伊藤 茂樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.59, pp.21-37, 1996-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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太田 拓紀
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.169-190, 2012-06-15 (Released:2013-06-17)

教師の職業的社会化は養成段階にて始まるわけではない。例えば,ローティは長期間に及ぶ生徒としての学校生活や教師との対面的接触を「観察による徒弟制」と称し,教職の社会化過程として捉えた。この理論的枠組に依拠し,本稿では教員志望者における過去の学校経験の特性を明らかにするとともに,その過程にいかなる教師の予期的社会化作用が潜んでいるのかを検証・考察することを目指した。 まず,大学生対象の質問紙調査のデータから分析を行い,家族関係,学業成績の影響を統制した上でも,生徒時代におけるリーダーの経験が教職志望の判別要因として効果の強いことが明らかになった。それはいずれの学校段階の教員を志望するにしても同様の結果であった。 続いて,教員志望学生対象のインタビュー調査の結果から,リーダーに教師役割が委任され,指導的なふるまいが期待されていたことに着目した。そしてその過程に,教職への志向性を高める契機が含まれていると考えられた。ただし,指導的な行為に伴う彼らの葛藤は,この段階での社会化の限界を示唆するものであった。また,彼らに教師役割の委任を可能にするのは,学校文化に同化した性向が関係していると考察した。 最後に,「観察による徒弟制」の観点から,学校経験の過程で形成される教育観には養成段階の教育効果を損なう問題があると論じ,教師教育は過去の学校経験と養成教育との接続にも目を向けるべきであると提起した。
白松 賢
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.189-207, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

Recently, many people have come to categorize “drugs” as deviance or a socialproblem. “Drugs” have been categorized in the public “drug” discourse by therhetoric of endangerment, unreason, and with “atrocity tales.” On the otherhand, how is the “drug” discourse concerned with the interpretive activities ofdrug users, which are carried out locally?This paper discusses the relationship between the public “drug” discourseand the interpretive activities carried out in locally-managed interactive practicesby the members. Specifically, using category-analyzed ethnography, thispaper describes the process through which magic mushrooms have been categorizedas a non- “drug” in the members' interactive practice: “what are magicmushrooms?” Therefore this paper argues about the type of interpretiveresources that the public discourse has used in the process.The following conclusions are reached:(1) Through the interaction betweenthe people who consider the ingestion of magic mushrooms to be a “criminal act” or “drug” use, and those who dislike the former, users have categorized magicmushrooms as non- “drug” by using categories such as “legal” and “natural.”(2) In everyday discourse, by placing more importance on their experiences than onthe public discourse, the users use the public discourse and “atrocity tales” asinterpretive resources in order to categorize.(3) Although the categories of “natural” versus “chemical” entails the risk of being disproved, this possibility, which might have shaken the beliefs and local knowledge, has been moved asideby resolve and self-preservation work, using explanations such as these werecases when magic mushrooms were used improperly.Finally, the author cites the methodological possibility of category-analyzedethnography. For example, there is a lengthy discussion of the experiences of agroup of magic mushroom users showing how the “drug” discourse combineswith members' folklore into “local cultures.” Further arguments are needed byconducting various fieldwork focusing on the everyday discourse of users.
中澤 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.151-174, 2013-07-25 (Released:2014-07-28)
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胡中 孟徳
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.100, pp.245-264, 2017-07-28 (Released:2019-03-08)

