尾嶋 史章
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.125-142, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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During the decade of the 1990s, an economic recession made us come to see inequality and injustice as matters of social concern. In spite of the recession, however, we experienced a “relatively high” expansion of education. A series of empirical studies have provided evidence that there were great differences in educational attainment by social origin. In this paper, I examine the changes in inequality of educational opportunity after World War II, by analyzing two data sets, the 1995 SSM (A) Survey data and Senior High School Students survey data conducted in 1981 and 1997, focusing especially on changes in the 1990s.Two aspects of educational stratification are analyzed:(1) the effects on educational attainment of academic achievement during junior high school and of the type of high school attended, and (2) the effects of the economic conditions of the family on educational attainment.Academic achievement in junior high school and the type of high school attended mediate the influence from social origin on educational attainment. The effect of social origin on academic achievement and on the type of high school attended, and the impact of these variables on educational attainment (or educational aspiration) have become stronger for women. This shows that academic achievement and the type of school attended have become important in the process of women's educational attainment. However, this does not mean that this effect is stronger for women than for men. Rather, men and women have come in recent years to have the same process of educational stratification.Family economic conditions, which directly influence educational attainment, had a strong effect until the 1970s. In the 1980s, their effect decreased, but became stronger again in the 1990s due to a fall of the higher education enrollment ratio in lower status families. Social origin still has a strong direct impact on educational attainment after controlling for intermediate variables such as academic achievement.
苅谷 剛彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.66, pp.213-229, 2000-05-15

In the field of the sociological study of educational attainment, inequality due to socioeconomic status has long been a major theme. Many theories have been proposed to explain such inequalities : heredity, cultural deprivation, linguistic socialization, anti-school culture, and cultural capital. Most of these theories, which emerged from the West, emphasize differences in ability or preschool-family socialization depending on SES (socioeconomic status). Based on empirical analyses of the study hours of Japanese high school students, this study attempts to challenge these Western theoretical traditions by introducing a theory of inequality of effort. This study uses two survey data sets of 11th graders in 11 Japanese high schools : one was collected in 1979,and the other in 1997,using questionnaires with the same questions. Using these two data sets, the after-school study hours of students are compared between the two periods, and the influences of socioeconomic status on study hours are also examined. Cross tabulation analysis, comparing means of study hours, and regression analyses are conducted. The results of these analyses show that study hours decreased over the 18 years, that the degree of decrease differed among different SES groups, and that the effect of SES has increased over the 18 years, after controlling other variables. Based on these findings, we argue that inequality of effort contributes to the inequality of educational attainment, that the effect of SES is dependent on educational situations, such as the reduction in the pressure of "exam hell" which has been caused by a decline of young people's population and education reform, and that even in Western societies, inequality of effort may be involved in inequalities of educational attainment. We contend that the ideology of meritocracy, particularly the Japanese version of it with its strong emphasis on effort, successfully conceals a reality of unequal educational attainment by assuming an equal distribution of efforts.
大前 敦巳
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.165-184, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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In recent years, a number of empirical studies have been carried out regarding the processof cultural and social reproduction in Japan. However, we are still confronted by many difficulties in applying the French theory of Pierre Bourdieu to the social realities of the Japanese educational system. This paper attempts to reexamine the possibilities of this prominent theory in the context of Japanese society's focus on academic credentials (the so-called “gakurehi, shahai”), using the data of the National Survey on Social Stratification and Social Mobility (the SSM national survey).We began by analyzingthe characteristics of the “objectified” and “embodied” states of cultural capital, according to the possession of higher education degree which represents the “institutionalized” state. In Japan, cultural capital tends to be gained in school education regardless of where it originated from, and Western modern cultures have a great influence upon these types of properties. We term this catching-up cultural capital.Next, we focused on the relationship between cultural and social reproduction using thisredefined concept of cultural capital. An intergenerational accumulation was observed for women. However, for both men and women, the social class of origin had little effect on the production of catching-up cultural capital compared to the effect of the educational levels of respondents and their parents.We therefore conclude that in Japan's credentialssociety, catchingup cultural capital depends on the school culture rather than the class culture. It follows from this that a sort of status inconsistency may be seen with culturalcapitalvis-à-viseconomic and social capital. In this structure of distribution between the different kinds of capital, individuals or families can practice “reconversion strategies” in order to maintain or improve their position in the class structure.
渡辺 雅子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.69, pp.23-42, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

