矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.65-81, 2012-06-15 (Released:2013-06-17)

本稿では,「政策」という補助線を設けることによって,学力と責任の関係を考察する。はじめに,学力政策の基本的枠組みに基づいて,学力政策の特質を二つ指摘し,この特質と責任の関係を述べた。一つに,学力は,生徒と教師の相互行為から生産される共同生産物であり,製品のような製造物責任を問うことが難しい。いま一つの特質として,教育に投入される資源の性質に着目する必要があり,法的責任とは別に教育費の経済的責任が重要になる。 第二に,学力の生産関数を測定する困難性を整理した。この困難に早急な解決を図ろうとする政治勢力が重なると「もっともらしいけれども,危うい」政治ショーが起きやすくなる。 第三に,困難な学力問題を広く理解するためには,国民の意識ないし世論の動きを視野に入れる必要性があることを指摘し,私たちが実施した「教育と社会保障の意識調査」結果を報告した。わが国の生涯政策への関心・選好・税負担の意識には,強いシルバーポリティクス(年齢格差)が働いており,教育政策への関心は二次的,三次的な優先順位になっている。「教育劣位社会」とでもいうべき日本の現状を明らかにした。 最後に,わが国の生涯政策の経済的責任がねじれていることを踏まえて,学力政策とトータルの教育政策を議論する一つの道筋を提示した。
矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.109-123, 2008-06-15

In 1985, an interesting report that helps understand the relation between the population and the labor market was published. This report, 21 Seiki no Sarariman Shakai, made forecasts on changes in the Japanese employment system toward the year 2000 by forecasting the manpower requirements in various occupations and analyzing the impact of the baby boomers on the labor market. Looking back over this past forecast and learning from its experience, this paper makes projections in the following two areas. The first is a forecast of the manpower requirements by industry and occupation in 2015. The report, based on a consideration of both the change of population by age and structural changes in industry, makes clear that there will be a large mismatch of supply and demand in the labor force. In particular, the service industry sector will experience a shortage of 2.34 million workers and the there will be a shortage of 1.67 million professionals. Conversely there will be too many manufacturing and technical workers. These dramatic changes will accelerate mobility in employment, it projects, to a level above the figure projected in the report in 1985. The second is an analysis of the relation between the number of workers and wages, an indicator of the quality of labor, during three decades of 1976-2006. The main results are as follows. 1) Based on an analysis of relative wages by age group, the ratio of wages of the group in their fifties divided by that of those in their twenties, and of the number of workers in same age groups, it is possible to conclude that the shock of increasing numbers of seniors has been absorbed and that the seniority management system has been maintained through a decline in the wages of seniors relative to the young. 2) Based on the same approach, looking at the relative wages and number of workers by educational background, the relative wage of university graduates to high school graduates has been rising among workers in their thirties and forties even as the number of university educated graduates has increased. This suggests the important policy implication that university is never an over-investment in education because the labor demand for university graduates is rising compared to that for high school graduates within the changing labor market.
矢野 眞和 濱中 淳子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.85-104, 2006-12-10

Since 1976, the application rate of high school students for university has remained level at around fifty percent, and this seems to have contributed to the excess supply of higher education caused by the demographic decline. However, previous research has not clarified the reason why students do not go on to university despite the ease if access. This paper examines the extent to which economic factors underlie the stabilization of the application rate at 50%, through an analysis of the determinants of entrance rates for senmon gakko (technical schools) and employment rates after high school graduation from 1970 to 2004. The results of the analysis of the obvious demand factors indicate that household income has a strong positive impact, the price of private university tuition has a negative impact, and the unemployment rate has a positive impact on the application rate. Statistically, these results are weak, as they have a low value on the D. W. criteria, so the author uses the chow test approach to this problem solving. The test shows that there are structural changes in the trend of the determinants factor of the application rate during three decades, meaning that it would be better to divide it into three period times, 1970-1975, 1976-1996 and 1997-2004. In the first period, household income increases demand without an influence from price, and in the second period there was a positive effect of income, negative effect of price, and positive effect of the unemployment rate. In the third period, only unemployment had an impact, and there was no effect of income and price. It is possible to understand the leveling off of demand for higher education by considering household budget conditions, the rapid price increases since 1975, and in particular the high unemployment rate since 1997. However, the demand for higher education is actually higher than the application rate, since there are students who find employment or go to technical schools as a substitute for going to university. In order to consider this latent demand for higher education, an analysis of the determinants of the employment rate and entrance rate for technical schools is introduced. This analysis shows that there are individuals who find employment instead of going to university for the reason of the high price, and who go to technical schools for the reason of the high prices and low acceptance rate for entrance examinations. This result indicates that, considering this latent demand, the demand for higher education is larger than that indicated by the application rate. One policy implication of this study is that the application rate will increase in the near future as the economic recovery makes the latent demand obvious. Second, since there is still inequality of educational opportunities, low tuition and student aid should be introduced to equalize enrollment difference based on family income.
金子 元久 矢野 眞和 小林 雅之 藤村 正司 小方 直幸 山本 清 濱中 淳子 阿曽沼 明裕 矢野 眞和 小林 雅之 濱中 淳子 小方 直幸 濱中 義隆 大多和 直樹 阿曽沼 明裕 両角 亜希子 佐藤 香 島 一則 橋本 鉱市 苑 復傑 藤墳 智一 藤原 正司 伊藤 彰浩 米澤 彰純 浦田 広朗 加藤 毅 吉川 裕美子 中村 高康 山本 清

藤原 眞砂 久場 嬉子 矢野 眞和 平田 道憲 貴志 倫子

矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.45, pp.20-34, 1989-10-01 (Released:2011-03-18)
矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.109-123, 2008-06-15 (Released:2017-06-01)