吉原 惠子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.62, pp.43-67, 1998-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
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Since the 1970's both male students and female students have been involved in the, so called, “examination hell.” However, it is not clear whether female students have experienced the samd “Juken-taisei (examination ordeal)” as male students have. Especially it is very doubtful if female students have competed with male students for the same goal in the same tournament.In fact, female students and male students might have different experiences in the choice of universities or colleges, and in the use of the ways for admission. For example, women's colleges and junior colleges cannot be included in the male students' choice, and to be “Ronin (high school graduate who is waiting for another chance to enter a college)” should be critical especially for female students: it means that the tournament cannot be consistent with the pyramid which is ordered by “Hensachi (the deviation value of trial examinations).”In this paper, we focus on entrance examination for college as a system which itself brings about competitive and differential phases among female students and male students, and how it affects the selection of universities and colleges. Based on the above discussion, the following points are analyzed:(1) Firstly, we take up female students' high schools and male students' high schools and examine how they use “the admission by school recommendation” as one of the means to enter a university. Moreover, we analyze the difference in the use of “the admission by school recommendation” between female students of female students' high schools and female students of coed high schools.(2) Secondly, the “Ronin” norm among female students is analyzed in choosing universities, to suggest that the “Ronin” norm has functioned to lead female students to lower-ranking colleges (as “real ability” estimated by Hensachi rank) or to a women's college or a junior college. More importantly, the “Ronin” norm itself has survived by taking advantage of the feminine track which is made by the entrance examination system.
多賀 太 天童 睦子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.93, pp.119-150, 2013-11-30 (Released:2015-03-25)
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成澤 雅寛
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.103, pp.5-24, 2018-11-30 (Released:2020-06-26)

従来の教育社会学的研究は,子どもの貧困に関して不利伝達のメカニズムやその実態を明らかにしてきた一方で,貧困対策としての支援が盛り上がる中で社会学的に考察することが重要となってきているにもかかわらず,そのような支援を行っている団体について検討してこなかった。貧困の連鎖を防止するための施策として打ち出されている学習支援事業を対象にし,貧困の対策という側面を検討することが,貧困の再生産メカニズムを検討するうえでも重要である。 そこで本稿は,貧困対策として教育活動を行う非営利の学習支援団体を対象として,その意義と支援の限界を明らかにすることを目的とした。本稿ではこれまで支援上の困難が指摘されてきた学習支援と居場所づくりの相互関連に着目しながら,教育支援研究において指摘されてきた各支援団体特有の排除という視点から分析を試みた。 その結果,貧困対策としての学習支援は,多様な貧困層の進学を可能とする点で意義があり,さらに「居場所づくり」を行うことによってより多様な層の包摂を可能としていたが,「居場所づくり」を行うほど「学習支援」という目的を果たせなくなり,その一方で「学習支援」に特化すると学習不適応層を排除せざるを得なくなっていた。 最後にこのような貧困対策としての学習支援の限界について考察,本稿の結果から得られる示唆と残された課題について検討した。
都島 梨紗
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.175-195, 2013-07-25 (Released:2014-07-28)

本稿の目的は,少年院収容を経験した元非行少年の視点から,少年院教育について描き出し,社会から少年院へと移行する際の適応方法を明らかにすることである。そのうえで,少年院と非行仲間集団との連続性を示していく。 少年院研究は,少年院を「管理・運営」する立場から,少年たちの自己が変容していたという前提のもとに行われてきていた。そのために,非行少年が少年院をどのように経験していたのかという知見や,少年院の教育を経ても変容しなかった場合どのような帰結に至るのか,という知見が不在であった。そこで本稿では,非行少年の少年院生活に対する態度と非行仲間集団への意味づけに着目し,少年が少年院において実行した2つの調整の事例を取り上げた。そして少年院における調整は,少年院教育を維持しながら,非行仲間との関係性を維持する方法であることを明らかにした。 本稿を通して得られた最大の知見は,少年が実行する調整によって,少年院と非行仲間という,相反する性質を持つ両者との関係性が見事に維持されているということである。その結果少年は,少年院収容によって一旦は地元社会から切り離されるものの,地元社会から施設への移行のみならず,施設から地元社会への移行をも可能にしているのである。したがって,非行少年と仲間との関係性は少年院退院後も継続しうるものとして捉えた上で,処遇プログラムを考案していく必要があるだろう。
大辻 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.171-190, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)