The words “individuality” and “creativity” have been frequently used in the philosophy of Japanese education since the Meiji period, and emphasis on individuality has come to be a key term in recent educational reforms. However, there is no consensus on how these words are understood by teachers, administrators and scholars. This study analyzes how individuality and creativity are understood, taught and evaluated in Japanese and American classrooms, by focusing on language arts lessons, and in particular, writing instructions.Observation of lessons, interviews with teachers, and analysis of students' compositions reveal that in American classrooms, creativity is achieved through ideas written in realistic terms in an appropriate form, whereas in Japanese classrooms, it is achieved through vivid expressions of personal feelings based on the shared experiences of a teacher and fellow students. In order to achieve creativity, teachers in the United States give strict guidance in composition, stressing techniques for choosing the style best fitting the student's individual objective among several different ones. In Japan, teachers encourage students to freely express their feelings, and yet students' compositions show remarkable similarity.Paradoxically, the strict technical teaching of different styles produces variety in students' writing in the United States, while the encouragement of free writing produces compositions that are strikingly similar to each other in Japan. One of the reasons of this outcome is that mastering different styles provides a choice among alternatives for American students to express their ideas. However, the results of the research do not mean that Japanese students lack individuality and creativity. Rather, differences in American and Japanese teachers' views of “individuality” and “creativity” influence teaching practices and their outcomes.
尾川 満宏
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.251-271, 2011-06-10

渡辺 雅子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.73, pp.43-63, 2003-10-31

How are past events explained by teachers in the classroom, and how do their narrative styles relate to the framework of understanding the past? While analysis in textbooks has been central to the study of history education, the way in which these textbooks are used and explained has not been fully clarified. Through a comparison of American and Japanese history lessons, this study identifies styles of explanation of teachers and explores how the past, present, and future are structured in their narratives. Observations of history lessons revealed that in Japanese classrooms, teachers explained past events chronologically as a long sequential chain, and focused on historical figures' emotional states, which were not treated in the textbooks, to link the events in the chain. In this framework, "empathy" was considered the ability most needed for understanding history. In American classrooms, by contrast, teachers re-framed historical events in a causal order. They first defined a certain event as an effect and asked students to find causes. Teacher's questions about why an event happened framed a continuous temporality to show a clear correspondence between cause and effect. In this process, information that did not contribute to the explanation of the effect was eliminated. The identification of causes by looking back from effects was taught as a skill, and "analysis" became the most important ability for understanding history. These two methods of understanding the past, "temporal sequential" order and "causal" order, also influenced the way students thought about the direction of causality and about the future. How history is taught deeply relates to the socialization of cognition. The differences between the two countries suggest the importance of studying teachers' styles of presentation and explanation, in addition to studying textbooks.
清矢 良崇
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.7-25, 2009-05-31

The purpose of this paper is to consider how to make use of qualitative data in educational research, focusing on the description of the socialization process, by examining the theoretical and empirical relationships between T. Parsons' theory of socialization, R.F. Bales' observation system of social interaction, and H. Sacks' perspective of conversation analysis. Parsons' theory of socialization consists of several theoretical concepts including pattern variables, aspects of social control, and aspects of deviant behavior. These concepts have a close connection with Bales' system of twelve categories for making observations of types of social action, covering a wide range of behavior in everyday life. Although Bales' categorization system was originally devised for performing quantitative analysis in experimental situations, it is of use in data description in qualitative research. In other words, Parsons' socialization theory, regardless of whether it is qualitative or quantitative, has much to do with the direct observation of social action. Bales thought that we could understand social actions right then and there. In contrast, Sacks had a clear idea that it should take a long time for us to describe even small pieces of observational data. In common with Bales, however, he also placed a high value on the careful classification of types of social action. This paper thus attempts to ascertain how these two ways of observation play a complementary role in the study of socialization by analyzing the same data for mother-child interactions from both points of view. In qualitative educational research, it is important to continue to examine the details of each case, but it is also necessary to be conscious of the relationship between data analysis and the theoretical perspective in order to maintain the validity of data description.
山村 賢明
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.37, pp.20-33,en234, 1982-09-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