In 1985, an interesting report that helps understand the relation between the population and the labor market was published. This report, 21 Seiki no Sarari-man Shakai, made forecasts on changes in the Japanese employment system toward the year 2000 by forecasting the manpower requirements in various occupations and analyzing the impact of the baby boomers on the labor market.Looking back over this past forecast and learning from its experience, this paper makes projections in the following two areas.The first is a forecast of the manpower requirements by industry and occupation in 2015. The report, based on a consideration of both the change of population by age and structural changes in industry, makes clear that there will be a large mismatch of supply and demand in the labor force. In particular, the service industry sector will experience a shortage of 2.34 million workers and the there will be a shortage of 1.67 million professionals. Conversely there will be too many manufacturing and technical workers. These dramatic changes will accelerate mobility in employment, it projects, to a level above the figure projected in the report in 1985.The second is an analysis of the relation between the number of workers and wages, an indicator of the quality of labor, during three decades of 1976-2006. The main results are as follows.1) Based on an analysis of relative wages by age group, the ratio of wages of the group in their fifties divided by that of those in their twenties, and of the number of workers in same age groups, it is possible to conclude that the shock of increasing numbers of seniors has been absorbed and that the seniority management system has been maintained through a decline in the wages of seniors relative to the young.2) Based on the same approach, looking at the relative wages and number of workers by educational background, the relative wage of university graduates to high school graduates has been rising among workers in their thirties and forties even as the number of university educated graduates has increased. This suggests the important policy implication that university is never an over-investment in education because the labor demand for university graduates is rising compared to that for high school graduates within the changing labor market.
矢野 眞和 濱中 淳子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.85-104, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-08-04)
7 1

Since 1976, the application rate of high school students for university has remained level at around fifty percent, and this seems to have contributed to the excess supply of higher education caused by the demographic decline. However, previous research has not clarified the reason why students do not go on to university despite the ease if access.This paper examines the extent to which economic factors underlie the stabilization of the application rate at 50%, through an analysis of the determinants of entrance rates for senmon gakko (technical schools) and employment rates after high school graduation from 1970 to 2004.The results of the analysis of the obvious demand factors indicate that household income has a strong positive impact, the price of private university tuition has a negative impact, and the unemployment rate has a positive impact on the application rate. Statistically, these results are weak, as they have a low value on the D. W. criteria, so the author uses the chow test approach to this problem solving. The test shows that there are structural changes in the trend of the determinants factor of the application rate during three decades, meaning that it would be better to divide it into three period times, 1970-1975, 1976-1996 and 1997-2004. In the first period, household income increases demand withoutan influence from price, and in the second period there was a positive effect of income, negative effect of price, and positive effect of the unemployment rate. In the third period, only unemployment had an impact, and there was no effect of income and price.It is possible to understand the leveling off of demand for higher education by considering household budget conditions, the rapid price increases since 1975, and in particular the high unemployment rate since 1997. However, the demand for higher education is actually higher than the application rate, since there are students who find employment or go to technical schools as a substitute for going to university. In order to consider this latent demand for higher education, an analysis of the determinants of the employment rate and entrance rate for technical schools is introduced.This analysis shows that there are individuals who find employment instead of going to university for the reason of the high price, and who go to technical schools for the reason of the high prices and low acceptance rate for entrance examinations. This result indicates that, considering this latent demand, the demand for higher education is larger than that indicated by the application rate. One policy implication of this study is that the application rate will increase in the near future as the economic recovery makes the latent demand obvious. Second, since there is still inequality of educational opportunities, low tuition and student aid should be introduced to equalize enrollment difference based on family income.
粒来 香 米澤 彰純 濱名 篤 矢野 眞和 吉田 香奈

矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.66, pp.5-20, 2000-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

Globalization can be described as the flow of goods, capital, technology, people and value across borders. It is a process which affects the socioeconomic policies, including educational policies, of different country in different ways.The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept and meaning of globalization, and to look at strategies for integrating the dimension of globalization into education, focusing in particular on the impact of the global economy and new information technology. It includes a discussion of the breakdown of Japanese economic nationalism in the 1990s, an exploration of why education is important for responding to globalization, and a description of the main problems of the marketization of education.The key to Japan's economic success in the postwar period lay in the development of the doctrine of economic nationalism, through which the social progress of workers and their families was advanced through the pursuit of the expansion and security of firms. This economic nationalism was emphasized by the system of lifelong employment, and the rapid growth of export industries in the 1975-90 period.The economic recession in the early 90s marked the breakdown of Japanese economic nationalism, and was accompanied by an increasing awareness of a global economy and innovation of information technology.A new consensus of the role of education is based on the idea that nations are able to win a competitive advantages in the world wide knowledge based economy through investment in new technology and upgrading the quality of human resources by the marketization of education.This idea, however, threatens to increase the social inequalities and undermine the foundations of social solidarity. In order to reduce these problems it is necessary to rebuild the educational and employment institution and to upgrade the quality of local labor forces and industries.
矢野 眞和
IDE (ISSN:03890511)
no.489, pp.13-19, 2007-04
示村 悦二郎 青木 宗也 矢野 眞和 中西 又三 舘 昭 清水 一彦 今野 雅裕

潮木 守一 矢野 眞和 市川 惇信 宮澤 彰 植草 益 山本 眞一 小林 信一 浦田 広朗 三浦 真琴
1994-03 (Released:2010-03-08)

科学研究費補助金 研究種目:総合研究(A) 課題番号:04306021 研究代表者:潮木 守一 研究期間:1992-1993年度