This article describes some practical strategies in interactions to cope with problems arising in schoolgirl friendships, from the perspective of conversation analysis. When a problem occurs in interactions among friends, how do school children tackle the problem by themselves? The purpose of this study is, by showing concrete and detailed ways of dealing with problems in interactions, to point to the possibilities for clinical studies on education.The specific problem in friendships is that the members of the schoolgirl's group leave a member out of the group in conversation. From the perspective of conversation analysis, this problem in interactions can be regarded as “absence of an answer”. This is a definite phenomenon. And the way to solve this problem is simple and clear. In short, unless the speaker requests an answer, the absence of an answer cannot be generated in conversations. Based on this fact, the schoolgirl can talk in cooperation with the other members of the group, using other utterances that do not request an answer. As an example, one can use the utterance device of “collaboration of a single sentence”. With this device, the schoolgirl opens a space in hers own utterance in the way so that the other members may enter into the space voluntarily to continue the rest of that single sentence.Of course, practical strategies to cope with various problems in friendships are actually observed in fieldwork. When children are confronted with a problem, they manage to deal with it. The fact that practical ways that are not entirely explored are realized through objective descriptions is a significance of clinical study.
vol.45, 1989-10-01

In the Japanese labor market for fresh graduates, (A) it is widely known that a majority of highly selective universities' graduates gain employment with big enterprises. Among graduates of "standard scores" 70-75, 71.4% of graduates who find jobs in the private sector work in firms of over 5000 employees. However, they share only 22.9% of the overall new employment of the big enterprises. (B) The real number of the big enterprises' employment shows that graduates of middle to upper-middle level universities comprise the majority. Thus, (A) is the result gived by an analysis of individual universities, (B) is the real state of the enterprises' employment. Even though each enterprise employs fresh graduates in the way of (B), the overall result turns out to be the way of (A). The mechanism of this perverse effect is worthy of further explanation. We have found the following two explanations. The number of graduates of high-ranking universities is small while the number of graduates t of middle-ranking universities is large. Thus, even the enterprises use a kind of quota system to pursue a balanced employment, and as a result, universities of higher standard scores are more likely to be in a favorable situation in the labor market. In addition to this, many big enterprises do not especially employ a large number of graduates of highly selective universities, but the number of big enterprises employing them is large. On the other hand, the number of universities with a middle standard score is large. Even if the enterprises do not employ the graduates of X University, they can be substituted by the graduates of Y University. Therefore, it is mostly a composition effect of all big enterprises that increases the employment rate of the universities of high standard scores in the big enterprises.
秦 政春
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.32, pp.p67-79, 1977-09

The objective of this article is to analyze empirically the impact of mass upper secondary school on the structure of educational opportunity. The proportion of compulsory school graduates going on to upper secondary schools increased from 55% in 1960 to 91% in 1975, on the nationwide average. This rapid expansion, however, has created a wide difference in the level among schools. This school hierarchy structure functions to cool out increasing social demand for higher education and to distribute educational opportunity, appropriately. There is the ploblem, howevers, that school hierarchy structure is influenced by both regional and social class structure. In short, school hierarchy structure is clearly built in social structure. In order to explore the mutual relationship between educational and social structure, I examined the structural changes in the upper secondary school system in terms of percentage distribution of enrollments by social class. It was then clarified how structures of the school hierarchy system were varied in different localities. As for the impacts of mass upper secondary education on the structure of educational opportunity, the following generalization has been derived. 1. Percentage distribution of enrollments by social class is different between general course and vocational course: general course→white-collar class vocational course→farmer, fisher, forester. 2. Forms of school hierarchy system clearly reflect socio-economic structure. 3. On the other hand, the structure of school hierarchy has the function of maintaining the socio-economic structure.
春日 耕夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.26, pp.183-193, 1971-10-15