Karabel and Halsey's 1977 review on research trends in Power and Ideology in Education, is very suggestive for students of the sociology of education. However, their criiticsms to the interpretive paradigm are not pertinent, as far as ethnomethodology is concerned. This paper examines their comments and assess the effectiveness of ethnomethodology in the educational research. Ethnomethodology is expectd to contribute to the educational research in the following senses. First, it has the possibility to analyze directly the educational process without leaving the process of schooling “black box.” Second, it has the possibility to ensure the academic, sociological research against the present-day trend of institutionalization of research (“researchism”). References were also made to the characteristics of ethnomethodological studies such as the use of audio-visual aids for data collection, immanent analysis of interaction in the classroom, and meaning of socialization. There are some basic misunderstandings in Karabel and Halsey's criticism to ethnomethodological studies. It seems to be partly due to the fact that their arguments are based on the British “new” sociology of education, and partly due to the fact that their own position is that of Durkheimism, which is strikingly contrast to the ethnomethodology.
長谷川 裕
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.25-45, 2015-05-29 (Released:2016-07-19)

本稿の課題は,新自由主義時代へと社会のあり方が変容する中で,生活困難層の子育て・教育,生活にいかなる変化が生じているかを検討することである。生活困難層の子育て・教育,生活の実態は,私たち共同研究グループが,北日本の大都市B市のある大規模公営団地の居住者を対象として,1990年前後及び2010年前後の2回にわたって実施した調査によって得られたデータに基づいて把握した。その際,社会哲学者の後藤道夫の大衆社会論に依拠し,大衆社会統合と新自由主義的諸施策によるその再収縮という観点から社会の変容を捉えた上で,生活困難層の子育て・教育,生活の実態の変化の性格を掴もうと試みた。 大衆社会統合は,全体社会の既存秩序に適合的な一定の生活様式を,大衆に自明視させることによって成立する。日本の大衆社会統合の場合,個別家族ごとに,その諸局面で競争的関係に組み込まれつつ働き暮らすという社会標準の示すところが,その自明視された生活様式であった。 1990年前後の調査時には, A団地居住の生活困難層にもこの社会標準の自明性がかなりの程度浸透しており,そのことによる統合がかれらにも及んでいた。2010年前後の調査時には,従来の社会標準は揺らぎを見せるようになっていたが,それに基づく働き方・暮らし方に代わって現実的に広範に存立可能な新たなものが見出されているわけではなかった。生活困難層は,個々の個人・世帯で日々の生活やその困難にやりくりをつけようとして,結局のところ依然として統合の下にあるというのが,この時点の実相だった。
荒牧 草平
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.71, pp.5-23, 2002-10-31 (Released:2011-03-18)
8 3

This paper carefully examines the effects of family background and two value orientations on the process of formation of learning attitudes and educational expectations among current high school students. One crucial point of this paper is that we clearly differentiate the direct and indirect effects of family background on learning attitudes and educational expectations. The second point is that we consider the functions of two important value orientations, toward status attainment and self-fulfillment, both of which are important for parents and schools in determining their own educational policies. Using data collected from 2, 220 high school seniors, we performed an OLS regression analysis on learning attitudes and a logistic regression analysis on educational expectations, and examined the following hypotheses.(1) Parents' educations and the hierarchical status of schools are positively associated; at the same time, the hierarchical status of schools and educational expectations are positively associated.(2) Parents' educations are positively associated with learning attitudes and educational expectations, independent of the hierarchical status of a school.(3) Value orientations are positively associated with parents' educations.(4) Value orientations are positively associated with learning attitudes and educational expectations, independent of other important factors.The main results are as follows.(1) Although the effects of the educational attainment of parents on learning attitudes have disappeared or weakened, their effects on educational expectations remain strong, independent of the hierarchical status of a school.(2) The two value orientations have no association with family background, independent of the hierarchical status of the school, sex, and academic performance. Therefore, our society does not carry out a social reproduction process via the internalization of these value orientations.(3) The orientation toward status attainment has a statistically significant effect on both learning attitudes and educational expectations, and the orientation toward self-fulfillment has a statistically significant effect on learning attitudes but not on educational expectations, independent of other important factors.
大内 裕和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.69-86, 2015

