, 2) in large cities in foreign countries or colonial capitals in those days, 3) in port towns such as Yokohama, Kobe, Moji, Shimonoseki, Otaru and Hakodate, and 4) in the present provincial capitals such as Sapporo, Sendai, Hiroshima and Fukuoka. Therefore, the present provincial capitals were still not so developed for the location of branch offices in 1935 as nowadays. In the years 1908 and 1935 Kanazawa was still an significant center.
森川 洋
都市地理学 (ISSN:18809499)
vol.15, pp.118-128, 2020-03-15 (Released:2021-08-15)

This paper examines regional patterns of internal migration by age group in Tohoku district, based on previous studies in Kyushu and Hokkaido districts where major regional urban centers are located. The current internal migrations in Tohoku district are characterized by three phenomena: location of major regional urban center Sendai, influence of the great earthquake in Higashi-Nihon and a breakdown of atomic power station, and the notable decrease of population in Akita and Aomori prefectures.In Tohoku district Sendai increases its population (2010 to 2015) and expands its tributary area partly beyond its own prefectural area. However, it seems that Sendai is not so active as Fukuoka because it cannot absorb the largest excess out-migrants of main cities in all parts of Tohoku district. As seen in other districts, many municipalities in this district, especially small ones, show population decrease by out-migration of youth (15 to 29 age), although there are municipalities with social increase by in-migration of other age groups (adults, middle aged, early-stage elderly and late-stage elderly) except youth.In municipalities damaged by earthquake and breakdown of atomic power station in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures many people of all age groups have out-moved to a city. But youth tends to move to large cities in order to find a job or enter a university, though such phenomena are not so remarkable.Akita city as the top of urban system in Akita prefecture of strongly decreasing population is found to have a tributary area of normal type, so that we cannot recognize somewhat different characters of migration pattern from other cities. But youth in medium-sized and small cities in Akita prefecture prefer to out-migrate more to Sendai than Akita city.
森川 洋
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.57, no.4, pp.231-254, 2002-10-28 (Released:2017-04-20)

The concepts of space and region have always been the most important ones for human geography. Under the remarkable changes of society in the late modern age and the vigorous influences from the neighboring social sciences, however, these concepts have recently been reconsidered in Western countries; they have actively been discussed, not only in English-speaking but also in German-speaking countries. So, the aim of this paper is to understand the present situation of reconsidering the space concept, with special reference to German-speaking countries characterized by somewhat unique development of geographical thoughts since World War II. The main results obtained from this study are summarized as follows: 1. Although there are some social scientists who place emphasis on the conquest of "the tyranny of geography" or "the end of geography" owing to the proceeding globalization, the idea is not suitable even to the age of modern life style with time-spatial disembeddedness. Therefore, not only the most of English-speaking but also of German-speaking geographers will not acknowledge the trends of falling importance of geography as a science. Rather, many geographers believe that globalization and regionalization can proceed together in dialectic relations. 2. While in English-speaking countries the studies of the social space produced in human societies have advanced mainly in the development of Marxist geography, in German-speaking countries multiple paradigms have been developed according to the growing process of human geography and new research fields of many kinds have also come into existence since the 1980s. In German-speaking countries the two concepts of space were, though later than in English-speaking countires, newly introduced: regional consciousness and setting (Schauplatz). The studies in regional consciousness and regional identity have obviously been developed and played parhaps a more important role in the studies of human geography in German-speaking countries than in English-speaking countries, even if they were strongly critisized by Hard (1989) and others. Although Hard criticized that regional consciousness and regional identity today exist no longer as a spatial dimension, these research is recognized as valuable. 3. The traditional concept of space as shown in "the earth surface filled materially (dinglich erfililte Erdoberflache)" has always occupied the most important position in the study field of geography, though the container space of Newtonian type has already partly been used in the location theories. Today, however, it was required for human geography to use the common words and concepts to social sciences in order to be able to keep a certain position among them. Therefore, the categorical classifications of space have been tried in German-speaking countries. Werlen (1995) discussed the philosophical development of the space concept from Aristotle to Kant or to Heidegger. Weichhart (1996) tried to classify the space concept into six categories from the first space (Raum 1, Aristotelian type) to the fifth space (Raum 5, Kantian type) including the le-type space (experienced space), while Blotevogel (1995) classified it into seven categories. It is noticeable that Hard (1970) and Werlen (1995) have introduced the lived space (espace venu) and the setting concept called Schauplatz into the human geography of German-speaking countries, respectively. Contrarily, the Marxist geographers in English-speaking countries have mainly contributed to the studies in geographically uneven development and urban economic geography in order to resolve the social conflicts. 4. The studies on socio-spatial relations seem to be oriented into a little different direction between German-speaking and English-speaking geography, although they have been actively discussed in both countries. Although there are three groups including the(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
森川 洋
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.27, no.6, pp.638-666, 1975-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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森川 洋
自治総研 (ISSN:09102744)
vol.39, no.11, pp.68-83, 2013-11
森川 洋 磯田 則彦
地誌研年報 (ISSN:09155449)
vol.5, pp.93-110, 1996-03

<シンポジウム特集> 地誌学とエリアスタディ : 現状と課題
高野 敦 松林 三和子 松田 淑男 高野 千尋 小畑 貴稔 森川 洋
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集A編 (ISSN:18848338)
vol.79, no.801, pp.682-690, 2013 (Released:2013-05-25)
1 1

A high strength bolt fastening system for satellite structures has been developed. This fastening system enables high frictional strength by adopting titanium bolts with high strength and low torque-coefficient, as well as shims with high friction coefficient. Low torque-coefficient of the titanium bolts is achieved by PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) solid-film lubricant, which is coated on the bolts. High friction coefficient of the shim is achieved by surface roughening by etching. To verify the design of the fastening system, long-term preload test, torque-coefficient test and vibration loosening test (Junker's test) were conducted and successfully completed. In addition, the fastening system was applied to a development model of satellite structure and was verified by mechanical environmental tests (static load test, system vibration test and thermal vacuum test). The observation showed no evidence of slip or alignment deviation. Thus, a conventional reamer-bolted-fastening system can be replaced with the developed high strength bolt fastening system that saves manufacturing period of satellites and furthermore enables the satellites to be competitive in terms of cost, delivery and performance.