(A)・(D)・(G)を例にとって、PTAと地域の関連について述べてきた。最後に要約すると次のように言うことができる。農村土着型の(A)地域は部落が強力に統合された集団として存在し、地域全体としては、かなりな同質性を示すとともに、以前の独立の村としてのまとまりをもち、校区区長会によって調整されている。そこにおいては、部落長である区長および、部落のPTA担当委員ともいうべき部落選出の運営委員がPTAの重要な役割を果しているように、PTAは独立して存在せず、部落からの構造的分化が不完全な状態で存在する。PTAは部落組織の一部となっているのである。都市土着型の(D)地域では、町内会連合を中核として、地域内の各種の団体が、校区連合自治会の中に組織されている。そのために、たとえば校区婦人会は、いわば連合自治会の婦人会部門という位置と性格を与えられる。同じように、PTAも連合自治会の中にフォーマルに組み入れられ、連合自治会の一部門をなさしめられている。それと同時に、PTAは地域内のインフォーマルな社会関係によってもとりまかれており、それが糊のような役割を果して、PTAと地域・連合自治会との関係を強化している。 都市流動型の(G)地域では、地域の流動的性格、更には団地と団地以外の部分の間の対立・葛藤の存在によって、町内会も団地自治会も地域全体の統合に貢献することができず、ひいては、地域全体を代表する機関が欠如するという状態が作り出されている。そのような条件の下において、PTAは自ら地域内の各部分間の均衡を自律的に維持するような構造を持たなければならないという課題を与えられている。その課題に対するひとつの解決が、(G) PTAにおける地域分会である。(G)PTAが、そのような形で地域内の各部分間の均衡を自律的に維持する構造をもってPTAの役割を遂行していく過程において、逆にPTAが地域全体に対して、統合的機能を副次的に持ってくる。つまり、土着型地域では校区区長会あるいは連合自治会というような住民組織が果していた役割を流動型地域ではPTAが果しているのである。いいかえると、都市・農村を問わず土着型地域では校区区長会・校区連合自治会という、地縁的結合による組織が強く存在し、それによって地域の統合が果されている。その場合、PTAのようなアソシェーションも独立して存在するのではなく、それらの組織の一部として位置づけられる傾向がある。それに対して、流動型の地域では、地域全体を統合する組織はできにくく、それに代ってPTAが地域統合の媒体になっているのである。なお本稿の関心にとっては中心的なものではないが、同じ「都市」といっても、土着型の地域と流動型の地域とでは、全然異った性格をもっていることが明らかである。前者は、むしろ農村土着型地域と共通する性格をもつ面が多く、その意味で、農村と都市の差異よりは、土着型としての類似性が強くあらわされているといえる。
山﨑 貴子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.85, pp.93-112, 2009-11-30 (Released:2015-06-03)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify changes over time of images of working women during the prewar period following World War I in Japan.I investigated a major women’s magazine (Fujin Kurabu). And, I examined how “ideal image of working women” described in the magazine had changed over time and how the images of working women were affected by the “good wife and wise mother” norm, which was prevailing before then.Working women at that time can be divided into two different types. One is “traditional working women” who were highly educated or skilled. They included teachers, doctors, and nurses. The other is “modern working women” who worked in the tertiary industry that had developed after World War I, and which did not require a highly educated or skilled labor force. The number of modern working women increased dramatically from the 1920s, and become the dominant pattern among working women. Many of these women, however, worked at low pay and had little chance of career promotions. At first, the modern working women were seen as second class workers in contrast to the traditional working women, who were seen as first class.The image of the traditional working women, who gained high status and fame, constituted the “ideal image of working women” in the early 1920s. The social trend toward the idea of women’s liberation encouraged this image. The relationship between the working women and the norm of “good wife and wise mother” was actively discussed in the magazine.On the other hand, it was considered ideal for modern working women, who could not be like the traditional working women, to achieve social promotion not through their jobs but through their job environment. That is, the modern working women gained increased opportunities for marriage in the workplace. Modern working women came to be seen as potential “good wives and wise mothers” and were comparable as an ideal with women who married after graduating from school without ever working. The idea also supported a continuous quantitative expansion of modern working women from the 1920s. As modern women came to occupy the majority of working women in the 1930s, the “ideal image of working women” in the magazine gradually changed from the traditional working woman to the modern working woman. The image of the modern working woman became incorporated into the norm of “good wife and wise mother.”
小川 和孝
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.135-154, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)
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本論文では,高校生の持つ時間割引選好とリスク回避傾向が,教育期待へと与える影響について分析する。これによって,合理的選択理論における行為の前提となっている信念を,より明確化することを目的としている。 日本全国の高校2年生とその母親に対する調査をデータとして使用し,時間割引選好とリスク回避傾向が,高校卒業後の教育期待に与える影響を検証した。時間割引選好は,入職時点とその後の上昇度合いが異なっている賃金プロファイルのどれを好むかという選択から,またリスク回避傾向は仮想的な宝くじへの支払い意思額から尺度が構成される。 分析の結果から,これまで教育選択のモデルに明示的に取り込まれてこなかった信念は,既存の社会階層変数とは独立した効果を有していることが示された。時間割引選好は教育期待に対して有意に正の影響を有していた。これは将来の大きな利益をより重視する生徒ほど,より長い教育を望む傾向あることを示している。また,リスク回避傾向は教育期待に対して有意に負の影響を有していた。これはより損失に敏感な生徒ほど,より長い教育を望みにくいことを意味する。ただしリスク回避傾向については,モデルの選択によって頑健な結果とは言えなかった。これらの結果が教育選択におけるリスク回避仮説に対して持つ意義や,信念の役割を明らかにすることと機会の不平等における規範理論への発展との関連について議論した。
古賀 正義
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.39-57, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper examines the importance of ethnography using the theory of constructionism, especially toward the understanding and improvement of educationalproblems. Conventionally, ethnography involved the researcher understandinga fact subjectively, and the method of applying an analytic diagram andunderstanding. Both methods adopted the ontological perspective of observationand investigation. However, researchers can learn facts interpreted by thepeople of a community and through the stories that they retell. This method iscalled the ethnography of constructionism. The characteristic of this method isthat it is not concerned over whether something is a fact or not, but rather triesto grasp correctly what people of the local place tell. In other words, theinvestigation is the ethnography of a tale, and since the aim of investigation isto discover facts, the task becomes understanding a tale. The researcher is apartner in a dialog, and the research serves as the practice of the dialog.Is there no method to employ such ethnography effectively? Until now, research following the principle of construction has analyzed public discourseusing public records. However, the ethnography of trouble has recently beenpresented. Trouble indicates problems for the people of the local place, or thingsthat are topics for them. For example, students and teachers understand thatthere are problems in schools today. How do they cope with these troubles inschool education? When teachers and students are interviewed, their understandingsdiffer depending on their positions. In particular, it is easy for those inpositions of power to spread understanding on educational problems in a waythat are beneficial to them.While those with a strong position can express a strong dominant narrativewhich creates trust in people, the narrative of those in a weak position is rarelyheard by many people. The former is a dominant narrative and the latter is analternative narrative. This relation is called the politics of a narrative. The taskof the researcher is to listen carefully to the tale of those in a weak position, compile the tale, and transmit it to many people through a report. In this way, the researcher adjusts the dynamics of the narrative. This perspective ofresearch practice is called “polyvocality.”As a case study, the features of the narrative of a dropout student and otherstudents are analyzed, and compared with those of the teacher's narrative. Suchresearch uses the ethnography of constructionism and is considered to be a “clinical method”.
牟田 博光
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.200-215,en313, 1984-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