この論文の目的は,大学生の奨学金問題を検討することである。<BR> 奨学金利用者の数は,1990年代後半以降に急増した。1990年代半ばまで,奨学金利用者の比率は全大学生の20%ほどであった。その後,2012年には全大学生の52.5%に達した。<BR> 奨学金利用者の増加は,1990年代以降の4 年制大学への進学率の上昇を背景としている。女性の短大進学者が減り,高卒の就職者数も減少した。民間企業労働者の平均年収と世帯所得は,2000年~2010年にかけて急激に減少した。<BR> 近年の奨学金制度の変化も,奨学金をめぐる社会状況に大きな影響をもたらした。1984年の日本育英会法の改定によって,有利子の貸与型奨学金が創設された。有利子の貸与型奨学金の増加に拍車をかけたのが,1999年4 月の「きぼう21プラン」であった。2004年に日本育英会は廃止され,日本学生支援機構への組織改編が行われた。日本学生支援機構は,奨学金制度を「金融事業」と位置づけ,その中身をさらに変えていった。<BR> この奨学金制度は,1990年代後半からの4 年制大学進学率の上昇に貢献したことは間違いない。しかし,この有利子を中心とする奨学金制度の拡充は,奨学金返済の困難という問題をもたらしている。<BR> 現在の奨学金制度には改善すべき課題が存在している。第一に奨学金返還の困難を解決することである。第二に貸与型中心の制度から給付型中心の制度へと変えることである。
新井 眞人
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.53, pp.66-86, 1993-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

6 0 0 0 OA 信頼と不信

山田 浩之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.59-74, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)

本稿は,小説,映画,マンガなどに描かれる教師像を「熱血教師」を手がかりとして分析することで,教師への錯綜するまなざしを明らかにすることにある。「熱血教師」は現在のテレビドラマなどに見られる画一的な教師像であるが,これは現在も教師への信頼が強いことを示す。その一方で,メディアでは教師への批判が数多く報道されている。本稿ではこうした教師への信頼と不信の錯綜したまなざしと教師像の変化を検討した。 「熱血教師」は1960年代に石原慎太郎『青春とはなんだ』で提出された教師像であった。その特徴は,教育への情熱,教師らしさの無さ,理想的人間像の他,教師と生徒の関わりに物語の重点が置かれていること,さらに児童生徒の私的領域に押し入ってまでの問題解決であった。こうした教師像は,日本の現実の教師の行為を反映したものでもあった。 その一方で,1980年以降,マンガの中では児童生徒の私的領域に関わらない不良教師が描かれるようになった。このことは,現実の社会でも教師が児童生徒の私的領域に関われなくなったことを示している。それにもかかわらず教師には「熱血教師」として,なおも児童生徒の私的領域に関わることが求められている。 以上の議論をもとに,教師に対するまなざしを多様化し,個々の教師の多様性に着目することの重要性を指摘した。
渡部 真
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.34, pp.126-137, 1979-09-30

Suicide among young people has become a serious social problem and is studied by many people. However research using statistics of suicide lags behind. The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between the level of social development and the tendency of suicide among adolescents. To determine the value of a for each country investigated, a suicide rate of adolescents (15〜24 years old) is divided by that of the whole age group and then multiplied by 100. Then the values of a are compared on an international level and their changes are studied for the past seventeen years (1960〜1976). The following results are obtained. (1) In developing countries in Central America, South America, Southeast Asia, etc., the values of a are constantly high, exceeding 100 in many of them. Adolescents in developing countries which have many contradictions within their social structure suffer the most disadvantages. Therefore their ratio tends to be high. (2) The values of a are constantly low in developed countries mostly in Europe. (3) In some of the countries which have achieved social changes toward developed countries during the past seventeen years, the values of a have been on the decrease. Japan is a typical example. (4) In some developed countries, the values of a are on the increase (U. S. A., Canada, etc.). In these countries, the number of suicides as one of the "illness among adolescents in moratorium" might be large. This article investigates whether suicide tends to concentrate on adolescents or not in various countries by calculating the values of α. In the countries which have achieved social changes toward developed countries, the values of α have been on the decrease, but in the most developed countries, the values of α have been on the increase.
田中 理絵
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.119-138, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)
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本稿の目的は,日本において児童虐待が社会問題化してきた過程について明らかにしたうえで,さらにその対応方法の問題点について考察することにある。その結果,児童虐待の社会問題化が幾つかの段階を経て拡大してきたこと,「激増」,「深刻化」というイメージがマスメディアによって流布されてきたこと,また社会的対応方法としてリスクアセスメントの方向へ向かっているがそれは結局すべての家庭を国の監視・管理下におさめることを意味することを指摘した。 国家主導で,リスクアセスメントを導入することは困難を抱える家族を発見するためだが,それは児童虐待を社会問題としてではなく個別の家族問題として捉えられることに繋がる。 また,児童福祉の現場では,児童虐待の背景は両親の心理的問題などではなく,むしろ社会経済的課題にあると長年見なされてきたが,マスメディアによって広まった児童虐待のイメージは,家族の養育機能の低下が原因であると信じさせてきた。そこで,すべての家庭が検査対象に拡大されているのだが,これは人的資源のロスである。 教育社会学にできる貢献としては,実証的研究の蓄積,児童虐待に対するモラルパニックの客観的分析など,経験科学の立場からの研究結果の提供が考えられる。また臨床的には,当事者である親・子どもの視点から児童虐待という経験の意味を抽出したり,解決に資するような具体的な事項の特定を行うなどの貢献が可能であろう。
矢野 眞和 濱中 淳子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.85-104, 2006-12-10

Since 1976, the application rate of high school students for university has remained level at around fifty percent, and this seems to have contributed to the excess supply of higher education caused by the demographic decline. However, previous research has not clarified the reason why students do not go on to university despite the ease if access. This paper examines the extent to which economic factors underlie the stabilization of the application rate at 50%, through an analysis of the determinants of entrance rates for senmon gakko (technical schools) and employment rates after high school graduation from 1970 to 2004. The results of the analysis of the obvious demand factors indicate that household income has a strong positive impact, the price of private university tuition has a negative impact, and the unemployment rate has a positive impact on the application rate. Statistically, these results are weak, as they have a low value on the D. W. criteria, so the author uses the chow test approach to this problem solving. The test shows that there are structural changes in the trend of the determinants factor of the application rate during three decades, meaning that it would be better to divide it into three period times, 1970-1975, 1976-1996 and 1997-2004. In the first period, household income increases demand without an influence from price, and in the second period there was a positive effect of income, negative effect of price, and positive effect of the unemployment rate. In the third period, only unemployment had an impact, and there was no effect of income and price. It is possible to understand the leveling off of demand for higher education by considering household budget conditions, the rapid price increases since 1975, and in particular the high unemployment rate since 1997. However, the demand for higher education is actually higher than the application rate, since there are students who find employment or go to technical schools as a substitute for going to university. In order to consider this latent demand for higher education, an analysis of the determinants of the employment rate and entrance rate for technical schools is introduced. This analysis shows that there are individuals who find employment instead of going to university for the reason of the high price, and who go to technical schools for the reason of the high prices and low acceptance rate for entrance examinations. This result indicates that, considering this latent demand, the demand for higher education is larger than that indicated by the application rate. One policy implication of this study is that the application rate will increase in the near future as the economic recovery makes the latent demand obvious. Second, since there is still inequality of educational opportunities, low tuition and student aid should be introduced to equalize enrollment difference based on family income.
潮木 守一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.26, pp.2-16, 1971-10-15