According to the present plan, the enrollment of the University of the Air of Japan will approximate 30, 000 students when it reaches its steady state. Its current expenditure is estimated to be ¥4.1 billion at 1979 prices; adding the annual cost of facilities and equipments and the service that the National Center for Development of Broadcast Education performs for the university, the total amounts to be ¥5.0 billion to ¥7.1 billion. Summing up this and the study expenses that students spend, ¥6.7 billion to ¥8. 7 billion would be required to operate the university. About 50% to 60% of the cost will be borne by the national treasury. The current expenditure of the university is estimated, to be ¥171 thousand to ¥237 thousand per equivalent undergraduate.As compared with the current expenditure in humanities and social sciences programs of a conventional university, whose academic structures aresimilar to that of the University of the Air of Japan, the current expenditure per equivalent undergraduate is estimated to be one fourth of that of national universities, one third of public universities, two thirds of day programs of private universities, and equal to that of evening programs of private universities. Taking study expenses and opportunity cost of a student into account, the University of the Air is much more efficient than conventional universities.From the viewpoint of cost per graduate, it is equal to that of evening pro grams of private universities, those day programs, public universities, national universities, when the graduation rate is 60%, 50%, 25%, 20% respectively.In general at distance education in any country fixed costs of universityoperation and the initial facility and equipment investment are high, but the marginal cost which is directly proportional to the number of students is low. Therefore, the more students a university of the air has, the more it is efficient comparative with conventional universities.Yet because of low graduation rate compared with that of conventional universities, the cost per graduate is higher than that of conventionuniversities except in a few countries. In Japan also raising the graduation rate will be one of the most important subjects.