In 1968, OECD published the statistics in the educational structure of labour forces, from which we can learn the occupational structure of the higher education graduates in sixteen countries. (1) The higher education qualified labour forces among the total labour forces show a ratio about 2 or 3% in most European countries, above 7% in Japan,10% in Canada, and 19% in U. S. A. The former can be called the lower educated societies, the latter the higher educated societies. (2) In the lower educated societies, above 70% of the higher education graduates are absorbed in the professional and technical occupations, while in the higher educated societies only 40-50% are absorbed in such occupational category. That is to say, the traditional privilege of higher education graduates has been lost in the higher educated societies and a considerable number are forced to seek their occupation in clerical, sales or manual jobs. (3) On the other hand, in higher educated societies the chances for the non-higher education graduates to get a professional or technical occupations have diminished considerablly. It means that the positions of the professional and technical occupations are exclusively monopolized by the higher education graduates. For instance, about 75% of the professional and technical occupations are taken by the higher education graduates in U. S. A., while it is about 30% in most European countries. (4) Thus the higher education in the higher educated societies has lost the privileged function to guarantee its graduates for the professional and technical occupations, but in the meanwhile the higher educational qualification has become a more and more neccessary prerequisite to get a professional or technical occupation. (5) Here appears the differentiation among the higher education graduates. Some of the graduates are engaged in the professional and the technical jobs, and others in the clerical, sales and manual jobs. This allocation seems to be due to the following factors. A. A vertical functional differentiation in the higher education. For example, the graduates of the graduate schools are likely to get professional and technical occupations and the graduates of universities or junior colleges are likely to be engaged in clerical, sales and manual jobs. B. A horizontal functional differentiation in study fields. For instance, graduates of law or technical faculties are engaged in professional and technical occupations, and graduates of other faculties, in clerical, sales and manual jobs. C. An informal differentiation between the high-ranked universities and colleges and low-ranked ones.
齋藤 崇德
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.217-236, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

本論の目的は二つの制度的圧力下にあった戦後日本におけるキリスト教系大学の成立と適応のメカニズムを明らかにすることにある。まず,高等教育組織の成立と適応の意味を明らかにし,次に国際基督教大学の事例研究からそれら概念を実証する。国際基督教大学は,戦前に歴史を持たず,またキリスト教と高等教育という二つの制度下にあったという意味で特徴的な事例である。 第一に,高等教育組織,その環境,そしてその適応という概念を明らかにする。高等教育組織とは制度化された公式組織であり制度的源泉に依存する。その環境とは集合的に制度的生活の認識された領域を構築する組織フィールドであると言える。そして,組織は文化・認知的概念,とくに制度的論理によってフィールドに適応する。 第二に,戦後日本における国際基督教大学の成立と適応のプロセスについて論じる。国際基督教大学は,既存のキリスト教系大学と占領期という,二つの制度による環境の複雑性を抱えていた。国際基督教大学は,学問的卓越性と日本の「発展」という論理を使用して,この複雑性を処理した。 国際基督教大学の成立と適応の分析を通じて,組織と環境間における文化・認知的概念を通じた制度的メカニズムの存在が示唆される。
白松 賢
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.189-207, 2004-05-20

Recently, many people have come to categorize "drugs" as deviance or a social problem. "Drugs" have been categorized in the public "drug" discourse by the rhetoric of endangerment, unreason, and with "atrocity tales." On the other hand, how is the "drug" discourse concerned with the interpretive activities of drug users, which are carried out locally? This paper discusses the relationship between the public "drug" discourse and the interpretive activities carried out in locally-managed interactive practices by the members. Specifically, using category-analyzed ethnography, this paper describes the process through which magic mushrooms have been categorized as a non-"drug" in the members' interactive practice : "what are magic mushrooms?" Therefore this paper argues about the type of interpretive resources that the public discourse has used in the process. The following conclusions are reached : (1) Through the interaction between the people who consider the ingestion of magic mushrooms to be a "criminal act" or "drug" use, and those who dislike the former, users have categorized magic mushrooms as non-"drug" by using categories such as "legal" and "natural." (2) In everyday discourse, by placing more importance on their experiences than on the public discourse, the users use the public discourse and "atrocity tales" as interpretive resources in order to categorize. (3) Although the categories of "natural" versus "chemical" entails the risk of being disproved, this possibility, which might have shaken the beliefs and local knowledge, has been moved aside by resolve and self-preservation work, using explanations such as these were cases when magic mushrooms were used improperly. Finally, the author cites the methodological possibility of category-analyzed ethnography. For example, there is a lengthy discussion of the experiences of a group of magic mushroom users showing how the "drug" discourse combines with members' folklore into "local cultures." Further arguments are needed by conducting various fieldwork focusing on the everyday discourse of users.